riioTKi’riox <>rt l’IlKK TRAD« ? ¡nd' p mdent revenue n tariff was the inscription ‘’Free Trade or —! hood imposed; but although pro­ foreod the repeal of t hose restrictions tection had lli'-n Legtin to find ad­ mid won for a time Irish b gislalive CHAPTER I I in the vocates United Stilt» s, the Hub p» lidelice. Whether Irish was iiinmst industries first American tariff < l.tlAHING (iKol Nil. Nor vet did the reaction against with nominal us <v Qiiesmiv, who were I hibilt-d—a step which has resulted tion in-la tits the United States, is Ad.im Smith’s predecessors ami in (. in giving to the principle of tn»* is only to he settled by a deterini- In.im things his teachers 1 best* trade tn»- greatest extension it has nation of the etit cfs of proiiction French i-conmnists were what neith I Aiithing i upon the country that imposes it. I had in mod»-rn times »-r Smith inn anv other subs» tpu tit i could np*r»* clearlv show how til r ; lint without going into that, it ¡s British ei onomist or statesman ha* '1'I k -V the Allierioan American people then 1 wet»* evident that tlm free trade I etween Leon—true free traders, merely * ¡'»’cepting the llu ories of pro Great Britain and Ireland which wished to swet p away not I lection cine»* popularized among has existed since the muon in 1801 protective duties. I.llt al! til x>•*, them, for ih<- national idea h <1 not lias not Leon the cause ot the back mr»*ct mid indirect, ‘ave it single j then acquired tti.- force it has Riti<-e w.iidness of Irish industry. There t.ix upon land values. This logic ______ r '7 ¿U.A v>r r.-v.-niie only is not fr»»«* trad»* 'ineti..»i m ide in < nr regular atm’ rest of Ireland is shiggi-h ami poor I 'Tn- ruling ela-ses of Great Britain I O'd mil’' between commissioned bi Cause it is (’¡ilnolic But t|}e | It is, that llaVe adopted milv -o much fr»*. ■ i!]i<*er- ¡md enlisted n en—a dis­ true reason is plain. trade as “lilts their i-l.-i-s interi st­ and the I,alii.- for free trad»* m ifiat country has \et io I.»* fought The is of k ind, the land tenure in Ulster has been -o that then* IS between t| C highest such that a larger portion of the J mm vommi-sioned officer mid th» wealth p’oiluced has been left there no dmiht that produet-d in' tln- in» rits there can g’ "<» ing . idomes I. v I hese lestric it mutile'* with thost, ideas ..f mat tu ns w as t he main c.lll«.»* lit ft.»* mnl right ¡»od persomi! freedom I e vo|uf i.ui who h Ill id»* of t III III w hieli received national expres-ion mil i • It* i lemlei.t ii 11 im . 1-t lúe.IS l’rot»*ct i> ni­ mille staiilishmeiit of th<> Animi -• , .5, lh>- Great Rritm.i This wax refund l.y Euglmd ttimi Cinteli States and and for a long time nfterward com- pletely iilca«. duliiimit» <1 hy p*nt»'cti Ve Riti dmii gw'Le p-rio.1 f..| lowing fin* r»-Vohit|iin in w hieii the Americin Cm.>n exi-u-d under the Artici»-« of Coiif. deraiinii‘ no tariff liHiiqw*red imihirtat'uiis into the American States. A“ English tlw-orv of igjj ■ ■I MONS Y 1 H spirit, mid led to great movemmit of ‘ Ir teer* r H I it»- sm-ces-fiii rvrd-tem-f Rame who. with h ths Volun­ camion Iwarinw o , Mag« ' ’ _ Hl feller «t-eet CIK C Ifr'fr'ATI.C mu ft. |-*4 r" * * ’"J **. out». ,.|,.,...r t'vi-ry hottie |rll>lral.l•■< electric.ty -and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you repl»«', ___ I f- f F is *•* 1 i z I iA. * « low T on L'C1 |re rcqu,rctl [or v'£0rous strength, you will remove the cau«e,’r low M once an. n a natural wav. This i:ourpl«n a,Hl treatment, and weí^ Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by mail, sealed. “'It is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health»’ d. as CM be shown by hundreds of cues throughout this State, who *’e‘: ' 1 we have strong letters Ixtari j testimony to their recovery after using - L?R. S7YMDEN t «o as to be c r¿’v w» ? •t $ ’.- i ■ - ELECTRK BEL.T J *C«t K. “ V*’ largi Mat S r « r:’t. amt itfttw»nothing, pmlnngeB' «il 1 Î.Tiprovc.l EJ. .-f rie Susnen»^ r .. «> For «achí •• k’ in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most ¿ in I le »e •/J c n , from N ervous D ebilit Y S eminal ' ,,, eth ness . L osses . D rains , I mpotency _ L ost M anhood R heumatism . L ^B ack . K idney I T mUUDLLJ roubles . ilLn N ervous O r ’vv- M ÍSLECPLESSNE55.ftoRMEMOR?& GENERAL I ll É for I the cYcti of .-.buses, excesses, worry and exposure. <‘oni|»iir»i| with fho«»* iui|mi***d up u Ireland atinii ______________ that in “» ' VHPV very WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUf£®or*v’ tn »• trad»- ro..i»c1. cure or money refunded. British protectiim im|»o“ed m o . D' Sanden's Electric the American c »Ioidi g were trivial af*er ah other treatments .tit. ■/, ..id frctc. iruny of <>t tile Coltmies >■ * a>.dh of l.A I l'» “ vhohavM ■. ti,. a- ci. x i < j. ,,, ,i..»» xi“ attest it. ■ • XII I M I.'- vl... do not apprerii tea I •’.* nl or hnirc .. . dnprlce! ss bo ,n i?. , í<(¡ and opp es' the people of Irejm d." Ir» land > fr, ARlYILEbS AND b«*C|»., and I»« give the Fedirai Guverniuei.t an tor the assertion Ii » tiio»i a p;oi wan acfd'^ntly spiiitdt moigl ti iluas (i.scu\ vred that the liu' • i Grice put ibiK uoiideilul pi»p:ir?.i t ; a.-, bee n 11t»- demand that we are i:<»w DC Bl .•-Hid tiiidvr the name ot A wh A G) [H¡ ptieri* of III»* < ivili/.ci| World, blit so ineiH.grnon*> th in the -'dmim-terina bltle it l-p. i-itf.iii WH“ tiler»* lo »■III » • •t elisio h hi»u ’•o|iev. that th«- Aimriean represen, undi r the shadow of " Linei tv En- t lliVi R ill m gotilltllig file I»,. |V of lightening the World”? t.1 sicure inni ill £ OVERY MCCK ■I r‘. nnili t |e»s at I hat cm Ib-piil-lie, mid which w«* hav»- lime latent among our penpl»*, f.r •■» »*n aeciis'oiiit d to leg nd as di-- th. v permeate.I m.- mei.t.il atmos- tinetivelv American. What more pli te fr. e.|..m of tr.uh* Le Wt» U For tal< bv H. M. lioit.... . Were lie»* emleavur.-d ■ -rise for its use almost every day. ‘s and dealers have it. . 0WÉN S k’ ■ *. 1 •< -V-, ■¿k ---Si and 8 a lari Oran prote ti»»n. inter you n way • ■ .l .NT, - absurd ir 1 ;|f () I tW(l reach iiia I,1B ins well-known remedy has stood the test of years, air. fenerations. com« u cie chest u complete without a bottle of MvsTi ^fo^fo tinction not of l»*gri e I lit 'owes’ commissioned otfie»*r :i deep than ill otli> r parts of Ireland and to t-ilk ot pr.iteet'o as a*i Altieri unit fixed, a gulf which can unit 'hat the mass of the u^>p e have imi been so r- morseImob d <• in svs’em |t h'.'l been tuli» I p likened to that which exists he iiiil oppressed. In Pri si | t. ria ii d. ve|o|i«*d in Eniop.* I efore ifi tw»-eii w Lite ¡md black wIn re 'In >k\e the same g tieral pnvettv. th»1 Am» ricali coloi.lcs wer<- planted, i*o|ur iinc is drawn sh irpist. Tlii- same primitive comlitmus of indus­ ami during our colonial |>. nod di-'ii.ctioi. ¡s historically ¡1 surviv- try exist ¡is in Catholic ('oiii.i fmir.i England main'aim.l a mor«* thor­ d ot tti.at made in the armies of mid its cause is to t■»* >e> n in the •ame rapacious system of Im.ol-.r.l- ough system of p>oie< tm < • nan n.m ; .1 ri-t< H-r.’i 11|* Europe, when tile’ ism which has carried off the H uhs Il ti ’ W |e re exist s— < s v si e m *» h le 11 Were otlieered by mu |es and re of industiv md pr» vet.1» it the Hackwardness of i nd '>>t rv ilu’les. blit liv the repre.-i.m Ilf like i " of imitation 1 hat ha led us to | among a people who are steadily • liitii-s III Irela-.d Iind tin- i*.i|..m,.s. | copy other undeinocratic c istoms | stripped of all they can pr< idi.ee m.iive a b re livm ». to the want of mid when vi r i Is ■ 'liroiighont th»*|aiid iiistHntioi.s Though we |ire- i i ptiitective tariff or to religious World Engli-h | o v. r »muid 1..... .. serve this ¡iiistoeratic distinction | opinions is like attributing th»- sink • d W h.11 w »• g< a of protection is al'e- it has I e»-n abandoned in H.g of ti scuttle ship to ‘he 1 iss of her figurehead or the cmor of her 1 he w rotig side of it. ill » »*g I. I Ht illllH -•mie European colini r e». it is in I paint. intendi d to pr»*v»-|it A morto >ii m tm »ense American. It neither ( to he < H.VH1XI EI> ) dust ries from e »mpefing with tlm . i.rigiiiated with us nor does it cm - • •f t he loot her 0.111111 rv mid to givo -mt with our distinctive ideas and lu r a Uniti, poi I Ilio American institutions Suit is with protee tunic. Hon. Wiiatev» r lw* its eennmnic thi the oilier hand, it S of tariff i- "f»r revenue only,” hut, a • .. - ; to’" i. ■ ;? r . i- ■ - noi i-’ ' ' . O’.: ! i’'C c .. i-< A', lo.i,*-.’ wealti A vent from i rJ first c the R pastoi pecten Even Y prosp _____ >Dr. < paatoi unrea It h real ci natior 7T* • °_________________ would Lniimerii/M'- -inc»* Still collect s oyer .*• hundre.i mill'oii I aged to keep in force, ai d even iloUai“ of her r.-vetiti** from im imo.v c.i“. s to increase. v t 7 „ ’ exican Mustang of—taxi’s I the greater prosperity of Ulster ov. r' it her parts of I r»*| md. they would iiittn dreamed ■viiicli th<*v have »-v>-r • J "r~ this p-wr Irish American ' vere privately asked the cause • 2.Q03 be it-rests that songtit pu.te.-tion took •.-Hopr.'=’yo "i r’"; ■! ..'> ' • i t’rf . ....................... 7, : ■' i wii’17 'in" . '■ ■ ' » • ilcr.'.'.-’.-ib'’ Dei- .>■ ”. )< '< 0'100 'A I e;rr I Eucstt:-. i:!r. i., '~ How can this I eexplain c. ni properly speak of “Britisli frei ed it- pr»-.-»*nt heigilt III the United clainiid. ir. i 'I i -” is tin- sam»* in winch we Statei« mit lor the civil war Whil. *-d on the theory that Iri-h indus- speak of a certain imitation im-’al attention was concent rated on tin 'ries cannot he re-established with * . ‘ as "German Silver ” "British frei • triiggle and mothei“ were sending out protection? If the very men who are nnw | tr tie” is spurious fre»* trade. Great tll»*tr Hons t" tile «-¡Htletield. tin- in- Britain dees not really ei joy frei • Don’t. b”'1f J Ovr-’-'Tr* < "" as tin* different sfiitt-H not without a in which important industries have latter opposition fumi tin* Couden struggl»- have given up the power grown up—some of them, such as ‘ ihe building of iron ships, f**r ” hich < lidi as from .American protectism of imposing tariffs of their own. it meets >»fvj - Will •*. .«a, . j uod OTd." '.'- FtÂuDXd «• Cui»I-i j f ¡iI conci ii - ioii ot free trad»- principles i g lined, and ifpr,. n-tum It id then i-one part of Ireland which has the Roi*.ill d free Iraders have j t'oeii looked upon