y^mi-Weekly Herald, SATURO lY, OCTOBER 17. IS 1. •V. « • BYRD ever since and has done work which has attracted wi ‘e attention. There are few men in public life-with as wide a circle of friends as he po«- restes. It is not known who will succeed Gen. Bovnton. but it is re / ported that it will be Mr. Fred Mus- »<»K, who has b e i c »nnected wi h the paper for some time, working at times in the Washii g on bureau, of which Gen. Boynton was the head. Peculiar BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS In Combination, Proportion, and Prorata <4 preparation, Hood's >antaparlila poaaesw» ths full rurstlre sal ue of the best known rsuttr die« of the vegetable kingdom. Peculiar in atreugbt and economy — It nod'» Sarsaparilla 1« the only medicine of which cau truly be «aid, “100 doaea one dollar.** Other medicine« require larger doses, and da not produce as good result« as W ill Grover Cleveland he re- tioin naled? Nothing can hinder Hood's Sarsaparilla. it. The voice of the people is the Peculiar In its medicinal merit. Hood'» rnrmparllla accomplishes cures hitherto tin- a -.i«-*- of Deitv, ami that eavs in I knowu, and has won the title of “The gteat < e r.-st tones that Cleveland is the test blood puriflerever discovered." Peculiar In its “good name at home" — p ii mu', n. lead the party to vic there Is more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold In ............. H arnet Co, tor- in the November conflict a t *'well, where it is made, thau of >11 other B urns O regon . I purifiers. \> »ir to come. Who will lie aecond “N othing but its own blunders blood Peculiar iu Its phenomenal record of rales ■ <1 1 i ,e ticket? Gov. Campliell, cer- can beat the democratic party in abr ad, no other preparation has attained I t 1 'v. if h“ carries Ohio, as we he* ’92,” saiii Senator Voorhees. “Iti each popularity in so short a time, it Is Peculiar to Itself. L<-v h • will. The expenditure of doesn’t lie in the opposition to com rccnllarln the originality and effeetlvenesa vu-i “tims <>f *noney by protected pass our liefeat. Two great chances of Its advcrUslin. Its methods are continually being copied by competitors. i ti-osts is >111 that can beat him. of blundering are presented—th-* j Peculiar iu the way it wius the people'» FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE The Convention of Democratic next House may not act wisely ami com!dense, one bottle alwavs »ells another. 'C m s nt Pitts' urg. Pei nsvlvaiiia. a tn’stake may he made in choos-! Hood’s Sarsaparilla « tie-7th. illustrates th) enthllsi- ing the heail of the ticket, If er-! •-M bv druggist«. It, six for M. Pre’-ared only bv C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, asm felt nil along the Democratic hits are not made ii> either of t hese laracll, Mass I OO Dos03 Ono Dollar Jiu>* The musses of the party. as direction» success «ill perch on Prairie Citv, Oregon. PORTER BROS. Proprietors well ns the leaders, realize that not Democratic l.anm-rs. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. onlv is victorv in sight, but that the The title iw running strong in issm-s to be fought app-al atrouglv our favor. We shttll be apt to e-ir- I T. a . M c K innon . PRACTICA I. <CI{VKVOR. to all honest, thinking citiz *na rv Iowa. M’lHsacht|«ett«i an<i New No party which makes an ener York. Tn the first «nd la«t «e 'e- W. L. MARSDEN. M I'. getic battle for the true interest» of gard Democratic triumph as iu- TOILET ARTICLES^G LASS, PUTTY, 4c. the masses and which shows a de i sttred In Ohio »here is a good Physician and Sumen. BURNS, OREGOV termined effort to root out fiaud ■ fighting chance foe faiunhe'1 to W E (¡RACE P roprietor . and corruption will long remain in win. Hi“ election -»oil’d not Re n . . Oregon. Burns the minority. Republican fraud surprise in the least. A Large Assortment of Rut even ninl the indifference of innnv thou« should he foil the democrats are Otlii e at Grate’» Drug Store. anils of voters are what has long cert,tin of C'tn*uei’><» the legiafaturo Has just been Received. k< pt the state < f Pennsylvania in ’That me-inathat M" ^h°rm*i'i 't'i’l llie n-puhin-xn column. But the : not be re»urm-d t<> the United Status DR.H.M. HORTON PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED people now realize what their indif Senate, but that Senator Rri<-<- will DENTIST.................. B urns O regon Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. »Nice a tie it v OroK wforo. Prepared to all ifF' f r.-nce has cost them. Thev feel I hav<> a en"c-,g”e of hi“ own polities 1 k nd of dental Work. PATENT MEDICINES SOLI) AT MARKED PRICE. I’eeth racied without pain by aid of gtiSK. the baneful effects of r» publican rule, and those who for years have neglected their duty as citizens are Tiir Hnn. Thonins .Tefferenn Cl now foremost in the determination nie, ex-meniber <>f the Hnu«e from that dishonesty must be punished i S in Franoisco. «sv“: “Th“ Cali mu’ the party responsible for it re fornia -----Managers. nre n^osperine not. <n MESDAMES MORRELL * ALLEN. - bilked. The Democracy stands b< • a*-cmi»it <>f th>> McKinley bill. but in tween the p,opt»- and corrrupt gov ; spite of it. Their grnnd erop« of These ladies spare no pairs to please their guests ernment. mid (his makes it invinci 1 whent are bringing in th« rea<lv Ide. , mnnev that will pnt the state on its ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVICE Office at Sheriffs Office, When Grover Cleveland left the h-g«. m»*t’ipho’*ieall v «peaking. a* d BURNS.---------- - - - Oregon AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED. White House the walls of tiie Trens »•vervhodv will be hanpv Bu‘ the urv f airly bulged with the nati- ns arme nf nur hanni’ie«« will not be CEO S. SIZEMORE. million«, but under three years ol ATIORNEY. reached till Grover Cleveland >“ B urns , ................... O regon . the Harrison nd ministration her again President of these United Collet* ¿ions, I. iiik I Im-ine-s. _ .......... _ Heul mid vaults have been emptied, and the Estate ma ter r«»mt*Gx a tended to. State«. government forced on the market TONSORIAL PARLOR, us a horrower. P rop . G overnor Camp'-ell is beingcon JOHN ROBINSON Burns-Canyon Stage Line, There is a boom in Cleveland Everything in their line guaranteed grutulated on every side fr t’e[ I. J e W itt , P roprietor . stock There’s nothing like anew to be done satisfactorily. manner in which he h imlled M - Leaves Burns on .Mondaj«. Wednesilaj*. and Fridaya, at 6 a. m baby in the house. flT“The onlv place in Burns you 'Couueeta with the Ontario, Prineville, aim I akeview «lagt a, at Burna. Good ac eowafe Kinlev in tin- debate that c imc otl'| tiot.a tor i-HBaengera. can g.-t baths. 1 nt Ada. The leading democrats No decisions were announced by think it will go far towards hi« re- the United Stat, s Supreme Court N. B RO W N, election b cause <f th * wi.'elv pu’• when it convened last Monday, and fished accounts of his speech, ami 1 R E A L ES •' ATKA G E N T aftyr the motions io admit attoi- BUY INliSF.I I t > wn PROPERTY. the manner in which McKinley REAL ESTVTEIN THKCOUNTRY 11 VNDI.KH torneys to practice were heard, etc , ON iuMMISSIoN doilged all leading ouesiion« which' i e . M c K inney , - - P ropr «™* CORRESP'iNnEM E SOLICITED the court adjourned to pay its re- were put to him. OFFICE AT N BROWN ’ S STORE. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors — Wk,skies, Brandi««, s|»*cts to the President, inconfirmi Burns, .. ............... Oregon. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when tv with its usual custom There you call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. arc 1.395 cases, the largest numlier Some f.ncy th»- charms of the lily- white maid. W N. Jorgensen ever on the docket at the beginning of a t rm. There are many import Of etherial form and languishing eye. ant cases that will come liefore the Hurns I^hotograuh Gtallerv, Who faints in the sunshine and court for argument «luring the pres droops in the shade. ent term, ami a number of them And is always “just ready to die.” W. II CANADAY, were advanced ami set down for nr-. P roprietor . gument on Monday, Oct. 19. when But give tin* the girl of the sunshiny they will lie taken up in the order face, O-------O watches: The blood in whose veins courses in which they were advanced. healthy and free. Mv reputation as a good watch With the vigor of youth in her G kn . H. V Boynton, the well- Nothing but first class pictures leave this Gallery. Duplicate« maker and jeweler is well known, movements of grace, known Washington correspondent and ! refer to all mv customers. furnished at nduced rates. gWT'Give me a call. Oh. that is the maiden for me! Work always ready when promised. for the Cincinnati Commercial Ga- V She is the girl to “tie to” for life. aette, has severed hi» connection The sickly, complaining woman Prices as low as consistent with good workmanship and according to with that paper and will become a may l-e an object of love and pity, the amount of work done. member of the Washington Poll but sh-- ceases to lie “a thing of beauty” worn down bv female weak- ( Call and see me. Alwavs at mv atafT as a s|s'cial contributor. ness and oisordeia, subject to hys- post, next door to r»*»t»urant. He has l»*en connected with the teria and a martyr to lx-aring down ~~ Gillette during his • ntile newapa pain« Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre per career. He went on the Ga- scription ia a suri- cure for these dis .. ? A«bm*«a. Hon Panivi F Heat aette staff at I lie close of his service tressing complaints, and will trana- ty. Wethington. New h raey. form the feeble, drooping suflereri ' “ " ■ in the army in '64, and a year later into a healthy, happy, blooming ■ p. p . —y— suce« edcU Whitelaw Reid as Wash woman. Guarantee« to giv« »»tie- U h Al ington c >rn «pundent. He has been factior in every case, or money paid U L fl I I - . r . a for »_____ WMbincWB. New Jerwy their Washington correspondent for II refunded Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Dealer in Cenerai Merchandise, P raibie C ity R oller M ill . DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSHES FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. !BEATTY‘SORGANS:< □»PRICES