“At boarding-»eh o ' Aunt Lory will Seek at k ** c ’ MAB. dur.ng vacali »n j- ! sa f H* tare» e wnoa. CHAPTER I >»4 *&. ~Y There w»« a time, ' n *y • L A» ... B«t-sa'- going to he gone fc' g • M’her* do y -n g * • . _ • : • gra..■« thence X ■ L ;«-n» I can g-t borne.— * * f - wh- rta«.».r» if the tramp«' E»v- there is af that. <-• “Arid wb*n wifi yr «rkaV » 1 pro e. jre»l II •• ■*" 7«*r: ' e* y ~*. Uv f that ha- everjt’jali«friven i:« . v « Ho* i r . I E gl -h "iratnp » taa iuer hai Upon n.n »on.»-thing of *h- -tf - ’ th it « r» «I dag ha* ip»»n 3 bull I 1 he ha i s« t -e • r.. ■ • krn-w t »at 1 be in iAte ca «■•1 for and . < in* all \U‘. » o 414 ir - orti n. t>t l a< k to ti­ "W hv so w1 «Io. are just as vitung to « the first turn of lam* togethe M in** You -rr >«> 1 he good wife laid her arm about bis neck ami pr»-»sed h»-r lit ••» if fectmmi.lv to his forehead, Ile put 'lie «4 Ids t ig strong arm« about | her waist ami ■ ire» her d»»wn ii|w»n his km- . For » ft1« mommi* l»oth i, anu were surfit Tiicu. with a liltli **1* lb«* mAtei» a |»r«►*>!«• «in«- u» i*>b. M » • h’ • «} » ’ «OH K a t h T- t • * f it ’ h l»‘F Alni B ! h ' - lu ol trn4«'fhr** FuB*1 lll< IbriMig \ hi< u»tw Mi » ■» a « r I* a *mile anh. N m |« *hi haï«* w«- i t n>n n a * ay «•*> ma* y jh'ar» »»t happ “IVrhap* itoe diaripl tor aa,** hr whUp* r* •F.'»-rjr ih|n/ happen* fw Ui» * ho io rot lake tbrtr &tv« uwn basito Ani y<»u« 1 Ur rvr. i» r tu n>« II« g-Mir ru * h» a »! upi»n h ta •h«*uMrr an«| ■w m Ht* Uj h<*art I» ai r I U»l. i u ♦» a ! * Il ar» f<>r Utte uappl- I »»« .ni VMv» be. • * Imi I j. ,'t \h! If in- could unli- nt a v V»m* i always. and go on forever ‘ailing tog’-tlier Il-h \nj we mitfhl ..» a day g*H-s over mv those times don’t C .ine l’b»»r» sigh, sie »aid "not »« not That is just whit I ,mg to »p< *k to y.>u hi ut. I’ve p-ettv Well luad« un mv mind that my i>« *t voyage sh.il l>e m* last. nnark anti give up my -hare it the ocean to the con-arnet “tramp* ” Thank God! w« re g»t enough to k ■ p us in comfort wt *< we live “Hut “In partnership.—-old enough to out for hitiiM'ir” "Aml Fforenct »♦ Jggar^K/r '.y uiur - . biers are. I>eyond question, de- »eloped tn the fo’eastle. nut not e'en the moat faultfinding Jack tar afloat could have found just gr* h nd for mplai t agan st th»- weather daring that lust vovagr of theMolhe. until the thirteenth dayafter she bad [■•»•cd the Ho’n and squared away fir the North Then a vic­ ious storm from the northeast came down to ¡»eat her back into the teeth of a gale from the South, and that swung around until it joined forces with a genuine Northern.” During five days the tempest raged withoid atonement. In that-time ’he wind had shifted to everv p iut >f the compass. ' generally.” as the mate swo-e, "coming from most points at once,’’and with such vio fence that only a shred of sail, a: best, could be carried When there was at c. ssalion of the rage of the elemence. the Mollie was in a de- plorabie condition; her foremast had *■**" carried away from just above the deck: only a stmp of a mainmast, about fifteen fret in height, remained; and the disap I >e .trance of her standing rigging ■ ack to the mizzeu, ar.d the smash log of her bullwark. made her look like a wreck Still, nobodv aboard was unduly alarmed, for her hull wa* sound, and sailors in distress .re fruitful resources But it would have been a Mtiafaction to them io know where they were, a fact at which tbev coule not have guessed t d bweii certain of coming within a theucand miles of the truth iTu tw Cutltiutnd ’-A-'.-c -- • *'» — —-~i’a t" Z-. " -TaiV X» ’.Y ■ rr*. y ~'-9 1»' . B czican Mustang Linime 1. À % A— sailed V>gether will fade awav. ar.d ff would start on their last voyage at-oard the bark M dii. Anticipa­ tion there»-: in no wis»- dampened *'1>an is iri a g.»<‘ humor !«» he the «tiioyment of their farewell ai' ne. said hi- w f. tn i.er-elf The Merwir.« W h«-n h- « .: me n. to «ji* ' • T on- •; IV Christmas dinner »ere not afraid of the sea. Joe. Al d sb»- w I- rigtit. a- g. .>-rallv was in • .< h matters, f •* she ’ • ould tbe ?aptain s only son, frar.klv la OXI. IOC »AIO Tor UfTt-D MF mented the wasting f hi- life in r»-.id him like a book I tier»- had the hardware busine««, instead uf r»-«l it; be would like v> ha&u e»-n an ’l.*r ?e the «-oii.m-titton, an. g Flossy—a lovelv girl only sixteen But I ««euTWlr l»< th > 'tran»}»», of which the hart»or years «»Id—begged hard to l«e al e»- has a seu.eii full, an«! the captan.'.- re- lowed to g<> al«»ng ■-n the nnal vov- beat will« py; bl age To that th«* cap*a:n verv tim«* of wbir n b* tlrctioi.s w«*rv ntiiisuallv I liter. j- -lively said “No.” She must get t .••»me. I U* aft» r wat at. i h» - ...led when «he ba I graduated he w.»uid arm. take her and her mother over to again, as hl- Wont ••(k/n’t jprt ot<»r it, X«*d.w I * n th** Euroj»*. T.’.at compr«»mi«e Fl- -«v U»w< it ton«**: and ib»*n. h. "Molli« b- -ai'i. a I i-• -*i’*g Mr« f» .'•••n accepted, perforce; and all thence­ the <*( women. I siHhb-! i Mi rw :r. • do » on «-ver t; k • f huje forth went m» rrilv. until papa and •umf tb<* «tlh« >t. and bur*l into a fl«*od pv times We II-* d to at fouli»h v-int mama sold Farewell '* And ten minute i..u-r N* h 1 and I are davs when w« were a til in^ together on tb«* rudite acai; Iti* get her The niiwt perfect chronic grum irtn i* around m<* and m»b-»il. Paii'l 7 gu»-;—tr— ---■ metnmory of the time wh* n we so would have c-owde«i i.i* 1.1s ¡1 b- ’be high - a- al’< th • hl« »trung eia« holds me c I o - k - to him. “You toil'd me nine you ref *«’’1 a»*»?* h«- ia ti’i j a Hlau ir. '(• lai I • V - i»4|| I thou ».»I > t<| »k»*d »;>•• out •>f pit*. I thought )u i would« a*«ily for- *Bw£f«Â :3. star above and the silence al»out us. all te vears that have clowded the Wu- fa*'ing ftie ii»» vttabl». tlkat 1 he t esides you mv heart will seem to aid Id» kn d • - re d»»»m» >1. »»r a • to «tan.*! again at the thre-h« *J of he phrased it. th at The dav of a new life uf love and juv ’ So it was settled that in a fort­ Kettle bad < o»i»e. 11 was only a qu* »lion <>f liute when the “tramp«” night Captain Merwir ami his wife ,1 * Z ' 3 r*X»’.7î. 1 e”. rg. f mischief ■ apt L»ar »el M-rwir . wrier and ai ' g to k»—; v«' aster <»f the t«ar< ~.M- wie wa- :. foreig ’ "Is that a a*!? ,-*e *'f li •• ia«t of ".etn ti give '.J. " O, ii * » gr»-rt ». ,1 • -ir-’i-.i’i da’’ ’he etr .ggk He was proud of Le v» r ilDg! Your ..aM ne-sd can ii g rn American sailor, as his ti'fer a* d I. - grandfather hud understand what i* ¡n a womai.'.- '■ee; . arid it tilled h ..I rag.- to k« ■ w • ear: when her « rd» are ’ightest- how lofe-so».« r ie- was bec«>ii>ei:>g in , If you could, vou would kn.-w that »? a: Chirac ter The -ight • f an out on the blue water, w th only the • AndI I thought mt offer i 4*1 J «I VOU I t’ r *iir» a vt »l**a t I ro* >ir. i u» ton with tfijr ion . •S 7 £3 “About New Y eJi** an I ^e» I. Ame-«an fc--* œa:.*ed in time for a Chnui »3 d:nne* br rave and *c:.,fbl £1 An»e».- t •- »rry • g :L- -• -- »• : •.*■•• h- me.—n « r— a ; «d d- "And then tU t'J every F rtw he i i - •oMT’ '< filCH commercial 3 3 "Ye*, turned •«retched ifs Birriad arn «». C« u n»*- !»-r ri s ge, , V t ut rami -, or > M orti.eu a óaì «-carrier <>r kn. w it will I th:: g of the -- r' ' .gbt ag •• -,' h » >i l»lr > j - child. ? ut it f — like p-.rrir 2 w - sure for surviri- f tie- c? j* f « '.cr.L.-ol, risrz cf • • • -■*•**• r * \ H4» «rted c_i«-g • pr ter- f tbe présent ge-iera*i ' ... mam»»: when -«rift and ar*sv * --Î in r- 'f one O a Ì • . . for the Ailments of Man « 1 » . tc 1 pain reliever. _ - s -st universal by the Housewife, the i ■ < Raiser, and by every one requiring Lniiuent. i._ » ' ■ 'plication compares with it ia efficacy. ' kr. rn remedy has stood the test of yt.- fc:.«-r.:.ons. - J i...-. zcc.-.- " .1 i” G ? ci;-?: . complete without a bottle of .- at . 3 '.«e for its use almost every day. . an 1 dealers have it.