■ ’<*■ Z"7, b't'i’l»' ’ - as/ VOL. r-'v • i • -■ I A‘-.a ♦ ,'TJT * "X * ■ BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, V. O r Í go N, •I NOVEMBER 21.” 1891 K- I NO. 1. » . ■ u cate dated in N< oíenibw 1890. GREAT REDUCTION IN RICES I UBU8HEED VERY WBDNESD AY i When the certificat até was shown AND SATURDAY. Some time ago as a short train of there was a scene. Wife No. 1 and flat cars was running up the Duluth the sister of the deceased attempted A full and Complete Stock of Groceries and Supplies. and Winnipeg road into Itasca to secure the oertificatp and the wo­ Ranchers wishing to purchase their supplies will do well to call and see P ublishers and P roprietors . ■ county, Minnesota, a large moose men were «son screaming, scratch- what we can do for them before going elsewhere. was discovered near the track. In ieg and pulling one Another’s hair. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Everything at BED ROCK PRICES. The coroner finally succeeded in an instant he flew ahead of the te Year............................................ 13.00 t Months. .............................................. *1.50 Wife No 1 and train along the old tote path used restoring order. H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, ree Months................. 75 |e Year (in advance) ......................... 2.50 Manager. A. ROBBINS. by the Indians and woodsmen be­ deceased's sitter left the place very HERALD CLUB LIST fore the railway was built. The indignant. ïhen No. 2 also left, Id and Harper'*: Magazine...... 5.00 Id and Harper’s Weekly.............. 5.20 path was close to the car track and and now it is pmpable that the Id and Harper’s Bazar.................... 5.20 parallel with it. As there are no body will be buried in a pauper’s Id and Harper's Young People I •nd and Alden A Ider? ’s a Manifold 'Cyclopedia, Cycloped is 2.00 regular trains on Sunday the grave. additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents: HUNTINGTON........................................... ...... OREGON. iti extra ner volume, poetage. engineer had a clear field and Copies of all the above works can be ex he determined to show the mouse MURDERED 200 I at leisure in the Reading Room. how to run The iron horse snort YE a RS AGO ■Publtshera of periodical! are aolicited ed and bounded along over his We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, eJ tabbing ratea, a copy of their work for Reading Room—We file and bind the track of steel, while all on board in­ occupying three doors, and each tloor loaded With gOOds. — Wane of every half-volume, end r»v n H ermosillo , N. M., Nov. 11.— by advertlaemeuL tently watched the race. It was a Will maintain our former rules: SqUaTQ Dsalillg. UH6 Price. A strange discover? has been made four-mile straightaway run. Ouality. here, which shows that a most hor­ Best Quality. ADVERTISING RATES; The moose’s gait was an indes­ We huv flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salk ’K j 1 wk |2wk I imo J S mo J 6 mo 1 1 yr rible murder has been committed cribable trot, such as only the Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prices are LOW jh U.50 |2 50 16.00 *t> no Sil 00 «15.00 at some period long past. One of » 00 4.00 6.50 12 03 18.00 28 00 moose can exhibit; his hind feet » 50, 5.00 S 00 15.00 24.00 40 00 thé oldest places in the town is a )« 4.50 6 00 10.00 20 00 32.00 50 00 fanning his earc, hia tongue hang­ 11. «.00 8 00 15 00 28.00 48 00 54.00 large adobe house on th« southern 12.0« 16 00 28 00 48 00 80.00 120 00 ing from his mouth, every muscle CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ■20.00 SO 00 40 00 60 00 110 00 140 00 out-skirtB. which is said to be the in his body moving, while his paces Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Your’s Respectully, oldest house in the Territory. This were apparently two rods in length. J. H. AITKIN, Manage» JOB WORK house was built by the Spaniards At first it was only a little jog, but very description executed with neatness when they first came to this country lespatch, at reasonable rates. as the engine began to do its best and has been added to and taken lars, Posters, Pamphlets the moose let himself out a knot at topes, Bill lleads. Letter Heads, from until only a émail part of the menta. Note Heads, Cards, Tickets, a time, and all the mysterious pow­ oranda. Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. LUNA BURG • h »- Mitchel) skeleton An investigation showed result ................... R. Binger Hermann taor............................. D.Sylvester Pennoyer dashed across the track several rods that some man had been chained ary of State . . .R. Geo. W. McBride in front of the engine, and a mo brer R Mil. Metachan. to the wall and left to die of hunger Public Instruction..R....... ’J. B. McElroy ment later, without awaiting the Printer................... R...........Frank Bakot and thirst. On the wall near tire I R ) R. 8. Bean, award of his well-eained laurels, staple where lhe chain was attached ka Judges ............ R J Wm. P. Lord [ D > W. W. Thayer was lost to sight in the forest.— were scratched tire words, '‘Manuel The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as­ Reuben 8. Strahn. Youths companion. sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate stXTH judicial Dtrraicr: Del Murrilos,” which is supposed K Judge .. ............... D......... M. D. CurroaD in every way in their line of bubiness. to have l>een the name of the un­ M Attorney ............ .D C nas . F. H tdb ---------------------------- -- jfll^Hiy and grain constantly on hands, and careful help. stepreaeatatlva (D). ... D. S. D ustin fortunate who was left to die. There Senator.................. (D) .HaNar B lackman Fought Over the Corpse. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection I • — - is no possible means of determining -COUNTY—B AXNKY : I -4dgn................... (D) ....... Ww. M ills . H oboken , N. J-, Nov. 11.—Three how long the body had been there, ...........(D) -W1. E. Gaaca ........ ..(D) (D)' ' T. H. Roaasrs RoaxKTs - . _ 1 JD| Y*.« — a M >1 c K innon women engaged in a row in an un­ hut it must have lieen placed there T. A. ir TOM ANDER3ON Prop’t, HENRY CALDWELL, Manoger. ,77.. A. A. C0W1M 200 years ago.—The Republic. . W.R. ALsaasos dertaker’s shop here yesterday, the Semi-Weekly Herald. A M uom Against an Engine. I W. c. BYRD & SON. WHOLESALE! O. O. f RETAIL I OO. G ebnea L M erchandise SEND FOR QUOTATNIOS I I » Portland Boot & Shoe Store. I. i J > B URNS BUTCHER SHOP. C mas .N nwkll T mos . G D odson (D) I ....... *»} ( W m .A ltnow Lytle Howard. n v. «. band orncx: I.-..'..,... .4. B- H untinotu « ................. H abmsow K bixnv URCH DIRECTORY. cause being rival claims to a body which was taken out of the river two days ago. The body was that s to each Passenger. Freight and Passengers must he way-lulled. Passenger fare paid in advance J M. V aughn H arry F loy », N eri A ckers , Barna A gant. Gen. Bup’t. Diviaion Agent. ». r a