PUT YOUR W«YT ADVERTISEMENT BECAUSE IT GOES HF.roRE THE PUB­ LIC TWICE IN THE HERALD. WEEK VOL. IV. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 10. Semi-Weekly Herald, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. The New York World furnishes the following: , Samuel D Frew came to this P ublishers and - P roprietors . ! country from Belfast, North Ire­ land, six years ago. He liked the American climate and the American SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year |3.00 people, but he could not endure 8ix Months. 1.50 Three Months 76 American stockings. He longed One Year (in advance) 2.50 for the comfortable, home-knit hos­ HERALD CLUB LIST Herald and Harper’» Magazine.............. 5.00 iery of old Ireland. And so finally Herald and’Hnrjier's Weekly ............. 5.20 Herald anil Hurper’s Bazar ' 5.20 he wrote to his mother in Ireland Herald and Harper's Young People 3.75 to send him some stockings. She Herald a»M Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 i Each additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents: ) was glad to pleas her boy and so | 10 cents extra tier volume, postage. ¡she knitted six pair of Irish stock-' r gi^pToples of all the above works can be ex »mined at leisure in the Reading Room j ings and sent them to her son. But she dibn’t write about them, Publishers of periodicals are solicited > sehilclubbing rates, a copy of their work for for she wanted them to be a suprise, ur Free Reading Room—We file, and bind the itter at close of every half-volume, end r«v , > and the first young Frew knew of jpiea bv advertisement. ‘ the matter was when a bulky docu- . ment arrived from the Custom­ ADVERTISING RATES: «FACS 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 8 mu j 6 mo 1 1 yr house. It was as follows: »11 00 »15.00 1 1 Inch 11 50 »2 ro «5 00 I) Frew to the Morris Samuel 3 0U 4 00 6.50 12 m IX.00 28 CO I I i “ 3 50 5 00 8 00 15 00 24 00 40 00 European and American Express 8 “ 4 50 6 00 10 00 20 00 32 00 50 00 4 ’’ 6 OU 9 00 15 00 2M 00 4X 00 54 00 [ Company, Custom house brokers 12 «0 16 00 2N 00 48 00 so 00 120 00 % “ 20 0U 30 00 40.00 riO 00 no oo 140 00 ' and forwarding agents, Dr. I “ To specific duty on one pound JOB WORK manufactured wool, at 494 cts $0.50 Of everv description executed with neatness 1 To ad-volorem duty on articles and despatch, at reaaonable rates valued at $2 at 60 per cent Pamphlets 1.20 Poeterà, Circulars, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Envelopes. Reinbursemeuts, charges and Cards, Tickets, Note Head«, St st email’s. Dodgers, Etc. Memoranda. Invitation*. .50 freight........................................ T he H erald is kept regularly on ß'e for re i United State» bonded storage ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad srtiaing Bureau. 1U Spruce st.. New York. and labor ................................ . .50 Cartage, shipping or delivery . .21 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Postage, Ac......................... 25 Custom-Hones enfries/4c . .50 national : W. C. BYRD & SON. ? President Vice-President Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury ecretary of Interior Secretary of W ar Secretary of Navy Secretary of Agriculture Attorney General Pu»tniaater General distress of the poorer classes, and GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T many are the harassing tales which are told of the misAry they are forced to endure. In some famine-stricken A full and Complete Stock of Groceries and Supplies. districts the scenes witnessed are Ranchers wishing to purchase their supplies will do well to call and se» beyond discriptiou. Tnyops of peas­ what we can do for you before going elsewhere. ant» wander from village to village Everything at REI) ROCK PRICES. begging piteously and crying “Give us bread, bread.” H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A ROBBINS Four Hable» at Once. WHOLESALE ! RETAIL T Mrs. Bellen, a young woman, average size, and about 20 years of HUNTINGTON, ................................................. OREGON. age, wife of James Bellen, foreman j in the Alabama Great Southern railroad shops In Birmingham, pre rented her busbmd a few day ago We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, with four bouncing babies—three occupying three floors, and each floor b'vys and one girl. They are all ... - .. unepricfc Will maintain our > former rules: SflUlTG - DslllUg?, well developed and are flourishing. Best Ouality. These are Mrs. Bellen’s firstchildren We huv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Sall, and the affair has created extraor­ Canned Goods, and Coal Oi) in CAR LOADS. Our Prices are LOW, dinary excitement in the neighbor hood. In the shops the “boys” have run Foreman Bellen lively, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . $ A - 1» ’ and ever since the appearance of Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respectfully, the quartette he I> hn had to “set up J. H. AITKIN, Manager the liee-” for them twice a day. It is pretty expensive on the foreman but he is proud over the event, good natured over the fun of the LUNABURG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . “hoys” who want to know w|ien he intends to start a colonv, and he $3jOOO Stock Boots and Shoes, of the very beet duality Just received cheerfully rushes the grcwler for Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, them. O. O. OCX G eneral M erchandise . loaded with gOODS» SEND FOR QUOTATIONS I I Portland Boot & Shoe Store. -Also, Cuttom work and Repairing neatly done. fiw W*<» c Benjamin Har rfso l.evi P. Morton . JamesG Blaine Charles Foster. John W. Noble Redfield Proctor Benjamin F. Tracey Jeremiah M. Rusk Wm. H. Miller John Wauamaker Guthrie, O. T—Every courier from Chandler hrings a thrilling I ale of the Bufferings for water. Ful­ ly 100 people are mure oi less seri Proprietor». ousl v ill. Seventy horses have died for lack of water, and hundreds more are suffering »erriblv. A num­ ber of men from Stillwater have founded a town in the Sac anti Fox country, calling it Saclahoma. and arealready publishing a newspaper. Rheubin 8. St rahm The la v opening that reservation ___ The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as­ i SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: sures the public that they are prepared to accommodate specifies that it shall he a home­ 11.15 M. D. CLirroRD Total........................................ D District Ju ge in every way in their line of business. C ha *. F. Hvnt •D stead entry.and the Saclahoma men District Attorney D. 8. D ustin (D). Joint Representative Frew went back io the expres« £MF**Hcv and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. .(D) H enry B lackman will he compelled to leave, as a town Joint-Senator office indignant at the thought of Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon ii> connection. cannot he legally laid out COUNTY—HARNEY : being so imposed upon and handed .(D).. W m . M illez County « idge (D). .W. E. G race Clerk . (D) T. H. R obert * the clerk the bill as he made it out Treasurer (D) T. A. M c K innon The clerk looked at it and laughed Surveyor .(D) A. A. COWING BYERI.EY A STUBBLEFIELD Propri««« Sheriff Assessor ................ .(D). W. E. A lbkrson “Oh that was under the old tariff C has .N eaell 12.000.000 Acres of the Sahara School Superintendent . iR) T hos . G. D odson bill.” he said. Stock inspector “This other hill is desert has heen reclaimed bv Artes- (D) I WM. ALTNOW CüuimÍMÍonera 'D) \ Lytle Howard. I made out according to Mr. McKin lian wells. The French Algeria lev’s new tariff laws.” I comprises 184,465 square miles, one HARNEY U. 8. LAND OFFICE: Register ........... J. B. H untington “You won’t accept my bill, then?” one of this is on the Sahara desert. Receiver ......... ...H arrison K elley said Frew. The total nnmb-r of wells t>ored since 1857 is 13.135 and range from “ No. ” said the official. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, Frew thought for a moment. 75 feet in depth to 400. These ir­ venison and game, when on the market. urns methodist episcopal church yhen he called th" clerk aside »nd rigate 12.000,000 acre" of land. M.D. WIIAON Pastor. There will be preaching by the pastor in each whispered confidentially. The Incorporated month as follows, until further notice- “You tell that d------d McKinley An earthquake visited six states lit sabbath—Burns—at 11 a m, and 4:30 pm 2d Sabbath—Island S< hool House— at 11 a m ’ that he can have my stockings ” in the Mississippi Valley, on Satur­ —Harney—at 7:30 p m. M Sabbath—Burn*—it 11 a m, and 4:30 p m The stockings are still at the day night Sept. 26. Its southern 4th Sabbath—Harney—st 11 a m. and 7:L0p m Custom-house, and after the ex­ limits was Fashville Tenn. piration of the required time they SOCIETIES. will be sold at public auttion same HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. ------- o-.-o-------- Meet* at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday as the Astor dresses were. "I see now whv they call them Stages leave Rums. Oregon, daily for Harniy, Drewsoy, Beul»k 7»pm. H, M H obtom , N.G. Ben Brown. Trees. breakers." said the Jersey landlord, Westfall and Vale, where Huw.1»'« Rtarvln« Peaaauta as a big wave came up and smashed HARNEY PO8 T NO. 48. G. A. R. Meets every 1st and':’«! Wednesday uf each his bathing house into splinters.— with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, ■»nth, at Odd Fellows’ Hall. All Comrades The St. Petersburg correspondent la goodstaading invited. . _ _ „ RA ES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND 1ST» NVI RING HUM»: Harper's Bazar. M M. BRIERLY P. C. of the New York Recorder writes Vale IJ J* Buras,to Ontario »‘® * ‘ I Burim io ........ C sa *. N ewell , Ad’j’t. Mehl»-!« •’ West Fall 7-Jf •• •• Gross ( Ry " •* I that while the horizon is black with •• •• Dreweey . •< •• Ben lab • | - “ Harney • •• Fine CiSSfc 2 M war cloul*, a more subtle and pre U. 8. MAILS. _______________ Frieght and Passengsrs must Baggage, 301»s to each Passenger. sistent foe has entered the czar « ” _ he" way-billed Passenger fare paid in advance BURNS—VALE Arsives and departs daily, Sundays excepted. kingdom and is making sad havoc crles H arby F loyd , N eri A crle », , J M.Varnww, with his people. The failure the Division Agent. BUSKS—CANTON CITV : Gen. Sup’t. Bums Agnel Arrive« Mondays. Wednesdays, Fridays,«pw. erope ia every day increasing the Vsaves Tuesdays, Tuesdays A Saturdays 4 am. Total.............................................. 13.21 Wren Frew looked at the bill hr thought the Custom-House was at fault, so he went home and hunted 1 up a tariff hook and figured out just STATE—OREGON : „ ( J. N. Dolph ' what the tarifi ought to lie. Here (j. 8. Senators K | J. II Mitchan R. Binger Hermenn i is the wav he made it: Congressman D.Sylvester Pennover Governor .4 . *. R *«-»__ Geo. nur W. Ai-Ti-J McBride . Ad-volorem duty ®n articles Secretary of State Phil. Metschan. ________ R Treasurer J. B. McElroy valued at $2, at 40 per c W W. Thaxer factured wool at 35 cents B URNS BUTCHER SHOP. N0RTHWES1ERN MAIL i Close Connection is Made