—We have Prairie City flour the <dork noured in the apples, (HR MOTHER lONGl’E. for sal«. singular-! hing then happened Tn. an 1(iRg» hbii Ueoi through the sacks and —Cabbiigp for sale by 9.»: On W--J » -d • th t liter nf I'li-» l'j yer tit" floor. On examina ciZi'tl»' hiid oc< ism- t » visit the at two eente a pound. Now is the!rV^!'!’ “ I w-s found that there wen for 1 ’ ’ '"' i! tinm to secure your supp! gt ictiltu-al colh go and spent a I r* ' ¿two !:• bin the bottom of the i- ufit.ilb hour to t ie department white r. • I ' ‘ ‘ jsr.ek • tn .trimmed with etnbroi- ■d" I’ligii.-b. j resided over by I'rof i ,e ycii. v'uian fainted and .1. It Horner, and a . s well pletind —1 he finest display of lamps \Vr |d< rf » (l;< J;idy rxiti a sn.iall boy after Iht a ilh tiie vuantitv and quality o* aVe ever seen in our towr is kt the Hardw.-ne store of Chas. |i'ipiL s— - w ith a basket.- —Skamania work done in this important branch * » >1 V . ts studv In addition to the reg- \ Q'gtly. Lamps of nil shapes, to Viouir '.lar text book*, much theme work sizes and paX+rns. Ca'.l and e X Corval is offers tn tho’ftrshionai L - dime in special note books pro a m i i e T ■ r < v ó u r ? » • ’. v < ’ - s wnild a n<-A forufx'fVnter: linh.e; t ; r< d the cl tssrs, much of which — William Harvey it ¿nlv Ng A ■1 t".e eiiitir. sociable.’ Six vOtinc VI h ive never St I U eXC; lied. The I for the Salem \\ ,>o|.'ii Mil! Store. 1.1«Lt i- .-t.ii-A*. in'a row,-Rnd oiH* bitt - ■ iieralo'-y si s:em. oral or writ ten — Dr. Horton has received a large in this ami-(i/ant couidits Blank 1 ciiiit k' •»>»,' of an onion; then tl t' w ays aeeomu ,ni. d bv rules and T’V HT’-?!..! silk. robes inferior to quantity of Christmas goods and ets line as silk, loidon is turned over to the voting i asons— i- tli' | -.utice All this none, overskirts and underwear as (drugs. it t-. for i i-peetion. The one who i un i, i the person.d supervision u' WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29,1893, » > • .«li I • »j ’ t • cheap as the cliPapest, sockglows, | 2 ’ses . the ( I rot’. Ilorum. wh > has during tin —Jorgensen has the finest lot of mittens, overcoats, flannels by the I - u- . .se.- who bit the . . onion • ki- »<• Christmas goods in town Go and vanl, cloth bv th * yard, ladi- s dress . oilier five holies, if he fail- to I last twenty years been well hue •> THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ^lie.-s. fit i? only allowed to kies the j . favoraidv kn iwn in Oregon ........................................ • r...i as h. see for your self. flannels. etc. etc. 'lakes measures ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. ' ¡’»»1 wlij>.-l .i the onion. Thus again thorough, < llicient uml popular —H. M. Horton hrs a fine se | i for men’s and youth’s clothing. I- i lb b-'po >f reward over.-hadi wed , teacher, and w ho has twice been an lection of holiday goods, consisting Call and see hi in, office * at the ' (editor—on-e o.i a newspaper and ivi I by the fc.ii of punishment t p. fisher , newspaper advertising everything attractive, useful ami; Freheb Hotel. • the other time on a magazine. The Le Agent, 21 Men.haut8‘ Exi-hangi-, San Fran- 1 ornanienlnl «»co, is our authorized agent. This yep-"- is itmtlliai. | The p-yportion of American ex room, which contains portraits o’, Sfiideler irnd kept ou file In his jffice. i.t the Mid Winter Pair authors, scenes from Shakespeare Attorney Sweek-.were absent,two or hi> i - Samuel Kenyon is busily ami run.be le s other literary three davs gaged erecting his dwelling on ‘ in the last -z'.( week, poose ■ <au Francisco, already secured is hunting. Since the return of the ■ very 1 ege indeed, and some of the v e s, is by tar the best equippec. Local News. hill. I two sportsmen we have seen no dfo most famous displays made in tlx room in English on the Pacific —Tomorrow is Cleveland's day. —The roads are getting in a bad play of geese and ducks on (he American coi tion at ATtrCugn will coast, and with its present growll I condition caused by so ranch rain j seen here In addition to these, 'all in time be second to none on —The militia will give a big and snow, resulting in delayed mail rhar’k’et, consequently think their • be r there will be a number of valuable •h • continent. Both the teacher success nominal. I ball at Locher’s hall Christmas. I matter. exhibits which were not seen at md students appear to b* enth'i’i I - — • • ■ s • ■ —The Prineville papers and cat —Two or three thousand head I tlcm’en are after 11 G. Rand, and Chicago Some of these could not a-tic in th 'ir effort* to ma>t r the —A grand ball at the Caldwell of J’. L. S. stock cattle passed ! his two confederates Reynolds and . ! be prepared in time tor admission mother tongue.—The Gazette hall on Thanks giving evening. through here last Sunday going Beason, jy-d. hot, .They call tie in I <o the great ‘‘White City,” and —Louie Woldenburg of Harney so u t h. .^others are from parts of theCountry A it I ch tiinouN Assurance. sqyindlers, robbers and thieves city was in our town yesterday. I to which San Francisco is more ì • L Poor Editor-—A long v inter be it be. true, and we don’t doubt it, 'easily accessible. The result is . Would be .„Pure h 11 o .v — Mrs. 01 lie Robinson is quite fore me, slim rations, no money, the advantage taken by this swin | much fol the picture? sick with la-grippe. dlitig trici, hanging is about, tin i that in many respects the Mid and the baby has the ‘grippe.” Artest—The price is 1,000 pounds. Winter Exposition will surpass that best reinO’dy to prevent a rccurreie < —The family of S. Hampshire | at Chicago, and, as a matter of ’ Whv, man nlivid'.you expect to —¡County clerk T. C. Powell, of such transactions. fact, this superiority will be maul be paid for vout work as if you h tri ip haying a. siege of la-grippe. ’ County Treasurer Chas. A. Malar- —The death of Mr. M S Riggs fest also in connection with some been dead four or five hundred —Uncle Wash Smelser is on the key and Sheriff Penumbra Kelly of, I which occurred last Wednesday of the foreign exhibits. years.—Tit Bits. sick list this week. Multnomah county were indicted » --------- afternoon will be heard and read Notice. —Snow, rain and mud are the by the Grand .Jury the 21st instl with much regret arid great sorrow, weather prognostications here, at for nonfeasance in office. by his many frit nds in filarney All accounts now due me, must this time. —I. Jewitt, mail contractor on county and Eastern Oregon Mr. i be settled immediately, or co. t will —Isaac Foster and wife were the Canyon City route who was so1 Riggs was i.n old timer here and ail be added. gueits, two or three days of last unfortunate as to meet with an ac the old settlers knew him well and C. li. Vœgtly. cident,.which resulted in a broken j crtmniend his kind and generous week, at the Burns Hotel. r« limb, is improving, we hear, very nature. -, [Jnalwav had a kind word —Sandy, the stage driver, who rapidly and will in a short time be 1 and smilr-jfor his i neighbors arid was shot some time since is in a fair ¡friends all of whom join in svmpa I p-INAI. TROOP. on his ‘‘pegs” again. ..?• ' ... ... way to recover. f c’. ‘ S'.- , thizir.g with his family. His re U.S L an j > O ffice , nt IluriiB, Oregon, Nov. II 1893. —0. P. Mason and Ben. I’. Wat- J. D urkheimer . —Burnsis aching for another I mai-iut: wire, interred in the Burns Noticela hereby idven Hint the followlni;- IlHint'il H-'tlli-r 1-HH fll<-'l Until e ol hla intentigli 8011, publishers of the Portland sensation, w'll some poor good soul | cemetery on Thursday, , the day to innke (ina! pro >1 in Kupi'ort <»f hin elnim am! aanl proof will be mnd • bef.retlie Renin Mercury have been indicted for ■ who never thinks evil of any one after his death. Rev. Winan per that 1er ami Receiver, al Burim, nrriron, oli Dee. libel and the Mercury suppressed. | and never tells gossiping tales, tell formed the ftincr:.I ceremony, sur 21 1893, viz .H.rxANi i:n V. M i - i ' artv , x* ris •”‘r ,v—e-t > x I IDI No 83, for the«', •i"'« A NW\ SW'« A hannlc»» •l®rt,nT\Y\ r il , HE' , see 27 I IS It 111 I’ -Seventy two head of horses' eomefhiug that somebody should rounded by a large concourse of ' 8W • ■ rcmedtea tùiit ilo not iti- “ * ’ * ile uaineH the following Wlttli'aneR to prove irn tini h- allh or interferii with < .1. ■’« In . ir-. -i his < ontiniioua re*i<leii<upon hiu ! < ullivtitieii friend» and relatives. .1 ■ irò. It ItulhlH tip »o<l liopio ullo « al attachment here have told them that somebody else were sold under of. Hai 1 lati I, viz Ji Heph l.m ne»,('lami Meline .tllh.c It-urHthi-Kkiii aliti bt-nulil <■■ un’ oli o -• It'l! h ir rtal’bltii- ■ I.-.i.’-.- Un» .-■ a J. M.iiheiihead and .lohn Ituehiinau. all of told their informer that somebody b-st Saturday. The average pries hot , -d bv phyidt'iiUiH au<I )o.>ui > im .-I i > e Butt » Orc. ATIENTS THCATeD BY M’". ¿‘Ct if. t J. B. 11 VNTtsoToN, Register. Van Items told them that some one else had I 'ni, •». N I Kit » log. !' 'ii<l ' • 1 we are informed, was.about $5.00 'ì. 0. W. NXYDtfc. M yiCMER I IHoiiid. sai4 he heard from somebody that a head. I V an Oregon, Nov. 24, 1893. somebody had told him, he be —The improvements now in lieved it to be gospcd truth and----- The country here abouts looks '"curse of construction on the Red wintry. Front livery stable will be com —A. A. Cowing democratic state rtaridj Smith mother of pit ted in a few days, when William central committee man for Harney Harris will take charge of the sta county received a few days since a , Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Bliss, arrivi d here last week from l’» xas. ble. notice from Secretary Wait, secre Mr Tucker, father of Mrs John Congressman Hermann writes tary of the State Association of Howard, is very sick. ‘ ; clubs of which the J- lb Huntington that he has been ( democratic Geo. Messrs. Sturdevant and Holehos ’ •' ' essful in preventing the consol- J Hon. ■ ........ - E. Chamberlain is Preet- 'dation of the Burns and La-Grande dent, notifying him of » convention an<t wives have returned to this of democratic clubs to be held in neighborhood. land of’ices. AT ----- The Dalles on Tuesday January The whooping cough sticks to us — I he la-grippe has a firm hold ifich 1894, and requesting the clubs in this vicinity like a near and dear up.in the citizens of this town and ! of this county to send delegates toj friend. 1 "' mi'inity, while as yet no cases to represent our county in the con hr'- reported as dangerous, still it is We expect to have a Christinas vention. The foregoing we give as Given by Troop Af O •'li,»gree.ble .llmenl ! ,'^'¿r 0^e„. Uour'denber.lie'tree •' ">• Wolf creek school a matter of news I., — — John U itzell road overseer who I readers, and also would advise the house. Committee on A rangements. 1 b^en busily engaged for some 'young men of * “ ----- — 1 work ban been done S E. Joy. Geo. 8. Sizemore. Geo. Tregaskis Much road Burns and Harney 1 11 e past, in improving the roads county, who are democrats, to get in this road district in the last On Invitation. 1 ¡i« district, quit work last Mon» a move on them and organize, at week. Troop A. V anity . 'u account of inclemency of least one ami more if it can be done, Floor Managers weather. I Jeffersonian democratic clubs, and John Jaquemin. Chas. Garred. II E Thompson. M- «sirs Vaughn, Gowan and send a delegate to The Dalles, to An exchange says that a lady McClintock. J. C. Wooley P. F. Stenger. F. W . ' •' of our town left here Sun— represent our county in that con went to a grocery «»ore a few days H. M. Horton, Jas. Dalton. ■»y evening la„t on the Burns- vention. Let this matter be work- ago for a peck of apples, taking as Cardwell. John Ot ’’'Urio - - stage, for Portland where ed up by young men. and not ex- she supposed a fresh laundried ’^y are subpiPnaed to appear be pect anything of the older demo- Prompter W. II. Caldwell. Hour sack bhe held the sack while 're the Grand Jury. crats orata except membership. •-U •• \ • - - V . . »,-k. All accounts il o w d u e me. must be settled satisfactory 11 y on or Before Decern. 11893. G0NDBAti