1 The II— trance fee to lie used by some one WANTED. selected by the state entering who WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8.ISPS shall have a suitable medal made Agents to sell onr choice and har­ to be given state receiving highest dy Nursery Sloik 'A e have mat’v award.” new speeia 1 \ a:ii-ties, nth in fmits and ornamental.- to off»--, whic h are (. HlCAUo. Nov. 1 —Jimmy FllOM OUR EXCHANGE**. coiit.oiled only i-y We pay Carroll, the old-time robber, died OREGON eommi *sion or salary Write us at HINi TNi TON I in St.John’s hospital a few days ag t once tor terms, and secure choice Again solicit trade from all Harney andur CounlleUbe Ma. W ashington , Oct. 31.—One ofi He was associated with the notorious i of territory. Jimmie Hope and others who rob the most interested listeners to the M ay L kotiiehs , Nuiseivmon, closing debate in the senate on the bed the Manhattan bank in New Rochester. N Y repeal bill was Moreton Fretven, a \ ork city. He was connected with A nigh-class illuslr. ted monthly leading bimetalist of Great Britan. niinif-rous bank robberies through out the country. About 1879 magazine in the home is n<> Linger Frewen does not think »he cause of t Carroll stole $15,000 i:» a clever' a luxury. It is a necessity, ami to biinetalif-m by any means hopeless, | way 1 he cashier of the Lachin » met the demand * created bv this but on the contrary believes that the wide attention which has been ’’aua' exten8>on made a monthly ! necessity, THE C< • H'OLITA N the dis- tr 'P f rom Montreal. carrying th»-, M AG AZ I X E. giving \tnrly, as it drawn to the subject by lami year we sold 1574 Carloads This year we are going to m-»k» money for his hands in a valis . «Iocs, 1<>36 pages of nading by the cussion in the senate will serve to it 200 Car loads, and will do it if prices an object to buyers Rr force the question to the front t|)e I Car roll and a pal had a duplicai»- ablest living authors, with ovei member o;n motto: “0NEPR1CETG ' t ! ” Call or send for price» 1200 illustrations by clever artists, world over. He has no doubt thei^tt^8e uiadri- and succeeded in su M Cl ttlinnts!—We eno do von t««' ' Get our prices Ship your very interests now clamoring the . stl,l!,n'git. Carroll was arrest«- i 1 has stepped into the breech, with loudest for repeal will be forced by at(;r;and °ffered “»co,,,Pr,)",isc • Gr ’ I a reduction in its price that has uoods in care of the o o busiittss exigencies to come to the 10,000, but the other WuS nfused.I startled the literary world. The H erald , fully alive to the support of silver coinage in a few | Carroll was about 50 years old He lived all his life on his stealings, needs of its patrons, has mad» years. He has high admiration .vhieh would have made him a ' special arrangements with this for the way the si Iyer side of the wealthy man had he not spenti superb monthly, whereby it will question has been presented in the them all. receive orders for yearly subscrip senate, and regards Senate Jones tions to both publications combined of Nevada, as one of the greutest for the sum of $.“> 00. authorities on finamce in the world belonging k> Cal Having purchased the entire stock The price of the great illustrated One of the results of his visit t( Geer, comprising all lines of monthlies in the past lias been America at this time may be the I $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ami they formation of an international as HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GL.uvil .ulK, TIN’WARN, , were to be found only in t he more sociation in the interest ot silver. pretentious homes. Our oiler fur I nishes a help to all families, no STO\ HARDWARE, SUN DERI V>, A CARPENTERS 100L> a few days, and you will be startled at the uuex N ew O rleans . Oct. 28 — C >rbetb I peeled success Hint will reward your efforts. W< ' ,osi lively have the besi business to offer an agent matter how modest their means, demand for a guarantee of $10.00 rliat can be found on the face of this earth to keep in touch with th • greatest 1 olier the same for sale at greatly reduced prices tor CAbll. .$45.00 profit on S75 OO worlh of business i from the 01»ifinie. Club in the even' being easily and uoiiorablv made by ami paid io hundreds of men, women! boys, and girls in our minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ of their failure to tiring off the con employ. You can make money faster at work for us than you have any idea of. The business is so politan has today th • strongest test between him and Mieth 11 ha easv C. 11. VOEGTLEY to learn, and instructions so simple and plain, regular staff of any existing period­ that all succeed from the start. Those who take aroused no end of criticism hostile 1 hold of the business reap the advantage that ical. Send oid< rs to arises from the sound reputation of one of the T he H erald , to the reputation of the heavy I oldest, most successful, and largest publishing houses in America. Secure for yourself the profits Burns Ore. weight champion. that the business so readily and handsomely yields. B uti-Canyon Stage Line AU beginners succeed grandly, and more than of the Olympic Club, said yesterday realize their greatest expectations. Those who | try It find exactly as we tell them. There is plenty A lii.ih'r Woman 1. J ewiit , P roprietor . that it was out. of the question for of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are already cm j the Olympic Club to even entertain ployed, but nave a few spare moments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write us at once Wanted in every county to estab Arrives and Departs daily, except Sunday such a proposal. Any club con (for this is your grand opportunity), and receive | full particulars by return mail. Address, I lish a corset parlor fur the sale oi senting to such a proposition would TRUE A CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Mi mmiuo ’ i ! Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral! Conns un »¡th th« Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview «tage« a» Uuru* tionsfoi diiHBCUger«. he sure to lose its money, for it Spring Corsets and ( Lisps. Wages i would then be to t he interests of the $40 to $75 per month and expenses champion to have himself arrested, We furnish complete stock on con or, at all event, to have the tight signment; settlements monthly. stopped in some way. Mitchell’s Send IS $3 Sample Corset tree demands were very reasonable and cents postage for sample and terms. sportsmanlike, and they were like Nichms Mfg Co., 378 Canal St those of a man who desired a meet New York ing. The club, Secretary Ross SHOE CO., lnc’p. Capital, |1,000,000. said would have no difficulty’ in Caveats, Trade-marts. Design Patents, Copyrights, DEXTFB BKST »1.BO SHOE IN THE WORLD. ••A dollar eared in a dollar earned And al! Patent buslne»« conducted for making a satisfactory arrangement, This I ik IK- h ’ Solid French m>tif rips Company is managed by a combination of news I n G eneral Ranchers-Cattlemen. Horsemen. Shcenmen ¿Cow Boys Cur Stock is Complete WORK FOR OS I I -t :n* o«t Indnentlal newspaper» in th« ■ t ., the express purpose ot prolrrC .r f'-tr «» *i»cri Iss-ra against unacrupulou« i i t P».ent Agent«, and ea< 11 paper • ■' 'rm mint vouchee for the rcspoml- .u.j ano W k U «undtak of the Dre--Ctalma Compaaj. •lzen .Send your nite; we will Jtt you. Illustrated Cata­ logue ! C hallenges the W orld .—Dr. Jay Guv Lewis, general superintendent of the Oregon exhibit at the world’s fair, has issued the following: Whereas, under the present system of awards some dissatisfaction has; been expressed and that each stat“ , and county may have a chance to enter into friendly competition, the state of Oregon, through its legal representatives here challenges the world to compete on the following I terms and conditions; Apples, embracing thirty or more varieties shall be the fruit entered. Each state or county entering shall de­ posit $100 with C G Wright, super­ intendent of pomology; judges to be Appointed as follows: Each state entering to select one judge, they to select one or two as th»* case may be bo that the number of jurors shall be uneven in number. Col Brackett ot Iowa, is Acceptable to the state of Oregon as committee on nomen clature. Money collected as en- T »r-j FREE D exter Spatial S hoe ttma CiTK/ÄLiL ’ tQ öfOfrATO“ AL POISONOUS" SAFEST DIP AT AI L TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS. LICE.Etc • » -«t i th »: lorn.’- Pfil:*** . S0LDi".^S, &CATTLE-WASH BEST < IKE FoR SCAB. ».--‘ n ’-" ' duty in V r rrir.ilwr Arny - !’r’ . Survivor- of < < • v.- ' l^’- tbrlr widow«, now rr - tK J , u . ,-rHliy ■'-ou.-i rU'it’-'l tv - I , ’ * UTT,' for new '*«■«. .-J Cb«rg'- for ' -• --ulu* ■¡«oi sue mi ff. , ■,»> -ere« ,« xSJFw I« li 7* pur.m »>*><: < US t« iso’I it f »»«1 i t • ir-»,« '«rwf ox Rio« Zivwpuo "»I* ’pup, | '««WJrr4‘ -rg, J.ul , «intr—UR . <• 'M V* -,'*«' qv « »juupnrxl. tri ju Jf»’u*O Zq r «p |ou«wr> pnv jo F m * WJO m • .9:1^ ___ • ■_ •Ï» arw .... »I " ■■ 1 mprovf-s the Wool, and in­ creases the quantity. One gallon mixed with cold water makes 100 gallons of strong vaih.i JAMES LAIDLAW & Co | OiENfS PORTLAND. OKEOON. for the wj »- ,M* r n , unl ,‘ iy y OU** haiml«- •« her!».» ■ ’hat do n t 11 riT> the bxlth or intrrtrre with win"«« m j vb Mure. It build« up «nd ttfepawU« rd frAlth tbFwilln ¡.nd b’-antiDesti Tompl«ii<>0 I X« r^irki^or flabhi I : > tr Fjjdm^d by pbrw■ ix hl -f