M burns » The Herald. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 3. 1*92. 4 OUR NEIGHBORS- Ex Woman'. luiiuiii n ty. 7 I f / / I I c. u' o-------- O Our stock of ladies’ dress goods, summer goods, prints,etc I r Vi< very large, and comprise only latest styles and patterns. Groceries, provisions, c< n led goods, and evaporated î r Pre received. M| • i 1 i FRENCH HOTEL I epr iri, tend i MRS. LOUIS RACINE, I’rop’t. • « This llotcKhas recently been enlarged and entirely renovated in first 1 H <1 < t is I The table is Supplied with the Best the Market AfTordill pr< Traveling Men will find this Hotel a nice and Desirable T* enca the \ M r I octet Igeiw Li G W. YOUNG Proprietor. George is “in it,” “and don’t you f.rget it.” ■y.,ri mitoi Ving anol t Coll ey c< m w: M hat he don't know about the care of horses is not worthbt Nice Turn-outs, Passengers taken to any part of the countr^lTri mgre _>rk t< id Sb id th. at Ti worl J _ imd TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, P UTTY,i|Mrge DRUGS MEDICINE PAINTS. GRUS' 80 ag g at e mo BURNS, nd e- E. GRACE P roprietor , A Large Assortment of FGNE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, many Cahvorma j therr arc 119 of them . n the l'h ¡it’Je «on Ellery brr.i(.»■ I hnn', p(ri..«m«-,i by itn pure • iitis in vnrc.nat .on. Hi* «rm swelled ter- r/.i . rausin : ur Mt hp'ny ; Fhyateitns said 'hv u. in.iil be H’np'itatH'l, ami vv vn ti • » b 11 r» cowry mull«! be doubtful One «'.ay r ad nioiit a bh»od r»riAtr m w to me, at« ' cm • >itpii»ed to learn that was pre- I A’ ••! • ’. Hood, tv h t hotn I iw 1 to X • ¿»’»s' » in r i .’oa. Vt. I dis- .ied I • n« m? trv H«\ u n .^ar ilia. hp <1 ia«nit h , atinvd win n ic seemed t<» l»< > IF» •' • it:nu»'il to irr »u •..•♦ter ns we io 1 u »he .-;o*anar .a. and luitlp’* ti-1 d R I m « i.« n<»w eut'.r* ly < med. Axllooi.a • I ’oinaniU h ;s n* «'< mpllthcd such won- d .1 results. T r< - ommetid It a’l I j»r»s. • t y ra t.” j - o k N. ruarKi’., I pjnjr I Uut’, I a'.o Co., Cal. I Tlu* <’ify Trrn«n.“cr Of ! ** ell. Mi«« . miv <: “The alwn r la from i i\ brother. ** ;i«»se s enniuie I rve«*- • <. 1 am al*«» jj’ad1 lo the c »• vi:< u towelX.K..3. j e i- ten rnrMlar One of them Mrs Uivry al the present time ie I R epi aio, i or of E^iT m ha rties lief o audit PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COJIFi11 »•«' e ma Everything guaranteed pure and of the very be(tt|e |))H lias just been Received. people to Is- toll! that there are any Aldrich, is a resident of o This means that we are in the trade with special induce Farmers and Stockmen. Prices in all lines lowest in the couutii r P m -ales making this possible. GF oil |*.|< lt|< . Albany llerulu: The Corvalis ’1 mes p|H*nk* flip .intlv of the lie-1 i.ld h express. <| h li.-f in future1 w<.rk ot construction on the Oregon Pacific railroaii. The Herald has i wali h. d with int. i.'sl the progress! id this toad, and has seen it pu-li< «1 i io its pre ent condition, iu spite of ; Litter opposition, and regards with satisfaction whit it has all read-' iiecomi>lish< d toward developing a new region and diverting tr.de to Allianv, ami the writer hereof will wager a new suit of clothes th I a f> rev of im n will la« seen laving rails on the eastward extension ofl the O.cgon Pacific railroad this summer. e o i rolls. ERTISEMENT s w wll be shmt about ha JO I tisliels of l i he I r wheat in supplying the local mark­ et the next v.ar. The w' e t crop FoXT U 'l <; e , la., July 24 —The }{ V Mr liriell. pastor of the M. will probable i>e svtlieient to iurn ish flour until next wool hauling K ( huieh at Clarion, occupied a season—Uchoco Review. M >1 i'> i*>e judges’stand icsteidav I ioni o| ..cnil, o as tun. keeper m a About forty Chinamen went out r... e Ueiween two local trotter*. on the Oregon Pacific several days ’I lu *p, c alm s <| UertlollCtl I ih ne risioii. i\ h< r.-i p n he prompt I y ago to commence the work of blast-1 pu I led off In-. ... tat and announced mg. clearing and otherwise putting the track in condition clear tim unh ln.it lie could whip anv man that to ( 'oe —Albany 11 r .If good ranch has about tel lliai l r blollgllt l.efoie till! ill xt meadow lain!. Price $800 or will i ouici < in c — \\ orld. trade for sheep. B yrd A K ing . It will probably surprise a DV DEALER IN— * Man’s inhumanity to mali makes c runfles- millions mourn.” and so it is with women and as an example those who were at tlie !"• lice stat on last evening when I he p.Vicer closed the heavy doors <4 I lie city jail Upon a poor unfortunate Worn oi, witness d I tie awful scene I of a fallen woman left alone in her misery without a sv nip.itliizmg As But! W’ailac. , ms wife word to give tier one ray of hope or four chddien, aesompauied encouragement. Not «-ven a com­ I MI ss Lizzie Mack, weie returning panion of her cli s* offered anv 1.8- home Ir .in I lilainook < O'llity a tew Sista nee io ale via te lier troubles days ago, 1 he carriage’ran off thy it .<1 in her misery site could only I grade and rolled al out 10) fe< t ell d copnius tears of so r r< • w and down i t • the river. Miss Mack rmoi sc. In a dirtv cell she was lai th- oabe in het arms and wl en poll ed slirioimd. il tiv ever» thing «l.e saw they were falling, tbr i” to r.-mmd n< r of the <|.gr< dalion to the child just in time for i»s 1 a t r wiiichsue mid i ro .gtit h r-.lt— to c it h t i (I save its If. Miss llio ’ilitiy cut. me .ncseiing candle, Mack went ov.-r the bank. st i o. k tii haul <4 winch gave a dim glim her breast on a rock and bounded lutT'lig, I tie a w tu i silliness of the into the water. She died an hour I prison ,|, iiments—all lent to a later—Lakeview Eva miner. I t'ariul contemplation of the Il I b»T V that tails to t hi' lot of sonic (>■<•[>, e Mr Stewart, of the Piinevil’e In this cruel world.—Bak« r Demo- j Flouring Mills, est'i>that f < m i end. p'eseiit prospects Cr > >k Countv | u<< < r. ■ ladies mi the rolls. A little refb c- tioii will show the reader that a good immv of the R. volutionarv bo d ers must, have married young brides wlx-n they themselves were Oil the shady side of life. Tne old- est pf these widows was not horn illdil after the close of the Revolu- ti.oiatv war. 'I’fx ir tiu-tamrl.s nmst have been at least nearly of age by Eval uation Dav to have called , tlx-niseives soldi* rs in the wa'.j (iivmg their future wives an aver­ age of 20 vears to mature, it is seen that the soldiers ot the war ot the war of the Revolution, whose wid­ ows re now upon the pension rolls, mii.-t I ave a!! icached middle age before they w dd d tl e women wt o to this day survive iliem—Luke.- \ iew ,i^xaniiner. > PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED TRICK wdl ■r fall M r . s wai City Eiug Storey larks. II. M. HORTON ......................................................... Propriety, hg| iiint * Sen ten er • -^-T'FAIFRS ral q DRUGS. MEDICINES CHEMICALS, PATENT W STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOU E I FRHV A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES.TOBACCO. CIGAR-5 \ Ipteii Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical r-mU|„ ay M Portland Only 22 years •go there we re 727 of tin He old 9 > ■ I J. s sj * J ■ I Ml □ I UH lln !»■< Hisl i* mi I ur» tor Fllr«. I’rievJI llv IWni»rws<<«il sxinelei ■ «MCr—. I.Mn«"lMMMV ■■ -«lu. Nv* lu.1 Ug. ■ IX? Prescriptions accurately compounded. • First Class Dental Work Done.