I E . The Herald. I you mentioned the case of State vs. ( —School books at the drug store ' Chas. Newell. and stated that the | of H. M. Horton. AOENT FOR WEDNESDAY JULY 2t. UPS. I County Judge, Clerk and Treasurer — Bailey and Johnson, proprie- ‘‘testified to the claim and state­ i tors of the “Tex” Saloon, are doing ments of the Superintendent being at good business, because their cus Local News. regular and strictly according k i tamers receive the courtesy and po ' law.” The evidence of the officials ■ lite attention so essential to sue- Drewsey Items. Baker City, Or. named only touched on the records j cess ♦ » t ... r ! of their respective offices and had Also takes orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel July 21*1 1893. j nothing to do with the justice ori — Dr. D B. Cate.deutist.now han E d . H erald ; The haying season 'injustice of the Superintendent’s rooms at the French Hotel, and in guaianteed on delivery or no charges made. come at last being one hundred in claims. And that the records do vite" all those having work in his Post Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idaho the shade, although two weeks be- not fhow that Prof. Newell hid profession to call on him. Dr. Cate hind time. ¡local institutes in 1891, that being jie* undoubtedly a first class dentist, J. H. Jett Marble Co. 4 There will be a shortage of hay the ground upon which the infor »nd as such we take pleasure in recommending him to our readers on the Malheur. ( mation was laid. J ust . ■ . . i A goo«i ranch belonging to H. G ILHJ ■ —The Burns Meat Market will. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 he constantly supplied with choice miles south east of Burns. This beef, pork and mutton. E. W. ranch has about 100 acres of good . McCrrty proprietor. meadow land. Price $800 or will I have a larger and better stock of goods than any firm in eastern even editors, which prove to be the ^ie Re(l Krone Saloon keeps the trade for sheep. B yrd -'■-ty ronoty to ..Ub- on me. Grain is very late and if the fall is not seasonable there will be little threshing to do. .» , , o Hay hands are scarce. Some , being obliged t-i* ■ . to press in town i boys, wholesale a progr.». of baying J. DURKHEIMER. To thou who will pay up J ''’h « P*rtor for «h. «ale of Nichols ’ Celebrated Spiral b,ck »“b«:ription. and one year io, r’ Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages •‘J’«"“«. oci,. the Toledo! $40 to $75 per month and expenses ^lade, we will sendto their address We furnish complete stock on con the Herald and Blade for $2.75. signment; settlements monthly. — A farm on Trout creekcontain­ $3 Sample Corset free. Send 18 ing 160 acres. This ranch has cents postage for sample and terms. about 100 acres of meadow and is Nichois Mfg. Co., 378 Canal St. admirably situated for a first class New York sheep, cattle or horse ranch, being W. E. GRACE P roprietor , surrounded by the very best range. Title good For terms call at this office or write Rvrd & King, Real Estate Agents, Burns Oregon. A Large Assortment of I iaoribora. Little Claudio Kenvon had hi. right hand eeverely inaahed with one of the pulleys on the dene polls. Mr. Morgan is having some colts broke, he also jg having his potato patch weeded. Mrs. Moffitt of Drewsey is very lew with heart disease. Mr. Masterson of Drewsey is building an addition to his dwell­ ing. 8a I Burns Ore. BURNS, OREG®! California 4 rinnrrr's Eipfrience IFfcb Notice. Pine Creek in the Lead. 1 | __ II mx I’ s Strsuparillt, " I am a pioneer 1 i thia country, having Bean h«ro Myeara Four year« ago my little «on Ellery became blood poisoned by impure »lru« in vaccination. Hi» arm «Willed ter­ ribly, causing great agony; Phyilctane «aid the arm nuet be amputated, and even than bit recovery would be doubtful. One day X read about a bloc! purifier new to me, aud wMfnrpriaed to learn that it waa pre­ pared bfr F. I. XTood, with whom I uaed to g* tn »cbool in Cb.-Iiea, Vt. I decided to hav my boy trv Hood'« Sar.«« parilla, and * al much gratified when it «cemed to help I th . Ho Continued to grow better aa we rarsh:ra the S»r««yiar:l!a. and bavin« n»ed 1 boi '.Ie« 1« now entirely cured. A ■ Hood a Sa-aaparitla h«a arcompli»li.-d inch won- d.'-.’ul remit«. I recommend it all I pot- aihly can.” Jxnows M. Strarna, Upper Lake, Lake Co., Cal The 1 .ocal Institue held hire on ; A number one Durand Organ for the 20th ir.st, proved to be a grand e»lK cheap, Call at the H erald success although the Superintend- Office for further information, I ent failed to make his appearance. I Prof. 1). Claypool acted in his placeI A Marvelon» DUcovarj Fr.« and oarried out the program in good ■ order, with credit to himself and : Superfluous hair removed per all engaged. In the forenoon, as manently. instantaneously, without they were patiently waiting for the pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid Superintendent, the tune was pass­ In order to prove superiority, we The City Treasurer ed watching the good work of Prof. will for next 90 days send sample' Of Ix*well. Ma»«., ear«: “The above 1« from w U om «ignature I recmrilred. Lehmann and his pupils. bottle and testimonial*« free, on re- I my aru brother, alto glail to testify to the excellence t of Hood « Sarsa)>arilla. and to say that C. I At one oclook p m, the organiza- ceipt of nineteen cents to pav post Hood A Co are connfdered on» of the molt reliable firm» in New England." Van a tion took place with Prof Clay- age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East SLsarsa, City Treasurer, lowall. Uaaa. P« m >1 in the chair. Next was the 14th St. New York, Hood’s Sarsaparilla review of the school by Col. Mc­ Sold hy dniniita. tl:«!xfo.$5 Prepared >ulv by 1. HOOD A Ce., A ,K>thecariea Mullen. Luwell, Ala«». ‘ Duties of Parents Relating to We pay all pain.. orca wind colic, and 1« the tieBt rein» ed* blarrheoea. It ple«»ant to the taate McMullen, furnished music for ti.e commission or salary Write iis at Sold for by hr -gi» » in every part of the world. [ Twenty fi*< Bent« a bottle it» valve i» invalg' day ; never before has l»een better once for terms, and secure choice liable. He v.re and «»k for Mr». Wind»low’«i I -HMithing Sy rup. and takt no other kind. I music listened to They plaved of territory. with credit to all those engaged, M ay B rothers . Nurserymen, and especially to their skillful El*. COX3VMPT14 X k Rochester. N Y À i o'1 ; ü ) uacumi . iLsAtuu ir» i , ...ce, having trainer. u.i* luueiun- br.'I ut hu hsunli L>/ au 1—-> __ iou¡ __ _ ie teglia _ iM ••t- ic-n.txi* tvf •y l-*a uriMUu» of a A Wonderful Itleewvarg. The literary exercises by pupils ijr«..l|> rtuaacut cui. «< C’>ti.*um|>ii. n. • * '..j, .Ld ».i u. sti.l __, < ». _ t/.a, _ ___ and otfiers was excellent. Last, mg Alfe, limit, a.«o a •-i;.*t fu <; radical ciiL.f > ai Jfcil ' i r empiimi». Dr Checini’s Electric Spavin but nut least, ths aulject rrlating to gt.VV )O> • : r bavin •t.-»i.,«l ltt«.r>ti»ar..!nni' •i.«».-l|.-w . • '.Ued Lj Iht* vni'íó « .<> Ki-Senn^. : ■ - a■‘*1 a I r»i;»ve I such occasions, was fully discussed in, Ringliotie, Splint or Curb in 48 :• r?e, 1> a • ».re It. I:.:: f'b. wiilt f : nr T < bv all prêtent, and was decided — hours without pain. $500 ’•eward r>t by ir.r. ■ « Mter by a vote of acclimation—that each failure or slightest injury. The and every time the Superintendent greatest wodder of the Nineteenth ( failed to fulfill his appointment, Century, astonishing as it does the entire veterinary "orld. Circulars there should be a penalty of a fine and testimonials free. Dr. Guy of not less than $5U. i hecini. 378 Canol St. New York. Alter the exercises were all over, Mr. McMullen in y « ted the crowd up f«>i supper, where they were treat«-«! to a quarter of barlwcued beef, slewed fish, young ducks, etc. One section of land about 7 miles Everybody reports having a gt>od north of Burna, fullv 160 acres of time. C ricket . which can be irrigated, and quality of soil unsurpassed Good outlet Communicated to range For sale cheap. B yrd Jr K ino . E d If krai A);—iw your last issue FINE CUTLERY NOTI ONS. Etc Has just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND« Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best qua PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. KER IRK. Manufacturers Tinware A Sheet-lroh Coode WANTED. ‘i Ï*. -ALSO DEALERS IN paints HARD OILS WA^F _ _ O V V V>V^ CV y __ GLASS, doors 1 STO V ES & WIN­ DOWS KANGERo AMMUNITION & FISHING TACKLE- TIN WARE. GRANI WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FA MERS’ & MECHANICS’ TOOLS & UNDERTAKING GOODS. Call and see cur Holiday goods. H. M. HORTON Proprietor < ^JWtAI raw TXjBk. • - DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDWI’’ » STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFI MF» * FANCY TOTLET ARTICLES. TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Fine Wvnes A Liquors for Medical Purpose® ^V'Preecnptkxis accurately compounded. First Claae Dental Work Dam.