I » fl The Herald. for patent. Valuable interests have WANTED. been lost and destroyed in innum WÏDNK8DAT NOVEMBER I». 18M. erable instances by the employment Agents to sell onr choice and har- of incompetent counsel. andespe-!dv Nursery Stock" We have many i SDSSaBMH cially is this advice applicable to ntl new special varieties, both in fruits ■ those who adopt the “No patent, no and ornamentals tooffe.*, wbii h are pay” system. Inventors who en 1 cont• oiled only by us We pay' HUNTINGTON from our exchanges . OREGON trust their business to this class of commission or salary. Write us at attorneys do so at imminent risk, once for terms, and secure choice Agaiu solicit trade from all Harney andur Countieslbe Ma. as the breadth and strength of the of ternt4>ry » Outrages By Union Men. patent is neyer considered in view M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, ^Ranchers-Cattlemen. Horsemen. Sheeumen & Cow Ecys of a quick endeavor to get an allow Rochester, N Y W heeling , W. Va,, Oct. 29.— a nee and obtain the fee then due. ; There has long been bad blood be i TH E I RESS CLAI MS COM PA N Y, tween the union and non-union 'John Wedderburn, General Man- glass blowers at Wellsburg, and mger, 618 F street, N. W., Washing-1 when the glass works broke away I ton, I). C., representing a large num -! meet the demand • created I y tins! from the union two weeks ago this I her of important da’lv and weekly! necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN feud was intensified. Among the papers, as well as general peril dic- M AG AZINE, giving yearly, as it Last year we sold 1574 Carloads This year we are going to make non-union men recently employed a]8 of (jie country, was instituted to does, 1536 pages of reading by the it 200 Car loads, and will do it if prices are an object to buyers Re there was Hugh Gordon of Phila- iprotect its patrons from the unsafe ablest living authors, with over member our motto: “ONE PRICE TO ALL.” Call or send for price» delphia. Yesterday morning the | methods heretofore employed in ' 1200 illustrations by clever artists. Merchants!— We can do you good. Get our prices. Shipyour mouth pieces of all the blow-pipes I this line ! of business. The said ' has stepped into the breech, with ---- ---- ¿7^- at the Riverside works were scoured Company is prepared to take charge a reduction in its price that has goods in care of the and washed, for fear that some of of all patent business entrusted t to startled the literary world. the union men might have attempt-(for reasonable fees, and prepares I The H erald , fully alive to tin ed to carry out the threats they and prosecutes applications gener . needs of its patrons, has made have made about using poison. ally, including mechanical inyen •' special arrangements with this After the dinner hour the men did tions, design patents, trademarks, superb monthly, whereby it will not repeat the precautionary meas labels, copyrights, interferences, in receive orders for yearly subscrip tires they had taken in the morning. fringements, validity reports, and tions to both publications combined Hugh Gordon was the first man to ■ gives especial attention to rejected for the sum of $3 00. Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging ho Oal put his blow pipe to his mouth.' /cases. It is also prepared to enter The price of t he great illustrated Geer, comprising all lines of He threw it down and ran to a l into competition with any firm in monthlies in the past has beei water tub, his mouth seeming to be securing foreign patents. I $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they HARDWARE, crckery , glassware , tinware , full of liquid fire. The water seemed Write for instructions and ad-1 were to be found only in the more to make the burning worse, and the [ . v vice. j-_- pretentious homes. Our offer fur STO\ HARDWARE, 8UNDERIES, A CARPENTERS IOO Ut first swallow carried the burning nishes a help to all families, no J ohn W edderburn , fluid into the throat and stomach | matter how modest their means, 618 F Street, 1 offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. Doctor after doctor was called p q Box 385. Washington I). C. to keep in touch with the greatest None sf them gave any relief until minds of the world, as The Cosmo one resorted to heroic measures politan has today the strongest A Most Inhuman Husband. C. H. VOEGTLKY. regular staff of any existing period and by the of a dangerous drug Send orders to neutralized the action of the acid, C hicago , Nov. 10—According to ical. T he H erald , holes had been . ,/Uf|grt Tilley who yesterday grant- but two ghastly | Burns Ort B un.Canyon Stage Line, ouirh Gordon eaten through Gordon ’s lower lip, l L.i ed Mrs. wn Ella a F. Quackenboss e di and all the exposed membranous vorce, no woman ever suffered the 1 I. J ewitt , P roprietor . A ¡{liable Woman «urfaces are so inflamed and swol cruelty she suffered from a hus-1 len that the lower lip is turned in band. T’ne husband, William, was Wanted in every county to estab Arrives and Departs daily, except Sunday. side out over the chin. The mouth, in good circumstances. He became lisb a corset parlor for the sale of — ~~~~ palate, tonsils and lining of the angered at all his wife’s relatives Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral J^Couae 1..t.<Uhth.O^rlo,yrlue,m.;Ä^ throat and passage to the stomach and barred them out, and sent all Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages are nearly eaten away. Gordon the wedding presents back. He $40 to $75 per month and expenses will probably die. The doctors are made his wife walk 15 miles a day We furnish complete stock on con unable to determine what, acid or | for her health. take care of two signment; settlements monthly acids were used in the blowpipe, as horses and do the housewoik. If. $3 Sample Corset free Send 18 the effects are so much more severe she did not meet him at the door cents postage for sample and terms, i I than anything they have ever every night and say, “William, I Nichois Mfg. Co., 378 Canal St known and the usual antidotes are am so glad you came home, let me New York of no UBe. Two other non-union kiss you,” he locked her in a room | woikmen were also badly burned, and fed her on bread and water. "A (fottwe aan#A <• • tallar aaraaA." but neither of them are in a dan He kept her locked up 11 days at ThiaLmdlwa* Solid French Ooapla BM Bnt- delWarad fraa ■■ywb.ra In the U.S., on receipt of Gaab, Money Order, gerous condition. I" Charles Brady, i one time and eight at another for or Postal Nota for $1.60. ----- at * Riverside,' this. ... He Btufl-ed c]othe8 in the Kanal* every ear the boots an ex union employe ■old la all retail Mom for $2.60. We maha thia bool was arrested last night, but there baby’s mouth every time it cried, oaraelraa, thereforo wa paar ant" the Jit, atyla and wear, was no evidence on which to hold and when Mrs Quackenboss wept and If any one la not aeUaflea wo will refond the money him. and sobbed he counted the sobs and or «end another pair. Opera Toe or Common Senna, made her stay in bed a day tor Tidtba C, D. X, k EK, alien 1 to I end half I • every sob. One time she was a PATENTS. wita, tt pen. 'prisoner in bed for 10 days on ac latratod Cal* I Notice To Inventors. : count of sobs. lOfUO I 0. c. news I n G eneral ... - . VUVV l»»l l<51 I y Our Stock is Complete in every Department. j -- r I F I « I < F a I There was never a time in the history of our country when the de mand for inventtions and improve ments in the arts and sciences gen erally was so great as now. The conveniences of mankind in the factory and work shop, the house- hold, on the farm, and in official hfe. require continual accessions to the appurtenances and implements of each in order to save labor, lime . •n4 expense. The political change in the administration of govern- ’»•nt dees not affect the progress of 'he American inventor, who being on the lert, and ready to perceive the existing deficiencies, does not l*rniit the affairs of government tc •Jete» him from quickly conceiving r«a«ady to overcome existing «'■aerspanciee. Tso great cars can not be exercised in choosing a com- P*Vnt and skillful attorney to pre-; I*1* »nd preseeuto an application I nits FEDERAL ITM IM. MASS. D exter Spalai S hoe tarata Con ta ftdwa I I_____ 0 I PATENTS i SHEEP-DIP i LITTLE’S PATENT FLUID < ¿CATTLE-WASH •NON POISONOUd’l------------------------ Pitsnte. Copfrtgtte. a »4. iif .-- i be—rx»d<Kt«i nr Ornate, Tndt-Mrts. Dstega MIOOERATE FEES. SAFEST DIP AT ALL TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS, LICK.EtC BEST CURE FOR SCAB. _ . I Im prove i ths Wool, and in- creases the quantity. One gallon mi led with cold waUr makes 100 gallons of strona wash. JAMES LAIDLAW * Co agents fortland , oaauoN . Now is the time to Subscribe (or the I I • I I