The Postmaster at Bible Hill appeared s'eepv and heavy eyed as 'J I.e ¡situation Becoming Serious. if they had traveled all night. Parson Ksk' Straw and Mr. Crow i N ew Yo tK, April 22.— i he 'ahor UY IHHIEKT Vt’I.EE TOOMBS Fr.iin The (,’« a an CHAPTER VIL ( con . u pei > ) were lieeoiiiing hungry for t eir allied under >he Reading deal last prey when the old par.-mi was seen night resembled a smouldering vol coming slowly ¡done the valley with eano, and it may break forth at any the spv. The li'ter seemed llliX- time. The grayitv of the situation "If any one present knows any ions Imt cam.* f t Be joined together "I ¡it up on tlie rock and make us have, tip to this time, been confined in iiolv matrimony”—the minister a sp •cell,” cried several. to the meeting rooms of the Broth­ was drawling in perfunctory sing ( row’s speech was a tailure, lie erhood of Locomotive Engineers i sung tones as 'Thrill! entered the was terribly nervous and na’urally I and to the organizations >•* I him tiercelv. When this is gei era |v ,• t’i mp'eu.if esting ceremony.” said Thrall, rais i small stolie« at him and thei will bring almit a struggle, Since ing his hat to the minister's wife! one erv ing " Time’s up!” tin the fa nous Reading »trike in Penn- and daughter who stood bv as wit took up the cry and insisted on his sylvania, which rentlted in Presi lies.-es. ¡"id stepping forward with a "jiiniptn’ ” at dent ('orbin and Vice President Yellow ■ nvelope m his hand, "but I " Take ¡i gun. parson, and make McLeod utterly uprooting the labor » hold her«- telegr.iphie orders to ar • » take organizarions. there ha« •ecu little the rascal jiimu ’ .."No. fesl Mr Lawrence al »he request ofi mine ” ‘ Mine ’ "Take linn»* organized lai or on the Reading Gill- of Ills Wives 111—” Everv niiiotisliiner was ¡inx road. It is reported that Mr Me W'th an "¡.th ¡ii.d .i bound Law­ i.tiis that his gun should I'come fa- Leod. w ho is president of the Read­ rence cleared tlie door and went liv­ moiis lit* being used on this occa­ ing said, sii ce the deal, that he ing through the town. sion «•mild ge rid of all labor organiza "L"t me see x..iir telegram, ' said I "I will use mv own gun.’’ MM if I ti.ius mi the conil ined roads at unv the minister when Ins wife had led Parson Rakeslrjiw. "It’s the one cost. That the Reading's presi toe soiming \ ina into anoltier room a« I've been telling ion about I lint dent imide use of such a remark i« i mid nil had grown calmer. An d to save Hie' wet edge of the narrow towering Vali, v and sev t ’ rntral. Lehigh \ oiing lad v km k lie cried in a loud voice: il l Lawrence IL d to .he mountain,^ *■ I leu rv ('row. you me ii sneak­ are all thormighlv orgm'zed. «here lie l.ecame lost ami pvri-h.-d ' ing «;>v. vmi; you- time have come It Would •»' jilni'iS* i III I" "sible to A tew iii'iiif h- later in a narriiw ' —.jump!” got ge a ski letnii «as found m d fii d a 'ccomotive > ot run l>v a It seems tl a’ your parson's gun ll'liong I lie I Olles Were a Watch, I'f brotherhood engineer ()•><• ot 'he can call up spirits as wel’ ¡is put o'dest mem' ers of ‘lie 1 rnttu-rl nod Vslver and ottn r articles ' earing them down, men.” said ('row, a hl« name and w hich Thrall reeog- of et'gen"'"S talk'd f'-».e|v la«t great light breaking over his face. i iz.i d as having I eli.nging to him night. "1 extremejv desi"..,’’ s;,i(| i "Look ¡tLmit you!” \ Ilia I. turned Inline t • her fatll the man. ' ami so Ao a 11 ••■»" lmiii Tliev looked, Their nrins I er« ..four order, av-'d ‘rmi'ile I oili w> re grievoiislv di«>ip lit in thè hands of the enemy ami Vet I (b> I" ‘ see ))•>«' 't is tn he w ci e li 11, d «uh gratitude to Thrill from a doz> li diffeient ] oilits lev­ avoided A’here will I e > o-.e t..dav •lai k took a half a davotl'tohilu- elicli reperii ing rilles in tile hands o. tomorrow, 'mt .1 deem '• inevita­ »•■Il I I d | lit inn., ntiie time laugh nf ih termined marshals cover d ble ’’ poinno in tiling L.«r< tie. The remuiii'-d motion’es«, amt bi'gving himself in «-Id t beni ‘■T’I.»." '-mi i-ej.ll.- (l.î.tk- (||,.re d. i p iiu x |e delight' a’ t lie lenii, ri* ss. in aljeet helpless letror likeli hood of i strike?" ' S ii rrender. meli! can I n iii . i . >-r m i’ai-on Rnkestiaw’« "I think if is more like''- and long dra« n plans f r rev. nve luid i di>.’’ «aid I’nr-on The mon d iss •. I'» f i..A ; '••••»«■ *i ft lost feciii led Upon his own lu ad—and [ I tiese «’ere his Inst ing bis footing <>n t he at « fiat I w as ' el Io eoii.e "The old ra«e;il might to hang. | sione and slipped I had intend'd all ainng tn hang was lost far in thè jag him i t ‘ . . . . . \ e.! if he will talk iielow to i e recovered ) tglit tor and Mtnari ’ tu tue.............. | torli, crushed and lifefvss. er crew has '■.-o»i '-lid u (t freight a con»' it»o- crew, and a 1 ' I eeaii«»' ♦ inn tn eheat'on coal a h'-r-» misvenger cow and t her.. » . Th" men not know «■'>•<’ to I x t" '■* do WDS.t'-uit Control, orders of )Vsocf 0 \-r~¡ Atone ov. for all Die--. were late and the moonshine men situation mi the four great railroads o o o I, c.' 0 3 h;./o wc-k HOME ¡gtuiiivnv • •’/ ’Wi' --m.', wLoaroéuaci;- r^At^Tfouw ovik from r.-ffo.-s --------- or ---- ro un: - -------- - — * .s,cr Gt ■ 1 • "1 ’7 j": r:a a limited timces ___ -A Z ! guarantco to if they cau orottrò, method and r.r- iulord &GÙKL1 .. ~c arc /.'rmot/sand porr/;?, the scorn of th « fellows and the ecu. tempt of friend- md componfonE, kaóv into ell patient;, FOS^JfLt CE.f.r- own Enc.mavo plir.rccc will i-, íLen, H HEA Z • • • Don’t brood over your crnCtio-», r ~'--o up tn do?r-'r ! cA Thousands of l.:o > • ' ■ ' > ’> L. ’ : u ♦ ci .//( ; : ¿cfcdcal.;',,’ t 1 l-L- ■ ■ : ■ ..•« - ..a ■ tho rat! aor .ippir.nce. «... IM enco that'vJ rm’' a’". ’ ’ <; - ot '! / ¿UCCCSS. / ... (. J.» I f /'/Xa/o,4 6/.» / * ‘ 5 1 I ¿.CM fuima thh ita V'fAe : ? met Che ban goni ai.d west wen moi veal A Cure for the Ailments cf Man and hid \ long-tested pain reliever. road Ils use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fare«-'-. • • w>o Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an eiicxme rouji liniment bov ' other application compares with it in efficacy. » '.\.is well-known remedy has stood the test of years, a!mot com generations. Vo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustaiw need L iniment . not I Occasions arise for its use almost every day. thini \11 druggists and dealers have it. his 1 has I Co’ID your unal their each rangi One i 1er e: up, 1 deatl by a ’ eXt.p' d. «•I>;'(. 'h'-v 'vili act wi'h e-'r.'. ♦>)«.- It was an exeelleiit inorning s and fell all lie k n. >« - a out < ■ ra v’s «ill act f art..«»]v «hen timv think • I 1 »a'.p.■ a r . i re I 11 pull t lie old vil Work. it n< cessarv Ilan l lirmigh.” The illicit whiskey I ttsi less was Realizing Parson completely broken up in the Bible little talk witli Hill district, where Jack Thrall re­ in ims vet as United t>taies Com­ Ibra I—'those "little ¡title talk» talk»" ” were -■ - til* danger Rilkes! raw idler II The r-enublic.i’i organ «ava that "no woolgs.uv« r Iris vet he.'i» found aiw.ivs v. rv e •«•li V s fh'it ’’ree t'"iH ol I letirV < row brought up and culis., thev were wool gr(, ver«. I lit I'ateli ’. m." ►aid ll.e old traitor. educat'd at Henry ('row’s expense who hive not to'ind mit differenti v. ' \ "II II gel «'liI a I tin re. Mr Thrall and is now a sweet intelligent girl and know that it inj'ire« ’hern a w.|| a« everv1 odv e’s •, Mr Slat» iluli rd \ mi will The ley.’ll all with many friends and is dearly will get the vnt«s th's v»utr nf »1 e «-«»in* from tar n• • I mar; any of loved tiv all who know her Eastern Oregon w oo'-growers — • 'III W 11' ride two da « s aid nights Evening Telegram. un V time tn si i a spv hung" "Il s the best bait Volt CIU ll«e to Little Caddie was 11 w as I rm- At least tiltv »egg'd ♦ ' tn' * d m ii ’ l> hairv mo mi *hi ner« were asM'i'l'd alimi ile "Big Î9VERY ^ACCÍDEííT R ,-k" «m Lost Crt'k <••'» on dirtcilv -i.ter »..Inn - . ■ .'.¿'1 ,'i! l! 1 »Ui'lis., I lie« w 1.0 h id 1 « «-it led ’n tie1 *1«»' I k Thr»i|l, <................ ..... 11 a«ed toste Hist each mminta'' et r. Ill Palson R, k'st'aw s Atigg'st o . left bi* gun back on fh« h ll-i.b that he Ini}ht not I t liatii|a*rrd |»crl>n •» in obtaining a clear view of (Jr ■ w « m*>unt.iiu men ! . ’ Î mv th»» hatr over and at t ? t! n \turv for a few n^nu' a r I h - tr* •»« tf hv n k t< * itl.oni lb* Mlgl.leat ) «In oi tnjui «*r «** er allerta ard • vnltkr ar v oi er |»i • i ari*tn » “- ’”r’, . ‘ . ■’*? < « ' 1 I I c w h.. have I ♦ • ». • i • x ri i ’ m tx1 ’ 1 * 1 1 H R’ •’ * ’ V K *’ \ I I I >1 > X ■ T ' lanrcrl m » . n In < Ur»v« - Vnl.h. al ch