Ths Hsrald, The Voorhees bill repealing the Sherman act. was passed by tl e Senate the 31st ult: we give in full WEDNESDAY novenbek S I»! 3 ”/ï*fJ '.[¿IN' ' tAGLf JÜtï ÛfFiCÎ: the text of the Voorhees bill substi tuted for the Wilson hill That : O Editor. I much of the act approved July : - I W.c. BYKD 1', 1890 entitled ‘‘An act directing t5 e BY til). Proprietor 1 purchase of silver bullion and i.-suc A Scheme oh Foot to Deprive us ■ of 1 reagiiry notes thereon and Lt of Our Lami Offici». other purposes” as directs the ■» C.H.lty, OlffUS I Secretary of tlie Treasury to put K ei . iabi . e information has been chase from time !o time silver bul PAMPHLETS, received by parties in our town, lion to the aggn gate of 4,500 01 < from Washington City, that a ounces, or so much thereof ns may K IE ADS, NOTE 1 movement is on fo< t to coris. lidate 1 be offered in each month at th. the laud office here and that .»f La MOST PERFECT MADE. market price thereof, not exc« edim I ■' ì ! OPES, STATENE Grande. We are not informed as A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, Fre« ; • to the particulars of t he conso’ida , $1 for ^or 371.25 grains of pure si!v<r 1 from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant C3EÏ»? æ » 5, and to issue ™ in payment for such ,, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. whether or not it will involve . tioa ■ ■ purchases I reasuiy notes of ti t the necessity of re districting this| -• land district throwing a part with ' i United States, he and the same is i hereby repealed. , La-Grande and a part with the i And it is hereby declared to b • H um ' s This. Lakeview district. I the policy of the United States to The reason given for the necessity \\ e offer (.hie H unii ’ of such a change is, the office here continue the use of both gold and sii end Co la il Jo1! Wûfc Cfcb’net-rnaks yer as standard money and to coin ItS IV» rd I» U' ali. Ci if not bringing sufficient dividends , both gold and silver into money of <•.■1:111111 be-cm »I to pay the officers. The financial equal intrinsic exchangeable value, (hire F*ep Wagons Baggie Ect condition of the office here. at. this ( f .V < Prop*. F J. i ’ iiu.x; i such equality to be secured through time from what we can learn, Ì8 All wo.k done neatly and wth international agreement or by such l’nledii. ( ). only medium, but probably an l; low r We tile tin i> I - I c i safeguards of legislation as will as average, still we must consider the » y< a th . F. J. Cbeliev fiir u I sure the maintenance of theparitv in business of land offices, like all ij . ihi '. i value of the coins of the two metals ami believe him n i ie< other trades or occupations, fluctu Jand the equal power of every dollar II* HLu hie in all 'msiiie«- mil.« ates. thh year it may not be ’ivelv at all times in the markets and in financially I» in e next year just the reverse. One | ohligatioiiH maile • » ’he payment of debts. thing we do know there is a great Ai.d it is hereby further, declared W est & T h i ax . W deal of government land here, and that the efforts of the Government gi.-ts, Toi< do. ( > W ai I - good agricultural land which in the «hould be steadily directed to th» & M arvin . Wlmlesiili near future is bound to be taken up ■stablishment of such ;• safe system 1'oledo, ( • by homeseekers. In ease we get a of b.metallism as will maintain at Hall’s (J itarrh > ure i- rail-road and there is little doubt ar ill times the equal power of every I ternally, acting di 11 et i to that, and ye~y likely next smi' ’oliar coined or issued by the United Harney Cûunty, >lood ami ui'icmi- - nier, the government land in tin hates in the market and in pay system. Pii.ce, 7-’’c district will be taken very rapid Iy I nent of <b bts. Sol<l by all ¡>ruçgis:s The distance from therai) road ha-' lais free ftL BROWN, Buns. been one of the greatest di a whack Scientific American Agency for to the settlement of this land dis trict. We are certainly of the belief I that if this matter is correctly stated I I to the officials at the department Hi Q in Washington City that no such CAVEATS, V TRADE MARKS, action will be taken. This scheme SB VI« DESIGN PATENTS, a few days, anti you will be .< ari lt d at t’. i of consolidating the two offices can COPYRIGHTS, etc. peeled siiccess that will reward tour effort h. w< Information and free Handbook write to )ositiv«dv have tiie .u oiler :..i «¿t at 1OMIIV I* n.tvx .... best only benefit the land corporations For ;1. munn & CO.. aei B roadway , N ew Y ork . tSt'Z* A LESJLÆÏ Unit can • be touud ‘ <>n ..................... th•? 1;<< ot • H. th. .. eaitu Oldest bureau for securing patent« In America. S45.OO profit <»n SL P > <>»* voriho! but iu< s», l - I Every patent taken out by us I» brought before •w•<>.<«> ........ .... w............. whose aim is and has beer, for years I the public by a notice given tree of charge in the being i-a.iily mid honorably uiui.e bi and paid <>i hundreds of men, women, bo. s. mid girls i.i oui I to defraud the government and the ; identifie American employ. You can make iiioik \ faster m w-.nk for | us than von have any h i of. Tin bui-inoi is b - i settler, by having the land office re easy to iearii, and In Inn lions -u .-impi and pl: in, M. 11. BKENTON Largeat circulation of any acientlflc paper In the that all Rucceed from tli<‘ tart. Those tv I io take mote from the land in question world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent hold of the busine-i reap tin advantage ti at man ghould be without it. Weekly. «3.00 a arises from tlie sound reputation of one of the which the laud corporations desue Îeari fl.50stx month,. Address MUNN & CO, oiliest, most successful, and largest publishing lblibueks , 361 Broadway, New York Qty. houses in America. S-ii’.-- for locr-i-lt the pro!:-« j that the businc»» so remlilv anil handsomely » i< Ids. j to get- nosession of by intrigue.) All beginners «nccee-l gr.nnllv. and more than knowing the settler has but little realize their great» st <-x)» < liidoiis. Those uno try it And exactly a? we tell them. There is plen'y . money to carry on his fight for pos r of room for a few mor»' worker», and we urge them to begin at once. If you are alreailv cm session of land rightfully his own • -foiXS ,-^Æi ploved, hut have a few spare moments, ami wish I to use them to advantage, then write us at once 1 h Fayfe;; .... Af^ and the extra expense resulting | (for this is your grand opportunity), and receive .-a ncevTttpFuymx st u n» ai w,ieUkf-; b » u . full particulars by return mail. Address, l”lt Hb'l Hit-H! ßtM . 4.‘ in 33 in. n . from a trip of eeyeral hundred i t • J Ly A ‘. h »1 ; »M.0W TRUE & CO., Box No. 400, Augustu, M< j tXt*’ rPSS.’.(AL*»U‘t;;t.. 4k i*. 31 (n < Y Lift’H» ûîm^a*. f 'in. -fr.;‘n. j.t i. The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable «*- miles makes it almost impossible Anf.i Î5 THÉATSS Bf «AtL. CONFIAL.*.”: sure the public that he is prepared to accommodate V-»r; .. «i‘<ì « ‘‘h no faKoiivenkncj, »>r t* ; for the majority of settlers to con -0r r>-t u ■>/» .« »Vite -> s il) «tai llé. in every way in his line ot business. t ,. 1?. f. «TW»« ÎSIMM C*M3'j test and con:end for their rights. « i £.<W“ 11 <xy and grain constantly on hands, and careful help I Our readers have all liyed long PafHtngerx taken to all parts of the country. Job Wugou in Qonnwclto«. enough to know, from experience, j that most men who have money 4 resort to any means to accomplish ■ their own aggrandizement, and we lruuli.-s Jte.-!iiylux pïffs curio--., tip.- ;.-n t’r. u! ’:= ■> 1- it’ .- i»g p- ..■■>u»-ittl»>n ? are persuaded to believe that this Prentls» Rc-tlfj ln.» pili» cure ri>i( ’lp»ni<.n Preno-1 >;»• mrli.p i m .., :-(. ■■ntt<>n i 111 echeme for uniting the two offices is a trick to work a hardship on the actual settler. M e hope the business men of JOHNSON A HAILEY, Proprietor«, CURES our town, ami I he settlers of this enuntv will remonstrate and use WK Liquors, Cig'a s and Cigarretts every honorable means to prevent flood Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., ete such a disastrous proceeding, to the Salon in first class in every particular. Experience hart« interest and developenient of our Almont all pills an I mcdiclnn produce constipation, here In a f it .at cure« torpid ounty. being consummated. Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. liver, blllouencse, rtcumttlxm. In»!! xwtlon, »lek headache arnl kidney and liver troubles without grlpln? <-r loavLi.; any tnv-e of CONSTIPATION, which This matter should be attended Is the prime cause ot all sickness, of it gutting habitual and chronic with you. too at once for delay may be de ace to It In time; these pills will cure you. “truetive to our best interest. All I ft | j"" Unc PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL, I I E ! 1 localise It is the only safe and harmless are aware of the fact that the con ■■■ | remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY tbe ’'mini ition of such a moye will re b'»rd the deyelojiement of <’ur county to a verv great ext» nt, be clear the skin and remove all blotches fr»m the face. Try* box and aee for your sides compelling the citizens of our self. 35 Gents a box. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Should Take Advatage of its Hi’ity to ^greatly inconvenience Or aent by mall upon receipt of price by in ?iiems»»lves in attending to land Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 40A CALIFORNIA STREIT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ■‘ ■pe business, also necessitating a lu .i f ...: a i-« l.lymg pill» cun><:.,uaup*u<>n 3 3 trentlM Rectifying plllscurv much greater expense, which our Pn-ntl»« R< • tlfylng pills c-ire c. - • .tk-nl f»-r i » rectifying plllseurwnn**tiy*Ui.U ’-'.tiers are not abl* to stand. BAKING POWDIR FOB n u COMPLEXION S ubscribers to the herald