innocent. You know you are too ago she enticed the man into her [selfish to give either old party house, and when lie wasinherroom Physician & Surgeon. Christian Science Practitioner. ‘ Peggy Smith I tfiink it is too credit for anything good 1 ever ac- her husband crawled from under every- conplished; afifdjf both old parties A graduate of the Iowa State' bfld. Jones 8ti|, gone. gone and . Ollice, at The Burns. the bed and forced him to gign University and College of Physi- thing about the place turned topsy- were guilty of one fourth of what promissory note for $150. Forthia Hours: 2 to 5. P. M. Bible class ciana and Surgeons. tiirvev. These iteskv umn. when | you ttccURtt then this government Bund tv’s, 10:30, A. M. 1 1 J I I 1 not M act her husband is in jail. Friends Ollice at residence in Burns. .once they get awav'fmm their poor would have been long since non eat. f . . . • “Science and Health”—By Marv 1 1 - No ihank G<«ll” w.d 1-the .nh patient wives, there’s no telling how Baker G. Eddy—<»n sale people still hold the balance of ’H‘n nn aceo“nt of his infahi-ition long they may remain, without a power and kept the government .°r ’woman. She wasp will he taken hv me about nut..” said at law . . Sophie, "vou ^should have wit "nor no one else. It is an easy free, Entrance fee, $10. Boa d B urns O regon . 1 enough to iihderisfaiid that everv maiter t«i make assertions and im- land lodging at reasonable rates in " i I practice in nil the Courts of the State. n an always hits hi- business a • po»e nt 0'1 minds ready to receive ways in'a tangled condition, and it anv doctrine leading towards ail in­ the elegant new dormitory and t ¡aiirt liis wife’s place to unravel the dolent life and an existence of boarding hall on the campus, where M, R Biggs , FREE BRAND COLUMN. di'erna and get, everything in ship­ pleasure ¡mil ease. When it comes ‘ . students will rective personal su- absence from to that we are all in the , ATTORNEY vT - LAW H. ir brand bar 'en on left »hoillder; Cattle shape during his bnrtei on left hip »nd upper dip on both NOTARY PUBLIC, ' bin! «-, and.I. for « ne. -h m’t do it, if s mie craft, but unfortunately your Perv,rilon’ ear». T. A. McKinnon, Burn« Ore. ANO I did I ’ d imt mi cvpriir f.,j. ¡t, not boat is without rudder or compass I J ohn W. J ohnson , tlHrdin A Rilev. < «ttle branded Von left Ride < . Í REAL ESTATE AGENT. Horae brand ~ leftside, p. o. Burn«.Or« gon and likely to come to destruction.” even thank you Sophie.” President. < »Ilice at Sheriff’s Oilice “V erv well,” said I. “we are going “But tti<- children Sophie,” said J. <’. R'oley, caitlq. brand pn rimit Ride . _ _ Oreg(,n Hora<* I. "you cannot. hav<« aov excuse to destruction under the guidance bread — on’l^f e‘h«mWei-.-’‘ ■ ■f the two old parties and it cannot J. A WilllHtni cattle brand, IL. on left rib for not controlling them ” horse braud 71 on right a'tfle. P. o. Riley Or. “Yes there it is again go ot! ex­ be worse in the peoples party ” GEO. S. SIZEMORE. “I'eoples party, fudge,” said Mrs. Horae« branded )•( on left Rtifle. Cattlehrand posing vour ignorance and folly.’ / ed i-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard. PO Burna Junes, “vou make one tirtd. There ATTORNEY. l answered Mrs Jones. “Are you not 600 Head Cattle or U urns , ........ O regon ‘ Cattle diamondon left hip: horse» <’V on lei i- no better government on the face •< oiler.I.H1S, Land bi.Mlie.NH. ami Kea ahouider. Charles H. Voegtley. Hurt r Oregot aware of the fact that Jones has Estate mailer prmiipth a.ieimeil io. hu.inor« d arid s poilt the children by of th«' globe Your party deserves | H. tae branded Pon right jsh. ulder. t'attle P More. ■J onrighib p. R. A. Helirtri. 6». P.O. I.awen Or. letting ttielii have t heir own way? thanks tor our i resent prosperity.” ! I rae brand Ml on 'eft »h> ulder. a'»<> thre« • J«nd I- iVant' hl ill. here to tie held T ‘- 59 Head Work and , . ci »hapeof tiiangle. < a • .. ■ TONSORIAL PARLOR. t i< ket R.m Horae brand anvil on ' ¡IS he jg a WMV I Hill expected tOCOII á i ..SadcLe Horses. efl r ule nttle branded bar R on left hip. P A shland , Kv„ Julv 21.—A re- (I I.>iwen Ore trol them.”. Everything in mv line guaranteed .1 I’ l»i< ken»«>n « aftl«1 brand J P t’oiinef ted o- Oh that.’-' it, is it,” sa:d I, “and p »fl is just received front Wise 75 Head S« Hess '«•ft hip Horae brand anvil on left » ille P. t«> ,l<‘ di n satisfactorih . Lawei or- still you are one of those strong < ■iii ty, v a., that a fight took pltyce Jheooiv place in iiuriis vou « tut «• rim I figure 7<>n <;ith< rhip; mark light W» <11 i«»da v. in that county, bet ween ■ rr..t. ofT eH< h ear. »dp iii-eueh enr, atm »va it . minded women w-ho believes her- can get Oaths. o.p M o re. troops and the Fleejna_ns on left yaw. Horae hrnnd figure7<>n <1*her hip. ’■ ¡self able apd capable of graj pl ng state J. H. Bunyard.Burn» ore. gang of outlaws, in wlrch four ■A. Geo w Hams. h. r»e» and mn’<» brand« , with the intricacies and trmitdes < f 25.00 Acres Land, roumlillg V ughl» ille P O. Riley ore this life Whv did vou allow \our sol tiers were killed, and i*ix »onL' • . laws were mortallv wounded.* | llu'ae brano" J “ <>n right «title. Jmi.nlt.wll • *- husband - to get such thïs.’ L^nd is the best »hHtejed. i an influence SUBSCRIBE FOR • . I ■ 1 ■ nil ’ . For several inon'hs Fleemans’ p O "un • ore-- 7” * c - ' I oyer the children?? • , -------- AND--------- bnvs, four in number, have .acted Land .for $ lock in Htimbolt Cntinty- Horae brand bar-m on left shoulder; Cattle . • « o « • .. bram bar in on eft hip «nw» ore.- - ' . . . , , • , , . C ill or address: ment . - is just what might ne expect- participating in a triple murder “THE HERALD.” «d of m people's D’trtv woman. T C. BOWLING, BURNS, - - - OREGNO some menths ago Doc Taylor, one , Whv did I let Jones do so* sintplv MyDem>it,.Nf‘v>‘ of i he gang, was captured and hnrigI W- N. Jorgensen because I chose to do s>>. Is such tor l lie crime. Two weeks ago the an answer good enough tor vou, if governor sent a company of60 sol- not solve the pro* le.u yourself uiers to assist ttie sheriff in arrest-.[ hi M k to IS How i< v» Fhemans was also shot and is dy­ ent business eoitlneted for Moderate l eea. «• AT THE ’ “Oh >es,” said Sophie. " von me<‘t ing.—'I e gam Our Ofice is Onnosi’« and we can secure patent in less time than J e weipy. school bous» s and talk . J he at. ypur •emote from Washington. ... HERALD OFFICE. Send model, drawing or photo.. w,t ion. We advise, if patentable ,,r ""'■J’Xd. ollice 1 over.and some disappointed Rilled hy a Masked Lob. ■ -r Building north of th»- Items barge. .4)ur Teb^tot due till patent is * , A P mnblet. "How to Obtain Patents. His goods anti, .work’ are guaran- ollice eker will ^et Up and make names of Actual clients Inyour State, vounty.«« . . , F or S alk — Throe lots with a teed to he first class and at. living a.tdnod curdling speech, telling the Q uini Y, III., July 21.—Wednesday town, sent free. Address. enormous -ins committed, by both fair business building on one, situ prices. Call aixi see him night S. I*. Bradshaw was'iAnvd to C. A-SNOW & CO... Opposite Patent Office. Weshineton. ft. C. democra's and republicans and end • ted in Burns r of the residence of MraJ . b saving-that Grover Ch v land Breckenridge, in Kingston, “3(1 - , . .. . v pticr asked is low considering the 1 will soon declare himself Dictator p — Inn«« advantageous position of the lots! • U’ I t « » «• r « miles from this a mob of \ her« and have for his secretary of Strife for bminess Tv’tn« rash For IF VOU V?«NT INFORMATION ABO-T 2tN) masked metl'aiid shot "to deafli* I K. J. .1 i I ’ V U« rite Ubili I a c ’ lit esc Mandarin, in all his glorv F Ht kt .' further particulars call on Bvrd A f..l < *IH <>KUV Ex wur ba*, ivi ... He was 26 years old, and. had been I Ue Wnrhlngtoi., New .a-raej. ruling a gray horse and blowing a a sa les, mm for the Singer SeMfWit .|A; Kit g. U-al E-tate Agents, Burlisi " ' Mai blue Company, but on accowrt Oregon. . .. I ! ç-.V: ÌP A r “Sophie” said I, “don’t make ot stories of bis liHSta iQtion wJKK N bv » I i our«.*lf riiriiml ui«. \ ou know very Mrs. Breckenridge,-and thmtleW U « r><< LJ Lt 11 I 1 1 U U 1 H««lt« for <«t*i«>gee Ailrt ««. lion ' Address -> letter or • -t , well we don’t do auilh i g of the a coat of tar and feathers frp.yi |hé THE PHES* < l.m* ..-r«f. w Huhtnir'.." WE03-R8URN. • ’ "¿I t ’ X IU • kiml. we talk of conse of the evils residents •>( that village if his ,vis JOHN P.O. Box 4«3. ________ WXSIOSS PRiXt ‘RE'’ r n O'JJÍi I rought about bv cl t«s legisl ition.” its were not stopped,1 fié ' l|^d ‘ Iteen 'J ♦ « ATi'i P* Mr» L 3OLDITNS, ■ m Oui b. h ” r rrmelh-« that do e t lo-1 ‘Ulti “5 «s' raid Sophie “and to boost tram-ferred to auolhe**-« - district: Also, f -r.nd»<*. v ü* w.igr. jj ; . m « îw » î H» I'<»R11RN lt buiJ H tir «n.f imiwov.Rt. e r .jnl dntjr ft the »«talar trtny. x Ns J?,*, « • ». •. • I m -a utv !*• va X* » u 1 , l.ealth,ciearaTbriNtn iindUMitUMtht»«« tal letton vouroMiinHiee tasking patty try The woman is a|,i»ut 2$ veart of Survivor-, JL et H «h.-rw ♦! 'H r*-«Uitotl v* ’•««.. la - I» » — . ....................... !:•- of c - Tn.iLi-’ " ar-jof •... * lt ,.)»■ » C • u » 1 !.»■ t!F •Ul.fQl ‘«pipa.. . M «a, *•- lia- laidoraed br pkyueiaa» and l< »« uim t-x l. ty Udì. tholr a Mows, now .-ntltl' d .Ç J« ' rt hl .-. l r rate* to Idan e the democratic party’ for h ge, fairly good looking, ana with a areetaltv. T! - naands entitled to b « «-1.J.IS fRiAléO RT MAIL COKFIOCHHAL PUTIEXTS TREATtO BV U’.IL COV’lOf:HI*U . Send for new laws. Xo cb-arge for aun— riarmi # • **• 1•»▼»«*•••. «v Mkt ll.r-t.-~. «•«•<->«M. Feme!lung of which we are entirely fascinating manners A few weeks •un r. »ulti, ■lient« suuna. cucita, tu. t ¿ ■: f UULK a « * tiufu HI.-4ÜJ H S D Hill. S. B. McPHEETERS M. D. Mrs. Jones i Carpenter ¿¿Joiner I UIIVERSIWORfflll: FOR SALE. J A I •n I