EE SMITH The Red Front Saloon keeps the' —The Central Meat Market ha- best hr it ds of whiskeys, wines, commenced business in Locher’s AGENT FoK beer a;.J cigars. I- furnished with stone building Ed Jordon is WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER tf>. IS'. H a good butcher so give him a call card, pool and billiard tables. Lee — Builders tools arid-all- kinds of Caldwell proprietor. — Bailey ami Johnson, proprie building hardware at the Burns hardware store, at bottom prices tors of the “Tex” Saloon, are doing at good business, because their cusj for ca91i. 4 Baker City, Or. turners receive the courtesy and po- Racine always sets the -Mrs_____ best of tallies, everything nice and 1 lite attention so erst •ntial to sue- Also takes orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel Wo^ —School books at the drug «tore plentiful. Her rooms are unex cess of H. M. Horton ceptionable, and everyone of her' guaianteed en delivery or no charges made. — A farm on ’front creekcontain i patrons knowi she spares no pains| ing 160 acres. fhis ranch has Post Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idaho —Peach brandy .at Caldwell’s | to accommodate ami please _ « pi t i i | . ' about 100 acres of meadow and is for $3.50 a gallon, cash. numbers of .admirably . . ... for a first *• . — I he July and June . situated class — Hygenic Kalsomine all colors theCtf.tury Magazine for the year sheep, cattle m horse ranch, being ready for use at the store of Geer 1*91 are missing from this office. | surrounded bvthe very best range. We presume we h ive loaned them . Title good " .......... For terms """ call at *l,ia tiiis Bros. Real l () office or write Bvrd X' King, to some one who lias forgotten , Estate Agents. Burns Oregon. —The Elite Saloon Geo Tre return them. Please return. i I Ths ’îo-V L J. H. Jett Marble Co. Business Locals. SHOP. gaskis proprietor, fine Wines. Li I —The well known reputation of j quors and Cigars, billiard and card I the O. C. Company, Huntington Notice ------ oO°------ ----------oQo------- tables. 1 'Oregon, for fair dealing and reason- I ----------- . . 1 I aide prices, guarantees that (irrn a A i umber one Durand Organ for —On and after May first through nig trade, from parties in ourcoun |sale cheap. Call at the H erald A J. McKinnon stages from Heppner to Burns in tv, who buy their winter supply of Office for further information. two 'lays. Fare $14 round tripl groceries, etc at the railroad. I •W 1 —This office is in great ne< d of Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office. he I — Don’t forget Henry Cheathari money to pav debts and run I t... A good ranch belonging to II. G. Parties indebted to ns will | b i11 or, desires a part of your pat paper An experienced W rkm in an 1 sat* t.ieti *11 Guaranteed. confer a great favor bv settling up, Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 rot ige, at the new barber shop. either l>v cash or m te drawing in miles south east of Burns. This — Who said you couldn’t get a 'erest. It is better to have lio es. ranch has about l«)0 acres of good He solicits a share patronage of his fronds. i even meadow land. Price $800 or will good flavored cigar in town for liv< vlien we ca.nnot gi t cash, if 'he note only calls tor *+’2 (Hl. If it cent-? Call at the Citv Drug Stop necome necessary for i.s to spend trade for sheep. and inquire B yrd X: K ing . I time in settling up our account , of! —Miners tools and implements I in case we have to employ an at m full st* ok .just received, and 'orney or collector, the extra ex foi sale at Voegt Iv 's hard ware store Dense necessarily attached, will be A 31 '4r v » !t>tt h l>i»cov<*ry Free. ■barged to the parties owing us i — Don’t forg t the old "sti some parties have not settled their ' French I Ioti-1.” Bon rd $1 ( I"” -uhscriptions sii ee. we have bt en Superfluous hair remove'! per- d iv n d less by the week. | running the 11 ehai .P. ami it cer- Proprietor. tainlv cannot be expected by such i nianentlv,, without • G. W. H ayes —The Sjiloo i, in tic- new Chemical Fluid. hat we can run a paper ilwavs on' pain, bv Electro >ui ling. Richa'alson and Stephem wind. I In order to prove superiority, wt Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours. I will for next. HO d ¡ys send sample Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 P M. nr 'prietors, is ui 'elv fttrni.-hed am: — Another pioposition to sul • i | bottle arid testimonials free, on re- | i(> customers is given the I * si scribers. 'I'o those who will pay up J One way $7.50. Fare, round trip, $12. br imi» ot liquors and cig irs. eeipt of nineteen c< nts to pay post I 1 hack subscriptions and one year in Electro (,'li< mical Co., ‘25 East — For a fine Through freight 2$cts. a pound. i idvance. and desiie the Toledo ' 7 St. New Yoi '... • I Clock, H day C » I Blade, we will sendt » their address 1 K<> I I'he Herald and Blade for $2 .75. I---------------------- » — i'o vou take l ai n« tor Sale. pap r? If not try ........... Bee! I’u' lislv d nt t he St Utt One section of land about 7 miles Capital. Bright, brev/.x , reliabb V i Vi • orth <>f Burns, fully Hid acres o' indept mlent, literary an I newsy. which can be irrigated, ind qualitx ; — The Beet Weekly Paper in Good outlet' Caironia 0 lx 1.50 per year. of soil unsurpassed. 1 1 o range For sale cheap. Address Burns - Ontario • Z« «MSP» »4F UMi.’’. .. ■ Stage Line. V• c T he B ee ; ' Sacramento, Cal B y lit» X K ing . __ f xt’e Howard, tire proprietor Gt the Burrs ,m it market, will en de:iv»>r to, as fir a ■ii keep > po-SIli'r«, on hand pork, mutton r ami beef f"i I the ;.<■< » m i < laticn of lev eu-tom I er*. 11 » pr e< - are i ea-on it I • iml ' Ire t xpei is and must have pronipi 1 «> ttirmiM.t at least otiec a mouth I I I II « ndr . fill Tinware & SJ'ct •I Ï // I I- I* al Estafe. I ife and Fire i< in« Collectiors a Sp ci illy. Oil i Dr Checini s Electric Spavin Cure p sit rely r emoves Bone Sp is in. Ringbone. Splint or Curb in 4> E» u 1’ hours with ut pain, $5tX> ’ewar<> failure or slightest injury. Th greatest w ><! hr of the Nincteent b <'enturi. art ni«hing a» it do<'s tlv < nt i’ e tetri Hlat v «orbi, Circular- A . E GR \CE, and t< »« fr< «• Dr Gin I 'rugs. Medu ines bermi >78 Canal St N< c Yi rk Drug St® re. * H O w d C « . j r » ■ • w i i : — « ‘ i f a r-’ * ■ << li ? ►’ A *■ < u M «4* ’ V- Tn i y i» ■» 1 I? School r.o ?» a C0UOI- CHILVHt Al» ■ I’t IM ' i lit* t » t Cl »’•’.! I*» ifaw«, u a •T* .•i»v 1 • r 1 * w r. b»/» F « KWtx I * ■' ami PRESCRIPTIONS i \R VHtill 1 O1» • «‘Hl’ I»1 »•. • supplies, COMPOUNPKI BY A 1 i iO ' RM . <• C i. . X * • ». •> . ü X. v.-lTur» i : . ’ I! H« ‘ ftn t n t ’I ir* .'»mothf* . • M• /. » 1 L »'et L m • . J J. * rv* 11 e min * ’ ! »c d in *hv • ’« n • nm* - I .M. « n V-.-T f I . i L • c > ' t *U»' »» rk *. » V-a A i • 4 ni»* i.»* k • 4 s I ’ Ì • »» - l.ina DOWS FISHING 1ACKLE- TINWARE. GRANIT AMMl NITIUN ARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR MERS’ X- ME( HANICS' TOOLS X* UNDERTAKING GOODS. ( all and see cur Holiday got ds. Proprietor H M HORTON 4 Ud ^.tlV l T FRS « DRUG« MFDTCTNF«» rHFMTC\T.S. PATENT MEDICINES. st \TTONFRY. DT wnxn PYFS. CHOICE PFRFVMF9 .<• FXNCYTOTl ET ARTTCT.FS. TOBACCO. CIG ARS ETC. Ml * » *»V«LS ,. »! t ¡tTjnP Wires & Liquors for Medical Purposes •• r 8 & WIN' Store r lie GL. ASS, t ¡DOORS M th* II. '• Ay » I . J — SM»’< biUV ES & I HANGE RS to h ...ih an . i.alned over f nur pounds ia . v » L It n :> blood purifier. .... f I». M. Portland. Ore x > i X :>i i:s. i, l.'-ti c aient, Portimi*! A full .resortmt nt <>f I >i'* t a »* l I ’ I » I les, I’t-rfumerv, I'.unts Cigars » tc. ’V/ * 4 r- T T Cures tires ••’.AfM « ? SÌ I. Fhindc.s v 1 :i t rii liver and ki inc, . tr I •. I wr » a rreat »uffercr. I took a I ; , • ot 1I<* o J s Sarv.|Xir i r.-i ’. vr.'.s restored K 8 •i OILS WARE . “I had Typhoid Fever I paints HARD- Till-. i>. tree. iron Goods ALSO DEALERS IN e1 f> »X. 7, ' . -, , n\i;\ t.y. n I 41*1) « |>t % Manufacturers AG ’ l1® ’ t‘r -<r.pti*ns accurately compounded. First Class I>entai Work Dona.