_________ fw —L awers from abroad —J Nat. filed as ,if July 7th .hat being th« Hudson.Chas. 1 arrish, Sam. U hite, order of the court mule last term M. Dustin, , —Johns, — Minor and J. Durkheimer A Co. vs. J. T —..Ainur ana WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28. 18M. Geo. Hayes, in attendance at the W. H. GASS, Sillman; dismissed in stipulation. P roprietor , present term of circuit court. J W. Miller vs. R. P. Moffet and —Dr. Moore went to Harney this J. W. Howard; writ sf review; writ Best quality of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 9AS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY morning where he will remain a sustained; Judgment of Justices’ NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. I few days. Parties wishing dental Court set aside. ALWAYS ON HAND. ; work, if they call on him will find Dean Horton vs. Peter French: him prepared to do any kind of damages, dem. to complaint over­ work in his profession. ruled by consent; Wednesday morn­ MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY Local News. ing to ana A McMinnville paper has ... re- I Geo. W. Hayes rs. Cornelius Gentlemanly courtesy extended to all. Call and see me. ceived the following interesting let- Howard; Promissory Note; Default —Gold pans for sale at A. Rob- | 1 ter: "Enclosed jou will find #2 for entered. bins. Chas. F. Hvde vs. T W. Stephens ' I my subscription I know it is rul­ —Mr. John Switzer’s family are able to pay for a paper in wood or i and Wm. Waters; Forfeiture of » Bond; Default Judgment. still very Bick. potatoes but I am just out of pota­ Williams and Woo4 vs P. F. —No Jail-birds in Harney county toes, and we didn’t have a very Stenger and Almeda A. Stenger; jail this term of court. good wood crop this year, and if Promissory Note; continued for lhe « -^-DEALERS IM-n- » —The H erald will take wood, viu will accept the money this one ! term pending a compromise. Chas. Newb ’ ll vs Fred Haines; DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, wheat and vegetables on subscrip­ time, I will try and do better next| writ of review; writ sustained;; <• STATIONARY, DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES tion. year. That is al! the excuse I Judgement of lower ecurt reversed i & FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACO, CIGARS ETC. and cost taxed to deft —B orn —Oct. 23, to Mrs. M. A. Slave for not paving it sooner.” Dunn, of Springer a son. Geo. 8. Sizemore vs. Roltert Mc ­ Weight Kinnon; appeal iron Justices’ Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical Purpose«. lbs. BLAINE’S K ETC KN. Court; motion and affidavit for a fM^Prescriptions accurately compounded. — R. J. McKinnon 1» ft at this of- continuance. fice. Inst Monday, a potato weigh- B angor , Me., Get. 18.—It is un- EQUITY DOCKET. ing 3tbs and 3 ounces. derstood here that ’arrangements Henrv Miller vs. F. Ritterbu’ch; —Chas. Anderson desires all par­ have been made for Mr. Blaine to Henry Miller vs. Edward Ritter ties owing him hotel bills to settle leave Augusta Wednesday after­ busch; Hentv Miller vs. Marv Mil­ the same immediately and save noon for Washington. He will ler; Henry Miller vs 8. W. Verdot; cost. A-29 probably arrive in New York Thurs­ Henrv Miller vs. Win II Howard; Henrv Miller vs. F. Fisher; Henrv: It is said that he Miller vs. August Ritterbusch; —Judge Clifford is present dis­ day morning. Reparing a Speciality. Plumbing and Pipefitting. patching business with that prover­ refuses to make any stop in Boston Henry Miller ____ vs. T. .. F «»mnmy; Mauley; bial diligence for which he is not­ to make a speech. His health ap Henrv Miller vs. Simon Shofner; ALSO DEALER IN — -------- .mm n_r*ix ri 11X71 i ed. pears much better than it was hist Henry Miller vs. John and Henry FISHING TACKLE A SPORTING GOODS. Poge; Henry Miller vs Geo. Heck —Board of Tn de will meet at last spring, though he is troubled erthorn; The last named 11 cases Burns Oregon. the church Friday evening—30th with gout.—Republic. are Temporary Injunctions; motion by order of Judge Wm. Miller Presi­ for leave to file supplemental bill, dent. The Narrow«. allowed ana cause continued for LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. the term. —Drs. Moore A Cate will be with R. Miller vs. T. Giles and S. Al- NOTICE. Oct. 17. 189.1. us for some days yet. All in need phin Injunction; Friday morning Notice is hereby given that on the :5th day of E ditor H erald : At a meeting I of good dentat work at reasonable May ML I appointed the tollowtiiic named per­ heltl yesterday at the residence ot to file an amended complaint, 3rd. sona depot« Sltsk Inspectors f children’s do net committee to represent our case to Saver and wife. H C. LcVellS I , ............. Hlld erly verified, as -equired by law, me for al the commissioners at the next term Rolierts at Harney, Chas flannel waists at 50 cent, black wool - lowanee. at burns. Ilarnev count«, state of Knapp, Burrell A Co. and - C h - I Geer. Byrd —----------- Oregon wi hin six months from thia date. Burns, and R. A. Hendricks Law- hose at 40 cents, and infants of our county court. The follow Dated thia -7th day of July, A D tani eu bootees at 25 cents to be found at ing named parties were appointed: M any C alii vki . i .. Taylor Simmons, Henderson Elliott Administratrix, the Milliner Store. a . W. Waters, attorney. and J. M O’Connor. A Post Of­ STtM'K HKANDS. fice was also considered. Hardin A Rile.v, rallie branded V on left ahlg —Persons k nowing themselves in- We intend to collect all outstand ­ Horae brand T left able, r <>. Burna. Oregon A S ubscriber . debted to Smith A Richardson for Semi-Weekly Herald, Official County Paper. Fl. C* G-eer. P ractical tinner & gunsmith meat will please call and settle be­ fore the 20th of this month. At that time all unpaid accounts will i>e put into the hands of an officer for immediate collection. 0-14 —Stockmen can now g«-t hoot si »eights bv shipping or «elling stock •t Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav­ ing just completed one of Fairbanks Stock Scales, and arranged a large corral for the purpose. Certified weights given. 4-24. TE CHERS INSTITUTE. Keport of Committer on Final Report nt clime nf Thiid Term of Hum**) C< unty Teach«*!« Institute held Oct, 1891, ing accounts and notes due within the next 30flays and ex|iect all in­ debted tons to be prepared to set­ tle up. N. B rown . Burns, Sept. 30. 1891. ■ J. (’, Foley, cattle brand =3 on rifht «Ida. Horae brand — on left shoulder. WilllHins A Willlan.«. < «ttle brand, CH on let I hip. Ilorsv brnud, 11 on right «title. I‘, <>. Kiley I CONFIICMKI» Horse« branded )•( <>n left «title. < attle brand, cd /-( vii leit hip. Marion bunyard. PO Buri a. 1 < «Itie diamond on left hip; hor«<*s< V on lei , «boulder, ( hariri II V« egtlei. 1 uri « Oregon Horse branded Pon righi «h-mlder, cattle P on right hip. K. A. Ilendrh k«. P. o. l auenOr. Horse brand on left shoulder, a «o th ret dot«.*, tn shapeof It tangle, < «ttiel raudeH «ama, K. E. Grout buri a or. We. your Committee on Final The favorable impression pro­ Report beg leave to submit the fol duced on the first np|>ea rance of the lowing: We are pleased tosav that the program has lieen briefly car agreeable liquid fruit remedy Svrup ried out with a lively interest of Figs a few years ago has been For Over Fifty Year». by all the teachers in attendance more than confirmed by lhe pleas­ While not all the teachers of the ant experience of all who have used A n O ld and W ill -T hird K kmrdy . — Mr«. WI iib I uw ' b hiitg rup h«« I m ' cii u»ee«rs bv mlllionsof mothers fur their nity that are indebted to the Cal oporation on the part of all present children while teeth hut, with iH»rfee present­ has made the time pass not only tors and manufacturers, the Calif. «'I pain, < lire« wind colic, «nd 1« rhe be«t rem­ edy for Diarrhea«« !■ pleaemii I«» the faste. ” fl with a statement of their ac-ount pleasantly but profitably to all. In Fig Syrup Company. r*old by bruKitl« s In even part of lhe w«*rld. Twenty-five * ent« a buttle. Ha va'ue i« Incah u- this week and will be expected to tiehalf of the members of the insti lable He sure and a«k fur M'l W inflow*® ■'all immediately and settle same tute we desire to extend thanks to Hoot hl ng Hyrup, and take no other kind. This notice is imperative and Hon. Geo. Haves for his kind and ■Mans pay Please “di® up ” able address of welcome to the A Macon (Mo.) minister has Consumption Ceriti. F. 8. P eet , Ag’t. teachers, to Supt. Newell for his some erring lambs of the flock that able management and advice, to piNAL PROOF: A old phtalclan, retired from prat tire ha«S H ay and P asture —Hav for sale Mias O’Donnell for the excellent ; wander off on Sunday excursion* U 8 L aw » Ornes, at Burna. Oregon, October Ing had pla< ed In hie hatola bv au Keel Jude *ith pasture gratis. Marion Bun-! music 'fivl nary the formula of a simple f egeiai.:e furnished by her, to Mr. Gow-1 occasionally. This is from his A. invi. for the speed« and permanent t ure of pH, six miles south of Burns, of an and Miss Iva Meeker for assist piayer in a recent service "O. Iz>rd, Notice il hereby given that the following f remedy oi aumptlon. Hronehlrla. Catarrh. Aahrna ant* ell Throat and Lung aWeetloi a. a so a p. ahlve named pettier haa filed noti« e of lila Intern Ion ^tosell from 150 to 300 tons of make Hnal proof in support of hi* claim, and arid radical cure for Nervous Delflllt« and aH ance kindly rendered by them. we prav that the excursion train go- to tha1 Mid proof will pe made Itefure the Reg star Nervous Comnlalnta. after havli g feared its at three dollars a ton with good I We feel that all of us have been - and Receiver at Homa. Oregon, on «oieiabar wonderful curative powere In ihouMtola of ea||t w the HannibllI A Mure thrown in. The pasture is benefited bv the mutiial exchange 12, DWI. vii . caeca, haa felt It hie duty to make |r known io . , . . . hla fellow suffering fell»«a. Af naled h' fhlg Mat A fh erton efficient without feeding anv hav ! of ideas aliout e«iucatiina) matt rs Jl laud, vlt Jamas C Parker. A W Wai N A Y W.Noyee, "JO Powers' HL.ek. R Committee. C t|on t(> jje. anj In additi«n to this.: 'the hall over lhe H erald office H orace D illard . ) . 1 it is embarrassing to a minister to F inal proof : • the evening of the 28th in»t., at •’clock p m. The following are officiate at the funeral of a member LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, COl’RT PROCKIHNGS. ort otter IS, lft»|. •committeemen: J. F. Mahon. of the church who has been killed NtMle« la herab» rtr.n that the lollrivlbs- Bamel settler has fi'el n>alf in aupp.>rt of hla • laltn and LAW DOCKET. ffle Howard, David Carev, D. L. that Mid Motti will h» made before rhe K>-*1a- and Receiver. at Burns, Oreana, im No«»- Oct 27. Peter French vs. W train on the track and preserve it fer •tk. W. C. Bvrd, J. J. Mahon, D. berk» 11*1. »1« from any calamity, that all church Thomas dentina Catter’on, Win. Gore, P. An- D Huffman; action in Ejectment; Pre ft ft. No. MI* For the NW 14 NE-Ì4 T. V B. Embree and Wal- the day allowed in which to reply members among the exesrsionista Are 81 T> 22 » R » K W M. Ha nataee the following wit, rast a tn Peter French th . Geo. H Smyth; may have an opportunity u>r repent- j hie la ram Cross. «■•ntimuoa >»nona raa.i.O,., r»<»M»tu e_n*on ...___ and __ m t,»>- action of Fjecfhienf; dem. of deft ance, that their sine may be for- [ Jasima R;