1891. H zatre’s IVEr gazine ILLUSTRATED P. F. STENGER. l'TEK »lEKAI.K'S WASHINGTON I biamied Huriet W ashington I). C., Oct.22d ’91 R epresentative Mills and t’r'sp eral acknowledgement the : gen -- •< ) 1 -<»M • ATrzcr.vr s- -• ’ ALMEDA A. STENGER will. kn < «BoM’sewMaw■ developments, raso. ». (»•given the coveted honor of presid u I / . ing nvor the next House of Repre ’ -i * »V tbc E' 'c Fiffs nf tax., v and r itriuotiT, i.ii xirii ^s of plani* v . !i t « ii.edu;---- . .i wn 1.» be ino-t be .rti- i -I to til • • ?ni u «v le.n. f.irniici' lit C?- I Y ITR i i.CT i'HMEDV to act gently yet pioi»| tlv t!ie sentatives while the other will lead pei,i <| to Le in . hap- floor, both party on the the town at the s.-nne time this week, and everybody was • ' on the look out for news of their . ... -.I inter« sled in the several Stiltv cam — SO Tl.A r The Speakership campaign pciitiitivcs will Im Lef pht NEW HOME SEWING MA CHINE CO., 725 Market St., San Francisco. Cai. I l’aicfic Department. I Localise HARI’ER’S I’ERlOi'ICS Per Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE too II A ItrEli’S WEEKLY 4J« BAZAR harpers 18 A HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .... 4.(1) 2.10 Range—Harney andiirmn (uUiity Oregon P. ■ '¡iiruR. ilniAU't > ount n . ‘ >r in Washington S an F rancisco , C au r N ew Y ork , Ur..,.»*.- , Italian ('hit oiler co. PERSONA!. AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO PA I - TILVDE ENTS, CAVEA 1-, MA: KS, etc. S PATENT NO l-Ei IJNLE ‘ IS SECURE i». I ORRI.SPOND- ENUE S 'LICiTED. <I.i(J SlûuùAiii á CO., G13 û Gio Ztü ijtroot, IJ. V7 [lippo .it >. i’.ilcul 0111-e.] For sale at H. M Horton's Drug Store. :i i Com of in» tee of Ni'w Y«»rk City H hh for J nig time, iii fact ever s lice the pas M ■ ■ Ml A“AXAKESlS”glvv»inMiirit dll B ■ ■Bn-hef ilici Him mlallil-io 3 lure for Pitea. I'int-«1. By a|ieetioii act, been at work trvieg to gj B B ^BlIruggHtsorninil. Smnpl.-a ? Hi U ■ ■ free. A.l<in-K---A X I k I-Is," convii.ee I lie 11alian government of B B K b H b B f B ox 2410, New York City. H ige by Congress of the meat in ,És> for. Píi'cej ßinuhirntb'NN-Y- the wisdom of removing the restrie lions which it had. in common with placed <'onteiicin. president the of Comineree. came of Washington t<> announce that the otlmts had sue e-sful. and lien tlint the Italian government would sl> nly tepinl the restrictions Ft might n w ay fl» re w as a concert e t yi II Io m t lie a<! mi nist t at inti croud til i lit ’tie tri- diplomatic gient t ti ylh in hit vi d I y the ail iiiinistra in n i I ik ugh Minister Porter Dip- ]■ malic findle stic ks. There lire p 11 icily speaking, diplomatic relut ions i I i twecu no Italy aiul For Italy has Inni no minis- k ear ili ili i and Pi iced : Fwry i « i i ii i.-ii'. //>.■/ </r York city, and m Siilt» ni W. E. (¡r.ice’r* Drug «■nd't to which it Bv the inscrutiit le to is n»t entitled W il Fr fr «B* Binad; pppn1«,a*’iff Uor imo h’’«».»« atu) II»*tor» t it« Br«)(k »mi V i4«ruf Youth I »y<*prp«iB, Want of Api'Fiiie. Iiidigo-r, m, L rk of Kt rangt h an.| I .. i l’«r!ína.'n«i»o!tHe!yc <rt*il.B .n •*, tnuaci«** and nrrvaa r»c i»-e n wf >rce. Eniiv-nath«* r-.tnd ind <tii»ialiea Bru n Paar ar. _——— _ —¿ _ ’’cri.ipf I . .. a kJ 3 • c |M»euf> <r tothrirrrx ’ ■ f will of Provi F -aS. In DR HAK 1ER -, > < /□r. HALTER’S LITTLE LIVER TILL f Air I’ • .-a < o.i»tl| i ltoha \ » i. Liver iainp Hint nn 1 x , . I S ftuplr Do«»* and i'rrmii BaxiU ) •tai Imi on rr *« t a>r (wo o..nts i u pnet a»e * , The (è limiti ollicials easting about mart « r.oiLiAk er» uuu. L- for some method Io i-lieii|H*n Atni-r- Io German consumers, malaria thought of r« moving the duty oil Amvrieim wheat, and it i» now an rmuni'i'd ns another * gieat diplomat ic triumph for the administration,” which is to he iTi‘d. ed o city." the Germans t.-cii.t«- allowing B our our admitting their l»e?t sugar free Their Leet sugar has been admitted free ever since the sugar schedule of the McKinley turiti bill went in I Senator Sherman is said to have captured the vneancv on the hem'll . ol the Court of Claims for his man ex Representative Thompson, - ”» veioh ‘ v BriBl WlfB|»y*»x«wr*«i Colmi. wheat to come in f •••■ in return f . to effect. ai I- I h inp Kimtr by John It in, i ro) . V.,ilu«i|k t<i H«. I.vmlct you muy uni unke m» tum It. but we « n fem h you qui-k iy Inn l»> •:.rn from I ■ > ahiy ibe . ar,, und »mur a» y ou g li-iili *>• M-«, H-l ar«>. In uto |.iiil « Il .1. ) • Il a HH «-1 Willi« IH •• Hl li<iiue, git . x.-m Hit c,. r *| .ire niaalnrtitN only l- ■ ik. i I i* i i »i . «.i« ni i ay M I I M-rkai. V a* »turi you, ftiiulallil*; »' a-iyiliita; I -VH'I V . .*»1 II i 11. Y la |a| I», a I- (IH : I I.Al.* I 1.1 E. A.ItiroF* . • ,.|H «>•- . . ............................ ' . íúhh I u TOMO h <afn hii < - i «mit c m «iivcwurh -, i> J. thy coni pie i on. Fre-:ur.at a«trnii>t<« nt ci ; ■I ti P hip only old to tie popnl rity f the oripii |h» not eiper m«nt—»■ t»be ORiaiMAL »a. • BKST. most a complete luilure this veiir mid ours was the hugest for years. of Ohio. A delegation of prominent Ten- licsseHiis were here last week to ask Mr Harrison to promote U. S. Dis trift Judge E S Hammond, of the Writ TennesMe district, to the bench of the new Circuit Court I bettered tn been i*v<! by po!*:'k<rw mli • olii* imiti l"W. !tiMi>hy litiid \>r (rttiii <1* t in tm »•table matter, ami which, breathed » u«* .**♦ .g*. enter and H»i-«»n the blond. If a btnuh’ condition of the bh»od I m n aintaine I bv fatiti» Hood • barmp.*tritta, one la mm h le.*.* liable t malaria, and ilt>»*|S'•nrapurilla hat« cured many «avere ia»ea u( thiadi»trvodii£ affection. 1 am g1a«l u> laBlify lhai I oa^«i l'aBtor Noe nlg'i Nervg Tot»le with th» iw-i Bure» «•» h. A Woiiilcrlnl Medicine. aleeploffsneBA. and lw lh*v» ibut it ix nulli K,j.nn ** F«»r malaria I think II omì ’ a >ar*aj»artna hl»’ relief for miiî T» rit k bunotniiy Ç. Il i.\K ! * ‘a- no ««piai lt ha» ke|*t ny chlklren nell righ ‘or, ht. Sav« rit». Kvxlrrtou F O., l a. tbrmiirh thetumnwr. and we live in o»ie of tb» L ar V fua *. Naw Mexico, .h îv \ wr»r«t piavi*» for malaria In Man »ville. I tah» When I »*« y«»uuv tu* mot* er .* i Honl'* Sar«Rp.iri'h .or lì at all Rune feelina fright and the •»**«* um * bei t » creai ì*vnctK Maa. IL F. Ilari», Mary» waaervin*. nn«l two hoi r» a ter 1 b* Ì ville, l a). Atnw’h of hrai ’ Tamer io « Iìr<uik «Itone Fever. renie bu «1 me u.e «’> vb d a* • t » *My l’a'ithivt T’^arl wa< taken with drnrm Hired etTovk Mltii’H A « k ior break U’Ue) fvtvr > year- a ' and m fneud* w. Mp.jsniw. .r 3<» 1 I wuuld ia*e her. 1 i.al •bno*t giver Mra J F Khva a»i'«-a »rrw» ■ np h«i|< until »he began to take Jo, Nevada i hav- I-*d no »«»«<«" tibie epa on* ain.'f I took la-lor h « pat H** î>he took fonr bntthra in f«mr tn».nth* toni,- alih«**irh 1 h*-i »a -.<•-< tnd Bftined 15 yawnda. 1 t’ ack YnlmN« IUw»ii an Nervmn panlta h»r ghint her tm« t tn mo n»’»rt»nM u L IJ L L l»ÌM8.«**r. M*'it Ire* *o anv aditreMk 'loallh ami x'aeiK^b.” Jvki a A. Ki^u, >ba» f M r g and i»«M»r pAUenm ran aW obtain I IIB hb L b ihia iitMiklm ficta of cKarae. nan. Tkxat. Th««* remedy ha- l»eca t>r»iaF«<! by the Reverend PwM’or k'HNBMI. «4 Fort a* »«e. ln«L aiaca kT* and 4U0W t»rep«»rvd under hla «'iretli.'u b* the Ani l hr 11 U> f*. Frv»<arvd <►•! f KOENIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, III. kjU. J ll’HU’Ai b, -t art*». 1 .w« IL K am Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hohl by Itrwssi.te •; •! iwr ItotU«. O far •& Laws« tUs» »4. IX « Pol Us. *>w •». IOO D o » o « j 0.13 Dollar Haroer’s B iìì i i i iw.||,»el eennttiHr» V . I I I. , I. At! .4 I «<*, AllMill \l. xnT, nml .’ I tmu. 'Iclrdo. Ohit <rc <nt 4 Mli« i « nr«' «!• ng a» well. M h* i.-t y..ti • >.ime • urn «ner r JOU.Vi* ft iihhi H i . You i uh «It« ilie work «nd li' ? nt Imni«. »»In ri «try« u «re. Even b' rinner» Mfr i u»ilv raminff from #3 to il • tiny. All ag<■». V •■«how you h< « »ml Mnri ymi < an wnrk in *|mrf lin « t-r all th«*’time. I iff tu<»n«*y for work Failure unknown ttmi tiy th« in. W n ut wonderful !,»rii<-uliir» free. ■ lul, 1UC not claim PER year : ?EK WEEKLY \ K!‘Eir> M ACAZINE 4.(0 i: A L’l R’> HAZAB................ 2.00 HALITI!’ Y01MÎ PE'iPLK I’.iiitH-’r Kree t«> nil sul Bcrilets in the Vniled stti’i 8. 1 miaiia. • r Mexico. Tb«' V. um« h «>f Hie Wvvklv vvill le-in a Ph he fli8f .xuniber lor Jantnirv of en« h tear, hr . .ii Hi»* is u'eiitioi ed, »iii ßcrip ¡.n s uili •2Í i v iih .la* Number « urreni at lime of re- ip’ of «.rdf r. Itili 1 ‘ b Bof i»f Harper's Ihirper’s Weekh i «i’iiHi \ C. ’..lui! Weekl' G f. rthret r three H.B • b h <. k. i.i ; . chi tai «loih doth bili bini i’t .i'tf. ì'tf. vvill will ho heienl Beni DilliI p. 8 »me pnitl. « r hv expr<>8. frce.»ie.v pviixe pr.-viGe-i ihefreixht <io< u noi cx< veu ber .,3’111 e. i<.r?7 ‘ a Volume. '• li li i i 8 s '■ r vai h Volumi*. FiiitnWe fot ■ l'iditiil v. HI !,c 8<*:i! h. milil ih M i-iiifl. on rt eipt of $1. RemittaiH vn should be made bv P» st offici i c »! !«*r . r Oraft. to iiv .4<1 < hniw e uf 1* fu . uh.ri ir t! AKPi’.K-v lili >C IKK«. Ncv Yok 'he McM.'li— XV --•» \vfVC -, i Kor dencc Germany's grain crop was al iciiii grain ACKNOWLBÔCffD TH« Lawns, Gardens, Farms, fv.ic.-d3 and :.;ci.s i., .rere : .1 i-v j--1.- . ;'... . • 'i I . I N ' s . ULTKI . : I i N M . > lu'Vinc’’ N-- L.»:rg?nu'! I vtr<t H« THE ONLY TRUE livre is another instatici* of tile trying —-7¿co Box*7» ¡' uj 7U.. u , cu. to ihe iidministration. administration /Addr. ss ¿ - .. ori J F li rely commercial and L longs to the otgaiiixation of Italian mer lila..ts tn New WIRE ROPE SELVAE: ■ d i r • I is en- I usine.-s . I «I - fer/s, isi Whntevefi riuiuplb” there • is ill < tit this pot k annual / ■' r * >.' • PR EC (<» all d|i|i..ui'i t< I fsi asun’s icustonnr ' . .1 t . . lijan ever. Store lt II i- l'l since the New t • li >rl< tin- «•loci I *nca. tv Ibis I L LT ST R AT E D. P E’t’R O’EEKLÏ 11118 iiev’iT fili e I t«) jlIB’l- ’ le uh a •* ».lumm of * iviliziili« n.” unü doit 8« V 1 h,»1 («IB mi l<I»;IG L il- (I p. bhi iii lit il 8 «il I 8e HL il < F 8 111 G H high« uro »»i ari ir i< nu* liieitii. < m d ti < c, \< 8 uni» u< bed i»« lmp» r m i ) l are • f ile ’Hf«M<H bi * I i< f 11 U n ie> < i< <(,i tì’. y rln hi *, il.leit m ¡rg. « 1 ite HiablB ]eifi ism « »i< 1 t i\ t n i u p . 1 « i r lin e I bi ppit ii t u s v il I e < • i Hi i ti in be\ \ Hile iitim 8< kuiif<. »iiHiiir, < ai. * ti'i< al. I« p. Binili« al. » r < < f < ripiivr «>« » 8 « n n a « en ai <i. miti uin <« i li ■ serve i he hearty « < u v * i.< »ui« u uhi«h n le 8'.»weil « n pa» ìbbuvk bv the pr» fi »• ¡mixìc \R»ifainil\ jcurnul. liarptiì i i .I. » e here «tí«.re. 1 e edile«’« vti li n i *l bribe qua'iliex ihat n.ake il a vini» i to every home. I r’rfiy • i i her io V llO, nil ubly, <am u . I j Cu-3 c-r a Y P-.7 { C’-AHA J t.) cr.ro a ' cinéreo:. * <2¿»c, < ra.i f guoim U C ío C'3v:uuvoo.-- gzxuaoi Ci.saCfBca, y. luC.cr ur.^u fr ;.ith »esees*.ve ti-ocf l ...lulau.., AFTER refo : e To* eco¿rOpiu a,crtl. •uu/li jo :fc..íi»! i ti.»’«ere- ton, uv r in-tilgelie?, ¿ , c;;i ii cj Los* oí 1 rula I* ‘ .ver. W.c • ' •’nés», I . Tdown l aiusiniho ba k, se*:rnal V/cakncLt, J I .. te: a, Xrr\ otis l‘r s trattoli, N »' tdrr.al E .1 c::s, j e corriera*, i'lz- Hno.u, V.’ •••’< ?’ no- I. i< f pov.crand Impo- ’ i i:c l.'c.c I <• f.c:i E a-!o prerrai r o I t nny. Y.* J’-’ o f i)nl- ,6 bu: .J c’d »’ a I ‘r'p-ice* far ?*». X). Sentí rr»r Ir * e”’?. JA?’*: I’K I j piren fnr \ A’ • 7 ry . Jorf’or r°' nh*''!. t »r*»*”n'l t'.c inoney if i í'errr. nont r -o ii r. ‘ c^ert'd. V,c ha-o :ou n ’mí tostlmonla’a í- i r’d n~d yorr.r, i h .’ hol 'C * p«»-’ •a’UMltlv <•’•’■ t l / t!w u.so of AphrodJtine. Circular irve. Ad<’.- i This week M. \ mertenn pork (’li.mil er ini|iorhitioii the upon Harper’s Weekly. I \>i>t'.<: itiN. i», i,. T!;3 üclobratcd Frcpcb Cura more /.PHnODITINE o or rg'anuu «it he r coil 11 lie nt a I nations of Europe, The volume-of ttie Magazine begin wi fl the Niinilier- lor .lune and Dei eiiilur of ear ti year. When no ime is-peeilieil.-ub -criplion.' will begin wi,h the Number cur- rein at time of receiti of order. Bound volume- or Harper’s Magazine,fur hree vear- back, in nem cloth binding, will be-ent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of ; er volume. Cloth Ca-e-, lor binding,ft cent-each—by mail, po-t-paid. Index m Harper'- Magazine. Alnlialieti. cal. Analytical, ami ('la<-ilted, for volume. I ,<> 70, inclu ive, l root .'tine. IK50 to Jnn8- iss,">, <>ne vol. s co. Ulo.h, $ I.no liemiitaiiees should be liimle by I’odnttire Money Order, or Draft. to avoid chiuiceot loss. Address II A li PER A BROTHERS, New York. l V A pnm|4i!et tnf.im:alli)ii un.i .5- struct iff i be ium Mbowmu How iu( Ohtuig Patent*. < uvea I m , Trade Mark». CopyrmhtB, se free. Utir^ MUNN A CO. 4 *-.*{(>! Broiidtviiy until then. The Poditge Free to all Sub<criber.< in die fni.ed States. Canada,or Mexico. Dependent widow- ami I’.irents now de I eiulcnt who v o . ih .tied fiinu Hie efl'ecr- of army < l'vicc are in. lnueii. If you wi-h lour, laim -peedily anil -ueces.-fu Iv prose Ute... i I I.-- ‘ .1 A Ml-is TANNE It. Late CotnmiiHioiier »f Pet ,i..t ,. W tsHI.NGTo.N. |> c. ÀGEHCÏ .for ’»X. i.ictu <■ 1 only by the lau FORNIA fig syrup in each ear. JPensions, - Rcpre- branded ble; circle- THE DISABILITY BILL LAW. Soldiers <l*sabled since the war are Entitle»! ’ur-''v f.dlow. Every one is usinr» it ..iii! ; * .iclighted v ch it. Ask you« ireg/'.t Lr SYRUP Oi*- FIGS. .Mnuu- v ill reallv imt In gin in earnest until I o co'isid* Fit I-It* mimbiT «if C x TTLK < sul».: OURS BLOOD, BSFRusu-ilNC SL. HEALTH and STRENGTH paigns now going on than in their elections. »wk«* ’ uw««. FOR SAL£- B f C’8:r.sat^djJ y Effectually, the gent emeu a re apparent I v more lifter the Stille - .*' » UNIO« S^L'AVE ti. KIDNEYS, LI7ER AND BOWELC —AMD 1 S|C1I kership prospects. Idlt both of own .......... leaders in the race, and one of whom Imarmg unexpected The impo.tant terie, <>f paper» on ft,,,,,» Altieri, a. by The.» ore Child, will læ r„n• In tlaiper'« Magazii.e during the gre» er JI of the year 1WH. she artieli ■ .>u s.wt hern ' » ifortila. bi Charlen Dudley Warner, will |>.- continued Among other n.Heworthv ” tractim s will be a novel bv Charles Esh,» ' t'raiidoi k: acollcct 'ou of original itnswie... W. M. Thai kora-, now pubiisheu for ih. fl lime: a novel wilten ami ilium rated h g , du Maurier; a uovellette bv Wini..» , e l(' Howell,: ami a aerit-aof pa|>er, uf papci,'J Londotiby Walter besant. hl the number and variety of il I lust rare.11«. pei, ami article, mi other ant jeci, of timd, in. len st. nr well ar ill the ii'trraelled <haracter..( i «short Htoriis, taiems, etc-. H aki - kh ', M ai ;». ZINK will continue to maintain lhat staiii.ar,| . xcelleme for which it ha, beet; lung u.,. tingmshed. »title: <»K. ' - ■ - *- ‘ *9 •*' ¡Z. (lie two candid Des for the Speaker chip of the House who are by ILLUSTRATED. Kithor Kight or 20 BOOKS! GIVEN AW Vew II F"n I tl • entire li t oí Tw nty ValuableBoski •nu.i. a i.: u i «.e«cr..»vd luifw, t.i«*rr> «ubucribertc Li» |. « er tor li.e eneu.iig year. * no r. iM.ti r«»cMy centi • i n «i.t <»n tn U * rejimar MiLecriplion price. TiieM «Miks, itch one u. wli.cli coniami a complete tirât < I äm joivi or nil«« nu < by a u II known an<l populai nr. or. ate pil'd:.,.« i in neat paiuplilet form, printed .oui v'»"d • ‘ io-.e t- po on goo«l pnper, and mat > ol .L«in an muh t> Hlu.-t at'il. T. ej> • wn.pr ionie ol be 1 «t wo i», et» r wr uett I y nome oí the sieateM tn ! i -t i «» h arw .it r-. otb of Aiurtha aud Eutope tach une .« o».«., îete hi ta. !l : «e .x.K riic \i»nt Maa wire Mee« menta, ByUwantBa H I .IK«* w « » |.1 rr I Al-fcH» I'n* «• I. e fuiiiikal I ».ok I Or« ! UI.HIIMM-« fl ■> eqiMil V* !<• >*IH.»W» pi ». .rcrwwor • Wi4uW ic.l It.** .X 1.9 llijute Benn pol« • A4 x vntnri • In Xrn \ ark Ay U«e i « ' ih « »*••» M.iMMk « t'ArSKB J afim * tu., M ■ mm ) a.i«Mli>*M«. lauKhal*«« (nrIdent» ■»••I i ««tir iti una » tape« * ar«*« i>«tnii r> '*• l-w«k N<* tU- I».-Ferri Fthjurttel H«»W T»* IT lm*trrv A . ..n»|4rie manna.'IM h»«ti«» •n.; gent.rittm. ctvlni ;*•» «i.r.vrt • wir« «»t «Wf. |««:tntvnl !•»« a.i •Aiariwia mcvidiug I« «UlM .*r»wl II-» l*r«t N* tt __7 l.wllHer'« T»nw« l*. 1» »t«w»».rka»>ir»dveMnr»t >* ls-WO.r| ÜB. •r anmitg t r I. >|i.i.«na ami (..aula. A ; - n <a»«Uri'. <n«k- lula Hr«'V’’ cLr*t Tbr Xntuinl Cuuiainlnt m. -------- ‘------- — « - — n ) »i I» I liste«l irh« „I nnmrr ynebeMHa. Mt.la. reptil«-« r.M «-»«n. n».. is, «iiiiMiiichcaiiuw 4Mh>tt>i l;«»u r snrU ag U elr life » m .< I b«» rC MtMlrrn If re It nt low*. A larff» e»4’ratun t»f th« n-*«» I-.I.MIW............. «ti- «• an>4 . *r, U>t<« Uw |'< m I« w I.- hi . hi 1 «i atriwa. •*- n.« Un wn a !•*•*<»<»• * N«*vrL By H. Hii»ff> K«» .*» Ti___ U m *«« ■n X Bo >i Alati )a. bn i < Bo. I»T «•«ri t»» H t Bn »* ••T»l By Bn ttA. M nil Hnwrr*. » *""1. R-M»nja« W«■« ’* h« Mrrrhnnl'nt r*ta.e. A Auvwl. By H o * ati * 11 an tbr »»erf. A* * T v. i TAwva , ,, w • < ■■■>« I’* *rt r»nn, Jn llr«*, riu ; ••. lea Lraniauv»« bTaa M 1 i ?.. »-«»a ..... Thr Vl«n«l » ratarr, nf Jnhn Mcltaia«>«. A k*»na*v !- €«• t » x « w -, Ttanltiaatrau *>»«»• By th« an'b«*r «•( ** ft.«• IVnw * Bn Ä Keved I p«n Ui« Bn t < !*•«• Martj-lwa %% nlrrw A A B« t «I. By M» bt (.y M.a* C wcii •at Bn tit A > n<«b*«d Neral»» A x > By Mr» a«««» Ueiwa Bn na €U«4a aa4 «nanti««. A Kami. By C •nana •a MB The !>rram B mm ». a Xerol By Wtuai* !•«-•«*• JU me . Mlteir» J»»r«rj. a Bare*. By Ita» ■ X. Sazsswi •«I^» Mso ■■WwWK’. lu.sl a >lmt ■» ■» 1 L L U S T R A T E D . ’’ v’.rEit • ìf « j. uriin f.»r thè homi i»i ti 'he’aeb' i'iforma on vv i h rek'nrd M ’he ' »i8hi.ii 8 i h iiumer. up illuxtrnliui 8 fHfh- i.i t p »1 «s. n id j H icrii glieet puppleinvtilB «r< itu is’.H H8JH'h‘ >i ike l > thè h «ine «Ir« 88 mtikei ir (ì n«’pr..ft*88i 'i al fin i.isiv. No t.xpv se il iBRDtirv in making i r «r.ih ic aH ra< iive « fi i ih«' l i-bvh . rder. i 8 ciever short se ha par;, r p a r and thoUKbiful t88»i h sat h v h - kb < 8. ano i p ust pane ìr ih : il - hr » 8 a I» u «‘ k «J1 .'i wii ir'«) huin.tr. In ì ' r wv«’kl RRU«Be»erv* ihi» g in luciu ed vi hi« h ìr of in « n s «> vioinen Durili.: ."‘il \gucR B Onnx'oev v\ill .me n scrivi «»f ard« :« s oti ”The H« use C..nif. r’ub e.” udcl i '. ib . n v% il irta» «»f •>aui ar» I iviug ” and iio in erì r ine rii « < « frì . ii oi pai eia • n ••W./inan io Art »in i Uist.'rv .” superbiv ì II ub ra «•<!. will K fut uiBhed bv Th<\xh>ret hìld. 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