Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1891)
Semi-Weekly Herald, ■ —...............- He thinks the Bigns propitious for HATCKIIAY, OCTOBER 24. UW1. tv. C. Ht Kl» democratic victory all al >« g the line this year. He points to the the swooping democratic victory in Editor. T he mines is all the absorbing topic of conversation in our town and county. It is now thought th it the widely known mine given I the municipal election at Indian- n|»oliK as a significant straw show ing the trend of the poiitieal win«! this vear. As to next year, he is of the opinion that the democratic the name of “Blue Bucket” han candidate will beat any man the been found twelve or fifteen miles republicans can put up He has, from here and also very rich dig lie declarer, no fears of any unto gings found on Pine creek, and sil ward action on the part of the Al ver in imiiicnce quantities on Steen liance in Georgia or the South. Mountain. As to his own candidacy for Whether these reports from par Speaker. Judge Crisp expresses ties coming in arc exaggerated or himself as entirely confident. He not remains to lie proven; but he that as it may there is no donut but that gold lias been found ill paving quantities, and it covers a large tirea of country. Enough to war run ■ in saving that it will take years bi exhaust. i is much pleased at the outspoken ! stand in his faver by Mr. Hemphill. I the brilliant young Congressmen from the Palmetto state. Ilis part in the Ohi » campaign promises to be most effective, he being an elo quent »nd I *gieal speaker—in short tn Combination, Proportion, and Proreaa «4 preparation, liood’« Sarsaparilla [>oa*ea»er tba full curative value of the best known reuar dies of the vegetable kingdom. Peculiar in streught and economy — Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only medicine of which can truly be said, “100 doses one dollar.“ Other medicines require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood’s Sarsaparilla- Peculiar In its medicinal merit. Hood*» Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un known, and has won tlie title of “The great test blood purlflerever discoveretL” Peculiar In its “good name at home” — there is more of Hood's »ursaparllla sold In ''■well, where it is made, thuu of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar in its phenomenal record of sales nbr ad, no other preparation has a’tained s-ich popularity In so short a time, it litui all tilings else shall be added." 'I nc human family of to-duv say * give us gold and all things else we get ’’ Which is in the main correct. I' is tie- key that unlocks the store- TV. EROWJV, Dealer in Cenerai Merchandise, B uknb ........................................................................................ H arney C o O regon . ' Is Peculiar to Itself. reenllar In theotlginnlltyand effeetivenesa of its a«l vert lain«!, its methods are loutiuuslly being «mplod by competitors. Peculiar in the nay it wins the people's ecntuience. one bottle alwavs sells another. FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE Hood’s Sarsaparilla c-*M bv dnigtrfuH. II; six Mr .*5. Prepared <*»»!y bv C. I. I1OOD & co.. A?ntbe« ariet, low ell, M im lOO Oosoo Ono Dollar PORTER BROS. Proprietors.................... Prairie City, Oregon. HU it NS a snel|bi«ider of the higher order. Till Bible says “Ask for wisdom BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Peculiar first to be delivered at Cincinnati. T. I AHVEKTIHEMENTB. a . M c K innon . PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. T he news of Gen. Lee’s death which occurred on the I W. L. MARSDEN. M I). 12th was received at Washington with pm- TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, P UTT Y , Ac. Phys’.oian and Sureeon» found sorrow Never was there a \V. E GRACE P roprietor , - - - BURNS, OREGOK more courteous or whole smiled gen Oregon. Burn F l««»il«** >4 wisiiom, that opens the tlemen to be met within officia i A Large Assortment of gun- »<. am itimi opens wule t he Oilice at (¡race's Drugstore. and private life and his loss will I «I or io all < olliees of a ill lienee. an<l honor is tn S same to entrance in ne keenly felt, not enlv ill his OW Has just been Received. state where he was so ladoved. but ►oeiel * . in fact floes everything at the Capital, where he has won DENTIST........... Bruxs t ( iiegon flint inori il man can wish, except PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED for himself manv warm > Hco tk i he ’h v Dr ig 4toru. Prepared to all persona I take him to heaven k ci .»f de iml w. rk. Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. i fr'etids wmong residents. Teeth e < raded »ilh.HH jmin by aid of gasB. llnrney county has been some PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. Gen. W. II F Lee was the rec what on tin* back-ground, but her I olid son of Rolio-f E. L«*e, anti at- iiliniist inexhau-fable gold mines ! ter a career of active ami conspicu- will nriiig h* r to th«* front, and in j oils service io the Confederate army, M H. tJiggb. stead of diiing honing«*, she will lie e.Tessed. petted and fondled like surrendered with his distinguished ATTORNEY-\T-LAW, father .it Appomattox as a major a pel child So much for gohl. MESDAMES MORRELL <fc ALLEN,---------------- Managers. NOTARY PUBLIC, gen Till «if cavalry. After the war I ANI» i he devoted himself mainly to agri- T he republican party cannot a<l I cultural pursuits, and led a quiet. These ladies spare no pairs to please their guests REAL ESTA TE AGENT. vance a single claim to the right of *1 ami uneventf il life up to the period j Ollice at SheritB ( illice, continuance in power. It has been 1 I of his election to Congress in LSSG ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVICE BURNS. - - - - - - - Oregon giv n a f.rr opportunity to prove He was a useful and industrious AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED, GEO. S. SIZEMORE. its title to public confidence, and member of the House, but of taste' ATIOKNEY. th,ring the years of its power it has that unfitted him for th«* mor«* pro Bi n xs, ... < >HEGON over and over again played into the l.uiul hii-iae-s. ;m«l lien nounced activities or ambitions ol a U*’ rouc tl* .i elineil te hands of partv tools and machine political life. politicians who have robbed the |M*o- He was a good citizen, of a gen- pie. The battle of this year will I’nor. erous and kindly nature, and hon- JOHN ltOUIVSON be fought by men who are willing Evvrytliiiig in their line guaranteed Burns-Canyon Stage Line, orable in all relations. to Is* «loue siltiafîictorilV. to serve the people in the interests I. J ewitt , P roprietor . J £FTh.* only place in Burns you of the people, against men who Leaves Burtts 011 Moii<la\s, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 a. m. «•.•in g *t baths. ZW^’oitoects with the Ontario, Prineville, and 1 ukeviow siagts, at Burns. Good ac comoil» scramble for ollice for the money I nvitations were sent to 27 «lorn ! tiui.s fur jHisseiigeis. they can g, t out out of it; in other locratie Governors to attend the words, by honest men against i opening of the democratic cam FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Etc. 3R. ON BURNS RESTAURANT, 0^11 and see u.s, T3SSOHT1L PARLOR. B n 0 W JT, thrive». “Thou shah not steal. paign in Ohio. Th«* fact that 42 R E A L E S ’’ \ T E A (¡EN T . States in tin* Union 27 ar«* governed HI V \Nu'' T >WN l’lt «PEKTY T'l E «'* >1'NTR Y II XN'ill.Eli H on . George II. St....... now and j1'? democrats, gives «ome idea of REAI EST ITE'N ’N OtMISSloX COUUE-I’ >N|«FV« F '01.11 ITFI> . for almost thirty six years past the Ifn.wing strength of the party in all OFFICE ATN BROWN’S SPORE. chi« t just it «■ <>f t la* supreme court, is ot the country, Burns, .................. Oregon. of Alabama, calle«! upon the Presi-I «lent the 15th inst.. to urge upon I “Peter Piper Picked a • Peek of j him tlu* recommendation tn his I Pickled Peppera," >» was a lint* of all- i forthcoming uiessag«* to (’«ingress' iterative nonsense, that th«* chi’tl of th«* necessity for the enactment j r«*n used to say Nowadays th* v «>f a bankruptcy law. '«•an practice on th«* Perfect, Painless. The President was verv much j Powerful, Prop«*rties of Pierce’s impressed with the reasons given Pleasant Purgativ«* Pellet». It will for the desired Ii gislation. The j impress a fact which will la* useful chief justice maintained that, in to know. The»«* Pellets cure sick view of the diversditd laws of the h«*ndaehe, billio is attacks, indiges various states and of the great A full assortment of Spectacles tion, constipation, and all stomach. frauds iHT|>« trat« d under them, a ami Eye Glaasse», with lenses of ■ liver, and bowel troubles. They |M*bbh> or «■••own glass, in frames of national law ought to l*e enacte«! I ar«* tiny, sugar c«»at«*«l pills, easy to gold. river. steal, tortise-shell, cel which would curtail tin* frauds now take, ami. as a laxative, one is sut luloid, etc. Also, spoons, napkin practiced, nml result in th«* honest tieieut for 11 dos«*. No more groans rings, cups, fruit knives and all administration of the estat« » of in anti grips from the old drastic rem | other standared articles is solid Silver. solvent persons, and to secure to c«li«*s! Piervc’s Purgative Pellet“ bom st bankrupts a discharge. lie t all ami we me. Always at my are as painless ns they an* |»»rfect j post, next door to restaurant. < odors« s the Torrv bankrupt'* bill in th« ir eflkx'ls. W N. Jorgensen Watches: Jt1»a Charles Foderili, of ti»»' Tliitil G«-,*rgia Crisp, disi rivi. is tmu in Ohio, t.ikmg a I* u«initf pari iti thè cttinpaìgn for Gov. < amplwll utili thè drimwrtitic party Jndgv Ctisp i» l’lieti tur t< n spere I h », ih«* 1 e . M c K inney , - - - _ proprietor Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Wk,skies, Brandie«, Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on “Mack. ’ at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. Burns T^hotograuh Grallerv, W. H. CANADAY,.......................... P roprietor . O----- 0 Nothing but first class pictures leave this Gallery. furnished at reduced rates. Duplicates fW~(’,ive me a call. JWSORMNSs (. r< »'•!.>Kue A___ ■•». H.*n ty, MMh1nirt«>ntXew Jersey. Painel F Bb rn 'P ianos ' Beai 1 — 1» UM: everv- «« h vie. - - - - - »r UW r I If , f, • ' •tal.'««» Fx » - Mayer haniel F. Beatty Waalih gion. Naw J<-aay Used -a Mi-ion« of Howes—40 Years the Standard.