East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, December 02, 1891, Image 4

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Í» -4
Make* many lives miserable, and often
leads io aalf destraction. Distress after
eating, alck headache, heartburn. *onr
atomach, mental deprcMlon, etc., are
caused by tliia very aommon and increaa-
Ing disease. Ilood's Sarsaparilla touea the
stomach, creates an appetite, promotes d-
gestion, relieves headache, clears the miud
aud cures dyspepsia.
s *~DY
' 'i*1
kou V.-Ç
C opyright 1391 B y AN-K ulogg N. C o .
In a Terrible Condition.
•■I owe my life to Hood's Sarsaparilla
For two years I was In a terrible condition
with dlspopsla. I could cat nothing but
soda crackers, and my weight fell trom 170
to 138 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla helped
me at once, and after uslnv 12 bottles I was
entirely cured. I have gained niy usual
weight, 170 pounds, and have had exrcl-
lent health ever since." T. J-Wll-co*■ -°"
23 1st South Street, Salt Loketlty, LUUi.
tn him:,elf.an if thinking rtloud. "A tryin’
N'DER the shad­
t :itl u wealin' lif.-. buttait; is the lust
ow of frowning
<i. it. I've r.trujl; it ri th und have sold
Headache—Hot Flashes.
mount'ip.s thi' u.’.t Litfare m , .uji; Lttfii.,.''
had headache, hot flashes, soreness
mining town of
lie trx>l: a slip of blue paper from his
and swelling across my body, paulin iny
Las Cheritas
with frequent vomiting I used
bottom und read it over. "1'orty thou-
Hood's Sarsaparilla with the best results
stretched itself t.:i:iil il illar. ffi.tn < liii.te:, and Hoyle for
I Hill in better Health than for four years.
in one Ion;'
Ilond's Sarsaparilla is safe, reliable ano
ro i Itiiti. lltiy’s svh<Kdi:i'i; done anti his
street upon the
jure. J. C. W illson . Auburn, Col.
f »
prospects are good.
Tiiuuk Go i I've
borders of a
doue well by the kid. An’ he's twenty-
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
dec p, swift
stream, whose
Sold bvdruggists. »1; six for »5. Preyared
only by C. !. HOOD <k CO., Apothecaries.
waters Were the states an’ marry Agnes, an' settle
Lowell, Mass
turbid and mud­ down on the farm.”
IOO nosos Ono Do!,-»r
The sound of npproaching hoofs ilis-
dy from the
d u in p i n g s. turbed lnr, reverie, and as lie r.toopcd to
; <1 y k i n gu and gather up his tools a girl of seventeen,
trollings of the riding astride a ragged clay-colored
nice. /«
i\ year ago this turbid stream cay use, came in sight. She would have
t . a . M c K innon ,
ar. r.a
as clear a3
as crystal and mirrored been a ludicrous spectacle to eyes ac­
only upon its pellucid bosom the red customed to the conventional eques­
b Tries of the mountain ash. the camp­ trienne; but to ('apt. George, who
lire of the Indian or tlie gaunt form of approached lier witli a hearty greeting,
the grizzly who came down from his there was nothing improper in her
r oclty fastness to slake his thirst in its mode of riding or in her dress, which
consisted of u coarse blue blouse, and a
cool waters.
A party of wandering mountaineers skirt of the same material reaching a
dis 'overed gold in the sands upon the little below the knee, bound at the
water's edge, and suddenly, as if by slender waist with a bright Mexican j
Office at Grace’s Drugstore.
magic, a town sprang up of two thou­ scarf in which were seen the handles of
sand souls, who toiled all day hidden a pair of pistols. Leggins and moccas­
from tlie light of the sun down in tho ins of untanned leather were upon her|
r ines or worked at huge windlas.se > feet and a gray sombrero covered her i
c .1 -n ling over unsightly holes
in head. In spite of lr’r uniout'i dress, |
v.'iidi they had sunk or were sinking the girl wasstriiringly handsome, with I DENTIST................ B urns O regon .
s i ftdragging np by sheer strength thestnut brown hair, clear blue eyes, a I Office hi the City Drugstore Prepared to do all
of dental work.
< f muscle great buckets of dirt from red mouth and u firmly molded chin. [ kind*
Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gas.
There was an air of di piity und resolu­
the bowels of the earth.
11 was evening in Las Cheritas. The tion about her, and fearlessness in her j
f.vn kissed the snow-capped summit gaze, which at once challenged admira- j
v.sii 'h towered over the town, let his lion and respect.
t >u h linger for an instant as if in beu­
"Hello, Harb, you ar? out late,” said
edietion. then vanished, and f ir up, C'apt. George, npproaching the girl,
M. R. Biggs,
streaming from behind the mountain, a who slid lightly from the cayuse and
f>w rosy rays trembled, then melted gave it a cut with the switch she held
Lit > the clear purple of the sky. and the in lier hand. The shaggv little boast
i j ver horn of the young moon hung in bounded away up the ' trail, nothing
the Imiivcns.
loth, for he knew liimself to be near
The sounds oi the blows of pick and home.
"I've bin down tho volley for modi
rbovel were still, the buckets swung
Office at Sherilf’s Office,
i lly vqxin the ro ies und a living stream cine fer pap. Ain just getjiin’ homo.*' i
— Oregon
< f men'from every country and of ever, she answere l. an 1. alt'vdi -h s'»» spo’t ' BURNS, - —
r . and type poured down the slopes tlie rude vernacular of Lr - rogi >~i, there
i n I through the streets' of the town, was a certain refinement in her tones.
with tht> implements < f their toil up . i
"Barb,” us she wrs called by tlie
t’lelr should'l'.o and their gold pan ; tire camp, was the <1: •'Liter of Sa
B urns , ............................... O regon .
under tliolr arms. Th v shouted j'.t, Ellis, one of the bettor clos ”, of min
Collections, Land business, and Real
Estate matter promptly attended to.
to each other, sang fra gm mt s of son;;, who. in his young day;, i i Scotland
walked by two< or in gr nuiieonv'.'.- been the master of a vi’.l•:•-> s-?ho; 1.
i i . or slouched mxxllly an.l sullenly married a pretty Engli L ,irl when
toward their cabins.
met upon n nummor j »ur.v'y in I1 ■
P rop .
shire, and lured b^st »ri
' fori-
Sm >1; • curie 1 ia p • i-lv gray spiral
from tho rude chimneys, an I soon t
to be made in the trans . :ti • w •1 1 Everything in ytu line guaranteed
to be done satisfactorily.
f.-1 gran "of »17 wand fried bic >.i .ill?
t,oir-lit the western gold mi 1?; :■
tn -
quickest road to wealth. Hi ; <1 1
^¡^“The onlv place in
i Burns you
I pou ..
.. . t n -ar n r.’vvft nt t ie wife soon sncev.in’ieil to tho
can g.d baths.
r.i 1 » of the tr i:l. o i ■ <> t 'ii > t riling arm : of frontier lif', and 1 '»t him v.’iih il
o' >1 1 s -
>r . li 1 ; <r • I, I > > rin ’ d r.v i a v lukl of seven, some ton years before
- ax -«M ax«
u sm the I r.niliar scene. lie sat in a our story opens.
t i >n rlitfnl attitude, with hi;shovel und
Barb had picked un nom” c-l-’—'tinn
pick at Ills f ict.
A magnificent npeei- and had inherited refined t ■ ,t . fr tn I
i:i n of r.i mho >d, h • wa s fully si:; feet lier m ither, an.l ns sho '.row oi 1er was I R E A L E S t A I l' E AGENT
i i height, with a str >:j ; intelligent face, n comfort t> her lonely father, who
cl '.:r dark eyes, and curling hair falling guarded her with jealous care from the REAL ESTATE <>N
C ommission
ov r the c illar of his clay stained rough nssix’iation . of t’:c various min­
‘■.I > de." Sittin ; thin in the waning ing camps t > which he wandered in OFFICE AT N BROWN'S STORE.
li -'¡t. he w : ; a li »ure in harmony with search of wealth.
Burns,................. .
lr • i i i lin
the mountain; behin I
Capt. George and Cilia wore chums,
In 1, an ) at hi • f 1’t tho noisy stream, drawn toother by mutual tastes nnd
wili h ! i .11 I it. df int i a yellow white m-itual di dike of the vieio'.’a life of n
fo nn. as it fell over a miniature prcci- miners' camp. Their cabins were near
piec. th a li n lit of tho roeks seeming each other whenever their rude home
bla d; by eontrasL
had happened to be. A year ago they
llr. thought; wen' evidently pleasing, had come tojtvthcr to share in the toils
f ir he smiled to himself and took no and triumphs of Las Cheritas. Sandy’s
heed of the gathering shadows.
toil and triumphs, however, would soon
His cabin was half a mile up the lie over, for even the healing air of the
slope, away from that babel down mountains had no power to stay tlie
b low. with its tights and brawls, gin progress of consumption, brought on
s mps and gambling hells, but ho did by u winter of ucTcre privation, and it
not seem in his usual haste to seek it to­ was plain to Barb that she would soon
night. "It's been a hard pull," he said be f lt’ierless, ns well ns motherless.
Witn tnc proverbial hopefulness
which is a phus 'of lii.i malady, Sandy
A full assortn|>nt of Spectacles
was confident of his recovery, and and Eve Glaasst|. with lenses of
('apt. (k'orge seemed to share his be­ pebble or crown ¿lass, in frames of
lief. Barb was not ilee.'ived as to the
gold, River, steal tortiae-ehell. cel-
truth, and as she rotlo »lowly along this
' spoons, napkin
particular evening she thought of her luloid, etc. t Alo,
future with snd forebodings. “Come, rings, cups, fri t knives and all
set down here. Barb, I want to talk t ' other standaret articles is solid
ve.” The girl's face flushed to the Silver.
roots of her brown hair, but -.he refused
Call and see |e. Always at my
to tala' the scat upon the bowlder to j
post, next door t> restaurant.
which Georjiv motion,'«) her.
"Gi-org«'. pc? is waitin' fer me.”
"Well, let Lira wait. Ye're nr girl
as ni'ieh na p. s. c, >me. I w t t > t 'll;
to yer. And • :ind ye, don't tv'll yer p;'.p
forcatalvnic Ada m Won Pan ini F. Beat
v. hat I say, not 1er two or three days at tjr,
* aahtiifton. N«M ieiwy.
least. "
Th«' girl’s blue eyes sow»ht the ground
|—In ns
an«l the blu h deepened, for her heart
e v e r V-
thn>l(l>od )KÜufully under the coarse
- _Ä
’» rite
I for
»■MsiÄjhi ü;or D*o‘*1 F B*“'’
Physician and
DR. H.
and Control,
orders of
la tho Cso of C’Jt.A.
wo Alono own
• MEN, «
Who havo weak orufl-
DEVELOPED, or diseased
organa« who arc Buffer­
and any Excesses, or of
• MEN c
who are fjENvoustrai /».
fellows and the ai-
tempt of friend« a ad
companion1,1- »»t tip to
potent , the scorn cf tlxlr
guarantee to
if they c
all patients,
■osssir ge.ftc-
HnnccE will
;hero is, then,
BEA 1-4
vplnfcsrofr I •
Don’t brood ov'ryonr rondi don
Thousands of t’10 ^Vor’t OtfiCl * ■ ’1
7REATMEN7 asset for», b :n r’.r v",7cry;r'.'. CLPX.'• di-m- Jfa
■encÆroiSiZiAietpaid./???^ fer ft.fia.uxit nv>. cETIT-'^ !. ’J
Remember,ne <’wx.liehn: ¿L meïbc , ppliances luo i . x -. <i- w
cacetbatwo em-ic -, r. i wu ewi-n
■ t. i ■; -.ti 1
< w.« 6 r
v •»
. f. 1
2,000 2sf3rüKG8S. Hame
be earned «t our NIW line of woA.
rapidly and lionoraM’ , by^thoce of
.■•her wv
o »»I >1, and in their
own <ocaiitiea,wli«'n*ver <hey live. Any
„ w _ _ __________ one can <l<» the wnrk. Kaay to lean».
We Airniah everything. We start you. No risk. You can devote
your spare niomenia, or all your time to the work. Thia ia an
entirely new Imtd.and bring« wonderful aucceaa to every wotker.
Be rinners are earning' from
to f 50 per week and upward«,
and more alter a little experience. We can furnish you the »m.
nl .vm<*nt and teach you »■
No apace to explain here. Full
{¡llurmaliun Fl.t-i. 'l’KUE <L < <>.. A Qi.SlA, ■▲INK.
■ <
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
.it'aslina two boxes of any other brand. Ne t
lt.ctod by heat. JJTGET THE GENLINE.
... j
* I
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and E*
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, t’1-'
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
. generations.
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang
L iniment .
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
AIL druggists and dealers have it.
For sale by II M. H< rton.
(To bo Continu*«!.)
H erald