The Red Front Saloon keeps the —The Central Meat Market has best brands of whi.-keys, wines, commenced business i in Locher’s beer and cigars. Is furnished with stone buiiding. Ed Jordon is card, pool and billiard tables. Lee WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1. Ih 3 I a good butcher so give him a call. Caldwell proprietor. — Builders tools and all kinds of — Bailev at. I John.'•on, proprie­ , building hardware at the Burns -J-, ---- tors of the "Tex'’ Saloon, are doing hardware store, at bottom prices at good business, because their cus for cast.. turners receive the courtesy and po­ — Mrs. Racine always sets the essential to eue- —School books at the drug store best of tallies, everything nice and lite attention so plentiful Her rooms are unex­ CeSS of II. M. Horton i ceptionable, and every one of her — A farm on Trout creekcontain • patrons knowu she spares no pains I • »1 This ranch has — Peach brandy at Caldwell’» to accommodate and please. ing 160 acres, f r $3.5'1 a gallon, cash. about 100 acres of meadow and is 3 —The Julv and June numbers of admirably ............. situated for a i first class — 11Vgenie Ka Isomini r JT1 I colors the Century Magazine far the year slice],, cattle or horse ranch, being of Geer readv tbr use at the st. and it cer­ .— The Simon. in th” new hot I tainly cannot be expected by such building, llieba 'ilsnii and Stephens that we can run a pap-T always on ! wind. proprietors, is uieelv furnished ami its customers is given the best brands of liquors and cigars. Oil t'lke f not trv 1 • . ' i Hshtd ’ ( .'pit I.' Bright, («i ind< }»eii Jrrit. 11 ir SE 1 1 .i ) A i timber one Du'ai'd Organ sale cheap. Call at the H er Odice for further information. I have a larger and Letter stock of goods than any firin in eastern Oregon, and prices will compare favorably with any store on the lin« A j- '„I ranch belonging to II. G. (’amt ell. containing 160 acres 12 of Rai] Load. Parties wishing tlu ir fall and winter supplies will do well to call mile smith east of Burns. This ranch has about K'O acres of good tm edow land. Respectfullv, on me. Price T'-tlO or will B yi : i » X- K ing . -, yfarvcli.yis Ulsim'-i-) Free Sunerflnons hair jemove I Burns Ore. J. durkheimbr . trade for sheep. Ontario [ • per­ i manently. i: -t.anta•lootisly. without pain, l-v Elec’ro (’bemical Fluid Proprietor. (I. W. H ayes In nr I t to prove superiority, we will f > nt \t Bi I days send sanqi’e Leaves i>ott!<‘ atid ti s’irt’oiiials free, on re- I Burns daily at 6:30 p M. Arrives at Ontario tn 42 hours. One way $7.50. Fare, round trip. $12. Through freight 2Jcts. a pound. The re ,ik; I I • effect of 11.>■..!'» e*» *HriUn i i i !'■ i> ''•lyyiti« < s* :!!• - " ‘ < power of lii .i 1, .nine over ull blood . (im i outlet ' »on, 7 i - My oldf -J and a yvhlte swcl- ti:lg cnuiH oil l.i« . i^tit ll" below the knee, which coiitnu . I the le.uscle» ?■» that hi» les yv d 1:¡>ii For sale cheap. a I — Lytle How aril, the pr of I he Burns mt it ma kit. Zts Borsf i — “B.'m# .S»r<7" (.tti'f/-. will 'll < in l>e irrigated, i d qualify • I si li unsurpassed. Ii> guntanteed on delivery or no charges made. Post Office Address, box 361, Boise City, Idaho. Notice. (hie seelmn ol land about i miles north of Burns, ftillv 160 acres of to range ers. orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel. Work ^crc; '.na r i V ea r B yrp X Krvi. tor -»JO«--*' VI» possi J tu» ps Edward-, k, mut Ion md tie;,, . m . i Also takes 2 75. — Do pap '? h Baker City, Or. — Anotlr-r pioposition to sul­ Clip! of nineteen cuts to pav post fo I hose yy Im will pay up seri I iers. FT ct r<. Chen Ta’ Cm. 25 East Ilge. • lack subscription* and ime year in St. No York Tub I.;» U.,o,l’i. . . ■; . i •' w .‘• hone were e 11 :o, s I. and tin |is< iini a 4 ill', i • ed, the •welliiiK iveint from th­ Ii 1 Cl.. .tee I out, Mel in a io* ii, I. i ,, i te.-t i:-.- of his li-j. few inot-’Tis ! Iv ns r,ill ns i-vi-r." tie 1» r.iii, i: iv. Ne.aiy Public. K*- Jell-: I., >' ' »cnirvo -d, W Vii. Flood’s Sarsaparilla I r s Bold Ry dr ■ only bv C. 1 Lowell, Mo-» Manufacturers Tinware & Lr AI.SO DEALERS TN PAINTS HARD- OIL3 glass , ÎDOORS v LL O GÍ 1 & WIN- DOWS hangers ' ♦!; six forPrepRT*€ A C o ., Apothtuunet d »D -.’¿Ml Nl'lloN ICO Doses One Dollar ¡I 1 a (KLE gl \ ssw \ re & FISIIIM. ware , crockery and mers ’ a MECHANICS' TOOLS TINWARE. GRAN1T garden seeds , far ­ UNDERTAKING GOODS. ( aii and see i ur Holiday goods. \\ . E. G It \CE, ts ol ’ Vis Drugs. Med .dees and > "a-nee t'* H r. ; ! !> Il k 1 j Prupiielor 11. M. HORTON 1 • nnrCQ XfrnTrrvrc I I I.IO \RM CTyTTnwnv * PtTFVT mfdtctkfs n Dvvq cnnrCF FFRFT’MF* rT F«t TORACrn CTGAR9 FTC. X- FWTVTOTi FT »»'TT«»»,« WP'O’VS, riV r. cs«» ' r b* ii '>Nv Drutf?* i m I 1 TT D y ^SJF'l*.> 'v. iption« accurately compounded. Firift Ulas« Dental Work Done. [ <*n «•. .* NW \s«b ' • & Liquors for Medical Purposes I