? * • I I s' I WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15 W.C. BYX» slide at this time, how was it po--[ «¡ble to elect Cleveland on a plat- i form of tariff- reform by just siirh a* 181'3 • •• • -> ! =r= • landslide? _________ 1 ——■———— Í - r- DIV x I . ! PO&TERB AME WAIN ' EAGLE .03 OFFrCt J * ». u to Invent ora withowt they allowed themselves to be led * bill came in four votes of passing charge. A ddreaa into a trap and successfully en-j a« an amendment to the Voorhees PRESS CLAIMS CO., “’. The position taken by Presi snared by the administration. The bill, JOHN WEDOERBURN, M»u iging Attorney, democratic party has ample time to dent Cleveland on the finance ques- W ashington , D.C. redeem itself and prove to the peo tion is the sole cause of the victory, P. O. Box 4«8 pie that it is of a surety the party - this off year, for the McKinley re- KP-T' is Ceapany Is managed by 1» comb.nation of 1 n-i nioat tnflncntlal newspaper« In th. of reform and friend <0 labor. Now | publican party. The democratic he •’ll lsrgiat 1 «t'tM,for tbeexpr--«» pnrpoa. of »roteo»- 1 AND-:- ug <■*.< Ir «ubwrlhert «gainst unscrupulooa is not the time to become disheart- , party is known and acknowledged i-.d in outpeii.it Pa cut Agent), and each paper . ened, hut true democracy should ’ as the ' free silver part}’ and in -pi te | rioting thl> advertisement vouches forth® responel- | uUlty and high sUndlu g or t he Pre-' < llal ms Company. assert itself and proveto th<- world >.of the opposition of a dozen Cieve- it’siterling worth,by passing such i 'ands, will finally aceo.iiplish the I lawsin the coming regular st ?sionoi wishes of our people. Harney County, congress as to verify the stidement I The republicans now speak of the’ of its being truly the parly of re lemocratie party as being in a de- , moralized condition, and they hope! form. N. BROWN, Buns. O^n The action of the administration it to be past, redemption. ‘Those that laugh last laugh ■ few days, »nd yon will lw startled ul tin u- regarding financial legislation, in success that will reward your ell» i • ' the extra session just adjourned longest.” the g. o. p never was worse neted lositively have the best bilsinr».» Io oik. an ;. that euii be found on the face <4 till., earth was not dictated by the presidential fooled than in thinking and arguing «45.00 profit on 1ST.» Oil wort 1» <>t ’»«.»in a> i "WHITES easily and honorably niui.e 1» and puid -o platform or democratic party, con such nonsense, the democratic par­ being hunoreds of men, women, lioy). mi l girls ia un­ employ. Yon can make money faster at woik toi sequent!)', while the partv was 1 ty, is the reform party, and we i us ustlianvou have an? any idea of. The tnan vou nave iu «- h <»1. 1 m bu inc - u ro to learn, and instruction* aosnupii and piai; made to shoulder the responsibility i pronheev before the ending of the 1 I easv that all succeed from the start. Thus» who tak, I hold of the business reap th- advantage Ih;-.' in the election campaign of the regular session of congress the peo­ 1 arises from the sound reputation of one of th- I oldest most successful, and large»t publishing several states this fall, still no ple will be convinced of the fact houses In America. Secure for yourself I -e pro'i's I that the business so readilv and haml'omelv yields. reasonable man can say the part) The people, the democratic party All beginners succeed grnndlv, and more Ilian ' realise their greatest expectations. Those who favored the course pursued by included, thought the course pur- I try 1’ find exactly as we tell them. Then kplentv of room for a few more workers, ami we urg- H. BBENTON President Cleveland and hisearnest sued by Cieyeland and his follow- ! them to begin at once. If yon are already enj. Proprietor I nloved but have a few spare moments, an-i wish n> ,lKe them to advantage, then write us nt on -e supporters. Taking all the facts era, to be wrong and just simply 1 (for this is your grand opportunity), and receive Into consideration we say boldly, told him so by their votes in the I full particulars bv return mail. Address, TRt’E A CO-, Box No. 400, AiiKUftta, fill openly and emphatically, without ‘ recent state elections, anv fear of successful refutation, 1 that the democratic partv is the' party of reform, which fact we 1 /.*T Î’rom Mn.'V . ■ sr vu.«. Kun.: hope will be proven conclusively t 'rOt-K* M Ca before the adjournment of our next| Arnie. Wm . »>.y»:| urfw. « 1 he Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stublo u*- -1», iw-tr-ia-mn« wtuteiuent w '»1 h j»i:, . .. he ■ regular session of congress. I » V eight std irr»: -.ire-'iw. • . e. »’m. . ure the public that he is prepared to accommodut« , ; . will >!•""» U49 rolliti t-f Want.. 4. .n. »I in II a. vethe' tr"ntn¡nnt iHip.... »m. *«-n. 10. Kurthern i re we have not loot in every way in his line of business. ,!) m tS Tr.EATtP BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL .»1. * »nJ *"b ■' V» ¡«4 sfeci jJ,ii ay and grain constantly on hands, and careful L.lp. < < 1 tldei ce in the ability and hon . ■».,.• r Uftrfc- a-M ,rt»r*».. will. » ' - O IlKl.r., i t. U. F. MINI K » ‘ O* t ri THUTU II ‘►’y of the <1< moeratic party and I‘.>-»engcr • taken to all part« of the country. Job Wagon in connection 1 < lit ve that I (fore the April show­ I ers begin to make the verdant ] meadows bloom, (hat this fact will ' e h-monstreti d J-eyond a question of a don 1 t t<> the people of our great ! la'c Preuû.-s Reel Hying pills curor the financial |¡¡ Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., _ SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. relie» of the people and the tariff 11 404 CALIFORNIA ST»LET._______________ _ _ _______ ■ *»* hardly mentioned, then if the t tariff wa« the means of each a land- I I BAKING POWDER .’I u* i i F 4 WORK FOR 0« I ’ " ! ..... .......................................................... .. I I i I I, I I » I n u * ’ SUBSCRIBERS TO THE COMPLEXION h f ? t '•