to Secretary Noble charging that the? had been approached bv the same son of Commissioner Raum. HATURDA Y, OCTOBER 10.U91. who was some months ago allowed E<nt,.r. resign his position as appoint IV. C. B 1'K ’>. ment clerk in the Pension Office Wm» Mr Hatrivon «»efermined when he should have been put in «upon doing the "jingi ” act, in the prison for having engaged in the hope of a favorable effect* upon re selling of appointments and pro publican prospects in the State elec motions under his father, with a tions to I«- held thia fall, he should pr position to have them promoted i, ive selected a country that was by his father if they would pay f : io ger than prostrate Chili, which him a certain amount of cash. Af I , li is just passed through six months ter the affidavits had been made «ii ilevasta mg war. The threats and Commissioner Raum had been tb it luiv«» 11 en ma<le against the called upon for an explanation that I t mi.or ry government of that coun* official had the cheek to ask Secre tary Noble to dismiss the clerks 1r» 'be administration must re- 1 s At iii making the United States who made them on the ground that | nop» ar t<> the nations of the woi rid they were engaged in a con-piraex I in the r..|f ai" the overgrown school to injure him (Raum) and the Pen- I m ’ I nil. ” among a lot of little ciin Office. It reminds one of the i : “Did ever a criminal' 1 nis l> »ill take a gn at <1.1.1 I 01,1 H“-v I bink well nior< hull I he reports of Minister .............. ~" of the law.” ____________ . I' gill, who lias umile hini*'«lf ol> " BURNS Peculiar Semi-Weekly Herald, In Combination, Proportion,and TroreM of preparation. Hood's Sarsaparilla pouew«* full curative value of the best known ranur die« of the vegetable kingdom. Peculiar in atrenght anti economy — Hood I Sarsaparilla is the only medicine of which can truly be said, “100 doses one dollar." Other medicines require larger doses, and do uot produce as good results as ADVERTISEMENTS. I Hood'a Sarfaptjrnia« Peculiar iu it-a medicinal merit. Hood's Zar>aparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un known, and has won the title of “ThegTcaU test blood purifier ever discovered." Peculiar in its “good name at home" — there is more of Hood's FarwapariIla sold in *'•well, where it is made, thau of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar in its phenomena» record of sales ftbr ad, no other preparation has attained s_ch popularity in so short a time. It Dealer in General Merchandise, B urns ................... *. H ahmiy O regon . Is Peculiar to Itself. reculiarin the originality and effectiveness of its advertising, its methods are tontinuolly being copied by competitors. Peculiar in the way it wins the people’s confidence, one bottle al wavs sells another. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 9 -H bv dnimslsf.. >1, six for'5. Cre»>arrd e»,|y bv C. I. I1OOD A co., Afoihecanet, l.o„ ell. Mass IOO Dooes One Dollar FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE PRAIB1E CITY ROLLER MILL. PORTER BROS. Proprietors BURN.- Prairie City, Oregon. ADVERTISE.'! ENTs. tio.xn :i• to 1 Of Chilians by medd I S enator Morgan, of Alabama, PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. illg III their Desti affairs, to con* who has I een observing, with inter T. A. M< KINNON. vine.- seiirii I If li» and tinpr« ju<li<-«-<l i \ est the situation in Chili, says of the ...... ph- file present government popular question involved in Minis W. L. MARSDEN. M D. --------------- j of hili. which certainly has ter Egan’s conduct. ’ The right of TOILET AR T IC LES, GLASS, PUT T Y , àc. eiiouvh tniimle at home, would de- I i hospitality in such cases is unde Ph'/' > Jiier.m-lv aid inteiitioiially slight' fined, except by precedent, and is \V. E GRACE P roprietor , BURNS, OREGi th*» I nit, ,l Slates in aux wav, not not provided for by the treaties, hut Burns . . . Oregon. wit lis' anil mg its kn w ledge that uy public law as recognized by the A Large Assortment of Olliee at Grace's Drug Stole. ■that Minister Egan should have so Dowers. The less civilized the pow- far I >iyoli<-ii hl* position as toopen- | jersthe gieator need for extending Has just been Received. Iv take sid» s in the < ivil war which 1 hospitality, in order to prevent DR. H.M. vDrtTOA re<-»-nily »-nde«! there, and it is I.e I I ibiises after civil war in those PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED IIESTM. I m RN - < 1KHGO.X Jieved I y those who ar<- familial i'-otintri s. It is a matter which we ■ Mfi< e at thei'itv Drug-ton* Prepared t«»a! Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. »»f déniai w«.rk. 1 'W“ W’ilh Chilian affairs that it will 1« I ire compelled to dt cide for ours«»lves kind Teet h exl raetiHi olili, u pnin bv »lid oí gust* PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. tullv -hown upon an impartial i»i ! ' ifierajust view of all the cireuin- T V EM bk EE. M. i . vesligatioii Holt Minislef Egllll ha* I 1 -tiinces, assuming.<ifcourse,respon* Office at hm r«-w ■ C • c u.. 'iietw ide .»I .-il purp.isel- e.xetid.d hi* h-tfal an .1 1 -:i i111v for our c<«n<lnet. Until Mr vies Rii er. i »* j : et i . v -.- a . ur ► thorn « w ith tin* intention of goiol Egan p ’s report is made no correct M H. Bigg.b. •• ii.g the Chilian authorities itilo judgement cun be formed. When ] taking sono- step that e,.;,|<l I e con ■ ■ur minister giv«*« the shelter of our ATTORNEY AT* LAW, Managers. MESDAMES MORRELL A* ALLEN, siili i, <1 I \ tin- I Dittai S ates as at Hag in any country to political refu NOTARY l’i;t’.|Jc. I all i ont. a lui it is further L<*ti«v<**i 1 jees no force cm be permitted to AND These ladies spare no pairs to please their guests i tint in t lus M ini. »er Egaii has I eet viola*« Hiat hospit ility. The Gov- REAL ESTATE AGENT. liclilig in acenl «lance with th» - riiiiient in such ease must proc«*e<i Office at Sheriff* Olliee, ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVICE wish' * at d iiist'iK-tioii- of tiie pres . liplomaticallv, not by force orcoer- BURNS. ------- Oregon • i,t iidm'iiistraihin This is not a ■ ion. to mis«- and settle thequestion AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED. —UF-------- -- ------- « plci.saiit tinnì» tor a paitiolic Am« r GEO. s. SIZEMORE. uvolved. 11 eertainlv is apparent ATI OWNEY. . icil li to have Io sin , lin a pp< a i a nee- ’ iow , at least, that the projier eon i B erns . . . O regon certainly indicate its trutld'uliiuas duet of our relation w ith th«» repub i CoilerCioiis. l>u • ti„. S. ,,ll(| DRUCS. MEDICINES. HINTS, BRUSHES Sumen. FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. BURNS RESTAURANT, I t wii . i . i.ot be U,,, i,.nit of th« lies on the Pacific coast would la ;ii<atlv facilitat'd by the Nicaragua * * (' mal It t ikes forty days to send i sleir'i ship to Vulpa - ii*o, and ii that time even a mistake of an American niinist -r in*uh' cause th» |o*s of every st ajMirt of ours in th.* ocean.” Estate lua.tvr ....... .-< eiificl I,, I T0NS0RIAL PARLOR, I mliiiiiiietii,tion if the political Ilia i ions nonisiox Olliliei kt.own as "State iissocia Everything in their line guaranteed _ t«> be done satisfactorily. t ions do nut make the depm t incut* ■ I he onlv place in Burns you pun out well in "voluntary” con can g.-t ha ths. tril.utions for us«- in the importam statea this tall, and lest there iniglit ; N. BROWN, be Hom«’ niiFUtoh-rstiiiidiiig on tin on the part of the p«n>r clerks ns t< A L ES 1 \ T E A G ENT T he success >,f • he A'.liii’ ce lead-I RE Hl' how the administrntioii view« th« IUY Y * I N|i M' S*" SK> y »WN ,wx |>){ 'PFRTV I i f PR i V ... .................. ..... t , l5EAI EsT 'ÏE, TT^^ rv h indlkd effort« of i I h - sc use».« unions to com ers in South Carolina in replacing I "l{RK*l‘ »N|>F' , F *ol I iit ,-| i p« l them to com«1 «town with theii Gen Hampton will) Mr. Irby in th« OFFICE AT N BROWN’S S I'ORE cash, «dlieinls just a grad, below Scimi» I. -s !• <i them to a determin ....................................Oregon cadi net officers hav<* lieeii put in ation, to name, if possible, the sue charge of the various »tale associa «•essor to Senator BuHer. Gen W N. Jorgensen tions Sixth Auditor Couln-r is th« Hampton relied very largely upon i grand mogul of the Ohio asxM’ia- his prest ge and upon the memories tion; he prides himself on being that clustered around his name known as a “practical ixilitician.’’ The -e-int was disastrous and '1 lie New Y«»tk association has Senator Butler has decided to profit elected Gen. Gvrus Bussey. Assist-1 by the lesson. He will take his ant Secretary of the Interior, preri-' «•oat off. figuratively speaking, and dent, ami on its campaign vxecu will la-gin at once to organize hi* five coinmittee in«' A J l>iivi«lson friends io every county in the State lh-puty Attorney General, and a flic fact that Senator Irby,practic Mv reputation as a good watch* i.uinln-r of miner drpartinent«| of ally nu unknown man, could win a •linker and jeweler is well known, ficials, care being taken that n«»t S nntorship, has «tirretì the politic mil ! refer to all mv customers. mor,» than one of them comm from al ambition of many young Demo A ork always ready when promised. th«» same department. Thus even crats in the State, and Senator But Prices as low as consistent with d -partn.ent is eovere«! and no “vol ler realizes that he has no Finali ¿ood workmanship ami according to the amount of work done. tight on hi< bands untary’’ contributor escapee. Call and see me. Always at mv post, next door to restaurant. NirvTitii ami rvpnldicanìaiu 1 s the joint debate I ft ween Camp ì • — \rv have long Iwi aynonytm-us terms I h ‘11 aiul McKinley. Thursday the the 1 V I N nie in \\ aahtngton. but asensi.lion wan Sth inst, Campbell hail the opening » «fcttVM. Hon 11.11 lei F B-at nevertheless created a few days ago •• m J cloMng arguments and will lai when it came out that three cm- the high tax gentleman « hi the sh f I —In u* eterjr- plovees of the Pension Office ha«i with h.s other vai.quis..e«l oppin- here — • ~ - « • ■»»» rile made affidavit« «nd submitted them ent«. f»»r »itali gvr Fl „ — . - — F» M. mw Daniel F. Realty X<w Jerwy. I i » Tf ' t ' i . .. Burns-Canyon Stage Line, I. J ewitt , P roprietor . I caves Burns on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 a. m. ¿j^^tonnccts Miih the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview sieges, at Burns. Good ic comodi lions fur passel.gets. the drewsey saloon ■ I E. McKINNEA, - - - _ _ P roprikto *. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Wk.skies, Brandiet, Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on “Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. urns IPhotogranh Grallerv, W. H. CANADAY watches: HKATIYS PIANOS P roprietor . 0------ O Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. furnished at wduewi rates. H fW’Givw n e a ca ’. Duplic«»