f «. S B McPHKKTKRS MoPHKKTRRä n P Th: Zlmii rLUUH à ÒAW MILL r-iiysiciMn tb f-ar» T. A. McKinnon. Burna Ore. B urns O regon . Hardin 4 Riley, cattle branded Von lef’ aide Horae brandy left aide, r o. Burna.Origou Prudent Horace. Miss Mabel [in a tearful burst of confidence]—Mamma, I’m so di« The Proprietor is well prepared to accommodate his customers appointed in Horace! You can’t think! ., Charges very rea«onab’e. Job Wagon in connection. Mamma — What’s the matter now, dear? Have you quarreled? f Miss Mabel—No: but when 1 told him my birthday came Dec. 25,’he said: “Dearest, let us be 1 married that day!” I do believe he was thinking how much money , he would save in making present« MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. | if all our anniversaries came on ¡Christmas!—Chicago Tribune. i ”511 practice tn all the Court» of th» sute I J. C. Foley, cattl» brand son rignt aide Horae brand = on left ahoulder. | J. A. Willtama cattle brand. II., on left rib | M, R Biggs horae bread 71 on right etifle. attorney - at - law NOTARY PUBLIC, ’ Hora> a branded )-( on left atifl». Cattle brand ed )•( uu left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burna I Cattle diamond on left hip: hora»» CV <>n lef »boulder. Charlee H Voegtlcy. Burna Oregor real estate agent . BURNS'*- Sheriff’’ °ffice’ - — P, O. Riley Or. FRENCH HOTEL i Horae branded P on right ahoulder. < a !e P on right hip. R. A. Hendrii ka. P.O Law on Or I Oregon Horae brand 8fi on left ahoulder, alto three do’a . in ahapuof triangle, cattle bramieo anine E. E. Grout Burna Or. Mlaa Roaa Di< kciiaon Horae brand »>vi oi, eft »nite, cattle branded bar K on left hit* P ,, O Lawen Ore I Hotel h a* recftutly been enlarge GEO S. SIZEMORE, and entirely renovated in first class style. attorney , J. P Dl' kenaon : B urns , left hip Hor»e brand anvil on left at tile P. , • O regon . ' 'ollecdoni, Lund buxinewi. and R,.HI Lawen lire Extate imiter protnptlv Cattle brand figure 7on either hip: mark light aitrnded t<>. crop off ea< h ear. slip in each ear, ami wh It ou left jaw. Horae brand figure 7 on either hip J. II. Bunyard.Burna Ore. IWOHIAL PARLOR JOHN ROBINSON Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Geo *1I| mi. horae» and mill«» brand» : rounding W , uu right ailtle P o. Riiey Ore pKop Horae brandy on right stifle. Jamea Rouaall —To Subscribers—The H erald J and Rural Northwest both for the price of the H erald . The Rural i Northwest is a good newsy paper devoted to the wants of the agri­ culturist. Now is the time to pay up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa­ per in »he bargain. Tl stop. P O Burna Ore Everything in my lit:.- ......, ne guaranteed w—?. ,lnni> "«t'ofactorilv. I II A ZXB1I.. Horae brand bar in on left ■boitlder; latti» branu Bar tn on left hip and riba. Catherine Unralmll po Narrow» Or». I . rhe only place in Burns you can get baths. SUBSCRIBE FOR -------- AND-------- r- l.aini»hire A song cattle biand WC BYRDS. W Y KING- 17^ * Oniiccted. ear mark go allow fork in I right ear under bit in left. P > Burna Ore Burns Restaurant iBEfflTSMOSïs IRE AL ESTATE AGENTS’ Burns Orogon. We have at thia time for Bale MESDAMES JOHNSON à IÆGER. I several productive farms, well ini Meals at all hours, Fir st-class meals served proved and wel1 watered- Promptly, SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE bon S al » —Three lute with a fair bu«ine«s building on one, situ •ted in Burns on main street. The price a«k«d ia low considering the • « . *1. . i • I \ i ( •rr* th» r in*rrf rw with rw>. O( • t. ’• U ’1* »u..-n vul ’ .tu, «t.t» u eaiitvn f«t«T « ■- - , u « «. f. M’Mi. «nuil I m. iL mut« tu. «•V *L. «kt • Î.Ae *9 ir tt» - il u Wk Aj C'.vFIOmriAL • «¿Mto I E ast O regon H erald .. Bun-Canyon Stage Line. I J switt , P roprietor . \rrir*s and Departs daily, except Sunday X ••<> ♦ I VOEGTLKY Correspondence Solicited. Î ‘.i. i a ! wma. K ■,i» TBtii:i uiu.j tv countv and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate dis- cripiion of the same, also the title C. H ft *- •’Vt « 34 Ito to >•. « k » 4>» HAR1 WARE. SUNDER1ES, A CARPENTERS TOOL» sons wishing to purchase in our 1 .»fl ir the Sim« for sale at greatly reduced price« for CASH. 1 t I I • #FA Parties wishing to purchase ca! . on us we will show them the land we have for sale, and parties desir­ ing to dispose of real estate cannot do lietter than to put their lands in ur hands for sale, because we ad vertise freely by sending circulars and cards in all directions solicit­ ing purchasers and describing the land. • ritj i,, i rv. , !• I »-»m.« ml L»k,ri»»»tatM at Barat, tloutfur daaaeuger. 4 • I • to - Office