burns The Herald. WEDNESDAY APRIL 13.1'«. OUR NEIGHBORS- Clippings from our Neighboring Et change*. A curious C ase . \ Mun tu I omul Wandering Around Near ITnaiilla Hei-omefrom Port­ land. hut Don't know How 11 A prisoner who has had a pecul­ iar history for the past few days was conveyed in a carriage to the court house from Monday evening » west-bound train. His name is George D. A. Maire, and he was found Monday wonder­ ing aimlessly around in the sand near I matilia, with noclothing save a shirt and pantaloons, and his bare feet scratched and bleeding, lie was immediately taken in charge and sent to Pendleton forex­ amination. lie was supposed to be insane, but Ins trouble was found to have resulted front acute alcoholism, and having partially recovered he was <|iiit< rational when he told his story to the county physician. It was gathered that he had been on a prolonged spree, the result of marital troubles, and that he came from Portland. ‘ The last I remem­ ber.” he said, “is that mv wife, brother and sister start«*«! out to at­ tend a ball at the Turner’s hall in lortland I wanted to go but cocldn t put mv shoes on. and went barefooted. \\ hen I arrived mv brother told mt* to wait in the hall­ way awhile ami he would come and take me horn«*. I afterward went to sleep and when I awoke found myself io the custody of an officer. I do not know w hether 1 was in jail or not. A blank followed, and when I recovered again I was lying i., the saint 1 diti not know where! was I thought my family were there,ami trawled around on mv hands and and knei*H to find them. 1 had no shoes <>n and my feet were hurting me.” Maire does not have the slightest id< a how h«* reached Umatilla, his .......... from tin* night of the ball being a pvrtvct b'ank It is a curi­ ous ease, and evidences the power of liquor over a man’s being. The patient will be kept in custody un­ til lie fully recovers. Maire is a young man perhaps twenty sev« n «ti twenty eight years old, and good lixtking. Hehaalwen seen la-fore in Pori land l>v out* of th«- otfioars li«-r«-.— East Oregonian advertisements ;____ i- T he elimination of the Silver The postmaster was a little discom Question from Congress aud from fited for a while, but now enjovs « GERAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! — Ex. politics, for the present, clarifies the joke as well as anv one. the atmosphere very materially. It need not be assumed by the distant A full and Complete Stock of Groceries and Supply One af the most brutal murders reader that there is not a positive Ranchers wishing to purchase their supplies will do well to call evar committed in Oregon, so Bays majority in both Houses of Congress the Malheur Gazette, was the cow­ in favor of the free coinage of silver, what we can do for them before going elsewhere. ardly assassination of Wm. Hum- for such a majority certainly exists, Everything at BED ROCK PRICES. l>er* within sight of his wife and but that there are potent reasons children near West Fall Tuesday H. E T hompson , Yours Respectfully for postponing further action at this evening, the 5th inst. He was go­ Manager. A. ROBB q J time even many of the warmest F° ing home from the store and when silver advocates are willing to ad­ near his home, three men were seen mit. It is a question which divides to follow him across the hill. His on sectional lines, to a great extent, F° little g’rl ran to where he fell and and for the democrats in Congress found him dead. Wm. and John MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. to wrangle over it and inject their Bailey were arrested for the crime poi differences into the approaching and confined in the county jail. This Hotel has recently been enlarged and entirely renovated in first ch, The Gazette ends its comments on national campaign, when no result The table is Supplied with the Best the Market Afford» po the dastardly murder in the follow­ could be obtained at best beyond a Presidential veto, would never have ing language: Traveling Men will find this Hotel a nice and Desirable J There appears to be a class of been wise statesmanship or good stop. people in Oregon who are cowardly politics. Next session a contest by instinct and will seek a time, over this question will not be attend­ even without cause as this case; ed by such immediate dangerous F‘?> to take advantage and cowaidlv party results, and at that time there may be better prospects of favora ­ assassinate the unprotected person; H. M. HORTON,..................................................Proprietor or else entice an unsuspecting per­ ble action in tne White House. The coming campaign ought to be F° son in some obscure place and with and will be fought on issues upon greater physical power brutally as­ , .^.DEALERS , sault their easy prey. It is of too which the democratic party is unit­ DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIC F‘ common occurenee in Oregon and ed, and there is work enough for STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFlJ this session of Congress in line with not a little in this county, The next grand jury will have a few those issues. A’ FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS E.i clear cases of this kind to in vest i- p gate W hen Mr. Blaine announced that Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical Pud.* he could not be a candidate it was generally said that Harrison’s nom­ ¿^“Prescriptions accurately compounded. The prohibitionists have met ill ination would follow as a matter of Portland and nominated a full state course, but it does net now appear ticket. Winfield Taylor Rigdon, of so certain. There are evidences Salem, is the nominee for congress beneath the surface of a movement, man for the first district, and C. J. engineered by skilled and powerful Bright, of Wasco, the nominee for men, which may after all encom­ the second, Benjamin P. Welch, of pass his defeat in the Convention. TOILET ARTICLES. GLASS, P U T T Y, it Cc Portland, is the nominee for su­ It the «dement opposed to him could Dl preme judge. R. B. Hood, of The unit«* there would hardly be a d >ubt Span Dalles, an alternate presidential of that result. ^Neither Cullom, Al- elector, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Uer, Allison n'n any of the other \V BURNS. 01 E GRACE P roprietor . Butler alternate delegates to the < a ldidates generally mentioned are national convention. believed to have the necessary strength There is now some talk On the 2Sth ult. Geo. Lend, a that John Sherman is to be the A Large Assortment of German was found dead in his ci ali­ man finally fixed upon because ’Otiti of in on the sheep ranch of the li S his strength in New York and with Eto-gn A' L Co. Hav Creek Crook county, the Germans of the West. Sher­ bis d lie was herding sheep for the com- man announces that he is not a can­ ■ d« lias just been Received. p.inv. A coroners jury found a didate, though nobody doubts that httui verdict of death from natural causes he would grab the nomination as a PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMP**»"« street gamin grihs a piece of mince , . h*-»' Our town election last Mondav pie when he can get it. Mr. Blaine ■ fF' Everything guaranteed pure and of the very be?. was a hotly contested affair. One himself would have been less likely PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRM ice f fellow, rather than forego the ina­ to withdraw had lie JP not felt that lienable right vouchsafed to everv the signs all pointed to democratic -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------- -- th free man, relinquished his * cinch'’ success. He could not afford to on a piece of government land In take the chances of a o t second defeat. Bear valley, where his residence should Im to allow him the privil- A good ranch belonging to II. G. _ _ Mdi^r elege of making proof on the land. MESDAMES MORRELL A ALLEN. - Campbell), containing Kit) acres 12 But he wanted to vote worse than he wanted a homestead.—Canyon miles south east of Burns. This ranch has about HK) acres of good City News meadow land. Price 4-SOO or will ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE St^i-ny Although Senator Blackman is trade for sheep. rmi» B y an A- K imi still bring urged to allow his name AND TABLES WELL SU PPLlECsi«y. to come I efor«* the state democratic convention for congress, he holds to A man went into the postotliceof his former decision and is in no a neighboring town recently and sense a candidate.—Gazette. told the |H>stmasler that he desired thirteen Iwocent stamps f. r a cent J II Hinkle of Crook County, and a quarter I h«- ¡»-st master re­ Camp Cre« k was arrested, bv the fused to give them to him, stating deputy sht riff of that comity. a few that the lost would lx- twenty-six davs since He is charged with in­ cents The man | h rsiste I in get cest I he Prinev lie News gives it ting his order, claiming that he as its opinion that he is innocent of could g« t them it any office for that the charge amount, and « ven threatened the government official, if he continued L m Al. El EcTifix.—Republican to refuse him Finally the post victories were scored in most of the master oidered him out. but the local municipal elections just hell man nothing daunted, took a cent in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois. Wiscon and .« twenty five cent piece from sin; while the democrats have met his pocket, and laving them down with success in most of the towns in on the counter, he received Ins New York. Missouri. Kansas, and stamps for a cent ami a quarter Nebraska I D FRENCH HOTEL F0‘ City Drug; Store FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only $2.00 per 100 square feet Makes a good roof for vears. and anyone can put it on send stamp tor s imple and full par­ ticulars. Gi m Burns-Canyon Stage Line. I. J ewitt , P roprietor . 1 esves Bum, on Mondat». Wednesday«. and Fridays, «' 6 *■ ” /^•Connect, with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview stafis at iwirt'»- tiou, for passengers. nd rifai Ir 8 nd tl er c I I V oth. jr th Ei Asm R ooking C o , Th« very •* th id i '■''GW (I Bl i-lwav. New \ Local Agents Wanted KISS-OUTS S*ag ■ mvhhmmmhm »■» , . y uhv t-»r me B m,.. in i-tn»c 1..,..!. ■>»ry w,,rk t„jx, . b, I. ». M finrrtm ■■ , j H Mim. Bn 4 io » m -. is. WRIGHT Bros . Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Wh-sk«®- FI W in s, bancy Drinks. Cigars, etc., always on hand •' ' '11‘ 0,1 tlcm at Drewsey, TTarnev county- ;