W. C- BYRD S. W. Y. KING. Semi-Weekly Herald, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 7. 11*1. At Atlanta Georgia, Sept. 24, in the legiHlature, the much mooted Ocala resolutions, as endorsed by the alliance, and demanded by them of the new congress, were in troduced for approval and endorse ment by that'body. The resolu tions were defeated by a vote of 81 to 63. This is somewhat of a tri uniph over the third party move ment in that state. especially when there is a pretty face to inspire it and two ears will REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ing to receive it Don’t fear that some other girl Burn# Orogon. will get the fellow unless you se- cure him at once A fish that any We have at this time for one can catch isn’t worth throwing I several productive farms, well the line for. Play him to find out whether he amounts to anything. proved and well watered. If he becomes impatient and dashes Parties wishing to purchase call away, why. follow Dogberry—thank God that you’re rid of a knave.— on us we will show them the land N. Y Herald. we have for sale, and parties desir Proprietor. JOHN SAYER. Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge. Customers will receive GOOD FLOUR fro nr good Wheat. ing to dispose of real estate cannot do lietter than to put theirlauds in A4 The democratic papers cannot our hands for sale, because we ad- Negro KioOt in Arkau«a» Prop’t. B. H FINE forgive Minister Egan’s unpardon-1 1 vertise freely bv sending circulars M arina , Sept. 26.— Forty armed able offense of being an Irish re-1 and cards in all directions solicit negroes in St. Frances township publican. They cannot forgive any Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Cigarettes, ing purchasers and describing the drove all the cotton pickers from the foreigner who elects to be not a I Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms etc. etc. field and burned the gin bouses. democrat. The foreigner who pre I land. serves hi? inalienable right of polit- J They bad threatened to drive all the This Salom is first class in every particular. Experienced bartenders, We will also buy lands for per and mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. pickers out and burn all the gin ical choice and chooses to be not a houses before. The sheriff is on the democrat is under their ban. The) sons wishing to purchase in our I ground with warrants for the arrest colored man who will not become «¡county and living at a distance, of the leaders. Much excitement democrat they can never respect as giving earcful and accurate dis a citizen. Yet they talk of liberty, cription of the same, also the title. prevails. Correspondence Solicited. Oilice equality and rights.—Capital Journ How I m lt‘F al. at E ast O regon H erald . Win. WOODS, Proprietor. We ’ll wager two dozen straw I In the East Oregonian’s report of berry plants that the right bower Bill Woods is "in it,” •'and don’t you fi.rget it.” 1 the proceedings of the city council of Beelzebub can not make so many What he don’t know about the care of horses is not worth knowing of Pendleton on Wednesday even false statements in so few lines.— Nice Turnouts, and Passengers taken to any part of the country desired. ing last, appears this item: “W. Baker City Democrat. -AMERICAN EAGLE JOB OFFiCE W. Ro|ier and J M, Pruett each ap Another I’eutlon Scandal. plied for a loan of 115 from the CHAS W. BYltll, Proprietor. sinking fund.” While other towns W astiington , Sept. 28.—The ap- nearly ail over the state are calling 1 plication for pension made by Marv i in their outstanding obligations, Burns, Harney County, Oregon Ann Doughertv, whose pension' and some of them loaning money. Baker City is grouping rn a wilder bill was vetoed by President Clevt-1 PAMPHLETS, ness. accumulating obligations, land and whose fraudulent pre-1 HARDWOOD, IRON and STEEL, SHELF HARDWARE. without street lights or sewerage. tenses and disreputable character LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, NAILS. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE <fe AMMUNITION. I have been fully exposed, has been Oh, for a Moses!—Blade. made special by General Raum ; ENVELOPES, WAGONS, CARTS, CARRIAGES & FARM MACHINERY. STATEMENTS, Tile Compton Court martial C um «*. 1 and it is expected that the pension i I will be granted in a dav or two. ! POSTERS, The president passed upon the There probably was never a worse records of court-martial in the case case brought to the attention of the i LEGAL BLANKS, CARDS jl J, of Colonel Compton, of th«* Fourth ) Pension Office. The woman is dis- [ cavalry, who was charged with fail-' reputable in every way, us was Of every description. and in fact MRS LOUIS RACINE, Prop’t. everything in this line. lire while in command of the mili shown in President Cleveland’s ve --------------- ♦♦♦♦_________ This Hotel has recently been enlarged and entirely renovated in first class style. tary post at Walla Walla, to take to message and by the investiga- ! steps to prevent the lynching of a tion made bv .Senator Cockrell, and j Leave orders Herald or Items office The table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. gambler named Hunt, who was un the most guileless ure not ignorant Traveling Men will find this Hotel a nice and Desirable place to GIVEN TO MAIL der arrest for killing one of the of the merits of the cas« Tile wo PROMPT ATTENTION stop. r ORDERS. soldiers under him The court man drew a pension as a widow ----------- < xz. ÿ---------— foun I him guilty and sentenced I I while her husband was still living, ! PRICES: him to Mispension from rank and and the recortis of the department ah r. V i command for three years on half show that the fraud was wilfully pay and to be confined to the limits per|>etrated. The granting of this r.vvrsi lccl leeilablishracruti i.u .pjpcrcii the bay of San Francisco, w.u/.i vc U.l.ve v.-; of the military post The presi pension will be a flitting act tortile Inc “.Uta,” retnovtd fra.u Monterey i.i 13D; t’. dent approved the proceedings of closing scene of Mr. Ratlin's admin inhabitants of the Coaat general:/have been intc csted in the news from San ¡ ra:u KJ» The the court but mitigated the sentence istration of the Pension Office. hke miiiy other pioneers cf’. ¡25. OOO .. j cuccumbcd t ' I th j ? i.icvka&e and g me over t j t*.; • in. J . to suspension from rank and com - - - 19 YE mu OLD anJ, *i.»e uthcr pi mccra, h .n L. I t iCCCCG .1 I mand on half pay for two pears. young.r g acratiui.3. The K iimn I àii Jew*. .xas^jcr" h.:.i Can not Improve it. THE whom he had separated without the formality of a divorce In such cnees the blame is laid ii | h » ii the man, who generally deserves more abuse than he gets. But, girls, look at the matter seriously andeee if the trouble might not have lieen avoided if you had no', been in too much of a hurry Marriage m-ans partnership for life; degrees of di vorce are merely exceptional that prove the rule Would any man enter into a business partnership with as little knowledge of the other party as you are satisfied with? Well, no—not unless he was a swet't Routed lunatic Talk is cheap, girls; it can be made to or der as fast as the tongue can to Li«xw,M t; Heissoul.r. the Jewish exil s to the United I " T j States, and to secure their landing •• T:i Em CilW Rn.” t7 A. T7 ct . by lawful means. The Jews will 1 .»eh cC these picture» i . in,he-., and they <»<g.atu. <1 il I C a .;,;. J. fl V! • be settled as tar as ¡tossible in ag- i • A very lint u U tepruau-. a j ! r « f ft • ; - t o grieultural colonic«, but it is not ex- one U Whk li cunU not b.* purcha I r «too.ooo |iected that they will confine them "Wcaei l ICW j First." t7C.Iii;i:r;;Z7 selves to the c« untrv The right "Cirtt Lrar!^ IW:rta,"By c^';c D:ri to g<> into any lawful business wi'l Each cf Ibc*? pictur s i > r prv^uev«! i i phr* > • 14c 2»:.. .: u » !l - I • lx- vindicate«!, if necessary through r.ravurc. • ng. ami wi.l adorn liu w... .« . ; , • rvSm.,1 iK>me. legal proceedings. Il is claimed H»e MitoacTipUHi pric « f t i • • ’'•rrk’ • r.v-'ir :- ncr .i),an«|s may 1» a. nlc*iih< r that the United States has room •lin-ctl » V R Hcai>t, l‘uh kan > ranciaco. the Local t » t . .miacr’* or enough for all the Jews that will ihnmah ‘be l’estdaaCe**. emigrate from Russia, and the op portunities fur profitable business are not equaled in any country.: The association will therefore for the present, confine itself wholly to ■FRT IW THE wann juaiiMm« &rv «Hsurp«baBe<L actual* •ending Russian Jew« to America FSAZER sre U run, and supporting them there. F°R A a LF HT DE A. .K RS G F. N »Alt y g LARGEST AND BEST roRY P aper WHY p.-rhapa tha 1.1 j . t 1 j ". jcc in the tuwapap.r C.1J if I-.:.* y a.* , ;... 1 i.j V.’ecL’/ i <■«» hl«»w, Girin! An English society says we must ii very geavr-: '/ l. . I I ’ til jsc w ’. ij ij a;: I re’ualj pa.K-r pu jlishcil Take the Russian Jews. The Jew- kt "'•‘■••“'J Scarcely a day passes without its ish Colonization Association, al- lit “ he Lay" I.v.r/o::.- ii Crr.l.r wl.j C..e rr..niu..« O.T.-r« r.i ..._• I / i:.ar»t, th.- newspaper story of some voung | though formed but a few days, has nir.rnr ...j ; :>: sher, and it l.i woman who met a man so interest already taken hold vigorously, and <c:/u.-e.ssary I > »a;-ih .. t...i • r t ie a-^rv;;»:,- value cf the priiiaa > - I x. h . h ;here are .',C I— ing that she I bought she could not the object of settling the |s>or Rus (» $.33,07?, wIi. h arc c.Mr.liu:. 4 amonj all th live without him, so she married , sian Jews in the United States is I rubecribera lx the pr.Kr. I i u<;.a.i.,:itathete pre- iniuma, whkh ran„e i i value f ont ) centa t, him in haste and nfterwar’d learned to be pursued as rapidly as possi $?,.'O3, every rub*entxr r.exlves «nc if the four pr.raium pletur. *., wl. a will be mailed t > ’ •bat he was an ex convict ora brute ble. The aisoeiation lias come to grx.sl h.:-.» I:i a tau.- «l.re.t Lain th ' x ¿miner ” ortie». or already had a wife or two from the conclusion to »eml nearly all of • i suon e i the sahscrip.iun 1-, re«ivcl: DON’T ILLUSTRATED FAMILY WEEKLY YOU JOIN IN THE UNITED STATES THE ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR try PROCESSION ANO WRITE FOR Papsr« »3 00 per Year S4HPLEJ F ree FREE SAMPLE COPIES. I i 4 THE CHICAGO LEDGER. W. D. BOYCE, Publisher, 1 CHICAGO, ILL. •f y<»r Newsdealer or Newsboy Me« mrt handle the Ledier. ask J Wm to write t« m , and we will send them to Ma on Mie. Speak to your Newsdealer about it W® yb ^ is i J wTovJa°mi^ *UEfn*?Ew?PÌ*E«emM^ETie,u"®c’T 1 M OVER 10,000 CITIES AMD Tnwue , U. S. 15 n gv '^ strìted 5 ciJrwewjrwn pr £& °* •*°* NTM M* " * ¿Ej-L ou* p*Ptr* is » Tr' V.-oTt "" ’’«SO» «erma ta will GET me plaot T ’ *ïïïf.WE «« *°T muns , w. » . roe swetes, p« 4„B amnks