P. F. STENGER. A Plucky Woman. Last Saturday night while Mrs. W. V. Lippincott, wife of the sta- tion agent at Myrtle Creek, was alone in the house with her children near the depot, a man carne to the door and insolently demanded ad- ' tHif ___ ,K.«Mr<.r IAt5F mitance, stating that he wished some information about the town n The lady offered to give him the in for sale formation, but declined to unlock NEW HOME SEWING MA­ the door He finally went away, CHINE CO., 725 Market St., Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of and Mrs Lippincott and her girl, San Francisco, Cal. California, so laxativ' and nutritious, who had returned from church in with the medicinal virtues of plants Paicfic Department. known to be most beneficial to the town in the meantime, had retiree human system, forming the ON I V PER­ in an upstairs room for the night. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet About 10:30 they heard some’ one promptly on the working at the window below. Look­ ing out Mrs. Lippincott saw two —AND T men trying to raise the sash. She — SO THAT - immediately procured a pistol from PURE BLOOD, her bureau, and opened fire upon REFRcit HlNC SL. EP, the men. It was bright moonlight HEALTH and STRENGTH and at the first shot one of the men Nnturtlly follow. Every one is using it and ail are delighted with it. Ask you! threw bis hand up to his shoulder druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manti- and exclaimed “My God, I’m hit!’’ facuned only by the The pluckv woman’s only reply CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. t S an F rancisco , C al . was a shot at the other fellow who Cot* r«v»r»w. • N kw Y ork . N made a similar exclamation, and Kor sale at II. M. Horton’s Drug both took to their heels, There was Store. no one in the house to pursue them ■ ■ ■■ “AN AKESIS ” givre instant and they escaped. Mrs. Lippin­ ■ ■ ■ gn livt and la an infulliblo S M C S L Cure far I'll»«. PriccSl. By ^kpriigglHtHorinnil. Siimplre cott is a small woman, but she is B* I 1 I SIB ■ ■free.A evidently not easily scared.—Rose­ I I ■■ hl Wwpox 2410, New York City. burg Review. THE BEST CHICAOO. UNIOK SQUARE.. N. ’- „ “-tnaft »OSTON.MA3S. ATLAH’* «T“”’*-'* ** u>1 CAf.Lâi-1 Cleanse tbe Systeir Effectually, Eitbor Kight er Left ILLUSTRATED. Range-Haraey county, Oregon. P o.—Burns. Hainey county. Oregon. The leng Bession of congress will convene on Monday Dec. 7, The selection of a speaker will as usual, be an important event. The char­ acter of the legislation of the ses­ sion is largely molded in the selec­ tion of a speaker. The following are democratic candidates: Mills, of Texas, Crisp, of Georgia, McMil­ lan, of Tennessee, Springer, of Illi­ nois ami Bynum of Indiana. There are no republican candidates as their party has but 87 members in the bouse while the democrats have about 230. All the candidates are devoted to the principles of tariff reduction. There will be but one mind on that subject among demo crats in the next senate or house. There? is not a single democratic protectionist in either house The outlook is rather favorable to the election of. Mills, though Crisp has a heaxtv following McMillan is a great democrat and very popular. The contest is said to be a friendly one. R. N. Ex peri son, a rancher and hunter from Cœur d’Alene river, committed suicide on Hangman creek, four miles from Spokane by blowing off 4he top of his head with a Winchester ritle. The affair is shrouded in mystery. Experison had lx>en in the city for several days, buying goods for shipment to hie place He paid hie bill and an­ nounced his intention of going home, but was next heard of as having kill« d himself. annual Fur 1G91 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, anti to last season’s customers It is better than ever. * cry person using Garden^ Flatuer or Held Seeds, Address FERRY A CO should send for L. Pcrice«., «»'eli! v F illmore , Dubuque C o .. I»., Kept., 1889. Mias K. Finnigau write«: “My mother end sister used Pastor Koenig s Nerve Tonic for neu­ ralgia. They are both ¡lerfectly well now anc never tired praising tbe Tonic, " D ayton . N ov ., Sept., 1809. I was suffering from nervous debility, cuusea by dyspepsia. Didn't get more than three hours' sleep during any night. I he effect of l as tor Koenig's Nerve Tonic was magical. I slept souud and am now as well as ever alter taking only ouo IxjLLie. As a Nerve Tonic, cousideriui bow narmlesa it is. think it is the beat modicin over invented. 1. p. bHiKLEk. E numclaw , Wash. Ter., June, 1889 J. Sweeney v.ritea; "I must cheerfully sa^ that of all the Nerve Ionics which I have used during the last twelve years, 1‘adur hoeuig'a is tho best 1 ever used." A Valuable Book on Nervtme L UL L Dieeaee« eent free to any addreaH, | II f| and poor patient« can alwo obtain I HI b I b this medicine free of charge. Thia remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Paw tor Kiemg, of Fort Wayne, Ind„ since 1R7* aud (a now prepared under hie direction by the D. M DETROIT, MICH. Largest Seedsmen in the world C a TTL î Le branded ide: clrcle- Split in each ear. Range— Harney and Grant county Oregbn P. O.—Burn». Harnev county. Or__________ tensions, THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitled Dependent widows and Parents now de­ pendent whose sons died from the effeers of army service are included. If you wish vour claim speedily and successfully prose- uted,address JAMES TANNER, Late Commissioner of Pensions, WASHINGTON, D. 0. PATEN” PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT- ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE- MARKS, etc. NO FEE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. CORRESPOND- ENCE SOLICITED. STODDART &. CO., 613 & 615 7th Street, N. A 12 ! I undertNke to briefly taiiiy intellig? ut p< rsou of either . . hi mb <1 and virile, and who, lioii.wlll Work ¡n<:u*triously, W f m F how to earn litre* Th« wish nil Dollars a Year in tlielr own loi-alitiea.w tn fi er they live.I will nlso furnish the situation orrmpl >yment,at w hit It y oil can e»irn that amount. No nionev for rue uui.rea succeaatui above. Eaailyand quickly learned. I desire but one worker from each district or county. I have already tuiigbt mid provided with employment a tarre number, who are making over H veareaeh. It a W and 1». Full particulars F1C KK. Ad' rraa at once, M A k W" J | I | I I ■ tench mi* lk I J I ■ | |»ex, o Im a 8 8 8 a8 8 8 wf1 r 1 AlsIgJ£Ar. lX«»x AutfUstM* Afluinv, WOVEN WIRE BEST STEEL WIRE ENCINO IX«»x KMO l*m-tland,Maia< f 0000.00 a year is being made by John It Goodwin,I roy,N.Y.,nt work fur ua. Reader you may not make aa much, but we cai teach you quit kly how to ruin from # 5 r. 9 10 a day ,* ‘ the at art, and more as you gi on. Bulb aexra, ail agea. In any 'pari of America, you can commence at home, glv ng all your time,nr spare momenta only t< the work. All ia new. Gteat pay Nl Kk’t..» every worker. We atart you, furnishing everything. EASILY, SPEEDILY learm-d l AHI K I I.ARS FREE Address at once bl INSOM A CO., IUKTLA\L>, ■AI5K. for Lawns, Gardens ’Farms .'Ranches and Railroads. PRICES KEDVCED. Sold by dealer.. FREIGHT PAID. McMI LI.EN'S POULTRY NETTING. New lhlag! No »»«ignr No begglngl Extra Heavy Helrage. Tbe McMullen Woven Wire Fenoe Co., Chi^ngo, Til. KOKNIG MKD. CO.. Chicago, III. A a . . The Magaaine will celebrate the fourt Ce„ tenaryoftbe discovery of America by its Re discovery, through articles giving a more thorough exposition than has hitherto bees made of the Recent Unprecedented Develon ment of our Country, and especially in the gteat West. Partcular attention will also be glveuto Dramatic Episodes of American His torv The field of tee next European War will be de scribed in a Series of Papers ou tbe Danuhe “From the Black Forest to the Black 8ea ’’ bv Poultney Bigelow aud F. D Millet, illustrated by Mr. Millet and Alfred Patson. Articlea also will be given on the German, Auatr.liau an mi idw.. . t *,ct ulicud of me." K ate : “ I don't km w 1 ccr’-'lnlv u never go to the city." Kara: "Why, Jennie, you will make me rain. I have only one source of information, but it 1« surpriaing how It meets all wind I veri «ehloin beer of anything new but what the next few days bring me full Information on the subjevt Magic? No! Magaune! And a great treasure It la to ua all. for It renlly fumlahre the reading for the whole Iromehold: father has given up hi. lu.garine chat he ha. taken for yeera, a. be say. thia one give, more ami IwCter tnformalloti ou the subject» or tbe day; and mother mis that it is that that makes her such a famous housekeeper In fact, we all agree that it U the only really fauiit nmgaslne puNiabrd, a« we liave sent for samples of all of thaaa. ami find that one ia all for men. another all for women, ami another for children only, while this one suit, ciery one of u.; »o we only need to tak > one lustred of several, and that is where the economy come. In, for It 1» only X? iti a year. I'erhapa vou think I am lo-> lavwb In my pnu«e ; but 1 will let you see ours, or, better .till, ee id 10 i-ents to tlie pub­ lisher. w. Jennmg. Demorest. 15 Fast llih Ntreet. New York, for a ssmclc <-opi, and 1 •hsil always ronahlrr that I have done you a great t .r «.Inn I»- you will le cutting iM.ait. as you my we liave the reputation of being the Imst informed family in town. If that be so. it h Ih-iuonmi'. Family Magaaius that doe. K." Harpei’s Baaar is A Journal L-r the home It gives the latest information, with regard U> the baahi.ms, and its numerous illusrrations. Praia desigiia. aud pattern sheet supplements are indi.pei’.ible alike to the borne dress-maker and the professional modiste. No experts is spared to make its artistic attractiveness of the highest order Its bright .tori.., amu.iag com edies, and thoughtful essay, satisfy all tastes, and Us last page is famous as a budget of *» and humor. In its weekly issues everything i* lucluned wblce is of interest towomen Ths Serials for 1W2 will be written by Walter Besant and William Black Mra. Oliphant will become .contributor Marion Harland’s Timely Talk. ’’Dais in and Days Out,” are iutended fsT ma trona, and Helen Marshall North will especially address girls T. W. Higginson, in “Worn., aud Men," will please a cultivated audience. •a X J X ¿Ci s i i E HARPER’S PERIODICALS 1 ■h'i 5« - Per Year i 5 a 1 2 - “ - I i?l ¿ § '3Ê 4 « HARPER’S razar . Í3 HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S WEEKLY 2« HARPER’S YOUNG ______ _________ PROP!.» Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. « d- • * - f 'S * C/3 I The volumes of the Basar begin with the first number for January of each year. When M ia time is mentioned, subscription will bests with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Rasar for tbres year in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall postage paid* or by expreaa, free of expass*- (provided ths freight does not exceed one dol lai ner volume) or |7 a volume. _ _ Cl«sh cases fo'each volume.suitable for blns Ing will be aentby mall poapaid on receipt si »1 -a< h Remittances should be made by FoM >)•** Money Order or Draft, to avoid chares of A.lrres HARPER A BROTHER» Vk-Newspapere are not to copy any one not si'of the above advertisements without the express order of HARPER 41 BROTHERS