Ths Last Cruise of the Gal- 3^30 ______ COX FI KM EU. face silenced her. It was a look of ardent adoration. Could he teli ! her how, on the evening of the Gal I The Secret of Fine Pastry. The favorable impression pro­ duced on the first appearance of the < haiter r I atee’s arrival from Havre, he had agreeable liquid fruit remedy Svrup ,, , ., , ¡paced the «leek watching the light of Figs a few years ago has been m- French erwser Galatee was jn ,1<}r wjndow unfjl k (1|(I,ip et». more than confirmed by the pleas­ t-.-Hl from th.* port Of St. Malo for ftnJ afterwar<1 leailing(,n ant experience of all who have used \ -ill» • t ii ti ’fiisii nn V irniso. oil th»* the iiuirniiiiy looming nf of Rpn. Sep­ 1 the low stone wall beneath her win­ it. and the success of the proprie ti n ier 2d, 188!». In a pretty stone dow until the hour when he should tors and manufacturers, the Calif. Calif Iinnwf overlooki hr the harbor lived | CHte|l t|„. enrlv morning • i train for . • > .. -r. I only! FiS S.vr"P Company. her «m plain, .Jean Moreau. Cap- , Blois? He had then seen her I............. lam Moreau could not la-ar . to be. ...... | twice in his life; but the « first time _ ___ ______ Out «>f sight of the sea even when on he loved her. She read his secret host It'd; consequently he built his now. lie eves fell, and a blush ¡Let vour hair drop out or let the imu-c on a high bluff overlooking suffused her face. The captain dandruff accumulate. wh?n you can the water. was busy at the little porcelain get a remedy at the Barber Shop of On the afternoon of the 1st of stove, piling on fagots; but tin re ■John Robinson. 8. 19. F< ptember, Arthur L«*iupri«*n*. the was no need for further words I e- i _____ ymmg physician of the Galntee, tw en the two. Noi ice. fa lied at the home of his captain to ■’You are not going to be ill?” h»* The H ekai . d knows of two bay report hiinselfin readiness to sail asked in a voice of tendersolicitude On Ins vessell. lie had just a. rived from Blois, «’here he had Iteen on a visit to mother ami sister. Lempriere had remained almost tin hour in conversation with his superior officer. From time t<> time his eyes sought the door IIH | Lempriere took thes|.-nder wrist though hi* expected someone to CII- I between bis fingers and held it in ter. At length h«* asked, with low-1 silence lor a while, th« n seating er«-« I «-yes and a faint Hush rising < l'jm^-lf n ¡i little mb|>* besi«le the to his cheek, “Minii-mo’sclle Moreau I led. lie liadconquered his emo­ le well. I hope?” tion nml was all physician now. ‘‘No.” replied the captain shortly, He written prescription and turned ‘'she is not. Fur the first time in to hand it to the captain, but he lliv life I must sail leaving Mar- VV)t> gone, Five minutes later his guerite ill ill It'd ” 1 voice was heard calling from lx low. “She is ill!” cried Lempriere, <*n«/ j --h, mpriere! The purser is here, then in a lower Voice, I • May I—will you l< t me prt-scri >e work horses one branded on left shoulder C. V. They made theit for yon ?” '•argnerite flashed a smile at appearance on the range where they "I do not, like to take med i- now are the first of J uly; hot h horses I him. | cine,” sh<- said. “I.nt vuu I am sure at that time were shod and had hill- , | would give me nothing unpleasant.” ters on. Any one having lost horses about tiiat time can receive a full I I ¡description and particulars hv writ- ling or calling at this oilice and pay­ I ing for this notice. Ilfaliif-'S Can’i hr <’u red by local appli •ations. as they can­ not reach t he diseasi <1 portion of the ear. Th re is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tioiiai remedies. Deafness caused he and is nuking for you!” Steadied with an effort, “it is not L< lupriere came to Margurite's by an mtlamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian serious?” I ed-ide. Tube. W hen this titl e gets in ”(—a slight cold ami a fever. • Promise me,” he said, “that vou flamed von have a rumbling sound M irguerite will vuicklv recover i will le well and strong when I re or iniperC ct hearing, and when it from it.” With a twinkle in his , turn, nod then I sha I have some­ is entirely closed.Deafness is the re­ which eye he added: “Would you like to thing. 1 hope. I may tell vou—” sult, ami unless tin- inflammation : see I k r. Lempriere?” “I empriere!” cairn l > the voice of can lie taken out and this Inhere hearing will he ston s. free. “Margin-rite.” he called softly, vast* on th«* table bi-side the bed lie E .1 «' iiexey A'C<> . Toledo, 0 Eor at the City Drug tapping nt the d< or w hieli w as ajar, i left the room. 1 ■sn 'I e. fTo be (’oniihued.] ‘‘are you awake? May we VOII.V in?” ’ “Yes. father,” answ< r< d a sweet low voice; “but why do you mi y •we’?” 125.00«. WHY I evotid the thre-hold. II«* scarcely dared lift his eyes when the voice of his cii) - A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. i’his well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almo.-.t generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its tise almost every day. VI druggists and dealers have it. For sale by H M. Horton. ! Lal. , . co per year it is Ptil.VEO, »UY PEItiCU gctt ' hk US IEEE WE ACS AOT NOW 9EUHM ■-* iro (OORE ~ -•» the I I L