East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, October 04, 1893, Image 7

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k , ( I1'! °n
n GrU‘1On ",hI
J”rry Winters, who left here wi!h
—The well known i«*p jtation <»F
a ...
lot in Ihe ... Burt s cemeterv
'fintury cq i .. > (,f r ) i )ot setl f e or ,,
pH> i>
Rastern the O C Ci mp.-ny, Huntington
i >r which you wi receive a w-(r
, . .
. ,
‘ J war market tw.> wet ks ago. was in the Oregon, for fair dealing ami reamii
rantee deed.
ranrm.d wi>ck on the 12lh and ten al le price», guarantees that firm a
his l.i-sts wcie killed. The big t ra le, fr uu pat tie.» in our eou-i
— Nowell rtgulated household
tv. wli > buy their winter supply of
can well do wi'hout some of the wrick was i «used by a large rock groceries, etc at the railroad
tine pictures we see at ihe firm of 1«>11 ng on lie track ami misplacing
. I. S. Geer it Co , anti a price at the rails George Cline has just
i which no one can cavil Examine' return' d bom The Dalle-» and aavs
Mr Winieis is at that place trying
Petition lor Liqucr I ittr.se.
and you will buy
to effect a sittlement with ihe t il To the Honoral’le ci-unty Court of
th«* Slate of Oregon ¡or the county
—We received a copy of the Alas- rO!,d ‘‘"'uparv. The horses which
of Harney
ka Journal, a paper published in
pd were badly injured
address : san francisco , cal .
We, the undersigned. your peti­
Juneau Alaska In it is published | '* 1 ' V llle<i'b’ p'*t on the
tioners, would r» pstctiully n | re­
the trial and acquittal,of John 1)^). , "rin kt t. In t e » he will bring them sent that we are each ai d all legal
ton alias Jack Miller, well known • *’ai k ,o
' a,H‘b-—Ochoeo Review, voters ol Drt w?ey pr»cinet in said
—Persons desiring to purchase
county and state, an-l we ask that a
here. It will be remembered by
lots, in the Burns cemetery, will
our readers that early last spring [ iCON I INl1'*’1UOM KniTl”{I
i’AI}|,; ) license be granted to A 1 Johnson
call on W. R. Gradon.
it Bro to sell an<l dispute of spirit
the II ERAI D published an account i possible, bi t not because of fear of nous, vinous and malt liquors in
—The teams employed to bring of a difficulty which occurred at the man who did the shooting.
less quantities than one g illon for
from the railroad G. W. Kellogg’s' Juneau, between Jack and Daniel
'I he Jury giving a yerdict of"not a period of six months from the 5th
artesian outfit, will start from here! McGinnis, in which McGinnis was guilty” in 15 minutes after r»eeiv da v of > ovmber, A D 1 >93
in a day or two.
shot, and died from the wound in a j ing the charge from the Judge, is , Dated at Diewjev t hi« 5th day of
September. A D 1893
few hoars. The trial came off’ in I nut correct, we are informed the
John D Dalv, W F Moffett. N E
L • P Agent,
21 Merchant«’Exchange, sen Fran- body of the dead chinamen, who it the District Court of that place in last jury were locked up for 48 i Duncan, 1' M Git ler. E F Combi s.
faro, ia our authorized agent- Thia papea ia
i*t on file in his office.
is thought took his owe. life, and June. There is a detailed account hours before rendering a decision, i John M Farrens, Chas P Kutin r-
....... Win
.. ... Friedrich
k». J S Kenvon,
j"ry because there , ford,
which was sent by his friends here | °*
tr’a‘ given in the i Journal we ga-v
to Canyon City for burial, swelled for which we haven’t space, but >t was a l're' '"ua •‘<‘ari"g or D>«1
Local News.
’ase ‘ at Uanvon City Grant
so much while on the wav over, was clearly proven that the acei- IIHg ‘ cas,
Robertson, G N Rann, LN Stallard,
pistol co,,nty before Harney county was
that the coilin gave way and
i__ thè
.... <lental discharge of Jack’s
Jos Lamb, A Hassett. R F Stuart,
believe the jury failed R Drover, R C Blaylock, EH Tay
caused the death of McGinnis 1 8tn,ck ofl>
—Mrs. Haskell is still quite body bursted.
to agree, and in the mean time i lor. W F Kingsbury, J A Robertson,
...................I Jack was therefore declared bv the
—Prof. Sheldon with his doglinpv
* jur.v not guilty.
1 here is also a Harney county was organized and ! ' '«‘urge Morgan, H Masterson, Geo
—Walter Cross was in town yes­ menagerie performed here last Sun- kttfr publlithed jn ,be .jonrnal Mr. Shirk living in Harney the! A Wright, J II Wright, Thon
day evening. His dogs are well, wrjtten bv Lieutenant E J Glave <"‘8e
transfered, and the second ' I Inward,.Io Jo. W Altnow, D Stuart
L C Blaylock G W Cox. W H
t,lia ‘'‘'""»y w
—Samuel Kenyon of Drewsey is <1 trained and performed tricks truly , the noted’African and Alaskan ex itrial WftS hd’1
Harness Dell Overton, J R Dremett
1 wonderful. He has, a'so, two edu | plorer, who spent two years in the , ’«suited as before stated. Another A 11 Dremett.
in town this week.
cated ponies which are well versed i interior of Alaska accompanied bv B,ran8e a8avriio’‘°f ‘he writer is
A. 1. J ohnson & B ro .
—W. E. ( Grace and Dr. Mars-
in tricks or performances, such as Jack. Lieutenant Glave asserts ’ Mr- Hyde receiving short peices of [
den returned I from Baker City last
seen in circuses. The act which he positively as his opinion, knowing < roI)e and ,,int8 of a "ecktie party
performs of surrounding his wife Jack as well as be did, that he he-' lf he Persisted in prosecuting crim-
—Several drummers in town with bowie knives was wi ll execu­ lieved him to be innocent of wilful 'inftls in IIarney county. Accord
this week.
ted. bui we do not approye of that murder. The report here that he ’"8 to the writers own words this
—Assessor Miller moved into kina of sport so will not enter into was ordered after his acquittal, to 101 had thoroughly terrorized the I In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fo.’ Harney county.
a rapturous description of that part leavethe country immediately is PeoPle "f '•><« county, and every-
town last Monday.
of his show. His performances are ( not correct. It seems fr< m t|H. | thing was at its disposal. . If Mr. Mark A Benson Plff.)
—We hope our county race
i 8d.
I Hyde
T e . 1 « 1 in
in ♦ the
I . . > prosecution
> \
worth the money paid.
of crim­
Elvira Benson Deft.)
horses will make a good record at
—The chinaman found dead last I only innocent of wilful murder, but inals was so objectionable to this
To Elvira Benson, the above
Prairie City.
Wednesday, near here on the river, that he was engaged in an under- snciety* and the society run the named defendant.
B orn .—To Mr. and Mrs. Charley
was decided to be a case of suicide taking at that time, that was of' col’nty bow do we account for
In the name of the State of Ore­
Hill on last Saturday night a baby as it is known that he bought at very great benefit to the territory, j h'111 g‘‘Hiug a majority of the votes
gon you are hereby required to
• •• ■
¡cast in this county upon his second appear and answer the complaint
W. E Grace’s drug store, ihe day. by establishing
a post among ,
Indians, nis efforts in doing ‘’ ’’’didacy and election to the oilice filed against you in the above en-
—John Martin’s crop threshed he disappeared, a vial of morphine., interior
itled suit on or before the first day
out something oyer a thousand No marks of violence were found this was greatly impeded by the of District Attorney.
the next regular term of the
There is one of two propositions
on his person, neither any indica-1 chilcat Indians aided by this Me- must have i-dluenced this terrible J Ci,euit (’ourt of the State of Oregon
‘ ‘ 101. The fir«» io the , f°r Harney county to wit: On or
I society
—Dr. II. M. Horton and wife, tions of a struggle, these facts werejGinnis and his friends,
, , .
; '
| before the 23rd dav of Oct. A. I),
I society must have approved of the |
also Miss Phoebe Kelley, returned considered conclusive evidence that
| u > I, eu , i I 11 i v . ■■<>/) L it ♦ 1 > . . I 1 i . > 4 >> < . I . . ♦ ' 1S1)3 ,he f!I"ne hein« ,he first ,,f,y
home this week from the Chicago morphine caused his death, taken) D ied .—At Drewsey Oregon Sept. ' Birney, and to privetheir appreci-
¡.'of the
l'ie r regular
'“”’dar October term of said
• ■
b r|r* x <I '
with that intent, or it might have, J
--- =------- r-
encouraged 1 c,)urt b’r 1^93; and if you fail so
been he took an overdose, accident
1*893, Mrs. \\ . h. Moffett aged
• . I to appear and answer, for want
everybody to vote for him. The
—Frank McClintic, left at this
I ally.
second is, or the society considere L,(j ' thereof the plaintiff will apply to
office last Monday, a bough from a I
Mrs Moffett was born in Boone | Mr. Hyde ■ a very weak "article » op the court for the relief demanded
—Frank Hibler, son of Mrs. M.
1 16
f! 1 1826.
12OP At
« A A the
L. ' 1 t 'be
I1D Mir»
plum tree well loaded with that
county M.
Mo. Dec.
legal I fraternity and preferred in the complaint, to-wit: for a
decree of the court disolying the
age of 20 years she removed with i> • i bi,n tor that reason,
marriage contract between plaintiff
Mrs. Lytle Howard and Mrs. J. C.
her parents to Adair county Mo
-Mrs Young and her daughter Adkin'! arrived here a fcw '
and defendant ami for the plaintiff ’s
costs and disbursements of this
and was there married May 2 1848
Miss Azuba, returned from Prine- ‘
ago. Mr. Hibler had not seen any
to W. F. Moffett. In July of the
vihe several days since.
of his relatives for twenty years
This summons is ordered to be
same year she went with her hus-
served upon you by publication
Quite a number of our citizens He left home when nineteen years
band to Monroe county Iowa where I
thereof once a week for six consec­
are absent at the fair, now going of age, and has visited Europe ami
they remained until the year 1853 |
utive weeks in the E ast O regon
on, in Prairie City.
Australia and rambled oyer the
H erald , a weekly newspaper of
wh n they crossed the plains and
general ci'ctilation in said Harney
Two freight teams loaded with greater portion of the United States. settled in Washington Ter. near
He only
county State of Oregon printed and
hardware for Chas Voegtly, ar Canada and Mexico.
Vancouver. In 1864 they came to
published at Burns in »aid county
rived Monday last.
The Dalles Oregon and from thence
State, appearing to be the pa-
mother and sisters when he came
in 1866 to Grant county where they
[ per most lik< 1 y to give notice to
E. P. Smith and his son Phil
into Burns during the races and was
sail! defendant, by order of Hon.
ar* in attendance at the Prairie talking with a man regarding the' resided until 1991 when they moved
Morton D Clifford, Judge of said
to Harney county. Mr«. Moffett
I ity fair. They took with them
court made and dated atchamlers
merits of Red 8., owned by Lytle leaves a husband and three chil­
three trotting horses.
in Canyon City Oregon on the 4th
Howard. His folks have for a long dren respectively Jas. F. Moffett.
of September A. D. 1893 and
~Our town is on the move in j time believed him dead and could
Mrs. C. P. Rutherford and Robt.
filed in this cause.
the wav of improving. Every car-1 hardly believe their eyes when
I P. Moffett. She has two sisters liv­
M. R Bigg«.
penter in town employed. How they saw him.—Harney Times.
PltTn Atty.
ing Maria Hunsacker who resides
long it will last this deponent
1 in Baker City and Amanda J. Hart
»noweth not.
The condition in both congress ’ of Oakland Oregon.
Mrs. Moffett suffered a great deal
—-some persons repdrt the late1 and tbe senate remains about the
£7*1 NA I. PROOF.
Wpt weather, is hatching out the same it was, when the repeal bill during her last illness and by her
U.S L ak » orrn c, »t Rare«, Or»(oe, A h « »,
of the grasshoppers and crick- went to the senate from the house kind and sympathetic deeds dur­
M e hope the report is true, The federal election law, the tar­ ing life leaves a host of friends to
Notirr-t« hereto »Iren that th» follow! r|»-
Iianirrl Bottler hu« fllerl notlre of hit Intinti..«
*'r if such is the case it will cause iff and silver are all taken up dally, mourn her demise.
<> make fln»i proof In support of hit < lulm n>d
hat » bk I i.ro.if win bi mele before tb» Regi».
««ir destruction.
'•r«ri<l lo-,. •-r. a- Burna. Oregon, on o. v
bnt there it ends. We presume •• We only know that thou hast gone
t l*'«, via- T huxh iinwAin,
H'l N<>. 1 I f.rtbelotaî .4 I. A SF' NWU
reported an attempt was comtnmon sense and our law mak And tha» the same returning tide
4 1 X -, H . I and HW>, SE1. Sar :•» T IM 1
" a few nights since to rob era have parted company, and the Which bore thee from us, still
■ : f
nimri th» following wttnr»»»« to prora
th''u’u ,on'8
*n h*8 office at result, of their quarreling and
glides on
Burn« Dude.
hl» - ont limona rraltirnr» npon and mlth wtl a
a«id land, ru John Wrk’h' Jacob Wriiihh
' nite Front livery stable, but
And we who mourn thee with it
“Ray hnnriy von look hungry,ha« of.
Th. • |... an. > t(<! Sam’l N Williame, of Drei»
■ '-neves were frightened awav gangling, is in the "sweet by and 1
you got a ri y frena?”
y John Buchanan.
J. B. Hen«»»Ton Raftrar
i •