The Herald. The Red From Saloon keeps the —The Central Meat Market hai commenced business in Locher'« beat brands of whiskeys, wines, stone building. Ed Jordon is beer and cigars. Is furnished with a good butcher so give him a call. card, pool and billiard table«. Lee — Builders toolsand all kinds of Caldwell proprietor. ij. H. Jett Marble Co —Bailey and Johnson, proprie­ building hardware at the Burns hardware «tore, at bottom prices tor« of the “Tex” Saloon, are doing for cash. at good business, because their cus Mr«. Racine always «eta the tomers receive the courtesy and po- —¡School book« at the drug »tore Iteat of tables, everything nice and ' lite attention so essential to suc­ Also take« order« for enlarging picture«: Crayon or Pa«tol. •I H. M. Horton. plentiful. Her room« are unex- cess. 1 ceptionable, «nd «very one of her gnaianteed «n delivery or no charge« made. — A farm on Trout creekcontain­ t patrons knowt «he «pare« no pain« —Peach brandy at Caldwell’« to accommodate and please. Post Office Address, box 361. Boi»e City, Idaho. ing 160 acres. This ranch has for 13.50 a gallon, cash. about 100 acres of meadow and is —The July and June numbers of admirably situated for a first class — Hygenic Kalsomine all color« the Century Magazine for the JW' gheep,’cattle > or horse ranch, being ready forgia« at the «tore of Geer 1891 are missing from this office. | surrounded by the very best range Bro«. I For at _* this We presume we have loaned them , Title good term« call ------- " office or write Bvrd n Guaranteed He solicit« a share patronage of his french K ino . Burns - Ontario Superfluous hair removed Proprietor Leaves Burn« daily at 6:30 — Another pi »position to «ub- scribers. To those who will pay up 1 back subscriptions and one year in i idvance, and desiie the Toledo 1 Blade, we will sendto their address* ¡the Herald and Blade for $2.75. 1 p m Arrive« at Ontario in 42 hour«. Through freight 2$cts. a pound Scrofula fn Us Worst Form — “ Il'hJu .S welling ” Cured. The n-msrkHblu effect of Hood's Sma far Ills in the following ease lliutrates th i power of this medicine over all blood di» •• My «on, 7 yean old, had awhile (wel­ ling come on hit tight leR below ths kne*, which contracted the muscles so that Ills les was drawn up at right angles. Physi­ cians lanced th. swelling, which dl. charged freely, but did not help him mate­ rially. I considered him Manufacturers Tinware A, She iron Goods 'ALSO DEALERS IN' A Confirmed Cripple. paints 1 was about to take him to Cincinnati for an operation, expectinghlx leg would hav. Io l>e taken off, and tw-gxn giving him Hood's SarxnpHrilla in order to get up Illa strength The medicine woke up his appw- tlte, and soon pieces of bone were dle- ehargod from the sore. We continued with Rood's Har-npurtlla, as it acemed to lx going him sontuch good, and the discharge from the sore decreased, the swelling went Sown, the leg atraighteneO out. and In a tew months lie had perfect use of his leg. Ho Is now apparently as well as ever. J oiim I. Mi :>lt bkav , Notary Public, Ka- yeuswood, W. Va. OILS GLASS, ¡DOORS & WIN- Hood’s Sarsaparilla DOWS •ok. by druggists II. al x for |5. Prepare« jaly try C. 1 llooD A Co.. Apotheearis^ I’Uol'KIKTOR end Chemical IOO Dosos One Deller AMMUNITION & FISHING TACKLE- TINWARE. GRAN1T WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAB ME RS’ P AT FK«t TN.-^ FERRITS SEEDS. Proprietor « DRUGS WFDTCTNF’ CHFMTCAT.S. PATENT MEDTCTNM RT \TTO\’FP y . DIAMOND DYFR. CHOICE PERFUMES A FANCYTOTLFT 4 RTTCT,ER. TOBACCO. CTGAR’ ETC. inp W|n<^ & Liquors for Medical l’rvecription« accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Don« Purp°9e*