t* The Herald, interfere with him at their peril. * WANTED. Governor Tillman said thev . could • — • - i arrest Vint» under the .i: ___ ___ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29. 18:3 arrest Metz dispensary Agents to sell onr choioe and har . law without a warrant, and ordered dy Nursery block. We have many ! them to do so. j new special varieties, both in fruits 'T he first man that crosses my and ornamentals to offer, which are counter to arrest me without a war- !controlled only bv us. We pay from our exch anges . , rant I will shoot,” said he. Noone commission or salary. Write us at | I tried it. Neither would Metz al once for terms, and secure choice low his contract to be revoked by of territory A QUEERCHARACTER. the secretary of the fair, when the latter tried to do so at the gover A few days ago the San Fran nor’s request. Finally Metz sold cisco Report, speaking of Pat Lynch, out all his beer, and the war was A high-class illnstrate<l monthly described him as a violent lunatic i was averted.—Toledo Blade. magazine in the home is no lor gi r and 3aid he had once been a mem a luxury. It is a neeesMty, ami to ber of the State Senate. meet the demands created by this The Carson (Nevada) Appeal said necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN PATENTS. that Pat Lynch, an “ex California MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it State Senator,” had served a term does, 1536 pages of reading by the Notice To Inventors in the chain-gang in that town about ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists, a year ago. the There was never a time in Fat Lynch never was a Calfornia has stepped into the breech, with Senator.' Many years ago he was a history of our country when t he de a reduction in its price that has member of the Oregon Legislature. rnand for inventtions and improve startled the literary world. He is known to all the old-times ments in the arts and sciences gen The II erald , fullv alive to the politicians of California, and he has erally was so great as now. The needs of its patrons, has made net missed many sessions of the ‘ conven**ncep °f mankind in the special arrangements with this Legislature. He was on deck last' factory and work shop, the house- superb monthly, whereby it will Winter. pretending to have an im i hold, on the farm, and in official f receive orders for yearly subscrip- I life, require continual accessions to tions to both publications combined portant measure to pass. Patrick appeared to he as smart the appurtenances and implements for the sum of $3 00. The price of the great illustrated as a steeltrap. He could tlalk like of each in order to save labor, time a streak of lightning, and no one an(^ expense, The political change monthlies in the past has been could get in a word edgeways when I , *n administration of govern- 1 $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ano they — - invariable me,1t does not affect the progress of were to be found only in the more he had the floor. L He _ __________ ended his important conversation the American inventor, who being pretentious homes, Our offer fur by borrowing a dollar from the man on the lert, and ready to perceive nishes a help to all families, no matter • how modest their means, who had listened tohim. Some the existing deficiencies, does not _____ permit the affairs of government to | to keep in touch with the greatest time while talking, he would be come so excited that would jump dele- him from quickly conceiving minds of the world, as The Cosmo- high into the air, craok his heels to the remedy to overcome existing politan has today the strongest discrepancies. Too great care can I regular staff of any existing period- gether, and yell like an Indian. Send orders to In recent years the old man’s not be exercised in choosing a com- >1Ca T he H erald , |>etent and skillful attorney to pre- . mind has been deranged and last Burns Ore. night an acquaintance of Lynch pare and prosecute an application j A tillable U'oiiiiui said be was once confined in the for patent. Valuable interests have been lost and destroyed in innum insane asylum at Napa. “But he was entirely to crazy for erable instances by the employment Wanted in every county to estab that place,’’ continued the speaker, of inco iipetent counsel, and espe lish a corset parlor for the sale of “and they turned him out. He cially is this advice applicable to Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral came pretty near talking everybody those who adopt the “No patent, no Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages pay” system. Inventors who en- $40 to $75 per month and expenses to death.“ trust their business to this class of: \ye furnish complete stock on con imminent risk, , Pigli gjgnment; settlements monthly. , attorneys ~ do so at ......................... ............. .............. invili , rt ii triij! IH.1 Gov. Tillman Knocked Out. as the breadth and strength of the ; $3 Sample Corset free. Send 18 patent is neyer considered in view cents postage for sample and terms.' S t . L ouis , Noy. 10.—A Republic of a quick endeavor to get an allow | Njchois Mfg. Co., 378 Canal St special from Columbia, S. C., says: ance and obtain the fee then due.! New York At the state fair yesterday one W. THE PRESS CLAIMSCOMPANY, I PKXTER SHOE CO., Inc’p. r«plt«l, »I .ODO.OOO. B. Metz was selling “rice beer.” John Wedderburn, General Man-: BEST »I.SO SHOE IN THE WORLD. “A dollar eared it a dollar earned." Governor Tillman heard of it, and I juiira’ Solid French Dongola Kid But ager, 618 F street, N. W., Washing Thia ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U.S., on sent word that it must be stopped. receipt of Cub. Money Order, ton, D. C., representing a large num-' or 1‘oatal Note for «1.60. Metz refused. The governor told Eg u a la every wav the boote ber of important daily and weekly i Bold In all retail atorea for Sheriff Cathcart to stop it, and «2.60. We make thia boot papers, as well as general peril die-; ouraeivea, therefore we guar Ca'hcart said he would make no antee the Jtl, elute and wear, als of the country, was instituted to and if any one ia not aatiafled arrests except under a trial jus- we will refund the money protect its patrons from the unsafe or eend another pair. Opera lice's warrant, The goyernor, ac- Toe or Common Bente, methods heretofore employed in widths C, D, E, k EK, companied by Roine penitentiary al zee 1 to 8 and hair this line of business. The said | zee. Send voter etoe, guards then ordered the sales to we will Jtl yon. Company is prepared to take charge Illnatratad cea«e, Metz telling him he would Cata of all patent business entrusted to, logue only recognize the authority of FRKK it for reasonable fees, and prepares state constables when they were and prosecutes applications gener S hoe terme to iHalore. armed with a warrant. The cap ally, including mechanical inven D exter Spoetai I tain of a local militia company was tions. design patents, trademarks, appealed to, and said he could not labels, copyrights, interferences, in FATENT FLUID LITTLE’S get his company together. Mean fringements, validity reports, and while Metz dispensed i ro°^ , gives especial attention to rejected Then the governor mustered a large cases. It is also prepared to enter Ä\<,«iCATTLE-WASH posse, armed them, telling them to into competition with any firm in SAFEST DIPAT ALL TIMES. shoot if necessary, hut to carrv out CERTAIN DEATH TO TI< KS, LICK,Etc securing foreign patents. his orders. He marched at their BEST CURE FOR SCAB. Write for instructions and ad- head. I wo of Metz's clerks were vice. Improves the Wool, and in J ohn W edderburn , arrested in Metz’s absence, bui he . 618 F Street, crease« the quantity. appeared suddenly and ran all the Washington I). C. One gallon mixed with cold water posse out, and said that they would P 0 Box 385’ makes 100 gallons of strong wash. JAMES LAIDLAW <fc Co N ews in general S2 CASH ONLY $2 CASH THREE GOOP REASONS. 1st-It is the Leading Paper of Harney County. CoTSJÆÎiJk* SHEEP-DIP agents MANHOOD RE8TORED! IT.’.’WJKSi fuamatewd locuraa.l norvuai diooaaea.aucu a» WJ^TV/rroa» Pu war. Meadaeb«.. WakaialM*a. lx>,t r.0.^4 forti . and , orkgon 2nd-lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation