Love and Pity of the club, From Good Storie» " can’t continue in this fashion. It’s derogatory to I us, to our manhood. CHAPTER II. It's reversing the whole order of things.” a ‘By Jove!’" put in a fair mous wild, tnmultuoua happiness, to ac- tached six-footer, a lawn tennis cept this shadow of love from the I champion, “ I wonder it dosen ’t dis I J CO 111 ' I LA A i y A VT I J I I 'A LI I V ' I ~ V i ■ V V. • 1 arrange rrange the centre of gravity of the man she worshipped. happy, And Elsie was The H erald is $2.50 a year and Heart Failure. one afternoon in the 8inoking-room with When Rruce had carried her np 1 entire solar system, and pitch us all stairs, with the light of returning inti) chaos ” life and happiness in her wasted “Why, there hasn’t been a mar - face, he found that a letter had just riage in Monksrest for much over a come to him from Tom Dunlop, his year,” ejaculated another. friend in Washington. ‘‘And not likely to be for a couple HOW TO AVOID IT. The epitaph on many a tombstone ia heai t failure.No wonder, » lien we con sider the iuimen-e strain which is put on t that j,atgms ji^^Vnr small organ. Marvelous Marvelous a» as it it ¡S is beating oeating D,UJ, 1 ’AKJ uines-aua exerung a fvneytiiiui to - en'du^e^ften^'i^ endu^e^ften*i^ s” common are diseise» of dm heart—though th” Goodform $2 00. Now we luaKv our tiubseiihers the following offer, which will hold good as long as we run this notice: to all de linquents who will pav up and one vear in .idvaucc and t-> all new subs filers, wc will send, to their 1*. 0 ad Ires.-, the Goodform “grat is.” This is cnriainlv an offer that no one should overlook, and we sincerelv hope our 'eaders will ac et pt often for a considerable time without the suspicion* of the aillicteJ person being in the least exeiied—that it is Stated that a«*' person in four has a bii'l heart! Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhar', Ind., has for years made DO YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY 1 a special study of all diseases of the heart, Maybe you think this i3 a new business, and his remarkable success has male his tending out babies on application: it has been name a familiar one in all parts of our land, done before, however, but never have those They found him staring blankly more,” said a fourth, lying on a I lie has found the most c uumon symptoms furnished been so near the original sample as of heart disease to he pain, distress °r fei«/er- this one. Everyone will exclaim, •• Well ! at the sheet an hour afterwards. couch in a position of, if not nr.-w lr the chest, back, stomach, bowel», left that's the sweetest baby I ever saw!" This li,tie black-auil-wiiite engraving cun give He did not appear to have moved elegance. shoulder and arm, shortness of breath, smother- you but a faint idea of the exquisite oriirfnnl. in;/»pt lb, fainting-, etc. his position since the moment that “It’s my firm opinion." propound Mr. George R. Smith, of Birnes, Yates he had opened the letter- The ed Archie Bovne, the L. T eh im- ’Co., N. Y., writes: — " D r . M iles ’ N ew closely written sheet conveyed pion, that some of the g «ir 1.« hre a.« H ekrt C ere has wa ked wonderfully on moul and body s > 1 can do it good day s work. nothing to his mind. Only one sen vexed as v.e. I make a any bet that If ■! ten years tonn'/ r and take more interest t nee stood out as if stampea in Tommie Greville is de; .-peíate lv m in aifairs. 1 had shortness of breath, palpi tation, pain under left shoulder blade, p tin letters of tire, branding themselves loye with me, ami I an ii yes. <>\ er ar -und the heart, 1 could not sle-p o i my right site. Since 1 have taken l>r. Milts N-w into his consciousness. head abd ears with h<-r •. But if I Heart Cure I x'eep veil, and hare no palp la- ‘ What a lucky thing that Clar j dare approach the sulji ot. tip gn* 8 lion. It has made mv heart strong-r. I w ,sh you would print this, because I want a’l to is -a \\ a i ne had t » postpone her her pretty, provoking littl«* Et SP, know what Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure has done visit Of course you have heard ami she says, ‘we worn» ii are not for me.” “ Tor months my wife suffered with palpi- of t he total loss o o' f tlie the vessel in tired of our liberty yet. I 1 tell V’Hl to.'ion, tnwtnerinq »pells, and was unable to which she was to have sailed? Her Kate says you men giv, ill von r do sleep on her left side. She trie! several doctors without relief. Your Hart C-rr was even in some of the li«t' votion before marring«*, . aff’ r. the was recommended. After taking th »•-■ a m J. because sht had taken woman becomes but' a i -«'ful ! i » ISP- b tiles, she fully recovered her h-- .in. Your medicines do what you claim — < ; passage in it ” hold chattel. I th:i k K .te is C1IRI-TM AN, Toledo, O. " I’M A DAISY W hen Rruce began to move again Dr. Miles’ New Cure for the Heart IS 3Uid which we propose to send to you. transpor right.’ ” bv all druggists on a positive guarantee. It ta'ion paid. The littiu darling rests against like a ivir.g man. he took the letter i pi.low, and is in the net of drawing oil its “Kate Grevilh ¡< th* h^ail and is s-ife, agreeable, effective, and does cure. pin.. <oek, the mate of which ha- been pulled Htid held It in the I laze of the fire, >it and ilun? aside with a tiiumpbunt coo. front of all this ofF.-ndii g.” broke in Dr. Miiee Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. l'hetl -li tinware perfect, and the eyes follow witching the name of ('larissa vou. no matter where you stand. Theexqui- Hugh S.i nd« rs. pulling hi hi '■ '.f . -oro luctionsof this greatest painting <4 Wavne till it wa« burnt awav Ida Waugh the rao-t celebrated of modern littl e more erect “Slo painters of baby life are to be given to those “Thank heaven!'' he said, to who subscribe to Demorest's Family Maga entire f<how ” zine for 1891 The reproductions cannot be himself, quietly ami than! told from the original, which cost Sift), and “She and her ’.re the same siz? 17 v.'.’ inches-. The baby is when the name di-:ipi eared life size, and absolutely liteli ie. We have eelm« d Archie also in preparation, to present to our sub I m ver t<>'d her of mv love scribers during 1.-93, other great pictures by Kate cares for - lehart sts -is Percy Moran, Jlaud Humphrey, THF END I. t;s Deschamps, and others of world-wide Pommie as good an cot • r n-.-.-n. Take only two examnles of wlmt we, ird during th- past year, "AYnrd of Tan- 'I. o|<l boy. I ha \ - <■>,” and " A White 11> use t-n hid” ly the ( l PII) OX SI Rih E. wifeof President Harrison, and you will see ! «-fore. ' rem.i’keil Hug . wa it our promises tr can. I’h >st- who subscribe for Demorest’s Family 1 « arly let the cat out « '' M iz ne for 1>:U will possess a gallery ol ex- I roru ’»ovd Storie*. .• ■ v.-orks of art of great value, besides a 'hit 1 ommie wouldn't f > M i.'azine that cannot be equaled I y any in fi weld for its beaut.lul illustrations and ' ake. if she didn't feel .- . •-t m -it will keepeveryone post- ■ 1 oil all til? t >pi s of the <!av, and nil the »» V < u ■ f -.nd ililerc items < ! interest about the Motiksr» st whr one if tho«e n ' -hold, oesides fin I'i.-iuug interesting “ I'hat’.« where it is i i it matter, b >th or: ve and gay. for the lv tll be found pince» in the Bril w .; and while Demorest's is not so sure of us. t hey van a f t-'ii- ii 'fagazine. Ils fashion pi ges e.r. per- 8 «lomiimm.s w In re tin’ voting g»m mi I ’.ve rive yea. 'rer of m-», all the pat- i-.-r s you ir -h to use during the year, and I «nd do it hat t bev like men outnumber the voting lad V ■ ■■ you ell S nd in y. ur sub. w ird.when women - n-|.»T>t , only $2. an-i j ou will n elly V are n h fact not known, or witlmu’iioi get ox value. Address t pvl i.-' er. w. Jenni; rs Domm-eet. 15 F.-.-t 11th St . New the state of ihiot.*« would b <v«- b '»I II th«’ v« rb 'to tease’ will I. -................... York. If you nre unaequ:i*i>to<l with «be Solete ¡azin. . aeud W e, m . s for s, itnen c< oy t pe; dj| v altered - Jtu “I wish to goodt!<•»-, r id the As it wa«. tb»’ g1 : th li en prepon . * » Ilf youngest mem ’ » r. "a d derated, and r<- t ♦ r.-it g the order >l pretty- girls Mould - tt! ! k- -liver t hings i:eii< r 11 I the mil.» rit v 'tinged buttertlii s. in ■ ,k-r< st rt: lt d Miprem«* I he v t t-rt a i ¡i I v d I I. That ««mid bri g th« to their ■’•n«I i > mi.-takf*. 1 he Ilves l he v senses.' ’ led t be l’pp '.«lie st X w a - j nst do w n ‘ Jeal 'itsy. no doubt. \\ right « fuel, that at I « -<t -1. was t i e °P" I the M<ilik-le-t « lords f ’In m compa-i-ioti up n ”«. ’ r eom- the cioaijon, though in th«’ preset t p t»-iim. like eharitv, g» m-rallv lx - «‘■•S’’ th« iatt< r title so'iiid 1 a m.r git’s at home ” ii-»mer. to mike Hi AKterr Wr-r«v, the) < " 1.-h Abbeytord would sa d ti><- I.. T eh.1 mnion a ¡'..tin ami But son*« bmt, ' icloiy ot ; In ir - - x it Newnh ini taik I . 1 », > till equality wuh n an. was derogatoi part to t, gato marri •ge i V alia uittg iffeir purj ■- shin,«' which, piqtiii g their pri«|e made tb«m (he <0 re io t>i1ient to <(ll 90 *1. »*<1 Hugh Sanders. ad<H«a.t g , «« I- et eit c. «i « v • frer ■ .- .«-.*< m i o «I i ,. « g .- «i kye ivory pair, «.;»!; Io xd«-d ■ ; fH. Ordinary wurk. lo na.«*, bone, l-f or »<< hub. J air. ; »• >t r. i. tll-- c Ü.ê’t 1 ; k 61 • - • J— 1LÏ fu* e , (.k^v v i;t- ia oh ! v •; a ••ch' » 1 ,Lpop(iiar nr ng.i Price’s Cream Baking Powder .Most Perfect Made. 1 EVFR MADE, DEXTER SHOE CO., Agents ll an'etl S <» i Ad«’;****•» ° f-P?' 'IT Tlli’rsyjis <>.«!'! • <Oït*AV». JOHN WEdOiHBCRN, ■ - t- ' ¿'T/c’’ P.O.Bex 46?.. ____ f ' 1J«>..“ > I’A WU'O'.VS, SCLDI7RS, CHILD»ÇN, Als«x for S) ' -T'à J mï E ofs duty in ; .xt rearulitr à rr.'y i x . V* jtincr ,v Survivor of ’adì their widow», now mt;tir'c *p ». j a 8p3H?ltr. Thoug-STVÎa to 8en If..... -v ■ . - - - WBÚl ?ÜC- eisfu’- », r r 1 “i’p* e -t • I why ? simply 14||t d t • « JUv .re a 4 ' th- editors. i>r all n of high c' ' > make tn»s b« I ani ns. i.-i»-r, •‘¿’A’ df Hu ii an 1 d ■> ‘n >t aqv qnt’S . vep» ■ ■- -*vi ■ m - 11 e ;•'< 'iî> J Js are i - liai ai .A short stoni s • - • n*d,r select and • pair • song and *.-1 * -i t ui j. o in 8 inon grum led Archie Boym , "or prttv Sanders, a penot fortoir di eia red 11 on« s VtM*iighta. though I fear « ven then H X ( |n> one it’s ai. investment that will return 1 . v, utn ymi Ytxi r. 5 i & ■ > Give U.’ ir.eiuaM u. u') »ni- s.ali M i« Petti.ct and ca.Huot * • do • •• r-uu^eis. Cor.r.d; ¡;i<¿ I ■r.d «nee w i*h games i;r. i&> »•' nr> ' ] -* r tvt. BwS I iet ?” illh> ' T ktting does not i eces-itate <1 tri the occupier will have daughter«,’’ n of4 I o ' n.ore earn -• h> r <b'toU<mx Hie («iither ih t SippJ'.rid from ♦ h”t/' aim of woman — ami raised, iudvvd. Imt a wre'ched dividend ’ ' Don't le so sure of that tin- »tai darai ID V «'f ind»‘p«'n<l«'nce ; l ov, ” w ny the rcsp«>nse pine« or on fi«-l.| azure, nml with ; “Have voii-an idea? No «V ’ lh« 1 < rvei-itv and malicious fun of "Y«a - \n 1 on»>," ad le i Hug « ' the sex led tbeir admirer« a ¡if of Sanders, emwg.up. ami «h mmg for I* r| lex.o h- 4 doqbt INVESTMENT There are e'nglo retail shoe stores in our |jr cities wbl< h sell 2,000 pairs of shoes a day.maklu - a net protit of $2'.U,OUO a year. We sell shoes Io , but v.e sell a great many pairs, the clear proiiti our ladies’, misses’ and childrens’ shoe» is at I.,:; ten cents a pair, and on our mens’ and boys’ th. 1 i cents a pair. We shall establish shoo stor. - i nch of the fifty largest cities of tbeWS.,r.::.| I they sell only 200 pairs of shoes a day they w> earn ♦ >25,700 a year. Wc should bo al 1c to pa;. . i ?arly dividend of $5.21asharc,orovcr'.<Jpcrc<: - a year on the invi stment. Wc» I the stock at; a share. The price must Inevitably be much i> - : aaa $ i J a sbar.-. No stork has ever been » lit less th. n this price, v. hich is it.» par value. St ■ . t on-asscssab!c. Incorporated. < .tpital Bl.ivt We have over 1,000 stockholders ar.dthenum', is increasing daily. Some of tbo principal mo , -. holders arc : T. s' Wai. ng, N. Y.: I. J. Potter. I! • N. A. lived. Jr.. Chicago; J. it. fa:. : . Clia-ag >: W. .' Ka-.c-au_h. Liute Rock, I. II. I: h. Chicago; J. I Turner. Pl.ita.: B. IUrding, N. Y.; Ii. Payne, Bat: ’ Creek, Mich.; F. P. Ilullctte, Arcade. S'. Y. Write fora prospectus containing the names of our stockholders, etc., or send an order for '-I. enclosing cashier’! check, cash or money oritrr. Orders taken for one or more shares. Price,$li> a share. 1?’*' ' ■ fP ■ n »*? ■ 9 *f l. .5 Qt. tw _ J* Sk-T-* ju :.J Rate •» s Uitv— f cairn t Ci lip l‘1 *b in tlie air lik<* g« rtns nd t am ed opini >m* hn< Monksrvit The girls e I ■I worn I r-iil.. ^ .¡^2 d m Ctirxi^ñér-ll “ By u half to each Look hc'rt\ W.-i. n- a i - i !< ■I eidvd -h.iu.d Il ’ ’ V’Ttjiinly, ™E BEST AMD IS THE SAFEST IT PUS girl-. w< r<- a i ( h irminglv nice g ri« sur» « li< ■! t h« re was peep'd lucceas that will rew..rd ; our ?«r,. ” ’ xi.itively have tHe b-i buoi5°"’ " ’ that can be found on the fof , ‘ ■‘J’-- 845.00 profit on 87o 00 w ‘ ' being ea»iiy un.i honora^h L byind hunJnd. of men. « bu. s\“, " 1 / employ. 1 on can mat.- immc, faster at« us than vou have am id, a of. i ” easy to learn, and infractions bo sinii h ^? / that all incceed from the start TkLt■ li ' hold of the business reap t'i- -me.,,: '- arise, from the sound reputatkm ,.f oldest, most successful, and largest ts-him • ' bouses in America. Secnre for vourself’n. “ that the business so readilv and haXomm K' All beginners succeed -.ran 11-.. and „,,,J m 1<!' realize their greatest exudations. ij JL »rv it find exactly as we tell them, l'here i ^.1 n r00"’ <?r.s iew more workers, and UPu?” them to begin at once. If y„„ ,lre alrejdv .. ploved bnt have a few spare moinenu, an jL?', to use them to advantage, then write ■ . 1 (for this is your grand opportunity and ¿J””'’ full particulars by return mail. Address ” THUE & CO., Box No. 400. Augtsu, q. . <J O F r E F? 1 —' ' la va sans dire WORK FOR i)$ a few days, and yon will be startled .. ■ uf >pto r , I I Grace a t'h «rq< ; Our Ì.' Do You FEEL SICK? U-mau« «Iress. i e a tcvr.«tiun-,. I, Jl;v • auU" •G..m1 -i ùtV I > altV - " Tl h AiT .*■ r-, i’ i a • : - .-»ini E ttiw«-i », » » • ’»« ;• I A Hi ti i * <<>* ■*. » klilf Ì eac the t:r>1 tune w^mt verv good- tc. < !<' i r H um . t K J ‘t- ir’htwu.1 th t > h»ck u'i lie was, '.I intend »' t <• 1 <z. thvie ¿ieparltntftl of carrying out. You fvllova «. an do ..lite i ’ • • *< >• f * , • - T v « hat vou please.’” • k •' ± * ■♦••Vi* ‘ V it W 1 t :s 1C%* Ij- \.- i z- »■ of m-»'t J ; . % • i: ’ i A ititJk • u, Hath - V •n to gr* t:>t-‘ i. « h itevi r pK- It-m LU- '.’ ? \rv> ie Bovn. - . 14.» - m X ««kugajune [ Ve CF C 'VrtXVFD 1 : r nothing dunt jt a limit; d time » . : Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase irt'Extent ahiJVradually grow dangerous. • It F»« SUFFER FRQJI HEADACHE. DYS PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . ta « If ion«« BILIOUS, CONSTIPATEt; or have LIVER COMPLAINT^ ^. . . . TAKE • ' .If your COMPLfXION t$ SALLOW, or you SUFFEB DISTRESS AFTER EATING. TAKE RIPANS TABUllS RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABlfi.ES For OFFENSIVE BREATHund ALL DISOR DERS QF THE . TAKE RIPANS TABflAES • Oí. Ripanz Tabutes . the System and Preserve the TO-TAKe^WCK TO.ACM MANY X-POC-TORS ftmc I : Mtoierwt i.. F«»r Fre* * sm *1 c * *4<!re«« THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO- to SFfcUCE STREET. ’♦F-Xt <”t r 1 . “A* —a • • - NEW YORK- * 1