■BM| I It'H b( I ION oit l-’REE TRADE ? the intent of the host I should help one another By H enry G eorge . CHAPTER VI. (C ontinued ,) TRADE. And as trade becomes free and extensive—as roads are made and navigation improved; as pirates and robbers are extirpated and that v produce for ourselves or things that they * I we could not produce for ourselves, I Other natural facts have similar the object of trade is all the same I bearing. It has long been known If I trade with a Canadian, a Mex that to obtain the best crons the I ican. or an Englishman it is for tin farmer should not sow with seed obtain the pro mixed blood, have always been the want the thing I rm to than the t.iipg I am get mor<> | to give, 1 would not wish to make the trade Here is a farmer who proposes to ho it l>y 11),, observa people who came most in contact exchange with his neighbor a horse tiens, disent cries and invention« with and learned most from others he does not wants for • cou'ile of of n.en in o,) ■r places. I "Home keeping youths have ever I ( cows he does want. Would it ben­ I n a world created on protective efit these farmers to prevent this) homely wits” is true of nations. prineiph s,.)!] hal.it idle parts would And, further than this, it is char trade on the ground that one might have the fjniK» •• il nnd climate, acteristic of all the inventions and oreed his own horses and the other anb he lilted for th • mi me pr idue discoveiies that are so rapidly in raise his own cow.«? Y< t if one1 tions, so that the inhai.it mis of erea«ing our power oyer nature that farmer lived on the American and i each locality would he nhle to pro­ they , • quire the greater division of the other on the Canadian side of dime at home all I hey require, Ils lai or. and extended trade, Thus rhe line this is just what both the I Hen* and rivers would would not. lend everv sDn in advance destroys \merican ami Canadian go. upon each ot her. would not enable tnem to produce ll.iture that e eh people should Thus »he restriction' which pro Ibis is, however, so obvious a develop,, its own indtistri s >n ie lection urges us to impose upon benefit that protectioni.«ts cannot p> mlentlv of a|| others, But the outs..Iv. s are about as well calm altogether ignore it, and a favorite world in which wed,, fih(| our elves luted to promote national prosperity doctrine with American protection­ is n. t merely adapted to i 11 ' e r.oii i is ligatures, that would impede the ists, is that trade ought to follow nmirr ition. but it \ ields to man Cirelli I'ion of the 1 Hood, would b< meridians of longitude instead of is so distributed as to 'OUIpel the to promote I odilv health and com parallels ot latitude, because the l«op|e (,f different I '<> alities to fort. Protection calls upon us Io I grt at. differences of climate and trade with «>,)<• Other to ful’v , p.'lV otlieials, to encourage spies consequently of natural productions satisfy their ....... desi 1res j | he di v. i si and informer, ami to provoke fraud are I etween north and south tie« ot soil ji "111 climate, the di«tri and perjury for what? Whv. to I ht* most desirable reconstruction bliti >n of water. Wood aid mimral preserve ourselves and protect >f the world on this theory would »Iepo«its. th, ...... .. of sea and ourselves against something which be its division into ••countries” fir. produce infinite iifferen,-i offends no moral law; some hing c<>m*i«ting of narrow strips running adaptation of different pa I r. i i i . ♦ I . . > . i » .. * I . > the equator to 4 the poles, with io which we are instinctively from ditl rent productions If H high tariffs on e'ther side and at impelled; somethi ig without which tm r. |y that one z me yj, |.|s 'he equatorial end, for the po We could never have emerged from .ar iee would serve the purpose the bamm.i am| i.arl.aiism, and something which it the other. l""'Hpple. and another wheat ulivsiciil natre and social laws alike 1 ■"ley. the apple and the p (TO BE CONTONUED.) prove tube in conformity with the "be supplies furs and an creative intent. I th.t here are |,il It is true that protectionists do 4" Hi11' '1 ,"p.t«turennd there v.,11 y« not condemn all trade, alid though ’ d lor the p|„w; her-granite a iul some of them have wished for an ; i" me phi....... .. ami ocean of tire to bar out foreign •I Ccr.trol, oidora of o ® o ruííOTt»' er HOME V7110 11UVU l.cuy.C -!~;:LQP£!>, cr <-i üj , who uro : n from rrnons cpyc 7 Tf. i 1 iiny cr ol J. 1 ....... •! - r.wa«P t'.-pt Off«»? comunica». i S l * res A LIMITED TIMEEREE ffiiarantoc tc if they cr.i stt ?:?, ci me mod and i aliord u CURE I • • • A P all patients, /’ocffsiy e- (r. own Lxc.uslvo P11 ’ n c e c w.’ii 1 she rssjs. z. 4 r'it'Y‘ • • • onl. • • • ¿-sn,Mwc.~ « . r^armr.'GETti-.-^f Don ’ t brood over ysii'r conTi -’ n^, ** r v ....... .. ........ , - - -, vpinteprfri insl c Thousand! cf ihn C.4‘C3 tr.v? a t > ou? ///>;? I. is a TREATMENT, ■ ■ set ; r ' ' R £ccr, v/hku nena?•:«•.•- i”'’ ' r-ci Jr:E, ioralinu.r:' t!i ■ . Rcxcmb.- .uo< n.w-.scha ’ fj • inrub-z..,i-r.-f ...it:-? ■ ’ ¿i-tx'j. •he I 1 •; ;”.ic' •: u'.t "■ i n ■ ’ I- ■ 1 v.-'t ■ u: : t • > <. ■ ‘ fide : ; yre.r.£/?.'£ /-« ' >- j .. t . < .A^A ¿.... :i, fr,.:-, ¿ use! .... ■■ deti 2.0D9 HsfartiAnns. Hemo ■ ps»vr t ¡..j •cci Eur corn by t no I plai: ther< worl culti desti The befoi one t 8C8 h almo * A Cure lur the Ailments of Man and I. necei I there ■” ted pain reliever. u- is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer,: worm S' «ck Raiser, and by every one requiring an effec artis Tairaent. makt o other application compares with it in efficacy. more .,..5 well-known remedy has stood the test of years,ata: in de generations. cient 1 ’• h e chest is complete without a bottle of M usts need I . NT. ment. ■ ?.ns arise for its use almost every day. Wi ■ < - ■•'•g.sts and dealers have it. ingne For sale by II. A’, tiorc m. they adept work , ires k-a h b • • ';rn O U¡I z'\- s7-• ■| FI O F5 JF, o • vsshm Mustang Linimerf ;i5. ’ ÎZVl J ......... »eOVERÏ üyâCÎII ? in ciMpponn'iun s<-hitioii a part vsiuj acc’ <’E. M ( i\ m <1 ATM*» att^t pOWet I *: t:\TI I M EN who do not appreciate« be: rd or . ‘ «'<1 a nricel ss boon in t'ueen's A nt i»'1*’ llDpiOl Tr me p .Mark. .«viri;. u w : hHhav U Hbav ’ng, hv bv rendering* rendering it? its 1 futnrp future gru"«*» grui'th an »n t-■ e ’.'•. S s A Ant! .r!- Hnfrfnell. n nerbottl ''rbo,M‘ ». *ent sent in s-fet' spier nndling mailing bn.xr*. postal rostneej^ ’? T ’’ atOF fttOF 8 8 ■ . • •. n*<■ nient is honest.-nvd sli:tigi‘t fo wrrfl ' great I i ' . IS \\ p x- f )d »al wi'h !!-• rnd von will find evervtking as represent . . • 7 ’ < Rnrr Street. ClNCtHFW neeji r ,«>tt-«r tit aur Po-n Ofti •>» to insure its safe drliv* ry At <• xvill pa? S rj.»j irv «nan” no Every t>ottie guariirU' Hii I ,aT cs wbo mTodnr- nnd «All nmont* their friends ?5 Bo»t]ps o HYARE YOU WEAK •'"'other copper and ' h"‘ ’l»»*re are differences •o .l. In- ,te th >t. though experience t'll« us th. V.-xist, we cannot «ay •" «hat they are due Um of .• vertnin qna'itv is produc d in one place win ch cuttings from the hhii '"'-•« will not ymld in anoth- ««• place, though soil and climate 11 product« others, more reasonable it : less legieui. would permit a country Io imp >rt things it cannot produce. i ANDSUSPENSÒàV I’m- intermitiona’i trade which they concede to he harmlts« amount* not to a tenth ami ¡»erhaps not to a < twentieth ot the intern .tional trade' of the world, and, -o far ar our country is cone rm <1, the th.ngs ve could m t obtain at home amount «•‘it iisstfiitilde reasons, 1 cm,, to .1 tile more than a few prodl c- n nown. d for produeti.m« . f one tions ot the lori l zoic and even k*"'1 . ..... . for productions . f these, it | rop< rly protect« d. mig t ««‘•Hier kind; and experience oft „ ne grown at home by artit’c al heat, hl"'" \ that plants thrive diffen nth to the incidental eneou-agenient of I" different part- of the same field the glass and coal indu tries But I liese endle-s diversities, in the so far a« the coir -etness of t e adaption of different parts of the th orv goes, it dt c the different things inquired bv tion won d permit, ns compared man. show that nature h is not l in* with that it would prevent be more tended man to ¿epee I for the sup or less. What "protection" calls plv of his wants upm bis own on us to prevent ourselves from, production but to exchange • w 11 ii guard ourselve« against, is trade. Ills fellow.«, as th,. p!a, ¡i,g of And whether trade he In-tween citi the meat ls*forc one ghe't at the 7.i os of the same nation or citizens table, the vegetald« t s before another of different nation«, and whether and the bread before another, show is ( we get t»y it things that we could •*»•"" «like At tc^ WEAKNESS Some loc.dities. with-' ? . is a re which V .ate Mom »1. I 1 I-* -.5 etc ;« antlz frit :hr<«i^l> ■ n ev,r g.ven w ,.k • tnuucQ. 'It * • c ,«cs a oi ,i " . -a I . FC n,’. in tion to hour. •ge. an ands /< from N ervous D ebilit Y SENtf p * m be ness . L osses , D rains . I mpotenc L ost M anhood . R heumatism x'»' B ack . . K roubles . N e RV- ■ 1\| idney DNEY T IROUBLtb. o LEEPLESSNE55.IT or M e MORY& general L-’ • a ' £0‘-Ofí MONEY vc have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and Vitality—which is system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol. cure or money refunded. Dr Sanden's Electric after all other treatments test:!;.-, „..J f.-om many cf •7;:j W ho are debilitated , a1? thegm, • the top if- ‘Prover I thecSbctS r “b-jses, excesses, worry and exposure. in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the or by excesses, or «tpowm, you . iay have unduly drained Vbur system* ’gj* tej electricity -and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If yoB drained, which are required for vigorous Strength, you will remove the low at once and in a natural wav. Thia is our plan dnd treatment, Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by mail, sealed. B'lt is no experiment, .« :..lVC restored thousands to robust ia’Icd ascanbesl vn by hundreds of asc= throughout this State, : :o their recovery after«5 Z)P?. f T M m r; T. E? ,C "r-OTlRI ■, Wi .1 .. ■ j 3EI-‘8< x '- e's’Cth.T.i, j'’*' ' ,-.v -A iff ,-iri'? ! ae-i. CT- jj'