P. F. STEGNER . as I am determined to pay no debt of contracting after this date. The Herald. I WEDNESDAY JULY 12. 18'3. < GOOD T hankful A dkins . Facts In Few Words It is a remarkable fact that the Ohio State Food Commissioner, in his official examination of linking powders, after accepting the Royal, found no < ne to contain less than ten per cent, of impurities. The Royal was found practically pure Good players of the harp are said to be the scarcest of all musical jierforiners. I A'liminum in found com ine<; iiic I h I n . with I'.l t other in every known countrv on tie Htid cotist if lift s glo"r the ---- WITH---- part nt the eartli s crust. A iialtimurc oisterman basti binali n a - - ap- of IDS Mare. ai j»apt re ray the e..iie tin» n ly in re oi11. ”1 WR4 hit r i'ill.N ibi* A libili’, t t, l’y , l.-olli li Atl ve tibtr 1 .) ■ 1 m a 1 opv of tm \\ 1 o 1 1 it \\ a. Iv 1 “>cl|iiu, tu Lumin- tti.my, .\ JS. 1111 un 1,1, I ay tigli E < 1 mi vV 1 1, , ' ,»t by *. ,-tiez r •siili,' u| Jhty 01 , ¡NOI. H ' Ilo I rto Ulivi I li8emriiio ti, li olitivi filai tiieie Avere cnl.jnbai iils.1,,11 v a .vi,1 o liieii uri J.Oil . m » tk e . M fierras, my wife, Thankful has | ail la liaAVU III lot lume lime Itali et til ami Ulmccttmlt g 1 iilttlelorc lutimi till litMlllivr, WORK FOR OS a few days, and you will be startled at the un. pecle l success that will reward your effort» W< positively have the best Ini-iue-» to offer mi agent that caii lie fouiid on the lau of this eurin 84.1 .OO proiit on 8 to OU vt or. li of Lus in. ...» i. being easily and honorably ii.tiue by and paid hundreds of men, woiue.i, bo s, anil girls ia ou. employ. You can make money faster nt work to, us’liiinvou have anv idea of. The business is s easy to learn, mi l instructions so simple and plnh. that nil s'icceed from the start. Those who talc hold of t'ie business reap the advantage t!:r. arises from t ie sound reputation of on" of t'" oldest, most successful, and largest publishing houses ill America. Secure for your-< It t'ie pro!? that the business so rendilv and hnn dri.-c". ire authorized to sei I it on a po-- •. a test that no othere re can rir •tlv ttir.il. That it nriy become -II. ... Crunri« tors, at an enornioua ex- ; lacing a Sample llottle Free into V • v : ...me tn the United States and Canada. L ive a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron- f hiifi. nsc it. for it will cure you. If your h : '.i >i..s the Croup, or Whooning Cough, use • i .mu 'lv, and relief is sure. If you dread ti >;VKN 1-SVKS V VV KICK/ W* .s Is a live it tini <> it ri lllillv. It is ti e Mos 1 URLI \- BEE. and is .e.'ogiiize • as b. III- th- LEADING NEWS- 0 RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 I’Al’ER i I tue I’ii.-itic C >.i»t. Eithei ot the ab >ve ap.-r- vve will send po-tu id as a i>te- iniiim on reed t of tt.e follo .v. iug sulivci’li,'ion prices tor the cuiiibinai |..ii : NETTING. hü I Arrest Hn-nlatlon of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly Illii-trvUsl. No intelligent n.»n should bo without It. Weekly. SJ.otl a v.-nri ft.JOsIx month» A.l.trre« Mt NN A CO- Vi MURI:ZUS, 361 Broadway, Now Yolk City. ; r Yur, J? ’ .1. WOODWORK' CHINE Per Year: HARPER’S MAGAZINE ■1 AR PER’S WEEKLY ............. * * HARPER’S BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE Postage Free to all Subscribers in 'th, United States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin with he Numbers for June and December .1 ac h year. When no time is specified suit cnptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Round volume- of Harper’s Magazine for hree years hacK, in neat cloth binding uij >e sent by mail, post- mid. on receipt of er volume. Clo b Cases, for binding 50 ■ents each—by mail, post-uaid. Remittance's sh< u'd be tn ide bv Po»toftfre Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o' '<’her publications of its c I hrr HARPER’S PERIODICALS. 'M. ■» LS*. I. HOMF ' «F’VTvr, v\ 725 M-.rUct Gf„ Snn Francisco. Cal Paicfic Department. I Harper’s Baza ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is a journal f;.r the horns It gives the latest informations with regt'1’'• ■he'-'Hshlon«. and its numerous illustratlot«, Praia 1 signs, and pat’ern-fheet «¡ipp emrv’« are i- dl-pei-sihle alike tothe h..medre«» mzxer and the professional modiste. X'-> spare? to make its artistic n't,a-'tivem-s»ot to« highest order Its tr.gbtstorie» edits, and though fill essava sa !«''_ and Its last pa •<- is famous as a budget ot ami humor. In I s weekly iastu-s everythin« « in, luned whice is of interest to '¡r,°V?enn -erial« for I*.» will b- written hv « *1,er1,B^“ I* and Edna '.-all < hr s' ine Terhune Herr ' « wit’ furnish a pra< ti, al seriea. nntltled A T. i'et ” Gon e King, »»live Thorne Mil er sn Uandai e Wheeler vUl be frequent eontllbu The Work of w.. own in 'he Sition Will be full' tepreaented with ‘‘ tistrt'iot s T. W. HUvi”“"'' ,in and Men,” will please a< ultivated audience. . ^TTAC’tAMfrrtT^: . rwe^intSTi tiVi'3eiKl?C0..C.VM^ ( ■»ill be new novels bv A Conan n!? ,b"« s'anee Fenimore Woolion m<| wnn t fw .hort .torie.will b. eo b “th '*'"k n> pillar writer. .>f the i'ar includln» vi" Wilkin.. Richasd Hardiig D.-tl u*"' F- Beland, Branaer Matthew. and mo! M,r ,r»” The illustrated descriptive panen?wii'i‘ article, bv Julian Ra'- h on n.’w • mail Postage paid, or by express, free of ex­ sen iu:g o t babies on application: it lias been pense (provided the freight doe« not exceed U done before, however, out never have those per v lume for 17?<” a volume. lut aisbec been so near the original sample tut doth ( uses for each Volume, «nitable foi titis one. Everyone will exclaim. ” Well i M'idtt'g wfll be sent bv mail post-paid, on r. lUtit’s tim sweetest baby I ever saw!” This -eip* f $T. litti • biack ntvl-whi:e engraving can give Remittance« should be made by Post Offic. you buta faint idea ot the exquisite ori"t>'"i. Mone Order or Draft, to avoid chan'e of lo««. .PHfci-g \ddresa H ARPER V BROTHERS. New 4 . rh WEEKLY CUL Aud Tnhih,l"h" PER year : I 'R.OG 1 s SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. Sv'lpIO, el UiV iibh, iOvl ini«, without I ? • JAMES TANNER, I nted, add re I I ale Commissioner of Pensions. WASHINGTON. D. 0. ' tit Ic'iiiim «I 4tl tills Halt. FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL Is a I a ill.l,Ille eight- page paper. It is i«-ii' <1 ,'verv Thursiiai, a <1 contains all of t ie imp riant news of 'lie week, aie med Irani every qu •- ter oi the gioite, complete Uo It fiu­ to tiate oí !>ut>l catoni. tiialiea tile tate-t ami unsi reliable Dn iv-ial new, und inai ket quoi,tbms, h <1 gives special attenti 11 to liiirdeti!- turai and avru'Ultiirid news, ami is in evei v re- eoi a tirs - e ass laiiiily tacer, app-- . I g to the ime i est ol iVety me.,, per nl tile hiillseliolil. i,HE SAX Tí Dependent widows and Parents now de pendv nt whose sons died from the effeers 01 ii army service are included. If you wisl v our claim speedily and successfully prese­ a » ► \ on I »¡t v any ilei,I of It I e->1,It aci,ng K A MAI». PKlCb. am.-l ■ I* USTRAT E I) HARPER’S PERIODIC S THE DISABILITY BILL IS LAW. Soldiers d’sabled since the war an Entitled J’ICICi. «..8 > I’EltY. A’I, TRUE A CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, M, Lot 1114 i»t trufiiiig in r culli, us 1 am Range—Harney and tirant county Oregon P. < ».—Burna. Harney county. Or. Weedy Call! I large ALM EDA A. STENGER. Cattle branded I on left side cir-* cle 2; Split in ' ei ch ear. THE S N FRANCISCO vtoloreti fountains, it in really a marvel of wonuer and nk 111, and | said by those who have Men both I Co Le an exact, ei.u »1- rpart of the great Eiffel Tower at Paris It in found Our Premiums 27-ly —THIS PAPER— lour ye up to complete it. It is 20 led high, ami made up the netde <»t 1 to 50. S.tua e I in a p. rfeet little pa k. lighted bj electric lights, h smadeHt ever made, with eloctii.'l I IL ILLUSTRATED. Range—Harney county, Oregon. P. <>.—Burn«. Hatnev county. Oregon. F0.1 THB YEAR piit-eu of nearly 550.ODD pieces of, Madras s »nd bronze, it look the niaktr' I lie old, st. church in the United States is not. at Smithville. Va., as has i.eeti reported, but m San Mi gm f. N. M It was built in th m ar 1545 OP Magarti ■ .tide: OK. FúKTHi FRICi OF uNt. In order to collect a pound of clover honey, 3,750, the revolution 1 “1'he Aztec Treasure House," f»y »-claimed the Pacific Ooean as it.« j Thomas A Janvier, with numerous ■< western boundary. illustrations by Frt-deiic Reming­ It is saiti that oxtail soup was' ton. A newpapi/r-eovyred edition Howells’s “The the invention of old-time French |Ot Mr- W. U World of Chance, ’ ’ will be issued prisoners in Eng anti who weregiv-, in the Franklin !>qiiuie Library on tir fue for food I lie same day. Ì he Austrian Government, in or- | der to inc rea He the fighting power, Theft IR’t model of the Eiffel of Us army, has armed the 4.LMKJ i Tower 111 Midway Bli i-tm e com drummers with rifles bruni the records of the higo court it appears that the prac tice of offering human sacrifices to the idols is increasing in southern India. Han r’s Horses branded on * Eithor Right or Left Journals Scipio, July 21st, 1801. 189,3. I I M A DAISY. which w» pronose to «end to you. trnnsp, r- Utionp iiJ. T.ie little dart.ng tests agonist s pillow, nnl is in thj net < t drawn g off its pin . soc i, t.ie inate of which hu> been pulltd ..IT and Hunt asi le with a t iiimpliant coo. i I’he tl -sh tints are )>erf cct, ami theevi s I olio w von. no matter wli. r - y . i stand. Th< exqui- «.t -re irmluetlousof t..ls grea i st pointing ot Ida W.iuj.i t.10 mo t c Icbruteil of mo. im paint -riot baliy lite tiro to be given to those who -utH'-ribe to Demorest's Family Maga- z;n ■ for is.n. The r -i.roduetions tannot be told tnvn the origlna', which e<«t ‘ a», nn.t are the sa ne size 17v:! inches . The bi by s life siz". and abs<.'.ut ly lileli. e. We have also in nrepara'ii.n, to present to our sub- scrilH-rs >1 11 ing l+.ri, ether g ei t pictun s by < h irt sts as Per. y ! onin.X'aud II un.| h:cy, Caieats. Trade-mart?. Design Patents. Copyrights. L u .uis lkMchamps, end others of w< rltl-wit.o r n iwn. Take only two exntni'les of win t And all Pa-ent bualnt-ss condact^d for we li.1 I Tin t th - past y ear. ” A Yard of 1’un- and “A White 11, use < n hi.l ” Iv the MODERATE FEES. ivifeof l’re*i l»nt llarrwon, aiol yi.u wul see wli it se vhos’iliscribc for Demorest’s Family charge Addreva M it izine for l-’tl will tH-sseas a gall, ry 0 ex- lUHlt-- works of art of 1 n at value, I t-si.lt s a PRESS CLAIMS CO., M 1.-azine that cannot b • equaled I y tiny in the world for its beautiful l.liistmtions and JOHN WEDOERBURN, «ubj.-et ui itter.th t w II keep every one post­ ed on all the t .(ties of 1I10 Bar. red all the Man aging Attorney, fa U and different items ot interest al out the li eis.-hobl. ladJ.-s furnishing interesting W ashixutox . D.C. P. O. Box fifi*. ro t li-vz matter, bath vrtivc and gry. for the family: nn.l while Demorest’« is not I'FT’i'i Company I* managed by a combination of whole 1 fashion tag .zine, its f ishion pages are per­ the largeat i nil moat inrtnential newspaper» la th. fect, an I wo give you. frrr <>' riw', all the pat­ ! nit. ,1 St 'tea. for Iba .irret, parpo». of .retare ter is you w'sh to use .luring the year, and ill anv size you more«t. 15 F.a«t 14th St . New bUliy aad hlgù »uudu* of U m Prwa Ulauua Company. York. If you are unacquainted with the Magazine, leud 1U ceuu* for - spoc imeu copy HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year 4 H '! VRPFR’S BAZAR Î3 H VRI’ER’S M Ali AZINE HARPER’S WEEK ............. LA' 2 0« HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLe. P ori age pree to all g’i' peri be m in the Unite« StH’eR ( ana !a, or .Mexico. The vo timco'the azar begin with ’he « nnmtier for Jannari of em-h tear. Vini is time is inen'ioneL snbscrip’i ti no . with he Number current atthetimeof receip- of order • . _ , hre* Bound volume, o' ”»rper. Bazar t.w_ vear in neat cloth »Indine, will be .ent b» p save aid' or by expre«.. free of exp1 «• (nnivi.’ed th. freight does no' ex< eed one 1st per v lume) or «7 a -olume. -urit i L'h a..-, fo'ea.h voliv ..suitable for Ing s i i. be sentby mail pepaidon re< eip Remit ance, should be made bv Po avoid h*”' *’.'’ 1 ‘ A.lress HAI PER 4 BROTHEK. 1RL-v i v spai era are 1 ,» to c< pv an' <” • all . f the above a. •’»enitn’. Aji h''”‘ ex pre«, order of >1 ARP bKOTHa»*- « A 5 A E EMS ” 4 C»r*'fbH4lr*^ric^il.‘^ frra.g.A XXXI