' The Herald — Beautiful shades of Jimmie Harris Pongees, Chailies and Lawns at A. Robbins. WEPXEsUAY M \Y 4 ls92. I OBQfíl* LARGEST CI RCl'bATION Homer R ed.................. Eiden Johnson —The Oat-is Saloon is still in the h*ad. Henrv Richardson and Frank Dell Bverlev .................. Carl Fegtlv.............. Lewis proprietors. Wdlie R jed . . .............. I adies go to A. R.ihh’nc and see > NEWSPAPER IN THIS « OCNTY. 5 th their fine «lock < f alico, Ginghams, ! / — Dr Marsden-epor's Mrs Lack- ---------------Ai iniilli very sick today. He reports —Tne weather is w.ndy to day. ’ his surgical cases of which lie has —Shade hats in all shapes and several, getting along admirable. |( tvs at the Miiliner Stor«. — We see a team unloading lnm- — ( i I < llit (tilt KIMliS ( n he-a‘ t he resilience, of our efficient H ' « 16th. and popular barber. John Robinson line i f d*e>s goods at >bb A iib . Ga-r. tt was in ‘own rev „ il d in Kt term of ciiciiit couit. ; back yards, and u thorough clean­ line. ing of wells. —Jusf. arriV d ; latest stv'es “ angtoii’s ot A. R'.obins, —Charley Hill. who reside« five terns or six miles north of Burns on Sil- If yo'i want any'hing in the vies river, is suffering with inter- j To |B of Ladies fine Shoes, Press ! costal neuralgia. He called or. ais, Rii bons < te. (io to A. Koo I Dr Ma”s< en to-d.n for medical at- 8. ' tention I — Who said you couldn't get. a I —J. E. Moore attorney at law. >d tlavpred cigar in town for five! A Jts? (rail at the City Drugstore brother in law of our ’ownsmin 1 inquire Frank Lew is, of Prineville who re- I McGee................................ i loie Erte ......... ................ Eiuiiiit Reed ........................... AND THE Tl N. F egti . y , Prm T ie foil..wing is a report of t he intermediate department Burns school. of HUNTINGTON, t he OREGON. No enrolled......................... " <1 topped....................... " “ re-vlitered ...... days taught Total No. ot days attended ........................ a< sence......... Average attendance........... 2n! This year we will surpass anv forme- attempt, to secure your business. 4404 Our stock is Larger, and co np.ete in every d< p irtjiiviit. 3?L We want your trade! We must have it! We will have it if prices -- and treatment is what you want. ' ceive.l the nomination lor the office No belonging at date. . . . ,...24| -Dr. T V. B Embree will deliv- Average standing of boys in reci ( 1 i serulon in the M E. Church of district attorn *y in the convention I we are informed, lias not vet decid- tation. attendance and ibportment: I CT Sunday evening. Su>ject,l No Misrepresentations. Artie Reed......................................... 80 i ed to accept the nomination. nti inonoply.” First class goods. Call n*i us nr send for prices. Frank Welcome. . . n5 —Special *ates to subsvri’ers oe ? Boucher is considerably1 Alhe Dillard ................................... 75 Proprietors of of the "Twice a-’.Veek” R* public er the weather this week. Joe Martin Harkey................................. 80 For ordeis reeeiv-d prior to.June » to much, “that is what’s the > ola Reed . . ....................................75 j 1 •), 50 cts; From o-ders rec»-ived tter with him ” Grover Jameison...............................70 'from June 15 ‘o July 15. 45 et«; (55 -Mel Fenwick.our neighbor, was Eur. r..(.,.jv,.(1 t*roill ,|ll|7 j.-,. Frank Gowan.................. or«ed bv the people's party con-( (. Anu 15 4U ,.H; E(„. (,r.|t.rM r„ Gats* Giannini................................... (50 That Joe Boucher, one of the best blacksmiths in the State had come tmn of Grant county, for joint crived from Aug 15. to Sept 15 35 Ivv A lien............................................. (55 ( Je.»? lie lias tor his jets. Rrmeniber Remember th-se th-so figi figures pay < Jerald Griffin...................................... 65 partner S. B Ware a first class mvchiimc IN -George Moo* e has 8
f ni'tyin-.- to Fox Valiev be definitely undeismod that this Average s’andmg made bv the re his [father now resides. special campaign oft'.-r applies to girls in rrt meiit: I e. Brlnts and shoes so "schrap M wrv Hack man............................ 80 A iictH ll Sale. 01 ever vps I told you.” End Ma ide (><»wan...................................... 80 j STRICTLY ONE PRICE. HUNTINGTON WAREHOUSE !E ¡ Call and try them. BOUCHER & WARE ('«t'J; ahurgiand George Fry. One hundred head of assignment stock horses at Burns llarnev Co. Myrtle Jameison............................... 80 Della Dillard....................................... 80 Franki.- Stenger ...................... 75 HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE *"'■' -Don’t forget whim in town that ....... uri P'"l Caldwell keeps the best of ¡¡o.! Oregon. Saturday May 21st 1892. . .if 1 1 o’clock p ............ r t he .... ii i k ___ ..... 1 iliau Harris...................................... 78 ¿’'.I •' ahdirigars I ................... < hind the |,.,r! ¡»t m. of well nown 70 afc, |r to diHpe.ise t» his many cus ; (J'N’•! Brand conm eted.) Horses Totoon Racine........... Kalsornining. Decorating. Graining and Flora A lien............... . . . 70 “"^'Ira. | consisting’of the finest, stock of haia Oil Finiishng. A lice Morrison ............. 7<> . i | drivers, roadsters, brood man s and i_i. W1A t «» slrtlrr oforo IT»» II \f J(.o « |ts r., . Vii The _oi aity drug store. Dr. H. M Katie Hackman................................. 65 Pa***’*»« li v-i •»<» »• th** c**ii’s-« on proprietor, has just received IL M. II0RT0X. Lulu Johnson................................... .50 He B.ißf ! • a supply of fresh goods assignee. Give me a cull. All wo-k done aci-ording to contract Cora Rusk. ............... 7.5 jially calls attention to his ■-'^y of toilet soaps. M ay W orthington . school iini’uur. Burns Gr J. G. OSTLP.MEIER. Assistant. 'ff'NuTICE—Peter Ch mens. Report of the grammar depart­ Ty>xes al out 7 miles east of Burns. ^or*nb‘ .seed wheat of the va ment of the Burns school f.»r the I known as the White Austral- mouth ending April 29, 1892: No enrnl'ed...................... 40 Cjwheat, at 14 cents per lb " «lavs t n ght............. 20 B r IVO IN Yot’H WHEAT.—John1 “ days attendance .............676 sb*- r antwmnccs he will grind vour “ " absent .............. ................. 85 I BO11 H half cei t a pound, or ............... 34 cents p- r hundred and guar- Average attendance a good llmr from goo»l wheat. Average standing • f 4th grade: 9.5 Frank Wallace, of Mt. Vernon Alfred Welcome . . Bertie Harris . ......... 90 t Countv. di»*d We»ln<-s«lay the - ult. from injuries received hv ( *«tll ■ running awav enroute Bessie Stenger........... Nora Gowan............ Canyon Citv to his home *• He » a wife and family. '’he well knovn imported En a.» llil» u. i l. l I.m< A.léclioiu, u.»o u |»>.-n.Vv uii'l ruu.cul«i..ü f irNrrvousuebii.iy a-Uuii. m ou.pi.iaui. a.ler havin - tostol lts v « r. l».> *>> itk:; iw-i t >hij •urcrini’f-llow«. ,r i —nirlnt» «"<1M* ni» s- -t I y r »il 1 ▼ ail’--"«- -1 v X **■’’- P. Psm‘- - th « j-- —-. '.. A. I»oi.a. — uuicr*- ue .»».cr...... AM Of. ARI- W I LI. T k IKI- R kmki V.— Mil wt u< p i.» > «>< thing tup hag I iiw*«l • «»ver flrtv < ea?B bv nd'li in* «»fino ht*’R f. r flu-i» • < hildrrii whi •? feet hi g, vvl h i erfe« r «•¡f.i-ni It a «•/ hi a ihr « hl a.»t e a ih«* gim n. m n r a>i |»ni i. i nrta )* ithl < «»11«. a dig mt* ik f»-ttt- edv f. r 1 iarihe« « h . r p «»•«* I hv it t* e, I wold bv Dr ugip g in e»vr» part .( »>•<• w. r I p . I if v a'lie hi* 11 «11- laDir. I t Ftire Mini H»k f«»rMra. A in<’a bsM.lhing tup and take n«» other kind. 90 U s L ami Ormi, ai Burli», .4. ................. b5 Nii’l'p i» heirb aneti ’hai .............. ................. 92 50 ................. 50. .............. 90 .............. 85 ................. 95 90 C u 1 t SALEM. Or. 299 CorrTercial St- CARRIES A MAMMOTH STOCK OE MEN AND BOYS CLOTHING AND —<» o------ E 11I racing the Latest Styles ill make. These gisais -;re products of tho Salem W coleri Mills. C'INAI. PRooE: I ,J < Or«-|ion. Manti thè f.>1l>.wiiiK ramisi p«-.i «*r In a rtle.l itoti. <• >t hip I nielli lui. lo n akr Hi ■ )>r, in »il’p- n >»f hi« - ialm. ni >1 tha « ii 1 |.r »•( *111 l* ina..e ltrf.tr»- thè Hr* « rr aiti Kete.ver at Buri a. oreg. n. .»■■ Mij 5 i«v., vii.. .1. hn V. Msitln. liti X.». 777, f.»r Ih» NW',.»<*• Jl Tp T. 8 R. ¡0 S ri Hr nairrv thè f.»ll.»wlnr wln-.,».» n- prove hi» rollili iloti» Tati et.teupon a-iu < nl’lvation • f Mld lauti, v f J. hti Q A' ai. ». « ha» III I. R. -, Mi'Ktiiio.n ami J. I Greau. «Il of Puri ■ uregou. J b. HUNTIXoToX. Ke»ia er | ........ and 1 BETTER linethaneverbe- And we will carrv in 1892 a .......... LARGER Orrgoiiians can do no i.etter Ih n to patronize IIO.ME INDl'S- f.»re. (.. „ TRY. These goods are h || made from Oregon Wool, l>v an Oregon Mill, in i r ur midst Oiegoiilaiis should tevl proud to Wear "Home made (ioiliiiig,*’ which m style and aj | h arance Rill compare favorably will» the g< «ala of any mill in the Uniteli Stales. They h ive I reo trini, found to in- all wihi I. hik I wear aril Send al once t< r •amplm. prie s and blanke forarli in» asurci»»eiit. SAT ISl* AU I ION GUARANI RED. Address. Sah m Woolen Mills Store, l!ox 376, Salem, Oregon.