Semi-Weekly Herald, — W. K. Goodman and wife are School will coinm-nce in Crane át reported ill. Creek Gap. Oct. 12th. J. R. Hen- SATURDAY, OCTOBER JO, 1S81. —Circuit Court convenes on Mon­ dricks teacher. W. H. GASS, P roprietor , day the 26th inst. Later — M irning of the 30th, HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY the H erald will take wood, ground white with soow. Best quality of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. wheat and vegetables on subscrip­ Beraaae. tion. ALWAYS ON HANI). Official County Paper. —Chan. Anderson desires all par­ ties owing him hotel bills to settle the sime immediately and save1 A-29 I —Isaac Foster paid our town a cost. visit one day this week. —F or S ale —Forty-five or fifty —Dr. Marsden makes a favorable head of good stock horses, cheap report of the sick in to vn and vici­ for cash. Inquire of M. R. Biggs for particulars. S-16 nity. Local News Because one friend you fondly loved Has proved to you untrue, Pray don't condemn the other friends You love, and who loves you. Full well we know gold is refined. And cast aside the dross; Cling closer to the friends so true— i Don’t count the false ones loss. MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY ^^Gentlemanly courtesy extended to all. Call and see me. City JOiruLg; Store —A supply i»f children’s do net Because to day your wav seems H. M. HORTON,............................................... Proprietor. —R. J. Williams and wife of flannel waists at 50 cent, black wool dark, Silver Creek, were in town Thurs­ hose at 40 cents, and infants And clouds obscure the sun, day night. « ^.DEALERS 1N--^ « bootees at 25 cents to be found at Is not an omen other days —A Company of U. 8. Cavalry the Milliner Store. Will In with storms begun. DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, passed through our town on their Take courage, dear heart, and trust STATIONARY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES —Mrs. Sarah Key Sil man a pio- wav io Fort Bidwell, on the 7tli the Lord. neer of Mu reed * FANCY TOILET ARTICLES,TOBACO,CIGARS ETC. -- 7 - ........ 1 county Calif., mot h- inst. And lav aside vour sorrow; er of the late J T. Silmanof Burns. Bright days are coming, so rejoice; —M. R. Biggs received the ap lied in Mu reed City on Sept. 29. Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical Purpose«. You may be glad to morrow. poi itment of city attorney by th. Aged 89 years. M. E. town council last evening the 9th iXF*Prescripti.ins accurately compounded. —The Saloon of Lewis & Rich inst. irdson is a very popular resort —M arried —On Wednesday even They are courteous, polite business ing the 7th inst., Mrs. Hackman non, and keep constantly behind and Cris Lackman, by J. C. Parkei the bar for their customers, the We intend to collect all outstand­ Esquire. 1 ing accounts and notes due within oest of liquors ana cigars. the next 3Odays ano expect ali in­ —W. N. Jo-genson has a fine dis —Tn a letter written by Ed. Han- debted to us to be prepared to set­ play of jewelry, ear-rings, finger­ 'ev to a friend here, he stated that tle up. N. B rown . rings, shirt studs, collar-buttons Reparing a Speciality. Plumbing and Pipelining. he is about, to contract a large num Burns, Sept. 30. 1891. watch chains, watchesetc.etc. Call ALSO DEALER IN • >er of beef, and if he does so. he in­ and see him. tends to come here and purchase FISHING TACKLE A SPORTING GOODS. —Teachers Miss Ida Roberts and what beef cattle he can get. Burns Eugene Boon passed through out All licences, citv and poll taxea Oregon. — Bvron Terrell, who has just now de’inquent in I lie town <>f lluina town Thursday on theii way t< returned from southern Oregon, re­ Harney to attend the Teachers In ports hard times where he was. and not paid bv Oct 15 will be collected i'»»r Over I’ltVy Yrnrw. bv levy and Hille. So to save cont Stitute in that town. LEO A I. ADVERTISEMENTS. oihes he child, s«»fteua tne gums, alla g injured a few days ago by a team was visiting.” h ' i pni n, « ui vs \v I *ot < *»li<. and lathe b< at rein­ City Mumbai, httR ijven Hppointed u mi igira.rix of the vr ed« for Diarrhetra. >s phnsMiit t«» the taste. running away loaded with woon ime «>f talnhili ,\|. t'ndvvil, net e»«ne»l. by the tMild by Druggie r in e«vrv part of the world« —Stockmen can now get honest t.uiit' Court of l a • e\ vt.unly.« reg«>u, and Twenty five < enia al»«»ttiv. lie va'ue »a iik ali u- coming down a grade. The team weights bv shipping or selling stock alt pvia.ii b having « I hìihr agaif ■ aal«l vaiale C«»nMinni tl« it ('turd. lable he sure and nek f«»r M’a Wtnplow'q are herehv not Died ’«» prvaeu' the Rime, pr« p consisted of four young mules. Nuothiug Sy rup, and take no other kill I. eri« vet tiled, aa ’equii ed to law, to me for al it Huntington. The 0. C Co. hav lowante. ai luna. Harnev ts.uni \, siale of ingjust completed one of Fairbanks A old phvgician. rvtire<1 (rum practice have <»reg«m wi hin Rix moniI ir from thia naie, —That the api>roaching county ing litui pia« ed in hip hai» h t»\ an Eaet .’»niv notice . A D fight for office will end up in anoth ■itock Scales, and arranged a large Miaaioiiari thr forniti a of h aimole i e gè ghia Daied this -7lh ua> of July, Ai A KY C a LI> ' KLL. Notice i» liereliv given Ihaioit th® ¡Mh d«v of remedx for thè apeed « and permane* * ture *»f AdiniuiBiratrix, M h > I nri , l er Democratic victory? That w» •orral for the purpose. Certified tousumptlon. Dr.-m hi is. ' «i arrh. A ah ma ati-I A W. Wateit, attorney. the foll«»ulnz nmned per- Bonadeputi Ho«k I ub | h * c I oib <»f Hrtruv« coiuifv; 4-24 all Thr« ai and I ung attirilo r . a a • a p. aitile don’t care a cents wo’th if it does? weights given. John Bridge, «o t tauet rvek; Harris »11 sea- and radi< al cure f. r Nvrvo'ia De ili: a id all w ard of tda noiid; H M. H«»ga*« «>f Mher ('reell And that neither does any other »>»mt» a mi. after haxi a «aef good Democrat?—Prineville News. gan. of l>ren Bey. aaea. ha* felt ir hip «iutv t make i‘ k «»wu t«» In the Circuit Court of the Mate of ()reg«m, ire The Diembers of the countv bis Th(M. G. D o DR o N, felhiw auflering fellona. A • esire it, va. / >uminot a. night, lie informs us he expects Harney precinct. J. F. Mahon; bis recipe. in » erinan. Frenih, r huglish, Cornelius How iito,» indi f»ill Gire« H. ì r f. r uscii g -♦•nr b> inali to move his family to Baker county •turns. W C. Byrd; Ciirrv. T J addrt Rpintf wllh a amp. » timing thia paper. T.» t'onieiiue H«»wur«t, defendant. the name of the Slaivof Oregon . where he has himself been for som< •Shield8; Drewsev, H. E. Thomp . N A. Y. W. Noyea. SJ.) Power*’ Blu» k, Rochester In Y«»u are hereb« sum molted Him required to appear anti answer the (*«»mp ai-it fhvu hch I uri time. We are sorry to lose Al he ■‘on; Pine Creek. Lvtle Howard; i«ai in the above entii led action in the ul»oie is a useful citizen and a firm Demo Crane Creek. David Carey; Catlow. ent it leu court, upon the first • ay of the i.vxt PìNsohif ion of Partnership. regular term, after ihe expim ion of the perio«i j D. L. Shirk; Blitzen J J Mahon; crat. allowed f.»r ihe puoli ati. u of thia Rothe, to­ ! "'addle Butte. D. N. Cattersnn; Al N. hhii I vr ¡.v»| ri N Nr term i»f said ( . ur| on the 2 th «.ay ol ♦»< T«.her, lh: •. Bv mutual consent the co part­ wn You ill tHk<* N«»ti< e thai if vol'fail so to do. •" be hohtvn limimi, r l'uri ex C. in»« gfuiv H ay and P asture —Hav for sale vord. Win. Gore; Wild Horse. P Bab ’, hr the ■ ime and p hi vuf hr nr hi» same. the piHint if! w ill. f«»r ««ant thereof, take judg- with pasture gratis. Marion Pun Andreas; Einbrte. T. V. B Em nership herctof-ire existing between me. i h - jh I i at you f«*r the sum of > m >. .. i.h the »ppeai theref. re *m on ani«lua> fl v .»jec- further sun a ot >.«t interea , aci tuing interval Hoi a if mu > rxlBi vhvthvprn vr ..f the Fxe< lit- yard, six miles soutn of Burns, of »tree; Silvies. Walter Cr< ss. T. V J. H. Jordan and II M Horton at.«i < • s a io ue luxe . • r ’* •».•« gra h* I the «epo.t approve« the le li-rs to sell from )5(J to 300 tons id B. Embree Chairman. W. C. Byrd. known as the fit in of J-.rdan it Hor­ This anmnioi a .a published by . r«i«*r of the •Mr ( pe.i, hr ; r. pern <1 s ribwe«! a«»«otdli g raij ton. is this day dissolved J. II. Hu ..Hines A. . ee, one .f the hn.gvs «»f the I; wyiltlhrMiirl....... noni m>< buy nt three tlollais a ton with good Sec’v. of III» al»..\e e.iti.eU UoUri,of «.an 1 ac- Sheriffs Sale Water plenty. V an Sept. 30 counts e collect­ i And Order of Foreclosure of Me­ The grangers are waiting patient­ ed ami receipted for hv him. —The father of a frail, consump SHERIFF’S SALE ly for the roller mill at Prairie City live Count cticui girl who wanted to Dated Octooer 3, 1891 chanics Lien. By virtue of a warrant l»»ue < ouri ..f tn,- mate of Ore*..n for ib.- euiiui* J. II. J ordan . «iteiul a dance, st nt her in a car to start tip. Bv virtue of an Kxe< uHoti and order of Bale ..f II h -lie. to me ........................ ine M for the h»re< 1« an re «»f a Me<-hani<8 lien, iaaued ...... he Korn!» aioi < hatle »of H. M H orton riage with two servants, but made ».lit «>f the riri uit Court of the Ktaie «4 Oregon iHXpM«t-rsoii t he uclinqiiriit tax roll. f. r jm hvol Mr. John Famurs has t-eated f.»r Harnev < « untv, oU the .9th dav « f Juiv A. l-is ri« i No 15 of D mii e« <• iinlv ♦ legoh f. a her put a pedometer in her pocket himself to a new house. D. IM» i. upon a de< ree re ole red in Raid court hr tear IMS» them«» attai bed and if ¿ l < M lien she got home in the morning' aud entered of re»’««r»l •»»» »he -htn da of Ma1 A. foiinu ihen U|» i * ii the real pr- p-rh oiL'f-r k h IW1. in a cauae 'hrieiii pending wherein, and d» a< ril»e«i inthvRHld «.elli que» .ax roll it indicated that she had danceo ‘When a couple g-es out ridin’, b. II King 18 P al 'id Hl d J. Im tlHlnni. M • »I So mm h thereof as shall •• st* »hr * ih » iii .| Sw..r a ami Glen W. a iller. partners hr Maror b «»f axes «barged therein toga.her wish «.a a »bough to cover thirty-one miles And will loiter on the style. Milier. and J. 1». «ita. Defendan'R -ai«l ue- and ex jirfiBes There will he a dance at the A io a straight line. The above is And their faces beam all over » ree l»eing in fav>.r *d aaiuae. D 1*1 at iheh..ur..f la., „'i i.., k P \ ,i ..|^ lhe editor either througn the col now upon the *.n nvaa* quarter of the N«*r h oa> at the front u.mrof lhe < otin hoi>»< >11.1.1 ■ From ('rane Creek. • as qtiarer of’M-riioi. twentv In Townahip t>. liar, uiiins of the paper or writen state- < „1,1,1 ,,,,1 H!ai» ,.f life«. Il 1,' -eight L*j < u»h .»f Range th’rt • five (.5j •< II Uu-alHne aal.i a arrai.i.. »» .0. •ti impeachment of their honostv or C rane C reek , Sept. ‘29. Rolterts at Harney, Chas Byrd I Oregon, and lands h.antisf« aaldde» reesa mav be a< . ruin» « ■ a>. •hility, it is just simph a necessity I W. C Byrd and wife gave ub a Burns, and R A. Hendricks Law Now. t hi ref.«re. ( u ill offer and ae|i »aid land •M-plemher.. it A D IWI I and dwelling house to-wit: That • ertain large — A A Co inu . en w the |>art of the publisher. A few pleaaant call last week. t woand one ha if r«»rv w.^nten dwell, g house, hheriff of llarneii „uni. > >r. .. n, situated upon the Houthras» quarter of the dollars tn a subscriber isn’t much N »rtheaat quarter of aertlon twentv (j»l iu stock brands . hut the subscriber* must rememt>er Towi ship twenty-eight (Jtj South *»f Range [TIMAL FRiMfF C. R Peteraon and A. Venator fhirtv-flvefUf'j F. W. M »-•»niairilng f..rt% a< rra Hardin A Rii«v, r»Hl* brsnrterl V < n left «id» Ivitigand being in Hamer r.»untv (»rrgoti. hr U H l'AFD OFFlf g. at Burat, Prego» fh i. lgg '*• a great deal to the editor when have gone to the Island to-day. Hunte brand T left • Ice. T <>. l.nri ». Oregon gather with all and amgilar the tenements. 5. DW) **‘ii>auy of those dollars are due »«wire it herebv given that the f«»ll. w|>g* w * and appurenam-es 'hireuio,. I G. Thompson and family, accom­ J. Foley, etnie brtnd =xon right tide I m *longing *»t in anr ma* tier app*r al» ing and namr«l settler has fl.ed noti« e of his h »« nik'iv ■ iin on back subscriptions, it makes all their right, title In erest ano eg a'e therein t«» make final pr« of in supp..n «»f hi* ah m 4 d* aggiegate, to him, very large panied by W. E. and Walter Grav, Hone brand _ <»i» lef» th »uider. or thereto which ’he Defends s. John Mah >n. tha a*id pr.».»f will hema «e i«for«« ih Keg step M IllUir ■ A Willi»!»» rWfle t-r»n4. < R <»• W M eworts and Glen W. Miler, partners as a tv I Ker«» ver at Biirna. oreg.oi >»n ■.»vrn*)«*t left here a few dava ago for the Wil ­ '"r instance a local newspaper has hip It.»!»«- br«i> »Ut>» ' •*'■» brand dav «»f December A D l*»0, for «ash tot he high- Wdelinquent subscribers that is lamette valley. ed H u» left hip M»ri..n Bun>»rd. Po Buoi» • at hMder a» public at>-»ioa at the front t.M,r .,f Fre. ÎH M«> Mil. for ihe F»> »FU He« J . riliers that owe for one year or M. Bonnett started to Lane coun­ Calli« diamundon l»ft hip. h-.ra»»i'Vo» lei the C««un house, in the town «»f Brrvs. Harnev K W M eer. H, .VWN Mer. H. Tp ki f k ) 9 r «M) Greg«»n. rommsR«dt»g on Thnrs tsv the ‘•»or even three at $2.50 the sub- ty yesterday. »h.iulder. CharlraH Vuen ri«bt »h >t Oregon. in »h»?eof n iaturle, coM‘« br»nae«t Man. 41 mnount wheih be needs in hi^, are visiting Mr. T. Tinill’* family d..<» Sheriff of Haras) roasty. Oregon J II HVKTINUTOM. Regis«rr. T. E. Ur«»» bum» Or. in Huntington. «■net»» an(j p) pay debta. JXTotico PR 1 & GUNSMITH 1