tion papers were not made out and The Herald. after a while she wanted the child " hr (i ¡.he found the woman hack. who had taken it WrtlNIMIlAT APJKI. 6. is«. OUR NEIGHBORS parties on both < lippoig» fmin mi ■ XeighlloriiiK ehanaeM she would not surrender the child she had. claim* ing that it was her own child. Then the case went to the court and the Ex sides brought BUHNS John Fisk says that after fifty of life he has found out that years he is no politician, and now believes that his proper avocation is hurse- doctor.—Grant County News. There seems to I* such a desire for harmony among some of th? in that they are politicians nursesand do tors to prove theii GERAT REDUCTION IN PRICK A full and Complete Stock of Groceries and SuppJ,= Rancher? wishing te purchase thei- supplies will do wellu J what we can do for them before going elsewhere. Everything at BED ROCK PRICES. willing claims tothachild. Judge Stearns, to sacrifice their friends, their eue iii wl.o-e court the ease came up. is mies and their first wife’s relations New York state is about to return evidently puzzled and has taken it in order to secure it.—Grant County to hanging, the I ill to repeal the under advisement. It is evidently I News. electr-ienfim. law having parsed the a case for a Solomon to decide lower house. A Grant county ladv is credited S«-v«-ral i r «misiiig veins <-f mal baie I «-«'ii d sc«>vere«l m ar \nte)op-*. H. E T hompson , MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop't. The table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affo- ho me” at the agency on the su«pi City Drugstore' cmn that the inunlereii Lackei 11- p Ip. the young Indian fonml dead H. M. HOKTON,.................................................. Bropriejau chai with a broken neck at the foot of the levee Sunday morning. It has been gathered that the three were McMinnville T R: “Judge Tav-, together on th«* levee, drunk, and b>r of Astoria probably gets along ’ engaged in a pleasant pnstiim- of hu-' «i I. d t rmiiw-d t«> a «diali ili«* with h ss Brains th in any other law- j consulting a bottle cf liquor. The < «'i— .ini uml«-r*«*n .ic< nini* Sì,«- deinolialied ili«- ditated murder to one v«-ar in the • >ther man there. Beyond this; tixnir»-« «rmiiid th«-barwith a club. |H-nitentiary; he aentenos a fisher­ rather unsatisfactory stat» uientthev hi d tb« n imole f««r thè <*<>iil oil man w ho t >ok two salmon, to thlee i have said nothing Indian police.' I lainp*. w tien 'In- I aikeeiair put her y«ars in the penitentiary; then sen-' who are m «re skillful in the detec «»ut—O<:hc«»co R view tences a mini who has maliciously i tive business than manv people im libelled allot her through anewspnper 1 agine. are “working up tie* case.” Ex« bang«*: A «bictor in Albany to one year in the Clat«o,i co i itv iml claim to have evidence sulti ha* put «Hi r«-«*««rd a li«t <»f articles jiil. We would have justice, in cient to make things warm for the’ wbich lo- filimi III tir* stomach of a det «i, if nil th«- men in the state •uspects. One point in favor of th« voimg wmiian ii|M«n who-e h«>dv he wt-rt of the Judge Taylor calibre.” latter is that there were no marks! Inni •«•■rformcd mi antopsv. Ilere il ir: F*ftv-nne hxirpins, 16n«*e«iles. of violence on the dead man’s per­ or ui< ces <>f io-« dira. 32 nails varving Eugene Guard: E. L. Eaton, in Ici.gth frinii A ¡neh ’<< three indie? while working in a loggmg camp 2 screw-l olio <>f t belo 21 ine beri« mg ) on Big Fall creek one day last week, thr«*e pivers of irmi 3p indirà long cut a gash in his left foot about 3 son. hut the scemi At the levee indi- « ^bliEAI.ERM STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFrfho and A- FANCY TOILET ARTICLES,TOBACCO, CIGARSI«| Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical pJH /^“Prescription? accurately compounded. | cates that a strtugle took place and Lacket-'l-pilp might have I een WUG. MEDICINES. PINATS. BRIl| TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS. P UTTY.i1 F* tha Urj evening, the snow fulling to a depth ily no cords were severed so that no His horse with the saddle on was of an inch an h«»ur I* was th«* se lasting harm is likely to result. found on Kimble Flat about 21 miles from the Howard ranch on ven st storm of the past winter. 'Ialini II ziel The bright aiinahim* of yesterday, Monday the 28th of March, A AV E GRACE P roprietor , not of t A Large Assortment of FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Ett“«! WM Has just been Received. -------- _----- — act PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COJIPOflthe Everything guaranteed pure and of the very bcstttflR PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE O . ___ searching party was organized and thirty-six the hole country adjaont to his am-uig stock men. e«p«-ciallv sheep years ago this day he was the direct Imme was scoured but without sue owners, who liinl turned their bunds cause of saving the lives of thirty cess His bridle and “chinks’' persons at the Cascades on the were found in a desgrted cabin 2 out on the range north side of the Columbia river, miles from his home. Any tidings Twenty live applications fir the at a place called at that time the <>f the missing man will be thank presidency of the state agricultural I pper Cascades. John is old and fully r ceive«l byMr. and Mri. l’hos. Why But Howard at Drewsey Oregon. college in this city, have Iwen re­ w< it wearn-d with years now. ceived from nearly all parts of the then he Wus a young man; and United State« Last Moliti «V the after making thirty jx-rsons sate. good ranch belonging to II G. state l«oar«l of education. Consisting lie run the g.iUiilet f«r a link* "•th Campbelll .containing Hit) acres 12 south east of Governor Peimover, Secretary of other p irtn-s, some of whom were ........ t of Burns. This wounded while others were killed ranch has Stile McBride Sup« rmtcndcu! Me- almut KN) acres of good Kirov. A R Siepi v ami Secretary by the Yakima tied Klickitat in meadow laud. Price 1800 or will Wallis Na«h. im t at Sileni tn ex­ dians. Yet he arrive«l at the fort trade for sheep. amine these applic itmus ami on the safe ami soun«i, and in tune to care B yrd A K ing . 2Oth «lav of Apr I will make a re­ for^the wounded :n the fori, win re port to the ls»ard of regents of fir twelve soldiers were imprisoned college, who will prnhaldy eject a thru* days ami nights. The writer president at that time—Corvallis <1«w'S n<*t |>ro|s>se to a, |M*rtk of the _______ ________________________ ed |aib| __ __ BURNS BESIMW1, X rap'd MESDAMES MORRELL *1 ALLEN, - . C'1 l>’ * V ir of. Ceti! and seo ns Burns-Canyon Stage Line, ed I. J ewitt , P roprietor . I.e»ve» Burnson Mondaci. Wedneada'i. and Fridays. Si « *■ 1,1 «une« ’» «I ■ th«'Oi>;»ri Frii.eville. «nd I Rkrvi«-w tiui.» tur VHStebfecr». Of V •’ b“*“ QOC " ____ thè •••. < n y une loriar tngrurn s.all wiuiun/. >•« rf,, t ____ riirh.rUk. Nett sarj ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE -- ------------------------ ~---------- SER® K AND TABLES WELL SUPPLÌ Ho1 thni mss-OUTS sary. la-rsons were kill««l outright and many m«»re wounded • Jay" likes to talk
a> » g, «bi,^ |U WRIGHT Bros , SHcres and India«) fighting will le well entertained bv him f«»r a f w hours—he ha» l»-e,i there Switilt r n-aides one mile from dkU-n—East OrvgAMiian. BURNS thrown down the I auk by his drunk­ Baker Dein«MTiil: The h«*nvy snow and then continued to care for it sey coui'ti v as ’ Je?*ie James’' has storm of Siindiiv was something un­ until swelling prompted him to i l»eeii missing from hi« home, the precedented in this section nt this come Io a doctor. To do this he llowar«! ranch on Mule creek, since time <>f year It commenced snow­ rode IS miles horsehack, ami Dr. the 22d ofMa'ch.he last wn« seen at ing at 5 a m and continued until Pavton dressed the wound Luek- Pine creek oil the 24'h of Match A P kiiiiah C ask —There ia a jw-culiar cam-in the courts al Port­ land A woman gave Birth Io a child some mon!I s ago She «H __ Vrrv sick ant-rwsrd and rave the child to another woman mlvmlin^ to have her adopt it But the adop " MM DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDlfie and j indi thiek, 2 ro||« of hair, 2 inches long and neatly through th«* en companions, the fall resulting in pieees of wih «I ami 3 picee? of ciotti foot. He rode horseback to his a broken neck.— East Oregonian. (••nell iibont 5 iiiches long ami I home, tiye miles nw.iv. and then — A young man naimd Marion inch wi le). sewed lip the wound himself with a Anderson, but known in the Drew- common needle and cotton thread, Gatette Uli Thii ITote) ha- recently been enlarged al d entirely renovated in fra, Mr. Traveling Men will find this Hotel a nice and Desirabi JCCI mat stop. ruai Gov Two Indians. Umapine ami Mes Bri tin-e. are confined in the ••skookum Walla Walla valley is excellent. What of him? A.ROij. jn surely.—Canyon Citv News he injured, but all fears of that now Al'anv Democrat : In May Joe is at an end Over the Blue moun­ Simon Will Mart on a trip to En’ojie tains the weather has been unpre- whrr>- in- will remain a year. If it cedentlv severe with snow and fro«t were not f..r tin fact that Joe’s for three nights. ¿Vs the season is • • - n. friend. Jim L*>tan. remain«, Inter there and the trees had not rep !i> hi p «lilies in Multnomah I u hl ed they are all right. Unless co.mfv would «lie a de-erved death. o' her freez s come I he outlook in the thaw which caused pre.it r«-j uc'tig Yours RespectfaJh ■ FRENCH HOTEL tro«ts have «lone no harm to the fruit •’there are at least ten candiilates Hid it only ne-«!« tn«- mairie touch tr-«•« in this section. Ow ing to the I for assessor an«i upon mv soul I of capital *o f the don't believe more than half of them resource« in tb it neighhorho-Ki. treesit was greatly feared they would can he “lected.” A safe conclusion however, had th« »-fl’-ct <«f a nU, Manager. Statesman: It is a su’ject of uni­ with the remark, a few days before versal congratulation that t he recent the republican convention, that: A w««man at Alltel««;»- a few dava ag-> having h«-r :it>-niM«|e miserai.le Lv ili«- «• «iitin mus spreca «>f ber o. Wk ■ I ■■ aa“4YAtrstM”rtvn«lnrtanr * lln-:«'« giM ts an iikiamoio f - W I .r, for dlr». 1’rK. ». Il, W“ I >ei,-gr«r «.«■ mi"I Nitni-h« » » ■ A.Mrrwe-A 4 > h »lx. * Mr Uli ■ ill Pm- I ■ ■ I Il I ■■ WJu FiÁ .'n.'« UL’. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—N' h«* 14 " F’1’ Wines Fancy Drinks, Cigars, etc., always on hand you call on them at Drewsev, Harney county.