Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1891)
OH Semi-Weekly Herald, Duncan and John Morrison,coloied NEW TO-DAY. "song and dam e artists,” who were W.C-BYRDIW. Y.KING. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER H, 1HH1. holding forth in the saloon, were witnesses to the affair and took the REAL E STAT E A G E N TS. I The Smithsonian institution re train tor the west. They wer over Burns Oregon. cently paid $1500 dollars for a single I I hauled at. Pendleton and brought butterfly. The species has long i back. There were also two other We have at this time for JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. been believed to be extinct, The! parties, Wm. Citvinaugh and Cvi I several productive farms, well one now in li e Smithsonian was I Granam, who were held as witness- Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge. caught in the Sierras I es. An examination <f the cise proved and well watered. was held before Justice Knowles, of Parties wishing to purchase call Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR from One thing has I ■ en demonstrat* d La Grande, who bound them over on u» we will show them the land good Wheat. by the government rain makers now | '' to apj ear befo’-e th- next grand we have for sale, and parties desir-1 jury. They failed to give bonds operating in T.-x; s, they suc were brought to Union and mg to dispose of real estate cannot ceeded in bringing down showers ¡and I áá < f criticism and storms of abuse.— P,ace(I in jail Scout. do better than to put their lauds in i Canyon Citv News. our hands for sale. ■ eranse we ad l><*uuiK<>t*ieal. B. H FINE. vertise freely by sending circulars Prop’t. --- ----------------- q, Q .1» o tv . i and cards in all directions solieit- There are now sixteen prisoners loaen/tor Faulkner, Represents- . , , , , ing purchasers and describing the confined in the Union countv jail, "tive --------- Bynum ------- and others. Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Cigxrettes, ---- Gentle-1 . . 6 besides Mrs. Le Bord who remains men: Whenever you get everything *a,K Good Billiard tables. Pleasant Card Rooms etc. etc. at tie sheriff s home, among them produced in vour states on the free! We will also buy lands for per several parties charged with nitir- ]jgf, come out and talk to us about i This Salom is first class in every particular. Experienced bartenders, _______ _ - • indications !• .. . . I sons wishing to purchase in ón r der. I? From present th»! putting everything pr< tiuced in our and mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. coming term 'of < ircuit court will states on the free list. But till then i ¡county ami living at a distance, be a verv 1» ngthv one, and of con- your missionary efforts will be wast giving careful and accurate dis cription of the same, also the title. siderable imfiortance.—Scout ed.—Oreg< nian Correspondence Solicited. Oilice This is the language of a dema- i i at E ast O r boon H erald . Replying to the query of a voting gegne. It is the language of one I I school teacher, we answer that the who finds hiim-eii uit. i«y unable to Wm. WOODS, Proprietor. amount of surplus money in the answer the argum« nts made by ’’ i treasury of the United States at the Faulkner and otters. Whv did Bill Woods is "in it,” "and don’t you forget it.” close ot Cleveland's administration not the McKinley crowd, before “AMERICAN EACLt JOB CFFtCL What he don’t know about the care of horses is not worth knowing. was $1.‘ 6,607,265.11 while the avail talking free sugar to the Miuili pro able surplus now is $1.696.942.51. pose to put wool, iron, sail ..nd Inn. Nice Turnouts, and Passengers taken to any part of the country desired. i'ro|o-ie«<>r There is a whole volume in that ber on the lire list. The Oregon CH As pimple unvarnished statement.—Al ian is a bundle of egotistic, s-elnsh, I igot. u ineon.-isteiii ies —Albany bany Democrat. B uii . k , iiaii.ey County, Oregon I emocral. » V A luit k <>f Knt liiiHiasm. The Gunl in;. Ian X»..r. PAMPHLETS, E. B. REED, Pn.prietor The replies of Flench manufac The propr:eto” has renovated th- building from the ground to LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. turers to the government circulars the roof and put in several alone flues. From exchanges we get the fol- relative t<> the Chicago world’s fair i lowing news of ti e icvolution in EN VELU PES, STATEMENTS, indicate a lack of enthusiasm for Guatemala. Mr. Reed is an old Hotel man and in recommending Lis I ouse to the enterprise. They generally re The ievolutionists in Guatemala BILL HEADS, POSTERS, the public, we believe we only do him jUS’ice to say his house will gard American’s invitation, follow finally succeeded Wednesday in give entire satisfaction. ing upon the McKinley tariff, as a drawing Barillas’ army into a tight LPG \L BLANKS. ('ARDS mere mockery. The Chambers of and the government uoops were >’ <• nt nn. -owl in fact Commerce of Bordeaux, Lille and badly used up. retreating to Guate Ot •• everything in this line. Roube.iux report that not a r-ingle mala City, forty miles from the ------------- ♦♦♦♦-------------- »• intending exhibitor has yet applied scene of the tight. There was great Leave orders Herald or Items office Lyons. Steitenne and Rouen have secret rejoicing in the city whin bad one applicant each. The ma-1 the news reached there ofthe defeat PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAII. jority of the chambers merely note i of the government troops, l’rt si-1 orders . HARDWOOD. IRON and STEEL, SHELF HARDWARE. the absence of applicants, About: dent Ezeta, of Salvador, dei lur« s » i ------------ --------------------- one hundred Barisan nianufacti rers 1 Guatemala is ripe for a plan of con WAT’C» NAILS. CROCKERY A GLASSWARE A AMMUNITION. and traders have anounced their in solidating all Central America into tention toexhibit. lone republic, and he will not lose WAGONS. CARTS. CARRIAGES A- FARM MACHINERY. Jtrer lieeftabliThmcr.lct !li_- ¡.." . paper cl • one opj>er.unity to bring about this the bay of San Francisco, wai-h v J I k Ik ve wx> Munie.* at La Grande, 1 result. A ivices from Salvador are the “.Uta.” removed from Moniere/ i.i 132; lk- inhabitants ofthe Coast ipnera.'.y have been inter to ttie offect that President Ezeta ested ia Use news from San 1 raneiiai. The ■'.'.'..a," It now transpires that the man, with over 4000 troops, ia on the like many other pioneers cf ’.' ,1—3 cuceiimbed t > ths inevitable and g me over tot’:.- t m.-j .r. . . Patrick Sheener, who fell dead in and, line ether pioneers, F.-.3 L..:i i .aeccC.J 1/ younger g.ucralious. 71.e " ..:;a:r...icr" haa a chair at the Lodge saloon in La — taken perhaps l ie i.i > : p. a:nls. '. ; la lac Grande on Tuesday nioining Oct. T he doings of the farmer politic n.wanap.r C.U l-l- y.are, i ’. i iVec-./ This Hotel ha- recently Ix-en <*nliir*r«*<l mid eirirely renovated in first c I nm style G, was killed bv l>ein<jseverely beat ally of to-daV, are watched closely eClli.n ii very £ ...r.:’.y t. a 1/ lliase wlia waul an ■ llnj c ; 1 r -—-11*1?=.’ ' P-: atishcJ en by the bar-tender named Abner by both ol<i pa’-’ies. In r-i ding cl ■' he la...” l.v.T-o:. • |i f —’ r v- ’1 The table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Hall, and that his death was caused the pla’fornn* <-f bo’b the great par toe Fre.niu .1 O.T.-ri r.i.-.3.- 1/ :.T. Il.arst, the "Llxa:a;..-r,u'.e’rpr'....j :bl.tier, snd it ii Traveling Men will find this Hotel a nice and Desirable place to bi blows administered by Hall with ties one would imagine 'hat the leg rsl/necessary t > ilia: l.;l > J r t’.ic aggregate stop. a lottie during the night or early islaiive bodies assembled and value premia:na— .i Ii t’ic.-e are 5,CO— is ere <1.str.out. J among all Ci: in the morning. It is said the man. worked for no other purpose, except eubacribers t a ttsa p I i *-<j-.;.i-:i tj these pre a new comer, had lieen treating in to better the < ondinon of the poor miums. wbiwh range i i value* f.-or.: . ) cents to every rubscrilxr r.cclvcs inc it the four the salom until his money ran out agriculturist, Tue seal of the one gnat preSlum picture-., wl.i.11 will be msiled t > and was then allowed credit by the party striving in ev.-rv wav [xissi hl-m l:i a tab.' ¿¡re,: I. ora III - ' Examiner" oflk. as soon as tire cubscnp.ion is received: bar-tender. Toward morning the I ble, to convince the faimer that M TJ &o’j U mmw ,” 17 Lleinoir.r. latter demanded $3.25; the drunk protection is the only panacea for r//5Zfrr.woff,that la tbo Uoo of C'jr.f- T j Em Dari:t Bin.” t7 A. mx'?. wo Alono own and Control, en stranger refused to pay.and was i all his troubles. i And tie rther — -- cf these picture» ia I lr:C . inches, and they ordora of for all OI struck and knocked down by the i ; great party in its effort to prove are Fach CK-gun../ r.-produc- d i i I c l-r II w>-S o 0 o • • • cverv tint sr-J col-r < f till I * at e. ur bartender, his head striking the; that protective 'ariff ~ ' ia a i curse one ¿1 which could not La t r • .... foot railing of the bar. He was This fight is trm-ly commendable ■• woaei cl GiUdrci First,” 17 C.»tcnT Wboare/iiirroc .an-.! . ’ CTTsr.tbeiv-oni cf their D£veuoPiQ, cr dis. -J taken into a back room, eame out and each party should »•« credit, d -Qrtt IMziC: Fr2tTm”ör Gctn D:ri fellow« &u<! i i cet». onraiia, who aro axues- tc~:pt of lr'ers? nrxi ingf rotn/r Towg rr rc u again and tried to go out-ide, but. for it; Z"’tl. But in the meanwhile cranlons. 1 'irlo Fach it ciese rictur s i > r produced 11 pWo- A LIMITED TIME FRIZ was not allowed to do so. He then what's the farmer thinking off ? cravurr , tlae ’2m- , i i c .. ic I. f — .. I ... - !1 patients, | I nruarar/oc tc If lacy < 11 sat down in a chair, hut soon fell For quite a number of years be(thr mg. and wi.l adorn 111.- wa. »<« t:-' laoct re Gm. I owr Exclusive » 11 The subscription pric - < f 111 r " VVek'./ Y.«’«nl- rLlJancrr: vili ' out. rolling upon the flixir. He was farmer) has been promised this nrr ' i. il a0,an<l s locnpr«a may I,.- a. nt eiih, r mr.-ett I W R. Hear... I ab ish«-r, S»n Francisco, again removed to the room ami the great rilief by protective tariff Has n^ah The voce- Age ..I “I .miner” or 1—.(maste*. door locked, and the Ixivs heard the relief come? tho-e present say he was dead Don't bmtxl ovv.-j' :r roee’I --r ,-l-c t nlr- derp- ’r I Thousandi r.f t'.:-> Wcrrt G. 1 • I I t‘ '■ r f'ht t Hall skipped out. but was over TAtATMENT,c-,T<^.t<rnu^ e.i.- lofr.i .>.» r.o senareak», i*»t part,//?££, torn-biElt«i i gtnj.T-Cfl. taken at Huntington and brought - -e isetmsuieme t hous. appim•■.£*': unel . encotbatwn cc?- I o /, tel wa eU.m ti.: ttinbegi: ce « S back to Union. A man by the •wcccx Eme Uc.iM Co.. C4 H im e\. fi ■rr/ir, n . r. UEirr IW THF. W««LB. a *arÍM quai it »*• ate unaumaae*d, ac*u • name of Andrew Johnson was also two lyoaea of any other brand eu' a nt? by ù!2t“î I ir G KT Í h K «N IT.. arrested as being an accessory to <û. Î.000 lhhrenc®J» tt.i than ycu write roBSALKstdfji „> hiiioknf . iullt . />■ the crime. Elmer Graham, Geo. HOPS' you ! ?•??• AZER gre L ji