.» I » 1 4 if j I r I NE’V TO-DAY man has so much property ret aside Semi-Weekly Herald, from Sheriff’s ami Constable’s sale . W. C- BYRD aW. Y.KING. His farm In Perrv county was sold REAL ESTATE AGE N TS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1*91. by the Sheriff some years ago, since which time he has lived by oeg- Burns Orogon. An Indianapols man swore in ging. When sent to the Infirmary «• Proprietor. court the other day that he did not JOHN SAYER, Mr. Aden presented a most miser­ We have at this time for know his wife’s first name, though able appearance, his clothing be- several productive farms, well Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge. they had lived happily together for ing little better than tatters and proved and well watered. thirteen years. rags.—Republic. Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR from Parties wishing to purchase call Two years ago the remains of 8am June* Called I low n. William Innes were buried at Cor­ ■on us we will show them the lauid good Wheat. unna, Ind. When exhumed the The two Georgia evangelists, j we have for sale, and parties desir- other dav, they were found petrified I Sam I*. Jones and Sam W Small, I ing to dispose of real estate cannot . and had increased in weight from have been ordered to appear before do better than to put their lands in ; 175 to over 500 pounds. the Grand Jury. They conducted our hands for sale, i ecause we ad-i Prop’t. a revival there some time ago and B. H. FINE. There was a tragic scene at Mon- charged corruption t>o pointedly up­ vertise freely bv sending circulars ticello, III., a few days ago when on the people and the administra­ and cards in all directions solicit­ Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Cigarettes, Charles Huffman, who had just unit­ tion of justice that Judge Maddox ing purchasers and describing the ed in marriage with Miss Marv E. [ charged the Grand Jury to compel land. Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms etc. etc. Loghty, dropped dead with heart 1 Jones and Small to make their This Saloin is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender», disease at the altar. We will also buy lands for per- chnrj.es in legal form and [»rove and mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. i their truth or shut up. Attach sons wishing to purchase in our A German biologist says that the ! ments have bst-n issued for the rev- j county and living nt a distance, two sides of a face are never alike. ! ereral gentlemen. Small is now in giving careful and accurate dis- In two cases out of five the eyes are Mississippi. cription of the same, also the title. out of line; one eye is stronger than Correspondence Solicited. Oilice the otbei in seven persona out of at E ast O regon H erald . Will. WOODS, Proprietor. ten and the right ear is generally higher than the left. Mrs Allen G. Thurman, wife of Bill Woods is “in it,” “and don’t you forget it.” i the “Old Roman” is very ill . at What he don’t know about the care of horses is not worth knowing. J. Henry Knott and his wife Han­ Columbus Ohio, and is not expected nah livid together in a small Penn- ' to survive but a short time. She' “AMERICAN EAGLE JOB OFFtCL Nice Turnouts, and Passengers taken to any part of the country desired, svlvania town for fifteen years, and has been quite low for several weeks I ill all that time never exchanged a! from an attack of grip, eoupkd with CH AsS W. 1IÏICI», Proprietor word. Now Henry has disappeared the infirmit'es of her 80 years. but as the farm is in his wife’s name , Mrs. Thurman was born in Chil- I DEALER IN she has loosened her tongue to call 1 licothe in 1811 and was thedaught- I tìurit», ilari,ey County, Oregon. loudly for his return. er of Walter Dunn, a wealthy mer­ chant and land owi er. During PAMPHLETS, Ignorance on the part of Mrs her earlii childhood she accom­ HARDWOOD. TRON and STEEL. SHELF HARDWARE, Peter Stilwick caused the death of panied her parents to LexiiiRton, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, NAILS. CROCKERY GLASSWARE A AMMUNITION. her infant eon at Buffalo N. Y. The where in after years she married a WAGONS. CARTS, CARRIAGES & FARM MACHINERY. Labe was but thirteen days old resilient named Tompkins, by whom ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, The mother, intending to give the she had cue daughter. Her bus little one a bath, she says, plunged band dying soor. after their mar­ BILL HEADS, POSTERS, him into boiling hot water. The riage, she returned to Chillicothe child was litteially boiled to death, and in 1844 was married to Judge LEGAL BLANKS, CARDS I the water being so hot that the skin Thurman. From that union three MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. dropped off f.om the flesh in large children were horn. Theson Allan Of every ib scription, mid in fact eve-vthing in this line. pieces. W , well known from his connec­ This Hotel has recently been enlarged and entirely renovated in first class style. ------------ ♦♦♦♦-------------- * tion with base-ball affairs, is the Leave orders Herald or Items office A <«a in hier» Hash Act The table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. only one residing at home. Traveling Men will find this Hotel a nice and Desirable place to PROMPT ATTI NTI! N GIVEN TO MAIL Charles Clay, a gambler, has stop. OKDKRH. been arrested at Henderson, Ky., 'S«* g------ for opening a grave and cutting a PT ?ICES ; What little i< od it is possible for fore finger from the hand of the dead woman to bring him luck, There the p-asants to obtain is of the vil­ are threats of violence against him. est description, but so sharp are Ever since l'ie establishment of the l.rr.: pa per on the pangs of hunger that th -y glad­ the bay of San Francisco, which vzc believe wns ly eat food that at other times they the “Alta.” removed from Monterey in 1343; th2 inhabitants of the Coast generally have been inter­ would not touch. In many cas< s ested in the news from San 1* ranuisco. The “ZJnx,” <25.000 COPIES like many other pioneers of *43, ha 3 succumbed 13 Coi.i Min s, O. Sept. 30—A man their only food is the sweepings the inevitable and g me over to the crcr.t major..., - - - 19 YEAR OLD - - - I k 86 years of age was sent to the ami refuse from the Hour mills. In and, like ether pioneers, has Lccu caccecucd ly younger g.aerations. Tha “ llxamlaer ’ ’ has WHY County infirmary to day. He had Suratoff the land-owneis i< u d taken ;»erhaps the m >st prominc:.! ¡.‘.ncc in the spent tho best part of his life this refuse so injurious to their cal- newspaper field if l.;tc y ar.’, l .. I i.; Weekly DON’T it very gvitvra’.!/ t:kc:i 1/ those who in aiding the working men and tie that they would not fi t d it to edition YOU wanton iatcrcatinj an J rcliab’.o paper published working women of the country them But, though it was not fit Lt “’.he Lay.’’ l.vcryonc it familiar wi.h I JOIN Premia ;a O.Tcri made by Mr. IMarst, the e dressed Legislature* and he|]asl to keening themselves alive bv luak *' Woaei El C’lUirti First," iy C. Iglcr fc-y W. D. BOYCE, Publisher, mould public sentiment until at ing what they call “hungei bread.” "C*rtt tarta te Frstsrta," ly Gustzvc D:rf CHICAGO, ILL. Each of t^eae fMctur a i i r.-produertt i > yhoto- last Congre's passed the national The ingredients are dried dung, fTBwnrr. If yoor Newsdealer ar Newsboy ».»« 2ix- .a: J e- ..iitnC-f.. 11 it I ar - doea Mt handle the Ledger, ask homestead law. giving every actual the powdered bark of trees, ground home. wl;l adorn ij_- w . >< i til.-i.iual tcoik .1 p*ase and giHise-fia t, a plant more The mibacriplion prlc . ft:,- “Veakt/ Tt'e-m*. him te write to m, and we will send them to settler 160 acres of land For this commonly ner *l«»I.W,and. Mcnp-HH.. may I, ».nleitKe known _ ------ known as pig-weed him on sale. Speak to your Newsdealer about it t » W. H. Hear-., rub i«hrr, San I rawi.co, work Mr Allen was highly praised, This mess is griedilv vMte'.bv i he direct ihnmah the Loc.-.t A-e;: « f : .xaaxlacr” or but he received no pay lie »pent faiuisltitig |H*opiv. Mem- his fortune in this cauag l»er» of his family died one after rar e.™ COPIES WEEKLY another, and now he is in the poOr LATIOS OF m Î v WçSS*Tr ASPÍPFR^- j HALT.HE L**SE4T PROVtD MIC *> “ house. Ilia work in Ohio Jed to K eves ulúm cmn * m towm «’? c ?S ?*, IT 11 SP1D ■» - the adoption in this state of the ex- ( SOT TO SCU. (KiS ^.r- * T RECTI U. GET • • . ,r "T arw rfM« e in pt ion laws, by which the poor THE ry P aper S4HPLEJ FREE SAMPLE COPIES THE CHICAGO LEDGER, 4 MONE, **• ’ ♦ _ M kkCw ft « *