• nt • 4 •* Sch,M’1 b»oks at the drug »tore li, : of H: -M - Horton 'E. * Hrown. of Diamond, was i —Go to the Central Meat Market regtsb rod at the Burns Friday last, or « choice steak. '•'I —Miss Elsie Harkey, Dress* Iris F.NXY how . eople discover1 _pe)lch brnndv at Caldwell’s maker and Seamstress, is • low Io Gated ut Locher’s building I louis the iinjH.rtai.ee and mil lenee of a for $3 50 a gallon, cash. trom 8 a m. too p m. Work tor newspaper when they get in a r. w I —The new Millinery Store of or do Mimeth ng they are ashaim«! cash oilr. Mrs Ella Caldwell is receiving its ot. I hev live fur vear« without share of patronage. — If yon want 3 photograph • n- subscribing, and when a-ked to —W. It Gradon is taking the ------ -to th.- advertise sax : ‘ It d esn’t pay, no best photos ever taken in he town. ......................... one nails th« paper” But the —Call at the H erald Office and ÉVEKY'ijAirç CU/KRANTÉED. ' Oculars. and the work will i.e done minute they get into a racket th«*v i see samples ot Salem Woolen Mill’s* with dispatch 8ee ud. in another rush to l he n w»| apers and request address : san F rancisco , cal . ” '-olumn. them not to >av anything a out it, i cloth. or in case of trouble in which their — Hvgenic Kalsomine all colors ■<4 fame haopt ns to be inenlio ,ed. ready for use at tin* store : of Geer Notice. then thev realii« that the p i per has Bros the Oregon Chy H. raid this week,- -An Empire mower and rake for a ciruMlafion, and they don’t want, — Parties wishing the their name published all over. — .lame» G. Blaine will do well to — Mr« Vaughn ami daughter;*nt verv low figures. Call at WEDNESDAY JULY 26. 1»'3 Decoto Stat " call at the H erald Office Miss Francis, and Miss Eva Waters J^e H erald Office, Ths Harald returned from their visit to the--------------------- — Hon t forget Henry Cheatham What Editors Come To. I Ranch Saturday. a Eugene girl recently found a ANY NEWSPAPERIN THIS COUNTY. Hat her, desires a part of your pat- »a ~.. trr------ —Ed Jordan, proprietor <.f the Lit of love letters written bv her j tH | ronage, at the new barber shop Wlpwi V Tint ■ * - - ’ g - poem won tor f p FISHKR. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Central Meat Market, gives good father to her mother many years author the seditor of the Rock v L-<- Agent. .1 •leri hant«' Exi hang ,-an Fran- , —On and after Mav first through «il a, 1» anr «ti horixed agtnt. Thii paper ii' "weight at fair prices His meat» before they were married. The Mountain Celt t he prize of ,1.(M> kept on file in hi» atlice. I ¡stage» trom Heppner to Burns in : are of the best quality of href, pork daughter read them to her mother ottered for the best appeal poem to pretending t hey were of recent date. newspaper r- •der» to pay theirsm» 'two day*«. Fare $14 round tup and mutton. L acsi I News. ..and substituted that of her own scrip loi.fe: ' L Vesof poor men oft $28 —You never saw- yourself as .. .. . . , name tor that ot her mothers, anu remind us honest men won’t stand —Cabinet size photographs at others see jmi until you visit Bow the name of »• young man well no chance; the more we work there ! ML R Graden’s gallerv $4(10 per —Mr Isaac Foster was tn town a ers the new photographer Burns known to Loth. foi her father’s grow behind us lugger patches on dozen other sizes in propotioi,. I Oregon and get vour like»iy*s taken few days ago. ! Tfip mother was vtry much dis- our pants. On our pants o ice ne" I • I . ■ —Miners tool» and iinpl* menfa —Loyd Johnson was in town by the latest methods known. ijusled. and has forbidden her .and glos»y how are etri|*ee of dit __ •. n full stock just received, and Saturday and Sunday.*• • ...1. —The Saloon, in th* new hotel. daughter’tp gu, with a young imiti | f T* lit hue all because sut>scnber or sale at. Voegtlv’s hard wan* stole. ¡ —Dell Dibble and wife were n building. Richardson and Stephens tipjyjvill writ'*, suctfc’ i’loiis« ns«* and linger ami don’t ^ay us what i — I Ih*- Elite ''aloon G« o T»-e. : proprietors, is nicelv furnished and sickening st uff —Medfóm Mail, town a few days last week. due Then let. us’he up and «loin taskis proprietor, tine Wines. Li- 'its customers is given the best send in your mite however small o piors and C'iknf-', billiard anti curd —Roht. Baker of Silver Creek , brands ___ i„ ..r of i<.vA;.'A.„ liqftors L...4 and Cigars' " OiwÆditor In Heaven. I .vhen the sm w of winter strikes u fytv'e Bnrrts'ïfViÎ^rt visit Sunday. i ilea. I | we shall h ive no pants at nil ’’— Jj- * —There is a Detroit gid whose Soinebodv aavs that tm re is said 'Conneautville ' — Builders tools and all kitids of —Miss Phœbe Kelly was regia- IPa.J t.’ouner. niilding hardware at tin Burts tered at the World’s FrfLr oh fhe ’JIAtj imStlier Has a .1 patent for serving no to he mie editor-im le ai eìi. •Ilo»' hardware store, .at liotmfili p?ic< a tices on Lb« rmmg .men wfio call mi ilist. . ., I lie gol there isnot pdsittVel v known.l piNAL PROOF?' for on« hFEd’a(iylA''fit'Jin i forget, to leave • Vi ’Pf'C ’• but-W is coiijrclu^éd'fnitt lie passed ; •U.S. L an » orsi« *,"nt burns Oregon, Jn y r —M?rafid ■•Wrf.' ’’WA l ’ Hanley when it is time Shelias a clock ; —Tonsorial narlor 'Eu Walton started to Jackson county on Squ.. ’w/tli a S*fiestnut bell attachu.en . hii'ti’4‘lfAqff .tpr.ak.-Mi4iij»ter and • step I Vota-r is heietiv kivch giveu ¡nui that mr the imiowiiiif* followiiiM- proprietor , •'.xïr<’ • i .xtiirr«' m neirm All work in his boo ll>Us*lH cb‘d. Xybep. . t 11»* : nHinçitBvHVr‘bum ttlvd notice d I iîr inientk»n day last. I I and at 19:30 it commences to ring ped‘'-in l i ’ . *l ' -s V j ’.«■»•; •' v V 11 ' nirfkv’fiiial |>r., ,f in (hpp<.ri ..f hin < aini aie guaranteed to be first, class Call ■dodge was discovered they * search- : hat t,m.KOKa&M. stam L FT. I are visiting friends and relatives in ( steam. No 574, for ihe Wv, NEV«, NWV; Set I length ami breadth f >r a lawyer to .4, Hd Tp «s a.4 R. i —Who said von couldn’t ge*. a , *- - DfewieV'. '■■ v ' -1 le tiatneH the tollo.vliig wittieMe* t< prove v •• f ?•?■ '* -. t** '* - ’ -¿Mr W E Grace our popular ' hawMtp the papers for his eject- his • oiitiuuouiresiden <• iitHii. and. uaha,i- ti good flavored cigar in towjl fo|* five of iato, mu viz J. B. Ivev and John M» —W. E. Haves the courteous ! and Lusiness-like druggist Returned ; mrent,- nut tney could not find ; lion of Diamoli., ores, u, • ne Whiung «nd cents? <’all at the C'itv Drilg Sfora 1 e >. Manpin.of Burna orexon. i , , book keeper for the 1\ L. S. Co. to Burns after an ansence of over a I ind <»f course he held the fort j, a. iivsTiNOTON. Regiihr. I and influire was in town Sunday. I • vear. Mr. Grace attended the Col-1 i —Louie Woldenburg jr. wan in lege of Pharmacy at Chicago from Rums attending thy CojiMiiissioriers which, place he graduated last .1 line, i Court ' ’■•! i - - - • It is certainly a credit to Mr Grace; q i a *- —Geo Moore ajtd wjfy'left ■ yes for endeavoring!.t.g^ecure a com terdav morning for Crane' Creek to plete knowledge of his business, j vi«it the bitters sister. Mrs. .Cpra *• and . i • lu* no doubt stands without a , peer in Eastern Oregen as a emu > Wooley. • • • a ’ ’ * f ** P * ' •pieié and^t h- • —Mr. Chas Parrj^ and son re- Tamptarv. were moled in the hoiv / 7 «*• turned to their home-, in Canyon bonds of matrimony by Hon Win. City Tuesday. Miller County Judge of ..JIa.mp> ' —The ra;ht, leg broke« l«TwPpn thp gnd ankle fivt ^"ndav, whi’e branding cattle. / •‘Doo’Vdock up v«»ur cash-’ is e given that any case men­ tioned above that it does not cure, the money wdl be refu ded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Senf . charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up ra plain wrapper with no ,narW tod.stin’nih what it is. Send { >r circulars and testimonials. Address. spaxvissix medicine co 1 Stockton Street SAN FSANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. . An able Eraln and Nerve Specialist can at tiny time bo confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. i * .1 * i ♦* t* ! È