Mexican Mustang Liniment DON’T muscat from one of his men and I ! Let your hair drop out or let the turned and ran a little way back. dandruff accumulate, whin What he would have dene will nev­ • • voucan «Y JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. get a remedy at the Barber Shop of er b.- known, for before he could I John Robinson. S. 19. raise his gun a streak of fire shot ^romThe Centurr: forth into his face, and he fell and ) Xo«U-e. The latter went down, dragging relied to the side of the road. An The H eraid knows of two bay Lovejoy after him. There was a instant later Danny Lemmons work horses one branded on left leaped from the bushes, flourishing *hort, sharp struggle, a heavy shoulder C. V. They made their thump or two, and then, l»efore the hie smoking rifle. appearance on the range where they ; conpinv realized what had hap- “You see ’im now!” he cried. p-oie I, Dinnv Lemmons rose to “You see what he was after! He’d now are the first of July; both horses A Cure for the Ailments cf Man and Bea t ilia feet laughing, leaving Lovejoy lietter have gone over the moun­ nt that time were shod and had hal­ ters on. Any one having lost horses iving on the floor, more securely tain. Lord, yes! lots better.” A long-tested pain reliever. about that time can receive a full i iiouud than ever. • Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the Moseley looked at Chadwick. descriptioii and particulars bv writ­ Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective "I reckon the fork ’ll hate to be “Damn him!” said the latter; ing or calling at this office and pay­ liniment washed.” said Danny, lifting the .‘he’s got what he’s been a huntin’ No other application compares with it in efficacy. ing for this notice. formidable-looking weapon from for.” This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost the floor. generations. Dealìie-.»» Can't !»<• Cured By this time the little squad of There was more excitement after militiamen.demoralized bv the in­ No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang •the struggle was over than there cident. had fled down the moun­ by local applications, as they can- j L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. had been or could have been while tain. and Moseley ami his couipnn not reach the diseased portion of the ! All druggists and dealers have it. it was going on. Chadwick insist­ ion hurried after them. ear. Th -re is only one way to cure ed ou examining Danny Lemmons’ deafness, ami that is bv constitu- For sale bv 11 M. Horion. fTHE END ] back. Douai remedits. lh-afness caused ' “I’ve saw folks cut an’ slashed by an inflamed condition of the COXFIItM El». mi’ stonbed l»ef»»re now,” lu ex­ mucous lining <>f the EjUaehiiin < plained. ‘ an they didn’t know they Tube. W hen this tule gets i i- The favorable impression pm was hurt tell they had done cooled i flumed you haw a rumbling sound duct'd on the first appearance of the oft. Thev ain’t no holes here an’ j or imperfect hearing, and when it InthoUsoof C'JEA. i IV2 METHODS,^ agreeable liquid fruit remedy Svrup they ain’t no blood, hut I could I „ , . is entirely closed.Deafness is the re­ and Control, wo Alono own , . ». -,»» i i of Figs a few vears ago has been most take a right pine-blank oi oath i u___ i i... ,u.. sult. and unless the inflammation orders of for all Dis- •that I seed ’im job that fork in more than confirmed by the pleas­ i can be taken out and this tube re • • o ant experience of all who have used your uack.” stored again. hearing will be • M it. and the success of the proprie­ Wboarc AMKJusand/g. destroyed f»»r»-wr; nine eases out of OEVELWEn, or discs-.a "Tut. tut!” said Colonel Watson. the scorn of their tors and manufacturers, the Calif. ten nre cans» <1 I• v catarrh, which is organs, who oro su Jcr- fellowj and the con- rn ' ''■ fl ~ 1111 ’ Uû^-7?.r'l ‘ .11 '■*> turn an’ the undercut, an’ cut the j asénicd, pbsti-a i. I fiti. 1-'- ft 1 tit rezzj. Store. FOUFALE RY DEALERS OENERALL Y. t llcmeml^r.nor □< ebH:tb’»mrtho< I uspcrl- pigeon-wing an’ the dou de shuffle, i cncotbat'vu csrr.h . hl i v o • • jy SUCCESS* EEi- / ■? < m 3.» C il A? At i. oil oetore a cat could hat her eve. It looks to me that as peart a maul as Lemmons there ought to be in I the war.” Comparative Worth Illustrated, "Ain’t he in the war?” cried Col onel Watson, excitedly. “Ain’t he by PROF. PETER COLLIER, late chemist in chief or the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. my Lully bushwhacker?” ’S................. "G ii what ride?” inquired Chad DR. PRICE Pure Cream Tartar. wick. AL ................. .*.. « TV Contains Ammonia. "Th»- Union, the Union! ’ claim« d 1 he <-oloi.i I, his voice ) RIVALED....* ★ - Alum and Ammonia. jug into a scream. ’s 1 Spoon* *.. "Well,” said Chadwick, “ef you ; I ylor Alum and Aiatuon.a. think you can take the taste out’ll .'MONARCH.........w *.. Alum and Ammonia. this barbecue with talk like that, SNOW BALL....* *.. you are mighty much mistnkeii.” Alum and Ammonia, After the wedding feast wan owl, ! ........... Contains Alum. L. Lanny Lemimma seized on his fid I CAZ.ÜMET. die and made mustc fine enough HBjSESsLlEZTS and lively enough to ret lhe nim­ 1 3 * EL Contains ble feet of the mountaineers to TAHNALL’S....... * *.| Alum and Ammonia. I d mcing. So that, take it all in all, ...... ......... * the Christmas of the conscript was I Zàum pnd Ammonia. as jolly as he could have expected I C~fAED’S * *_ Alain and Ar-- .>n.o it to be. e ................. *_ Winn the festivitie-i were con­ lo : i BON Contains Alum cluded there was a consultation he ror.rsT city ..**.. tween Colonel Watson and Danny A'.uni and Ammonia. Lemmons, and then Captain M t »se CHICAGO YEAST ** Alum and Ammonia. lev and his men were told that CROWN............... * Ihev were free to go. Alum and Ammons. "What about Lovejoy?” asked CZLVER STAR..* Alum and Ammon.a. Moseley. "Oh. bless you I he goes over the DODSON * ITTL'l - • * Alum and Àmtuoaù, mountain,” exclaimed Danny, with Above eras drawn and verified in all its «letailr., bv Prof Peter is The illustration illustrât a grin. “h»rd, yesl Right over CoZicr, v.’.io ij pri-cminer.t as a Chemist, ami Scientist. The made in accordance v.n'.b his chemical tests of each brand enumerated. the mountain.” The Carbonic aciil gas was calculated to get the leavening strength and "Now, I say no,” said Polly, the quantative analysis to ascertain the comparative whole someness, purity, and general usefulness of the leading Powders. The result cf Prof. Collier's blushing. . "Turn the man loose I ' examination end trst, reveals the fact, that, with but one exception, every brand tested contained either Ammonia or Aluni, and a number both. let him go.” Not one woman in ten thousand would use an Ammonia or Alum Raking There were protests from some of Powder if she knew it Such Powders not only undenmue the health, but the mountaineers, but Polly finally ammonia n r allow cr blotched complexion. N ote . imparts —Dr. rricc ’a Cream Baking Powder, as shown . by Prof. Collier's had her way. Lovejoy was uo-1 examinations, is the only pure Crexm Tartar Powder found free from adulter­ and the highest in strength. All authorities report Dr. Price s free from bound and permitted to go with ation Ammonia, Alum, Lime, or any other adulterant The purity of this ideal the others, who were escorted a Powder lias never been questioned. * lnd.cite.tae I\nrJcr containing either Ammonia or Alum ! piece of the way down the moun- * s ladlcatMlb: PawJer eonumin- b-X » Ammonia and Alum. I tain by Spurlock and some of the While the diagram shows some of these Ammonia or Alum Powders be of higher strength than other-, classed below them, it must not be taken others. When the mountaineers to that they possess any value All Ammonia or Alum powders should be started buck, and before they had avoided as dangerour, no matter how high their strc-ngt.i. I Jot out of sight, Lovejoy seized a A Conscript’s Christmas. Testing the Baking Powders. SUBSIRIEE FOR THE H erald LEAD.