BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. ORhcCN. Ths tali took Prendergast to a seen t hiding place. i Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. Mr. HurrisoD hit« i»c»n nmvorof W. C. BYRD a SON. Chicago five tiirvs, i <1 wa < to have bam married N->vemb r 7 to Mb's P ublishers and P roprietors . > i Annie Howard, of New Orl< i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I One Year .................................................. *3.0v I That depends upon tho lix Months............................................................... 1.60 Three Months............................................................. 75 Liver. If the Liver is i ting affray occurred h re hist night. One Year (in advance) ............................... 2.50 inactive tho whole sys­ ¡James Murray, an ex convict, and HERALD CLUB LIST tem is out of order — the gerakl anil Harper’s Magazine............ 5,00 | Allan Cameron, a bartender, h id breath is bad, digestion iwaiil and Harper’s Weekly ................ 5.20 a dispute in a salt on ahi nt 11 erald and Harper’s Bazar................... 5.20 poor, head dull or aching, o’clock over pav nient of *a glass of energy and hopeful aecs eraid and Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 »erald anil Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 gone, tho spirit i3 de­ beer. Murray thereupon attarKed «•eh additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: 1« cents extra oer volume, postage. pressed, a heavy weight Cameron with a knife, stai ning exists after eating, with [tf~ opiesof all theatmve works can be ex him twice, also tushing upon Jean •wined at leisure in the Reading Room. general despondency an J A SWEET (URL, de Sued, a Portuguese bystander, | fT^“ Publishers of periodicals are solicited the blues. The Liver is is send dubbing rates, a copy of their work for and cutting him severely. He then tar Free Reading Room—We file and bind the the housekeeper of tho itter at dose of every half-volume, sod t— v ci ran out. and. colliding with an old ! health; and a. harmless, •spies bv advertisement. simple remedy that acts I woman named Hattie Rird, he cut I like Nature, does not at her, inflicting a deep wound in ADVERTISING RATES: to reinem constipate afterwards or iracx j 1 wk 2 wk 1 1 mo j 3 mo J 6 mo 1 1 yr the thigh. He was then arrested. t’s gone to require constant taking, 1 Inch 111.50 $2.50 $5.00 $8 00 $11.00 '$15.00 The victims were taken to the re­ tg, and 1 I >• I :i 3.00 on 4 IX) 6.50 12.03 18.00 does not interfere with 28.00 I “ I ö.äü 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 ceiving hospital, where Cameron while he’n M ade a N ew L ip — The Cottage business or pleasure dur­ 4 " I 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 50 00 r. « 00 9 00 15.00 28.00 48 00 54.00 and Succi were found to be in a Grove Leader says: Dr. G<*<> Wall ing its use, makes Sim­ 12.00 it; oo 28.00 48 00 80.00 120.00 I “ I 20 00 30 00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 mons Liver Regulator a critical condition. Ca neron wi II | i performed a very skillful operation medical perfection. probably die.—Telegram. “ I have tested it personally, and know that lor in this city on a four months’ old JOB WORK Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Headache, it is the best medicine the world eve, saw."—H. ibaby of Mr. and Mrs. R 8. Owen, 01 every description executed with neatueaa H J unks , Macon, Ga. In one of our Wester:» cities may and despatch, at icaaouable rates. , who hve about fourteen miles east Posters, Sirculara, Pamphlets beseen an old English clock that tnvelopea, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, I Dr. B. F. Hammell administered ■tatementa, Note Heads, Cards, Tii Kets, was made in 1711. Toe case is of Ionic Builder Memoranda, invitations. Dodger s, Etc. the anaesthetic The baby was English black waL it. and all the MT' is kept regularlv.or file for re T he IlKa^b . born virtually without any upper lip. (erenee. in the ine Geo. tico. I 1’ . Rowell Newspaper Ad parts of the running g ar me of vertisina Bureau, lOSprucewt.. New York. The guniB and bones had grown un- wood. Her the nose, making quite a ____ ______________________________ a . cago, the . ar» Victim roatmaster General................ Wilson 8 Bisaell smoothness, and with but slightest STATE—OREGON ! | indication of the pressure of time 1 •: tora n . Dolph C hicago , Oct. 30 —Carter Har I I I J. J. H.Mitchell. t upon their surface. I Binger Hermann rison, mayor of Chicago, was shot •< X"’en 'W. R. Ellie , Its owner, a womar, considers it leereuiv r <, , D.Syl vester Pennoyer and killed Saturday A San Francisco Paper night by a K?, ,ate „ R Oeo- w- McBride | “good for another century.”—Hur I un TL. . , R Phil. MetBchan. crank who gives the name of Ell per’s Bazar. Would Form an Interesting Addition !?'S, gene Patrick Prendergast. Mr «Oreme Judges j WmYuri to Your Winter Reading. Harrison had been at the world’s A GOOD PICK UP ’ F. A. Moore all day, returning home at 6 o’clock SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: ARE MANY REASONS WHY he lay Oiitrict u?ge ................... D M.D. C lifford Feeling somewhat tiiei, A couple of pros| e ffors walked Joi,I R,.nr '.Cy.. .............. D C has . F. H yde faiS Utlve iR>........ A w- cowan down. About 8 o’clock the mur­ TUR • • • • into the First National bai k nl i 1 *tor ............. (D) H enry B lackman derer rang the door-bell, saying to i exchanged tour and a quarter o inc< s COUNTY—HARNEY: the servant he wished to see the &-’J',ge »le to locate the lode from which Cansistingof eight beautiful reproductions from masterpiecesof ths world's gt ife f u Kl?i’,ce Tliompeoh, N. G. Ost artists, ths whole collection bouud in a baudsotne bamboo leatherette c «1 E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y about 20 minutes after the affray the float came and if they are sue Or a beautiful repr .luction, la all of its original colon, of tbs famous aj Meantime the murderer walked out cessful another Aladdin’s cave will painting, 22x28 inches, *0t**v«nMan7ue, No. s ' being searched lor him. I tfc.n, and the liM of premium« It l.ir •< r aril ra<,re valuable than ever before offered. Remember that 2d and 4th Monday. About 25 minutes after the shoot­ S an J ose . <‘al , Oct. 30.—Mpy these premium! entail no additional e»p< n»e to the subaerfber w'laten r They are absolutely fre* A E Young C OF H, The coat of the WEEKLY EX AIK.NEB. together with thr-e niaguihceut pre mium la ing Prendergast walked into the Gould, aged 30 year», shot herself . NO’ r- O O F. •}Fn>, e'lofcs Hall, every Saturday, Desplaines street station with a re­ i through the heart at 8 o’clock this volver in his hand end, saying lie morning, dying instantly, at her iV, ,‘O9T 0 A R had murdered Mr. Harrison, gave home here. She was divorced from il» rollar subserfptloa price. Get the fall particular«of thia grand offer from the EXAMTNI’- • »litem Page Premium List, which m can anpp'y to you, nr you can procure one from your F’ »• “ 'Md Feu”1 ’J’ Wedneaday of each ma.trr or Kew«4ealer. Then, having considered the m itter.call on ua and pl i< e a cotnbin aioa . «• "•■-’•tandingu’^. Ha"’ A" Co«»"«*' himself up to the sergeant in charge. ^/hu7band on the ground of his A» soon as the news spread about, a intemperance, and was awarded I acripUvu fvr T£2 »/¿£KLY EXAMUZil aud yuar buine papir, aud *u save •uu.tiùtug of tba u X crowd of several thousand people lalimnnr. but had not been able to B. mails . gathered about the station and get it. Thia, together with her d<>- «raws—r*Lg: threatened to lynch him. They meftjctrouble, caused despondency, **"•■<*• J>art«daily, were pacified with great difficulty The shot was heard by the neigh- ■ *»•** daily, c,rr «xeryt »aad«y and went away. Sunday the police bora, who, rushing into her house, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Baking Worth Living Nerve Blood N ews I n G eneral U 7ZO£ W eekly E xaminer 81.50 ONLY SI.50 PER YEAR $|.5Q