TBOTEOHON OR 3 FREE TRADE ? thought. Its professors and teach­ ers h ive almost invariably belong­ ed to <»r been dominated by that B y H enry G eorge . CHAPTER IV. j, L -»ètakD £. * In .hoUuotf Cú¿ class which tolerates no question­ “A MERC AIN' EAGLE JOB OFFiCL ing of social adjustments that give E INTRODUCTOHY. I If this bv bo , then popular govern to those who do not labor the fruits rnient is hopeless, anti, confronted on of labor’s toil. Thev have been < HAS A. Bi lili. Proprietor one side bv the fact to which all ex- like physicians employed to make lit, . . , y. ]tt*rieti arc pled conclusion cannot there •re I e -ir -'-■a vpfnCc^r-itr | Thousands of tin Wcnr, C,_<-, 1 •« tur l TREATMENT, <"■ ¡ : / xga ; wbk ., v.j ucndscalod, »H>scix.id,X:>?££, fornl.mited iln><-. c, r-i rj-.-'r. Remember,noon.•» vunstnemeihi «I n » pplian . ■ .1 ir.vii- cnee that wo rar'.< - , and we to h '- hi > a ' cr SUCCESS. Eric k tor the responsibility for the want i ur hands ♦<»- s de, t»ee uu » w • t I We have at this time for •counted for by the fart that pow- ful jtecuniary interests are con ——rued in the issue, for it is true, as aeaulay said, that if large pectin rv interests were concerned in de. ami vice that flow from man’s in­ vertise fie» ly bv sending circulars ly i’ing the attniction of gravitation. justice—a doctrine which has Barr­ and cards m all directions solicit J JI at most obvimis of physical facts ed from the inquiry which Smith mg pmchasers and describing Y it,u^ haVe »iisputers. But that di• «•’CTTAT’, the sec Hi of their fcliows r.u>Tic« h .?’i into • 2.033 collocation of Iv enough that protective tariffs Leave orders Herald or Items office dioriously ascertained facts, but hamper the production »if wealth hat sort of clear thinking which But Adam Smith—the university PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAU, ■f statistics nor ,... * MEN • ML I h CC SOME CARDS Of everv d«*oorint’on. nod in fa'-t everything in this line. Adam Smith demonstrated e’ear I • • • ZLXLTU3-R.-.-._____ pati ruaran *co to if they cas cc.- Í srmo. ur. tiioa and r." afford aCCl.Mi STATEMENT NIL HEADS, o ü MEN. - Who have weak cry A*. aiPfiOpL.t, or dhe-ed ort-nns, who aro 3u3cr- Inir fromr??or<'J’u® (Bf'Vim ly rrW of Q-«»en'* A ntl HMrlnMl w’Hi full r«*die. S •• <’ I* itegf f d Mielgbtlo up ri! in everv woid it ponden v vf rtly ron*l'!“ntl i| <• • rx I’ Hig as repri-Nfiit<'f f.k? nr •»U**’» ‘ I«j » nn i>* 7 DCPill —To ladies who in»rodn«» ’ . •»< ■ mo1». h»-tr friends0» HntfUe o' Qtiren’s Ant4-”• r ».e, wn will present won t » h r 'M, - in * "L wn présent wi ’h n nHV 15 .iri'n be't ir'ii Fxtrn I nrpe Pniile ana of silk to select from sent wit h erdrr (Mod Salary or Commissaou to Agents- AND SUSPENSORY rOI<, i the diefrimition of wealth lias not been adequately treated, this is the v»-rv heart of the niverey. thegroun«! fr m> which, Mank'1 .U is thoroughly explored, ctea and confusions must WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUFFERING con- from N ervous D ebility * ari»«t», to envelop in »»bscuri- that which h-is of itself - MHftoAlitly explained. tlv ■’rn ness . L osses D rains . I mpctency ofc f L ost M anhood . R heumatism , L ame j S^’B ack . K idney T roubles . N ervousness reasnti of this failure is ^»seek. I economy ' implest of the sciemas. It is he intell«e'ual recognition, as ‘ S leeplessness R xw M emor Y & general I ll H ealth we have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality — which is system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol­ cure or money refunded. •«ito Mciitl life, of laws, which twnral as|»»*ct m» n in*tinc- v rrcngiiize. Mtid which are em- ■d in the simple teaching« of whom I the common |e»»ple Dr. Sanden's Electric after ell other treatments testify, and from n»my of I gladly. But, like Christiani | •olilieal economy has been '’R<”’ed by instit utions which, denv j re Kjnality ai»«i brotherhood >». f n, have enliated authority. I ’ vd otjtction, an»l ’ ingraine»! te.vet in custom and haLit of S eminal W eak ­ THE TN (f(X the effect« of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For such sufferers in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you . ny have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity— and thus caused your weakness or lack of force, if you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in a natural way. This hour plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by mail, sealed. B»lt is no experiment, U we have restored thousands to robust health and rigor, failed, as can be shown bv hundreds of ■ ases throughotit this State, who would p'ad’y whom wc have strong letters beari »^- testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. DR. S m NDEN ELECTRD BELT i« a co-nplrte galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be wily ■ n d*»r’ng work r at rest, an»', it gives soothing, prolonged currents *» * 5 OCO. It Improved Electric Suspensory, the wlii'li are inxtaatly felt thmu-.’b*?ut al! weak pi>ts, *v I . ** >. i lias • ■ of »!■•: at-«wr weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or greatest boon ever given wr;,k men, and we warrant it to cur« ,.»<■; weskii.-sio youug, middle-agtd or old men, and will cure Money Unfunded. Tt^y art- J in si - i „ .tor » ‘be worst cases in two cr i..«vc ;. ■». ... ;%.*• SANDEN ELECTRIC , wk Past St.. PCXt