The Herví. The Union Pacific is liable to go LAPS, POSTER» the same way. The latte- company DU WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1. 18V3 ; is carrying a debt of $250,000.0 K). “AMERiAIN" EAGLE JOB OFFiCL which represents about ♦ 100,000 t< Editor I W.C. BTRI» the mile of road. On this basis it is impossible to compete with oth»r (HAS A. BY Ki), Proj>ri«*in a I asis to ! of silver know they can prolong the enable competition. Hence the LETTER HEADS, NOTE EADS fight almost indefinitely, without. proceedings in the case of the Union perhaps any material advantage tuia,,d Northern Pacific will most pro MOST PERFECT MADE. either party, but the cost of this I bahly result in a sal< of both road» ENVELOPES, ST ATEME A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free struggle is paid for by the people a»d reorganization on a smalle! from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. and in the end may not be success | capital.—Telegram. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ful in carrying out their wishes I Wall Street has no regard for the Goon money or bad money \ '. masses nor respect for the best in I rests upon its basis and the abiii y • How’s This. teresl of the nation. The gold bug ¡of the government to maintain the is a d----- 1 incarnate hacked by th« parity. Silver is bad money when I We offer One Hundred Dollars administration, in the breast of it rests upon a gold basis and t! e llsward for any case of Catarrh that Cabinet-make and Censal Job Wok: whom, patriotism and a kindk government unable to mantain th » feeling for the advancement of th» >arity. If we have gold sufficint to cannot be cured by Hail’s Catarrh laboring class, finds no lodgement ■edeem our silver then the gold Cure. Rep Wagons Buggie Ect F. J. CIIENEY & CO.. Props., There isn’t a single pulsation of the -tandard is all we want, but that is AH woik done neatly and w’tli dispatih. heart in a plutocrat for the success I riot lhe Cft8e, hence ,he uhjection ,o Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known of the government, there is no throb the Sherman act. The fear staring F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, I of sympathy for the starving mil j the govrnment in the face ofits in and believe him perfectly honora liens of our government. Worthy ib>lsty to maintain the gold value ble in all business transactions and industrious, honest, respectable la f its silver, because there is not financially aide to carry out any borers praying to day that God mat ¿old in sufficiency to maet, the intercede in their behalf and 'touch -demand of business, hence under obligations made by their firm. the hearts of the plutocrats, tha I he Sherman law silver must re- W est a T ruax , Wholesale Drug | AND-:- they may be constrained to do the j ,liaIrl a depreciated currency. Rut I gists, Toledo, O W alding . K innan * M arvin , Wholesale Druggists. people justice. What is the result Y .,v the double standard silver is Toledo, O. A single money standard th < edee mal In in itself This is what Hall ’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- amount ( f which, if it was all i | *he people want, this is what the circulation is not the one fiftieth Chicago i! Veifbi lbs 195 It* AO It» that insidious disease Consumption, nse it. isn’t a member of either the upper I ires r i » i u »ho V »«It of 3 .nonths* ..est- Bo . 9* tu. .1 U The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as­ ■nrf J like an wing. III. Wstat... * or lower house, can say, and sub­ »ad , Jn» ar* all gone. friends are 11 lipa .... 17 17 ta ____ 4A ia. t ir __ Price 10 eta.. 50 cts. andll.OO. Ifyour Lunge urpHaed. Will cbeerfnHy reply to Inquiries with »Ump iackwd.' sure the public that he is prepared to uccommodata are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous TREAJ 5 BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL stantiate the assertion, that one PATIENTS Plaster. Trice 25 cts. For sale by all Drug­ in every way in his line of business. 'iaralase. Ko Starving, -nd S cents u» ftazuns for particui«ri U single law has been enacted'by our «. a. w r. HTML rnuti s timhl uiuco ui gists and Dealers. I and gram constantly on hands, and careful help. ♦ government in the last thirty years that in the least benefits the labor- 1 Pmojengers taken to all part» of the country. Job Wagon in connection ’ng class, to the contrary legislation I han been just in the opposite di lection, well if this sort ot legislation P rent I »8 Bvrlifyins pilla cure conntl|>Atlon 1 ' d - uims Let t Hying plhT« ïïrëcoa»upatlun leads mon on to riot, insurrection., 3 0, Prentiss Rectifying plilR cure constipation Prentise Rectifying piimcuioc n»tl;>»tinri H: c’vil strife and blood shed, who i» to blame? Is it the laborer? or « « ’ S G rati er is the party who is forging , 88 22 the chain link by link that is bind-' 33 JOHNSON 3 Cents a box. Try a box and see for your •OLD DY AU. DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mail upon receipt of price by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 404 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. r S friawtiae-Reetlfylag pills cure coruUpotion I n mi te UecUfylng pills cursc nn »Ue* U on a,fc Prentiss Rectifying pills c ire constipation Jr-ntl-mnar’irytn« plllsrnrWCTWSt^mMee Should Take Advatage of its