YOU ASK WHY? Simply be­ ly pastel on these department of W re.r.'.u g sunshine on the morrow. cause it is published to pie.ise the life Br- itLing fragrance ruund to day peoj le and md the editors. In fact Of course you want Goodforni any information of high charactei | 'everybody does, and our armnge Love would w inder that will tend to make the peumr I ment with the publishers makes it Here and ponder— wi-rm. i .......... beautiful and * valuable ' ’ 'magazine _ . . 1 • 1 • It has no hotit ies and does n >t 1 for Life’s old ipiestions. nothing during a limited time nb’» on any questions except only. Sial suggestions, take sides honesty,justice and purr . and w hither?” thr< , thy those of The H erald is 12.50 a year and i....... .• pages are tilled each Wlmnct euch Its i ightv the Goodform $2 00. Now we stream. with »t rial ¡ri >1 short stmi s month make our .-ubscrilicrs the following highest order. select ’ ‘ ami ...... 1 (»i. ii oaring wastescf o> - ri. of the »Iler, which will hold goo 1 a- Im g song ami 1 i sc itte i d waves sh .».. • Ito-s; choice lit« rat ore, p etrr is we run this notice: to uli de­ S on tin linquents who will pav up and one ’Mid tin - ng’s rhythmic thunder art. W’ jiva ■ - Matters of dress, year in advance and tn all new be I -'• Shaii thv silver tongues - In re. Ilo...r 1 ’eor.ifion». Bo ld subscribers, we will semi to their of glad Grace and Beautv. Conduct and Oh! thy glimmering ru-ii I’. O. ad Irens, the Goodform “grat­ H< ilth—Tin- Nurseri is.” Thi- is certainly an offer that ne»s >ur 11 'U«e Atl'.iirs, Plants ami M ek.- th.- tur. ipe our readers will ac- Ri.cii g to the wild Forex te. • tc ar ■ aldy .ii»c.i».»‘ >i e l>,'.v. tb.v »lopii g paths i t tune. | •l't- ii. tn i editors a I > ar th »r Onward ever, l.ovi ly nver. Suf'.. v calling to t l.e st . ttsi 'i istmar mH sni m c«:s on Time th t scar- u-. lisl Xj»tnjqaj imu ,<¡»nn’'¿nnin idd« M 11in» and mars u -. sitti ct r.i^c-'qnd aq npn ."’anoo upU ■! wsuJ iuiu:v,qc •<; .=1; v t (irt* ves ; ■ track or tn to n 1 vií ; c > ‘X mi iaaaaíj< ’AKVJJxCk) O3OS T '•! t'.HX . I* any privation that mv love can k< ep from a ou. W’e shall not be rich; many things must be spared; yet. ill work hard before trust me. I wi._ Oh! 1 cannot—I you shall suffer. cannot In ip it. Mav! I am glad — You are mine! Ni • 1 < an prove t > you, and to the world, to th t your fortune wss notiung :: ■*■ •>... to May dear, you shall not feel “For Better For Worse.” Snnn llM'Vr Hour». t'llAl’1ER ll. “The old »tory, Ma», Nobod V trusts me but you; I cannot com- n ind one client They think that n\\ motive in marrying was a nier’ cemiry one, and they hold back fron me !.«-t him live on Ills wife’.» uncle to-day. n.i I 1 ,.i\ • »een your > money, and leave the profession and. 'Ino :gh his kmdlv ex rted in open to those depending upon it lor fluence, I have secured t he .»ituation bread " I bi ok k i per hi a wtiolcsale gro ' I am almost tempted to echo eery store.” the « ish You -von, Arnold, with vour re­ \o May; thve ' sue' i « i»ted nature as mine \nd here t he sobs c i im* too thick I' I hid not found it »houli! I for more words Hs o x :i voi.’» e s lid : •> v >i- v f • n >w W i > ti.'-t ■ I me w - husky, as 2.U IS A J \\ ‘ZlIlUTOk S am I. " - a -.-» a ’’ 't:' : s> > where no v« alih could bring to “But fo you. M ic. I •1' I *» i J • ■ - - - • . ' i I bi < »»in g.» . t ! 1 c po. • ’ Who rah'e loimgi r—:< • ■ ■ « . < ■ ■ ■•■>,.» .r¿v: oqi »- n ¿ tv.-ud x- l-riu i es c e q u y 1 fc M < t < lia p». ..r w ose. ! ll out to IIU ; o.(io Xtit; tuouj . .. x|.».iii ¿un-i I ih . iii :rt.<•¡11 i . p ¡ i V t ■ ¡ - ; - • J n with a true heart II ‘S *ii' make Io H V hearts glad. I ÄU . ....• .'. a . üuui QV3H SV_i_ a . P 1.1 p vertí w thotl! :i WÌ nergv. ami the t • -o < .5.’ r>? ' V •aícy't’d q.>va ut 10 4 .’tur.x ; x - O a i c > n » r t p : - .... . • i ... -ri. 2 9 V hit w the n „ it ot alili g It or ” Who! ad JMI1Î a - v ... ..ü 16?1 ’»»i ¿ivnt-ur *4 ni-» s¿«x °K~’Xc'LX..V3 nou TO A.VOIO IT. • • 4:4 ling t > »up Y s»cc 'Xiutioj « ju : cmm < í JO JjqniKjg pnoj, I t r e epitaph on many a t.••• -»ter.? is VI r. or »1»'» r, or I ........................... . ■»30'inj KHAtrra KT 11 < Ko «umier, • I tpra 01 3X13 ‘UA1 3M sr»YX aV3H HV33S jo - -ra I Vf the m JX3U »qi «n ancuas sauavd UjUaxaH 3-; OJ . r '.. e 1 Limen-e «ra ii w m i 1» • u Will » uioai ot............................ íiio - x kmvh ' h . ály . w m- 3 .- » b r_..n Marvt-.ou»;.- Tn ' W’l c Wat4 Mi­ £ \ lo 1 ipe» OI -UIJ 1¡IJX 01 •SOY’X UV3H HV3¿s jo -. 4 . t» 1 <» a ul < »i « Ì " ix u ¿q. sajado S3U3U CLÜ'iXJH t-.v »o* li r ! V I . an 1 ' -4 •' j .» tiai v. ii b. \ >T a :.CI X3S >XI T-.................................................. .. ...................... .......................... 3.4: KM .. a .e I .11 ls Us.» Hfl vl . Ir» r- . e t»t -Tty-SM T '¡'”3 C1 axis utM •'* >DVJ aV3H '.IV t< ; i nipt »1. A n t. eg ,| U _Ll are di e -<> < t lire 1.« ... .u ixau sqi sr. iuipa.i sailUXd Ai.. ¿ X . It e u t h id. V ■ i - a o .i -. t mb’e uuk ■■ x a vaxio ■■•"qinna 1S ".CAd «u »X1H - ¿ ¿ÜX &X » »V \ a n r tv hr4 ; • • ».’ r> .<<1>‘I Jk»’ . I -r f .. < u it.CV.u 0,^ »Oi.uuoj Kq , . OX SNIiNOOWi 'S3Z!«d CCO'i-c ' Oac Slit .............. _j. ........................................................................ . uijci no Srnsrxjoxrv oa —;4?; v.I 3CQ K3A3T3 KI soqoaicx»! Xs3'dXX>Id L ’m OOS'S 11 ............... ’■ .......................................................................................... "'.1 4JCOS3T3X .VIVI ti TCI^TIJ HAIVM aiOO C3’“ i OOS'SH ................................................................................ S3AISM J3M «M OOl'CS h : v : sooí •z-’iiKvn su : hs 3. is kviwimd asm a;.: ' . ••. •••• - JCTKKT8X T3KTX3 3 VM i .- 'XX Xis'H- YU3d ii .:i“4 «JSX'd dXI JK. I SIX'S . . x-t i» .......................................... saii.XVjA 0109 XI93J OKiaXLM. K3X¿ SSl'l - c rt A i » Ti < V xrr. ; . v < : .1.1 .!.?■. -<-» ■» es. ve» .ir cf.e in al. p r« . : » h :xi li.e r s: e ■e t >i .• iu «. » ir th c ir S»-i. * f ' ■■ • : * ■ V» i X A V the Ca* » 04 F>«r- V * 1 f * * tt •3 NV ;• X rW - 53 ' : - J - - £ . 1 cv’:; avsds ex •* <1 wr «a U V. M X 4 I t < •» C y. » \V w •SOVl 3HX 3AVS dr s IV * At a X • X -• :r—• - n r-.- . w X I I X I -I ¿M only cosies on with sligh: neglected increase ..-.¿¿..y -row- dar.^erc-as» a * TT A • V.Ï* TAKE * Y • « 4 4 T*KE _ -i 1 A n »> TAXE \ » a ’K.E T a __ ' * ‘ ' T77¡~1 1 A r srw» »- wA «e -»• «3« •< *£- C * £ Z » a ye 4' e« ArvMrr» ti» fit* th. £ asy to take , quick to act . J VVE MAYY A DOCTOR'S BH-L- I X-i i «Irvi* a 1 a w» «* ------------- ------- w—• j A¿" thí Z ' * coco * jco : z < -J TABULES ' TABULES- TABULES? TABUtES Spiti» f4 • ••■»XXTT •*< RIPANS RIPANS RIPAN S RIPANS ; -E » »ANS CHEMICAL CO ,J«V