1891. p. F. STENGER The Olilo Camiuiign Haatre’s ILLUSTRATED bianded Morie» Columbus, 0 , Oct. 5.—Governor Campbell held a consultation with the members of the Democrat State Committee to-night, the subject of the ( ampaign being fully’and free ly discussed ¡md the various phases Considered. The Governor express ed the greatest confidence in the »iicci-Hs of the State ticket au<j re ferred to the deep interest shown by farmers in the strong Republican Counties to hear the tariff'll wriiHM. (| 4>v others besides Major 'McLinlev. Jfe stated that he felt the greatest Confidence in his own election, after two weeks of campaigning, and did not liesitate to say that he believed ILLUSTRATED. Rilbur Right or Btifle: OK. ■woes" ) ijATTAC.V'E'S'i'i dature—Harnev county, Oregon. pa;tlKnr.tR. Ha.nev county. Oregon. I^ thi TIMEST- 1'3 CuCAio. sr -J \ / __ J the ' _• j'i' of the Combines r Blue Figs of California, so lax. and nutriti u>, wiih the r.n.'diciual virtu-" < J plants known to be n-.ost bene»" n.l to the human system, forming the ON I i i . K- FECT REMEDY to act gen'iy ye! promptly on lhe « USIO« SQUARE. N V B oston . mass A tlanta ga . for sale bv ill »“‘'I!,':.'-«. cauas -TL** NEW HOME SEWING MA- C H 1N E CO., 72.5 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. l’aictic Department. ? C . of ’TVortEtA'icr l bue law . dlmwiiig How io/ Uhtatn Patenta, Caveat a. Trai •X Murka, CopvrtiJ ts, stR* XddrwM MUNN A, CO.z¿ 1 BrotnJv ay, N.w York., Y \ H •' M T '} . Split STENGER. I 1 branded C attle Le.' a . | ide; circle- in | | each.ear. t'úísWwjf HARPER’S PERlOi’ICS Per Year: Range— Hurney and Grunt county Oregon p. o.—Hum». Hartley county, or. NO I-EE UiNLE S PATENT IS S E CUR E D. COR R E8P0N D- ENCE S ’LiCiTED. Hanier’s .Weekly. I L LT ST RATE I). p.Bit's \V e :: xly lias uever fai’dl t«> jiisti* ■i Ic as u •* i«»ui”!tu of ( iviliZHii« 11.” and d«.i v F’ w 1 1 '11 <» 1 b ni 1 k . Find Io cn- d p. tsiliilii it s fi 1 feu ¡1 ♦ f f «1 <1 a higher ird of ariis i< huh Jileivrx (X<el.ei<e, \<s uhm u < hed i>< in ]*» r unt ] Li:se . f ti e t 1 !• M< t f . in ♦ p< k 1 if u iv«» k . <4,1 u iy i ih) id <• inivresi .1 g. of lhe i.«.ialle ] ciF« 1 h 111 ( id I vi\ t n < n f 1 1 « ur 1 in e ) bt) d ♦ ii nt f v in ><•<»! 1 ii ri< in he) \ ill 1 e lit ini' Bt icuiitf. iii’if’ic, < al. «riii< nl, h p« ginlii< nl, t r < if » ii] d\e o< 1 f « 11 11 in < cn 111 d. and \\ ill <« utiii- serxethe hears) ♦« n n ♦ 1 ciili. 11 whie h ii bestowed .11 pas issues bv lhe ikfi e public A b a l'liini!) j■•urnnl. Harper’s V. if here «»i, ic. I e e< i td vi 1 a rid Hrthe qua'.Iks lhat make it a vim» r lu ever? li.une. STODDART '& CO.,’ ul i ¿2 GiD /til Stroot, ZT. w. (‘¡I'po i c I', s. P.iieiu Oiik’C.J V, ASHING I ON, l>. 0. kiobratod French Curs, iint’ertnke to br’efl/ t • ■ r.-i.u m <nher v. lite, nti<l ubo, ì k hidtfstriouely, IMI». Ireilni-H a tviil nlso furn!?h ho « urti timi nii.ount. E hsì * uno qidckly die:ti« t « rei i.uty. 1** »••pi« t un ih n U W taJ L j ' mur I L. • r na / cidoruexof Cio G'-c:auvoc> fllii'lCJi CLuC/SVX, vhy.’.cr crLln c^côss.xo ....... , , .. , — , , ...'ou “1 jo;:l.ituJni i 'cre- r ■ , c.xhr.3 L omoí Praia i. : I - riiov.n l-aluilii ilo , K;.-. :e:'a, Ncnou» l’r s- I E : !r::s, 1 e corrhaa. blz- ,1. i< .' 1’ov.cranil Impc- c ’<<!:?-. 1 a_to prefr.atnro r~’"3 ç 15 n br ;, fl boi.^j le *p-Jce' : ~ t ’ !□ riven for ■!.l T-'-n'l t';omoney If i r-. c<"0.-. it. Wo h»vo n’s f—•-1 c’<t n-4 jov.nr, ho j' l ", :>ocn for íanentlv cm I ixi line. Clrenlarlnv. Addri » 11 '.'niingtnn W. Va.. Oct 4.—Lucv A *\ M c C ii II ihi . the nidorio’i. wonum mo insiline’’, wns C'¡itu'ed tie y Linciti Court lloli-e Si t U ' <|'i V. For over two venrw \|j>- Met o Jeu» m ho is now 1*4 y «■:>«•- ..i' ace :n d an imiazoii in -ti.-t.g'h and cour.ig'. has peddli d illicit whi-kv to tin thousands of workn i n engaged G the construction of the Norfolk n:>* Western Railroad The liquor wa- 'r’HRO ro. . -*-l. 1113X*. • i‘Ou7LAl.^. G IL liuide in a i-i eret al i. I in the Logan For Sale at W. E. Grxce’s Dnfg Moimlaii.!- by her father, iTrotliei.- and Inver. Act oinpanieil I.y th. Store latter alone the young woman mad' regular xi-its to tic workmen'-' Camps, disposing ol the liquor. Sir was always armed mil -!i it no fewer than tilico, men who in-ulfed her Deputy Marshals have made fre qiient atteniiits to arrest her, but failed. Last «ci k thev came on her uuextH ctedlv in Logan Contiti she esciijied. I nt the pursuit was too vigorous and Saturday night she was taken w hile Ill tilt» Ui'USv of a frient! taking her first sleep in four davs.—The Republic I. lieve M e list mali u h iTumfUlly b Rivi» of icori'.nc, u ••» uici '/ y I ougiiq- re Hälf e 1» e. W th tui I him t ..fr weig t I g'111 /or fnnalf irr." vlaritier. beverki oi. io (alb Sent by mall »ea: for WH. Alleres» The Aphro Medlc’r? COMPANY, Wentern Branch, llox 9 7. Forthimi, Oregon. For Sal«* nt the Grace Drug Store rill al of M ;i ni liuti li vii ve. Explornti ma made in the Shiloh cave, near the village of Fayetteville Indiana, show that in beauty i4 riv als the Mammoth Cave. About a mile of it has been examined, and there are several aide passages un explored. Its mouth is in a deep sink, hear a cemetery, under which the cavern passes. Several rHiea of prehistoric men have also been found. K omih I IH»ml in Bril Petalnnia, Cal., Oct (»—Smith l> Towne, one of the oldest anti moat reapectctl citiien of thia city, waa fount! dead in hit* bed thia morn ing. Heart failure ia auppoaed to be the cause. P'l * t'. /.«l.iii *» nt «>n< r. • A (.1 KM ; 7 II I ir . 1’ EUR . & Co’s llexcripiivi. and Priced I ncrplc’«nr'M Cured L as Vt ■■Ab. Now Mexico. ¿iDy \ When I *a® young mi n*<t »er L.-ul n I right and •btgftU' me het le* m I hx * iv rae cry toft «nd tn » 1 bon« on« after I bed ht attack of h»«Art dis. ,t- k P Hier Ki tufc*« N fv-viv bw* &»ue me ni rb 9» •o hi red effocK Mît! A < Clatcl Wjla ’iu Jure J I' fcbow ** - o. Nevada l ha» tilde e|<«ma since I ♦ »‘k <>r X,., tit e nhho- h *• » Valuitlilc Hook « mi Nervo«!« IH •»e.«««', m* 4 to aay addriva. •mi |MM»r p.iUaut» caa alao eMfciu ihi« iiiCHih’iii« he« oT cKarar» Thi« rriumlv ha» l«ocQ p*vi»arv.l br «ha Mev»rothi Pràior K‘<nmv »»t Fort <•*»•♦» InJ- aiaco N** and iauow prrpars•« ntHlrr lai» • Itwtl.ui b* tu« KOENIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, Ili. eoki by l>rug*«at»<U9l per ItolUe, OPwFS. Utl»SI>* OI.7X • l«oOW,»<wOH. PEU year : i HARPER WEEKLY........................ 4.0 q I HARPER’S MAGAZINE . . 4.M IIARPI R’.< BAZAR................................. 4.00 HARPER S Yûl N<; i’E iPLE 2 ‘ .CC SL -L) ANNUAL/ F. r 1GQ1 v.i I be r i'eJ FREEp Ci> all app -i at«! - i :•> I; si st asoit’s custonwr- Itisi .. than ever. Ai Every person t. in^ (.artieti, ' iiiict'r /•««/</ ¿ZCi/x, Id send I r il. Address FERRY 6 CO. r ich . i in the world BEST ‘STEEL W!RE Psiatime Free t«) n'l BUlseriberB in the United StnttB. ( anada, • r Mexico. The Volumee «if lhe VVecklv will begin w ith ‘he first Number ior Janutirv of each year. Wh' ii no t ime is mentioned, sill 8crip>i«»i s will 1 h pi 1 with lhe Number curreni at lime of re* ctipt of order. I ound Yolumcsof Harper's Weeklv forlhret yeftisbac k. in neat elo'li binding, will he sent b mail I’« s'age paid.« r bv express, free ,»f ex» pciiFe pr*»\ ided ihe freight 0*4 s not exceed B pervuhinic) f«ir^7.o> a volume. t’lolli Cist's A»r each Volume, suitable for binding a til be sent bv mail p. sr paid, on re- 'viptofll. ' ReniitiiUic-cB should be made bv P« Bt Office M. 1 ■•*•■' >rder or Draft, t«> nv> id c hanre of 1< fs . Address H ARPER v itK »T.IERS. Ne.v York. ,WlilE ROPE SELVAG? >?7J r*'^ -0kK’OWLEOGED TC '•I’rii.Garbens, Fanns, R?iw!ioc and P THE ONLY TRUE JVill Ft* ’?> <h* Blood: rvL'tilverhe Ll»er Rii't kil’lory» Mild lirstoro th« limith aud \ Igurof Youth. I >yspt*psi.s, Want of Appetite, In«lt hr -' i : n, I. ck of Strength and 'tired Fee!inga«>Hoiutelyc *r«*d,r.uuf*<«, y iuuM’ies un<l n«*rvte r*’C ive n w force. Enlivi nyth* mind n<i stit.idies Bia n l*«>i.i*r. JT" sulterina froiii «ompiMiut« f /K a J f„H. .1 ¡ar to t!. - r «• w II : ! 'a dx . hahieks ii o . t TONIC a wide un «weedy t re Giv, ..'«’I- ■■. t nl- thy compL’Xtiin. Fre-•.•»«»,4 iitenuit . .4 rm' , IL‘iU itiK only idd U* the ¡’Opui Hjr of the < i ik*in;<l 1>O not Rltwr ninnl-tfi-t r lie OHlGiNAL an.l fiKST. /Or. HARTETS LITTLE LIVER PILL \ ■ Cute Con«ti|> u «i. Liver voinp Hint an«! S < s 1 ■ Henlache H nip!«» l»o«e hih ! Dream H ook / Rmail»*I «xn re Ot t «»f t-«ocent« in post: *». v Or. HART« l'€O«Glfe£ CO StLeuU. malaria 1 ani gl.vl Lo testify that I u««d Pastor Koe nlg’s Nerve Tonie vitb th« f. •h«ep lettane®»*. tuw* b« lirw ih«H it ta r« H'h a^rt » relief tor *» ffvrh.g humai.ity E. B àa NK P u *. tor, NL Ne y » ri», hwlertoii P. O., Pa. !• betlerrd to be caused by poteo.iou» nitawrna arising in »in low, tnarshy land or froi.i decaying vegetable matter, and whlcl., breathed » Ho -.he lungx, enter and poison the blood. If a heaKb) condition of the blood is maintained bv taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, one Is much leas liable U» malaria, nit.1 Jlo«»d'sSarxapurina bas cured many •aven ca»ea of this distressing a.Teetion. A W«»n<»<*rfnl Medicine. ••For malaria I think Hood*® Sarsaparilla ha.« no espial. It ha® kept my children well ri/bt through the tummor, and wc livty in one of thi worst places h r malaria In Maryartllc. I take Hood*® HaruifiariHa »*« r that all gone feeling, with great bcm ¡it M Maa B p. luvis, Mary» rille, vat ntTak-Ranc 1\ icr. “Mr <!a ig’rcr fearl wa« taken with dengue i >». and my fnends Ikvvfht I w«:i)d fas, i.er. i I almost giwn ip hois' until »he Ivean *' ■ lluud'« Saras paill’u she took hmr lx." a f.rir nu.ath«. AU.I »ail'd IS IM'Ullds. 1 * k Htx»d*s s .arsi rarilla Mr glviu< her tu'; rne tv tiBBllh and Urvtigtb.*’ Ji i A. K imh . tfMr- ia»ii, Texas. Hood’s Sai saparilla SoM by dmotl-t» g1; , g, »,*, Yy C. L tf Hll>4 CIK, ApcAkn.. -i.-le», I j'*r*ul, kl Ma too Dosos Or,3 Dollar The impo.tant serie» of paper» on Suaig America, by Theodore I'hild, will be eontlued in Harper'» Magazine during lhe greater nun of the year 1891. .-'he articles on S.aithern c»j. ifornla.br Charles Dudley Warner, will be continued Among other noteworthv »,. tractions will be a novel by Charles Egbert Craddock: a collection of original drawing, b, W. M. Thackeray, now pnbiiaheu for 'he flrgk time; a novel written and illustrated bv 3e., du Maurler; a uovellelte bv William'pMal Howells: and a serii'iof papers of paper, UB London by Walter Hesant. in the number and variety "f illlustrared p». pets and articles on oilier subjeels of timely ip. terest, as well as in lhe U'lrrselleii characier of i s short stories, imeing, etc-. H akcek ' s M aoa . ZINE will continue to maintain that standard excellence for which it has beeu io long die. tinguished. HARPER’S MAGAZINE................♦) W ! II ARI’Ell’N WEEKLY t oq BAZAR ................pno A HARPER'S THE DISABILITY BILL HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 2.00 LAW. I’o-tnge Free to all Subscribers in the Soldiers d'sabled since the war are United States, Canada, or Mexico. Entitled The volumes of the Magniine begin with ___ widows ________ _ Parents now «le the Numbers for June and December nf Depen«lent and petident who«e -ons died from tlie etleeri of euc h year. When no ime is specified, sub .iriiiy -r rviee nre included. If you wi ll M'riptions will begin wiill the Numher ear. voiiri liiim speedily and succes-fu ly prose rent at lime of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine, fot ute.l.a I i.’-’- .1 A M ES TAX'XEK, l.ate C.niimif sioner of Pensions. llireeyears bacK, in near cloth binding, will WASHINGTON, D C. be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—bv mail, pon-paid. Index to Harper’s Magazine. Alpliabeti. » cal, Analytical, and ('la -¡tied, for Volume? 1 to 70, inclusive, from June. LSfiOtoJuiip one vol. 8 vo. Cloth, |4.(M) FEltSONAL AND PROMPT 18.85, Remittances should lie made bv PiHtottiee ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAR Money Order, or Draft, to avoid < lumce of ENTS, CAVEAT;, TRADE •loss. A.ldress HARPER <t BROTHERS, New MA'> KS, etc. York. KIBHEYS, LIVER All!) — AMD T '•- ♦ hat McKinley was already hesiten Cisaisetic Ei!3'3iuaHv, MeniGers of th“ coni'iiittee cl puke D!<oo:: that every report T'ceived is of E2FR i ^4«» » most < ncdtirfiging character, HEALT icth that the pr i-qi 'etH of success an ’TV r ' î'verv i:: HSii.i; it . ; . • . hied -, ihm.’ ■- k ■' fully 2o p-r cent greater than at J ( ■ -I for ¿1 1 il L i O* J* ¿ó--. . Í .;1U' ll.e«.iire time two rears a’ JO. Gov (.. . I only I,y the «•rni r i"a n.pl.ell w ill take a coiiple alifornia fig syru co «>1 days' lest, and at the s.ime time S as F rancisco , C al . j Ni. ,v Y ork . • la nrik'- his preparations t" in e’ Me’ Kinley in joint dehipe nt Ad ■ < ai For sale at II. M. Horton’s Drug Thursday next. The Democratic Store. • cainpiign committee enlarged their bend quarters tn-dav anil increased “ A N A K EMS’’gives instant relief and is an infallibio their lyrking force. The word Ims Cure for riles. Briecfl. By Druggists*"' mail. Smirk s gone nut that I >eiim<,-ralic prospects free. A<ldn’ss“AS A li ESIN,” '■ox 24111, hew York City. lire biigh'er than at anv time since the Clin land cmiveiitimi and that n lull vote next mmitli will insure r!>!’•*( M omorc SUeei .»s —The Re «1 ¡.lie*. ALMEDA :V.'O0DV/~W Magazine < i.. '.4'CN.'’. !*x>’<! by dealer;. FIL-IR ,. EVS « Ul LTllY NETTI Hi. N gtng! No baftging! Extra Ifecvry S<-D••»<* . Waven Wire Fence Cnicaftu,. .11- : 'r f. r’ui’.r«hnvcI rrn mndca. w«Hk for ti-, Io Atiun P. ««’, Austin. ,r*’xas, mid J iio . I‘.«*nn, To I cd o, Ohl" pec i-ut. Othersnrvil' inp n» well. Why »not you? Some * urn over «¿00.00 n biioih I i . Y*> ii « niiilo the work and live Jut home, wh«Ti ii r yi'it arc. Even b« • ' giniier* arc enslly earning from t?L to #1 a finv. All agi-s. k\ «■ show you h<»w mid start von. ( an work in »pure tim» or all th«’ time. 1 ig mon«*s fur work er». Failure unknown among them. NEW mol wonderful Particulnrs free. #«:»H <».♦'♦* h yrni' is lo iitjr rinite by J.din 1 (ioodii in, l lÀi ,X.) ,,al n in i. t.-r ns. Itiaik you limy in i make ns lulu 11. blit wo « .. teach y«»!«|iii' klv lu.«v toemii ♦r«»:n > . /in N . start, tin«! uiot«* ns you ;• n*l ngis. In nay part . i C'liuiu m e nt lumie, gi« .* r », are nmnirtH« uuh t I" U . < Will I N « M i 4‘ I, e Muri uhi . furiiisliiu ytt.iiiR, ! \S » I V, SRI ì I f|.y J,,,,,,. . lll ltll.AKS F i.LI .. Albina nt , » A IO.. tt»mI.A.Mu. liti Harper’s Baza I L L U S T RATED. , ! : I H arper b B azar is a journa for the home it ing ihe 'n es* i-if »r-nn»ion wiih regard to lhe I jishi.H r i s uumer. 11B illuslratioi f fash- ion p’11 vf . ami pa tern sheet supplements are iiuHsmiiBahle a-ike to the home dressmaker a '«’, he pr..ft FFi 1 al moc-iste. No expei se if •«spare in making is nriislie atlrtv liveneM • ■• ihe hi.’.hes ur er. 1 s clever short s «’ d ®. parlor phr s. and tlniughtful tfsn s sat b ’* v it.4 hbuf ,am. i s last page is inm«Ris lb a budget of wi a* d humor, in i’s weeklv ssmseverv- thine is iiv lu ed v.hit h is of iu’erc r : to vomen During iMJl igm sB. ornisbec- will u rite a serie« of ariic les on “The House (’uinLirtable.” Juliet «'»•iB. nuil- treat »‘f “Sanitär» living.” and an nd ere s ing sm < c fbg . u of pavers on “ Woman iu \rt and ¡1 is.-jr .” pnperblv ilhis rtt cd. will be furnished bv The«»d»»»e child. The serial s'orleB will 1 v bv Wal er I esant and Thuiia s iiurdv HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year Zìi BOOKS 1 GIVEN AW U e w H rn*i t' e entire U-1 of Tw nty Valuable Book» •num, ..» tú - ¡i I t,escr;.>e4 t*«h»w, tov«ery MilMcriberU his pu er tor toe oüMi.ng jvar. vh«> r« iu .I h hcmtn cvwtt n a .u.t on to tl.«• reguiar PuL.-wriptmn price. Titee« ••‘«iks, ach one v. wb.vlt cont uns a complete first c I mm kovvi or mi'.’i n«> k by a u .llkuouu and populei ur.’.or. ate piihb*l.ei iu neat pamphlet form, printed ;otn giwtti i«-a«¡a<*ie t* pj on good paper, and man ol .hem : h . i worn ly illusi hi «*.. Ti.ey «umpri-e tomé ol be l i -t wink* ex»r tarate•« I y some o¡ the giea*eel :n! : -t po it arw .it t -. «»th vf America ami Lutope Êach uue is cu . h | lote in 4Sx It : No. 31« Tl»<* \ unt Unce! re Horn meat«. By th, wnthn ’’ ■' I‘IK " * I 1 l**’Tl I'Al»:.* * OlK- «,¡ fi.» I «.!< Il irsi ls*okl •Vet I'Hl*OalM*,i—«.¡eat l** HP iaiMuMC pleur, e«i»or • Wiüuv telimi.** N" tot Kijub I h hh |> o I< ì All» vntarva |N \rn Vert Sy tue -mi.., ..¡ • | hb M i «« S i i « mk \» | M auto) »ilMaltona. ia«i<bal>»e lu«-**ictiia amt imiru.vui aiaiet à grea* ntinior* uà |*,*ufc. * N» ìli. Pi-rltn’t ft lunette t <•«. H«*w <m B bhavi W m ’ ibtv A <«>n»pW*« manna. •«< la*lba an.* xmilrmen civliu .he -orrert r«nr< «I. t,.. tm, ut mi au «<« wahn e. a.cwahn« t» Ibe nsn xra <*t ihe >w-«t «. h i “ N«> Lnlliver’a Trae» I«. t’-e r* m^rka» .-avventure, n l^-nowl Un «e. amone in- |. u uiu.ua and L atita a ttamtar**. <*» »—«ut« tl.r • y e’ ]• e*i to n •i."—??. Ï?* •’'■••»Ir - A.lur.l IllU.r,. Cj.tal.ln. 4 (X HARPER’S BAZAR 4.0(1 HARPER’S MAGAZINE 4.1* !1 XRP.-.R’S WEEKLY 2 OC H a RPER’D Y«H’N< P^OPL®. P* some Free to all sui seribers in the United > ales. < anada. or Mexico. The v.dnmefi of the Bazar begiti with the first number f.»r January of each year. When no is time is men ioited, sul r riptiou will begin wi:h he Number current at thetimeof receipt of t»r«ier. ¡'" *:u I volumes < f Harper’s Pazar for three ' ear in lieu' cloi h binding, will be sent bv m®L p’s age paid1 or by express, free of expense. pi \ i<‘ed the freight «Lies n.»t ex» ee i one dol lai per volume) «*r |7 a volume-. « loth < uses f.» ;vn< h v«»lume. suitable for bind ing will be sentby mail p. spai 1 on receipt 0 pleach. 1 Remittances should.l*e mn«le by P« st • Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of -Vires® HARPER A BROTHER»« »«UNev . spapeis are not to ropy any one. tux »i'1 ««f the above a 1 ver iH<*mcn s without th* txp’-ess order of HARPER a . BROTHERS «■tataKKM... ........ !.... ....... tata*. cZlZL ufc-m»-.tl*Hi rrcar'Lw; t. »-ir Te and lisi na. _N“ Miniera Kvrltatlana. t 'arre r. ll-«tu.a cf t>w !•••;■ alai t*-< :tatK*^a. in |* «nr and »« i»r. U.«., >,« »•tal • «I. ..ta......... ! ... ...r,, r.o .ta U?X..» *•“'•»'• «•»«■» A «-tal. », u. B„.„ L E ,”2’rr*ï AÎT* .*. . ............ .................. «•» 1 kv Uvrx hMHt •< rliw. A N«t«l. By IbnuTM Atara »a »• » <- I» .7 an the *erC ------ .... >' 1 I I . M S t’oBH, Ja Na. IST. Ilvapvrlu « II--F< rial t V« laa !.. ., ,;.(l ,u STa^ * Seval Hy □ M T T < Tii « u*«a u«*a Nase» TL. X: ---------- ------ -, Thv Mha4 irntarr» «f Joha Nichai««»». kcfiitTl I ci«ne»v» IHST1IM.,. wajiaua. « A aerei Uy L<>n»av x**« .. Na tl«. “ ïw«kl»Mm a N..VV. rr Ite« aariMr «T *• rvt»» •• I M» lhe Uatrp, A K»v»l. h) kl.» r«e» Marty*!w» A BaraL By M ut Cacu .i..'*«*«“» »r Mm U..4. ^.d ..Mbl.» A X.ml. B,CuU TBe Krr.m W mm . a • *•«*•->. H-l.1.1'. LU..L . Br W*wa A »wrt. », ,, Caveats, nnd THdo»M*vlM obtained, and all Pa^ e em ha- »mr *.n< t-Mt fur Moderate I ees. • .0 r 05 e iS Crooere U. S. 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