MAGGIE LEE. >f i'lv upon , him that uiemor*be he j wintry day. BY MRS, MARY J. HOLME8. I j I t ea’d, itresneH ---------- • Three years have passed away CHAPTER III. • since the time when lirst we met The Pouple's Iloiue journal; with Magbie Lee—ihr« e years win« h seemed so long to her then, an I Much the elder Mr*. Thornton which have brought her ho much in irveled nt. her abeence. and o -ce | pain She has watche«i the hoow when her carriage »a- rolling pa-t ami ice au th«ry melted from off th* tn«* door o| the hule atóre alie bide Hillside. She has seen tlie grass Iier coachman stop wni’e ahe her* spring up by - the ««pen door—h.«8 ►'ll went in to auk if her favorite felt the summer sir upon her cheek. were id. M ihh Ohvia’n ear'v call She' had reached her eighteenth ai Ore »'-lone Hall had" never b»*en birthday, and ere another sun snail returned, and now she Bowed cold .tine will indeed be free. ly and treat'd her visitor with I ‘Oh, I CMtHiot see her die,” cried smoothing lhe golden wh c'l lav upon the pillow i‘ I l>r«le h«r h«a>t, Hid i <* that she is g me I would honor her mem ory l y calling our lirst born daugh­ ter ‘M agoie L ee .’ ’Tis a beautifu name,” he continued, “an ! you will not refuse mv request. TLe«e was much of pti l* in H»-l en Thornton’s nature, and si «■ di«1 refuse, f«»r days and even weeks; but when th«* shadows deepened on the Brow I ePt stand for hours looking • lit 'hroiigh the open window towaril the valley where slept the village h'atl. am! when the motlur. in pttv t««r het market! rei-ei v * until ahe learned I fMior lillle Ben, when he saw the son. jo.tied iilso in t‘)e request, she wiry rdie had mini ; then. inri«*ei jaijti .O.-yi«*»nn«nnn odvd leaving It clll'lled Ull, (T » BE l OSTIXI ED ) aq) un-r» ,t»« q - »nvu» otl ‘sthn Otn ni può« -Ami rioA m’TIH HVWJM jn annql ■ hear«! th« waning cry. Ben knew ! a ; * a . i si 1, KSJ. ù *'S -saziad zo; isaiuoa aqj n> • |ud|ovjj««i pi« q, ,< jj -artujà in the wild ai andoiimeut of giiei. ari •• ■sHsi.t -Ai-.: nani 4«Hltdod ..qi-jqSnvo svq li juqi ssa - Jd q iqM-quiia un ,i|Xls pus au.n, that in some way Judg- Tiiornttm .'.-mie« jo i is;»3.nq oqi s|U Tur; siqi ;o iv..«|d «s isi-.tu nq» a.'Uf.vuoa ma ¡vii» v ehe had thrown n* r-»» ¡F; nor how. . " Ai««» n,oj| aoAvqi u| »uaaoutp à | » a >» j«i||*»p putì ÀiuÀiqsod -Xp)n|(«a was connected with bls grief, but he e’ «IT'.'dH *B V I«qi -|sa'|.ii»M» .iqi si »( -paniipoau uiouqi/j ¿niil in a calmer ....... i « i , rhe had t<>i«i 4ai,lo A'.i-J unqi . hi |U a oh'Uiaiuf jo Sd|j|i'jub uaoiu sussassed «JVSII UVHd&- uV.-il! answere«i respectfully, "She is dy­ 'piDdaiil lor nail etory. exonerating him aq isnm saSmp«« no saiianqj qy -aHotaud qava ut ¿ o joquitijj pus ‘aiwis •Jjuno.'» ing. Ou. Maggie. Maggie. What •tiA-.u.l, -aannaq p> .irati*.; qit.n -r ",.q À4U:uqvj aaljv jou ‘mai A'Jvnavii- aaojoq pjA|aa«4 aq u|Àv oy;—'K0U.aVJ -nail I without her? ’ rell tor not haviiig learned h ioiici •BBS *À|uno,> «nu - 4 M ‘ •M-M jo Jaqiuu.v ivioj. "You mi ill live with me,” answer how much rlie loved one a i tar •GTJaXOM OC’.................................................. .... SUOR03 NaASRH NT MHÍ1X3TA ?ID' attutiti ihinkiiig lhe assurance that her •isaii od txau oq j btl «iuipuas «aiXUVd OMBUNílH 3X0-»Il oj han been mi k for weeks. H<*r • • ehainx xsniooj m.................................................. ¿................... ;................................ sjinx 'Uieifiei i*tioiild i>e thus provide«! f< r JJINOOd t proa O1 OAta ni* a.w *ROVX rivai! HV3.TS jo Jiii’ther L | ¿1««, lie glided uoiseleH-lV into th«- “Poor girl, to die ho young,’ ‘113 LV '-V CIRO») 1................................................................... 3A<3 HIM OM iinnoa «MI* uhmi sdv .I I -«ck room But she dhi not know iivrtll 'IVI-LTP jo aaqtnnu isap»aa3 api sn zuipuas A.LHVd HHl ox Mglleil Mir. 'I luil'litoil, MH Hhe I e is.iv-npu *-< a ' diho .» * i « t » U| sazjad asaqi jo gtz ajnqiaisfp m.» him, ami falling on his kmes 1», •ntiMi v ”»• a mri s«»v ». 'Ili, oqi «n «n iiamaa puw ‘o.i.mqoj, 3nij pVHn turned h> her carriage and war Avana oqav .«{laud ituotuu -sJf.uuiiJ Aq ‘pajnqpisip oq ihav sapiiau aAoqBaq.i o«-«' hiiiv lie wept like a llltle child driven back to GteVHlmie ILi'I. OX ONIXNOOWV *S3ZIHd OCO'193 "one w . ih sleeping,’’ tlieV sal«', at •'c ecs’siitl; wlu re. in a r< c» ,- h of the window q < -, *............... uiam no SutsnaaAPB ou .asi, ami i fling Up I iih head lie ‘2UIUPUJ ao;-,;.-?tno3 N3A3RR NI («wtpnt gjxn) fejuaxoid dDHVR 00S9H («riiham rat, Inn arm around Ins **«-^ C* •••••*•• ...................... ................................................................................... iookeil upon lit r as she slept, whi«« .........HXOOX 3.OJ3S3R5IX XUVXO1I KUVII3 H3XVAV «ROO GRRROU 009'SH vvite, amt tiir (ingerí* playing with | « i< < I’lit lh<* hand «hopped m*rv»u,*lv ‘AriOU • : ».'MKIOW ‘HMSSVRD VlKIdO IDXaU.-t UHXUOdWI a.MI.« Sii 9 DR. MILE'S MEDIC V FrerxRT, | ibmiess. At length, rising to m> T'n - I titu.*' sn ■' tl«.- R- «ur ifivr 5i. rtine 00 07,‘Ki.............................................. SilllJX'. AV UROO NIDRH ONIQNIM K3XS S9l’t at I iih side w hen bin mol her H»ari « «««I *«-rvK ùnti Li er i >><• 1... * e dune n i. I««- m ni him down so tiiat In err t |f. <* «. 1« <( turn with the news tiiat ’ Mag­ Soil YEvRS I HAVE N»’T I” LT A8 I rp- fouetie«i hers, ami then, wi'ho* t »* I »... AS N«>XV. 7 T gie Lee wie* living." Verv woml«-r The *« r'iiia romt <>i n y «tis'-n-e wis a .« worn, ne wentout Irom tier [l«S- stili 'i- kBtwI-.’til in tattle ««-loie I «.it Inglv lhe large blue even oi mli n 11 ml on, I oil Mt'iia. June I :h. Is I'p to •in-« , tor in* knew that Maggie L. e the time < f lie. turn g to take Dr Vii i-« follow«-«! him. Hr. feigning Hilriib . Reo.«* ao I ►** it nai di“»ra«-m>K« in my I;iliitn«>.*. h»* fl**d out in me open • emi; nl*o. weak si «-ll- and Hi r>- *« tour y.-Ht* I have limi to k *»«' »«P e*eryti Ine '‘ lie next «lay, at sunset, they air, which, lam n though if «.>* I of oi -i I ve chara-ter, mid rti y ii> «!«<• É 1>< iii «<* for /** | I r*l C* mont ■ et » ì Éi ¡1 W with Uh* of in - kii iiiiir” I air, n hi liie valley where III* «« « « in •; Lz E. Lz «•«•Uhl not ««••Ik it.-•«»««« *»i *«•• ••♦ I KNOW YOl It Coiii«! alwavs be seen from 11 over*, ha quiet * .miUinl * * REilEDIEs HAVE « I'ltE»* ME. amt ll.nt Ilin our will i> pel in . nen' Hevt-ial ho >» ii ow of Graham Thornt •»•'* lhe Voice within Winch told I...... war room, ami as, with f 4-ieu ar u and guiliy of her deni h. "Km whilevei .•« ini-g m arl, he atom! by, w,o«< I can do to atone tor my ermr mi ,n iIn v low» i«-«i the coltin toils resting he «loll«-,” he liioiight al la I. and P ace. lie f> It g!a- ciioic < hi i iiougni. "tor when evil pa-Hio-o | i I m , ami 1 am tvlnpte k |towaid i lie little grave which Imt gnl. who would Hinnetim-'s push | lor me would riot liaye ia-en in. de them awav. as if there slid linger- so somi, ami 1 -liail ne strengthen d cd among them the iitimispnere they io do w bat is right.” | blowiy ami sadly he walk««! had or« at ta d. "Tlirv i • mind me so much of th«* awav. going back to his limn«, Iwtier«-, in a luxurously furnished past that I cannot endure them tn my |>n st nee,” she raid one «lav 'chamber, on a «-«meh whose s Ik«- when her mint bn tight her a beau­ hanglngH swept the floor, lav It s tiful l>ou«|iiet compiHeil of her favor­ wife, ami near lx r his infant daugli ite llowers, ami the hot tears raim-d ter. that «lav four we« k-of age. As over lhe vvlnti. waisted fa«!»*, as she V«*t she had been given li • name. ji»nd when tile nig it ba«l eio.-ed up­ ordered them h«>m tlie rotim Muihsbe ttin stiotied both her on (hem, an«! it was dark within aunt ami Bennie of her rival, whose the »oom, Graham i'hmn on «ircw L«autv was th«- theme of the whole his ciiair t<> the si lt- ot ids wif, village, mid one«*, when fold that and in low, sui««lnet! tones, toLl h ■< «she was pussit>g. h I i «- hastened I«« of lhe fair lolii g feirl that d y II l«n va th«* window, Im her cheek ^r«-w lyiried fr«»m his sight his wife, a gente'. faithful wlf< , a <1 w *nti r still, iuki b«r liamls clasp« <1 ♦ »•ch other it voluntarily as she saw he could not tell her ho.v much he l»y llie s de of tIn* fair Helen th»* had loveu Maggie- J,«e, »nd that fot m ot (»rah «in Thornton. They But f»r hi«* tv«»li«h piul«* sli«* woul noth were looking toward her win p< rhap* at that imeuetit have ««•♦•«» «low. mid aa Helen met the burning where llel«'t« w-a. it sfenl of shi p- N« . Im gaze, she ex laiim-d. “Oh. Graham, ing in her «ar v grave it is teriiiri«*. It mukt'S me faint;” c«>u d not t« ll her thia Lui he t«»lulIn ■«»->. Blues, and Opinm Habi*. Coritam.H i o oriate» or clangermi« druga. •SOVi 3HX 2AVC 8«»ld on a Positive Guarantee. D m M iu «.S’ PI «-LS.50 D oses 25 C ts . '-33X^00 GV3H dV3dS 1V3ÜH ■ l —i- t Do You FEEL SOCK? Disease commonly comes on with $)ight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. \\ i-hi y » (> «♦• •lire am m «’»v n* n»*w;il* »; i ir W Hlib-c-i, linn NF D •Foible 1 •• • ite Jan. 1 h we bav« I» d ci»b* 1 ’•• ii • i kt « p-ail„i “h'iilld 1* ■ • «Vtcd i-v -• i* rv re. •1 <>-|i1»' The (1 i et 1 m At ••• Dill«' ♦ 3 ' ••« <’h • «. «i— 1 1 •» ii \V«v 1 i’* . I • • • 1 i — i not “'-en ir It r- « -mot »t*. t- • i - » h'»w ni«'«* i* * * Vnt VV’I’* ' <•« : tt »• :* . !•• . old it -i|r »•»! * Ute.« k ‘»1. » <•! 1 I th ■ obb-v* • * «> q»'» Jar »«i t li»» ,-f t..«. • » • a «.VA , It yea SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. DYS­ PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . TAKE It you are BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, or have Ll.ER COMPLAINT, .... TABE II >e-r COMPLEXIQM 1« SALLOW, or yea VuFltR DISTRESS AFTER EATING. TAKE Far OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- Dti«S OF THE STOMACH. . . . TAKE niPñtJS nip/tus □PAUS RI PANS TADULW tadulej TADULE5 TASI" » Hipans Tabu les Rcjulate the System and Preserve the Health. RIPANS TABULC3 take fkr ♦ l I EASY TO TAKE, QUICK T9 ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. of A COMPLETE Sold by Dmtrgiet* or «ent bv mail on receipt of pri<* MEDICINE CHEST : Box (6 vtals), «5 cents. Package <4 boxes), »— and eho*M b* keot for Wc r^/ara'^... i j Fee Free ■‘•«■ale« add-e»« THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET. • • NEW YORW-