East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, November 28, 1891, Image 4

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    Semi-Weekly Herald.
Holding up Bunk.
rebellion, and also some of the bat­
tles in Mexco; and they would un­
doubtedly do bo if requested. My
articles, published in 1857 to 1829,
made reference to rainfall attend­
ing battles in Europe during Na-
polian’s campaigns; and as the
question only involves battles
where cannonading occurs, history
is not so remote as to make difficult
the collection of facts.
There is also another source of
gleaning statistics on this subject,
that of Four'h of July celebratirns,
which have been notable of rainfall
succeeding the midnight cannonad­
ing simultaneously al different
towns in the older settled and close­
ly populated states, One thing is
certain, whatever theories mav be
followed in experiment, and what­
ever methods employed, the estab­
lishment of any practical system of
artificial rainfall must depend upon
the collection, classification, and
verification of phenomena bearing
upon the subject.
J ohn W. E varts .
Thurston, Ok. Ter. Oct. 29, 1891.
Burns Orogon.
We have at this time for sale
several productive farms, well im-
proved and well watered.
About 1 o’clock Nov. 5, Dr. Pat-
ton, a resident of Salem, went into
Williams A England’s bank and
demanded the loan of $500. The
Parties wishing to purchase call
cashier told him that he would
on us we will show them the land
have to wait until the proprietor
we have for Bale, and parties desir­
came in. Patton replied: “I will
ing to dispose of real estate cannot
not wait; I am hard up and I have
do better than to put their lands in
got to have that money at once or
our hands for sale, because we ad­
I will kill you.” The cashier start
vertise freely by sending circulars
ed to get his revolver from under
and cards in all directions solicit­
the counter when Patton shouted,
“Stop, I’ve got the drop on you,
ing purchasers and describing the
drowing hie revolver at the same
time. “See here,” he said, “this
must remain a secret between us.
We will also buy lands for per­
Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge
I’ve got to have the money and
sons wishing to purchase in our
you’ve got to get it for me, or vou’re
county and living at a distance, Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR from
a dead man.” At this juncture,
giving careful and accurate dis­
passers-by were attracted by the
good Wheat.
noise and procured the police who
cription of the same, also the title.
arrested him and took him to jail,
Correspondence Solicited. Office
where he was bound over in the
at E ast O regon H erald .
sum of $500 bail and sent to the
Better Men W anted
county jail. Dr Patton lives north
B. H. FINE Prop’t., VV. H. GASS. Manager.
of Salem and has a family. He is
An old woman I once knew in the
badly involved in debt and has been
mountains expressed a
Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Cigarttes,
addicted to the use of whisky and
Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, etc., etc.
“Poor folks has poor ways.” Too
often it is the poorness of their own
This Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartenders.
Sound and Rainfall.
ways, not the aggression of wealthy CHAS W. BYR1>, Proprietor
Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious.
neighbors, which has plunged these
Editor Scientific American; In an folks into poverty.
Burn», Harney County, Oregon.
article by Prof. Newcomb, published
If a man spend a day in the harv­
in the Scientific Amorican of Oct. est time in efforts to send a fool to
17, it is stated that “the popular the legislature, or a knave to con­
notion that sound may product gress, should he complain if the laws
rain is founded principally upon the fools and knaves make add to LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS,
Win. WOODS, Proprietor.
the supposed fact that great bat­ bis own taxes? Whe but he is to
tles have been followed by heavy blame, if the laws ostensibly made ENVELOPES,
Bill Woods is “in it,” ’and don’t you forget it.”
rains. This notion. I believe, is not in his interest simply shift the bur­
\\ hat he don’t know about the care of horses is not worth knowing.
confirmed by statistics.” Asa par den from one of his sholdiers to the BILL HEADS,
tieipant in many battles of the late other?
Nice 1 urn-outs, Passengers taken to any part of the country desired.
war, please allow me to state a few
If he stand all day in the public LEGAL BLANKS,
facts, which may possibly seave to square .spellbound by a tramp with
correct or amplify statistics in this an accordion or still worse, if he Of every description,
matter, as what I state can he con­ lounge about on the sawdust floor
firmed by numerous living witness­ of a saloon, talking t he vile stuff we
E. B-. REED, Proprietor.
es. The battle of Pittsburg Land ! agree to call “polities. ’ never read­
The proprietor has renovated the building from the ground to
ing was followed immediately by a ing a book,never thinking a thought PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL
heavy rain, succeeded by a clear above the level of the sawdust floor,
he roof and put in several stone flues.
day; the ravines of that field ran need he be surprised if his opinions!
Mr. Reed is an old Hotel man and in recommending his house to
red with blood, while the fields were Jo not meet with respect?
the public, we believe we only do him justice to say his house will
washed clean.
The cannonade
The farmer needs men whose I
was heavy. At Iuka, Miss, the time is money, and whose labor is ■
give entire satisfaction.
guns were light, and a fine shower worth the lurbor of other men—
Tl;a Celebrated French Cure,
followed the second dav: the siege men who know how to do the best i
" to!1
of Corinth was attended with rain.1 things in the best wav, ami can
x It S olo ox a
and the battles of Corinth and thereby do their part in alleviating I
Hatehie River, Oct 5 to t> 1892, industrial depression. — President '
i) to cure any form
of nervous alaeaae
were followed, Oct. 8, by a night of D. S. Jordan in Forum
or auv disorder of
the generative or­
very heavy cold general rain. The
gans of eitbersex.
vhethcr arising
forty seven days’ siege of Vicks
Repairing a Specialty.
Plumbing and Pipe-fitting.
Stimulants, AFTER
A H<»rriMe Ku |»rrM litoti.
burg was attended with heavy can­
Tobacco orOplum, or through youthful indiscre­
tion, over I ndulgeuce, Ac .nuchas Loss of Drain
nonade evenings, followed each
F-vver, Wiikefulneas, Bearing down Palnslnth«
bark, SemInal Weakness, Hvsterla. Nervous Pros­
night with very brisk showers of
The British authorities of Madras tration. N ■< turnal Emissions, l.e.ieorrbiva. Dli-
Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impo-
rain before morning. About the ha?e instituted an investigation re tiness.
teney, wbii hli neglected often lead to premature
< >1 a .-c an I ln«anltv. Price |1.00 a box. 6 boxes
same was characteristic of the siege lative to a horrible case of barbarity i for pm sent by walon receipt of price-
of Port Hudson, La My memory and superstition reported from e- erv f kUOorder received, to refund the money If
d Permanent euro ts not effected. We havo
serves me that the newspaper ae Madura. Rain has been very much thousands of testimonials from old and young,
> t both sexes, who have been permanently enrol
counts of the battles of Bull Run, I needed in that vicinity, and the by the use of Aphnxlltine. circular free. Addn •*
Antietam, Gettysburg, Chancellors- drouth was attributed by the natives Western
Box 27. Ih>KTLxriD, ua.
ville, Atlanta, etc., were attended to the malignity of an evil-minded
For Sale at W. E. Grace’s Drug
by heavy rainfall.
: female deity. To propitiate this
As I have been somewhat identi- dietv they resolved on reviving an
H tel has recently been enlarged and entirely renovated in first class style
tied with the question of artificial old practice of torture known as
The table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords
rain, having written on the subject' “hook swiniing.”
find this Hotel a nice and Desirable place to
over thirty years ago for a New
A victim was around who con-
Rlleve Suppr.*.»0c j sti>pr U I'*
Mrustruatiuu. Used
York paper, when it was thought sented to uudergo the ordeal The
«KxvMhilljr by »'ion.
an.ia of pmmiuc.it la­
very unpopular and impious to (MHiits of iron hooks were pushed
dle« aKV-'Vy
Thor- ;
oiighly re.table ai>d ’
make the reft fence, 1 ask your in­ into his back, a rope was fastened
W< th tweutv
timea their weight tn
dulgence of the suggestion that into the hooks and the poor wretch
gold y»e female ireeg-
•lariltre. Never kuoau
ste|» be taken to secure accurate was hoisted into the air. His
to fail.
Sent by mall «ealel
statistics on the subject, with a view shrieks of agony were regarded as
HENRk CALDWELL, Proprietor.
of verification of facts concerning evidence that the gods were l*eing
Th« Aphro ledklne
cannonade and rainfall. There made to here,and would answer
fW“ Will serve Customers with the best that
are plenty of living witnesses to with the long lookedfor rain. Af­
WetWm Branch,
can be porduced from ONE to FIVE-HUN­
Portland, Orc<<»a.
give all the facts concerning rain­ ter the man had hung for an hour
the Grace Drug Store DRED lbs.
fall c mtiected with (tattles of the he was taken down.
B urns F lour & saw M ill .
Faber’s Holden Female Pills