I PAINTING. H o ’ ih , sign and carriage paint- D. 3 B x-nybiciHii ......................... Oregon. Office at Grace’s Drugstore. Gerald Griffin. FREE BRAN!» COLUMN. attorney and counselor AT LAW DEXTER 8H0E CO., “.ViMIiilr* flor, brand bar ten on left »houldcr; Cattl. bar ten on left hip and upper clip on l>oth ■ art. T A. McKintion, Burna Ore. B urn « O regon . Agent» Hantea Hardin A Rllev. r attle branded Von left aide H >rae brand r left aide, r o. Burna.Or. gon WU praotlc. in all the Court« of the Stau The Proprietor is well prepared to accommodate his customers Charges very reasonable. Job Wagon in connection. J C, Koley, rattle brand ou riant aide I Horse brand - on left »boulder. M, R Biggs J I A. William» cattle brand, II., on left ril horse brand 71 on right guile. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY public , I’, O. Riley Or. Horse» branded ) ( on left stifle. Cattle brand ••<1 )-( ou left blp. Marion Bunyard, I’O Burna AND FRENCH HOTEL ' attic diamond on left hip; horses CV on le* shoulder. Charles H. Voegtley. ilnrun Oregot REAL ESTATE AGENT. Horge branded P on right shoulder, < attle p at Sheriff’» Office, BURNS,-------------------- ()’ gon. I on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. I*. O Lun en Or t MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. Horge brand 36 on left ghou'der, nlgo thru ■ Iota . tn shape of triangle, cattle branded game E E. Grout llurng Or. GEO. S. SIZEMORE. MI m Rosa I>i< kensim Horge brand anvi' 'eft »title. • attle btanded bar R on left hip. o I.awen Ore ATTORNEY, B urns , O regon • ( ‘oil*.-Jon», Land biiKinesg, and batate matter promptly attended to. TOUSORIAL PARL0H I Everything in my line guaranteed t(i be done «atipfuctorilv. Mw* I he only place in Burnt« voti can get bath«. TaMe i« Supplied with the l’est the Market Affords. stop. l‘ 11 Hum» Ore Horge brand bar m on left ahonhlcr; Cattle brand Inn tn on left hip and rib« Catherine Mnrgliall P O Narrow» Orc. for cmaloKiw Ei Mayor Unihington, Now Jersey, ADVERTISE IN "THE HERALD,” - .. regno - I I James llouagll Burns Restaurant BEATTY’S PIMSs SUBSCRIBE FOR Daniel F Beat) MiWSDIONSa for catalogo» Adren», lion M iiglitiigltui New Jer»c>. Daniel K. WORK FOR a few days, and you will be startled at the unex- peeled success that will reward your efforts. Wr »ositively liave the best, buMuei to offer au agent that can be found ou the face o. this earth. •45.00 profit on «75.00 w orth r>f business it being easily and honorably made by and paid to hundreds of men, women, boys, and girls iu our employ. You can makeaiioney faster at work tor ns than you have any idea of. The business is so easy to learn, and instructions so simple and plain, that all succeed from the start. Those who take hold of the business reap the advantage that arises from the sound reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, nnd largest publishing houses in America. Secure for yourself the profits that the business so readily and handsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectations. Those who try it find exactly as we tell them. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are already era ployed, but have a few spare moments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write us at one« (for this is your grand opportunity), and receiv* full particulars by return mail. Address, TRUE A CO , Box No. 400, Augusta, Ma Geo wi'l nt horses and ninlea brande roundlug W, ou right »title P O. Riley Ore Horae brandp on right »title. - Hotel has tmcoutly been enlarge and entirely renovated in «rat clan» aty.e. .1. P Diekengon rattie brand J I’ com er ted o lett hip Hor»c brand anvil on left «t itle I’. I.awen Ore < attle brand figure 7on either hip; mark light > n>|> off ea, h ear, glip in each ear, and watt I on left Jaw. Horge brand figure7 on either hip. J. il. Bunyard.Burn» Ore. pK()I, JOHN ROBINSON t or L There are »inglo retail shoe store. In our l.^ cities which »ell 2,000 pairs of shoes a day mJkl^ a net profit of «250,000 a year. We geh7h’ but we »ell a great many pair., the clear profitC' our ladies , misses’ aod childrens’ shoe» is at le^i ten cents a pair, and on our mens’ and boys’ sh^s la cents a pair. We shall establish shoe gtorwh each of the fifty largest cities of the U. 8. and i they .ell only 300 pair, of »hoe. a day they “ou! earn «525,100 a year. We should be able to nav yearly dividend of «5.25 a »hare, or over 50 X wet .1 year on tho investment. We »ell the .toik at S’ ;l8aaI?n a PrlccJnU6t inevitably t,e much mor than «10 a share. No stock has ever been sold 11 less than this price, which is it» par value. St. c' non assessable. Incorporated, Capital «l.OOO.Ottj' W » have over 1,000 stockholder«, and the nuibci is increasing daily. Sbmo of tho principal stock holder, aro: T 8. W.U-nj. N. Y ; L j. r<>(*„ ‘ N. A. Reed, Jr.. Chicago! J. B. L'uubill, Chicago; W li Kavanaugh. LiUle Rock, Ark.: I. if Ri. hal'hica^o j ? Turner. Phila.: B. nerd ng, k. Y.; E. J Parnr ’ruou Creek, Mich., F. P. HulleUe. Arca’lc. N. V Write for a proapectua containing the names of our stockholders, etc., or »end an order for itoclt encloting cathier'» check, cath or money orrlee *10 a share. MESDAMES JOHNSON & IÆGF.R WCBTRD& W Y KING. Meals at all hours, First-class meals served Promptly, Bcatb —To Subscribers—The H erald and Rural Northwest Both for the price of the H erald . The Rural Northwest is a good newsy paper I de voteti to the wants of the agri- . culturist. Now is the time to pay 1 up your arrears’ and one year in advance and get an additional pa­ per in the bargain. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Burns Orogon. We have at this time for sale several productive farms, well im Trade marts. Design Patents, Copjiights. I Now is the time to Subscribe And nil Patent bushiets connu i d f<»r MODERATE FEES. Information and adv let «r**vn to l*n etalons wtthowt rharyn. AddrCM l'on S ais - Three lots with a ’air I usine«« building on one, situ • ted in Burna on main street. The I price naked in low considering the advantageous position of the lots for burine«« Term« cash For inrther particulars call on Bvrd A King, Ke il Estate Agents. Burn» >rsgon PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDFR9URN, Msaaging Utomcy, l* O. Hox ««ia w AaniNCTon, D. C. I nr rv* Company la m«na*v«t by * ctxnb nattoa ot h ■t.r moat Inttneatlal n '««papera la lb, • t orfM pan'-.' I t K •! 1« .itssei-lbm unM-rupuloiia 11 » .‘i1 * ’• 1*4.eut Asenla. ax»l m , h paper .i n*. .1 Iverctsciucat vunctw» fur the responsi. $2 CASH 4.H| «Ad Uifc.. I^uhtllu nZ Itw, I'r.’.iijli.,, . will also buy lands for per- sons wishing to purchase in our ■^*ANHOOO ITxiST’OFî^p’ -^< ore a.I neri, usdix-nw v*1 " ""I'uertui reT^",. I IT .U.W1SA» .Waki-tulri -M.l t Mu, ; "•’V.-.L Mem ory. ¿¿ ¡Üo7ES» countv and living at a distance, giving earcful and accurate dis- cripiion of the saute, also the title Correspondence Solicited E ast O regon H krai d . Office