A Conscript’s Christmas. barhecue on his min’, an’ the bride missed the buss.” “He didn’t dare to buss me,” BY JOKE CHANDLER HARRIS exclaimed sollv, who was mimster- _ >»g her . grandfather. “Least- fTomThe Centnrv: | , .. ,. ., ., . TT» wavs not right out there before you- Under his direction the tabl-s „ was releasing his left, having to use his teeth on one of the knots, when the prisoner seized a fork— a large hum-handle affair, with piongs an inch and a half Ion"— and, as quick as a flash of light­ ning, brought it down on Danny Lemmons’s back T > those who happened to I e looking it seemed that ’he fork had been plunged in­ to the hunch- back were arranged and the dinner set, i ,.m . , , , , . 1 lease, ma am, don t you be * . .e,,„ P? el .,,Tb.e,,t Peered of Isrel,” said Chadwick. company were summoned they ' "I kin taken quarter of that shote found awaiting them a meal sub- an’ tole him plumb back to camp.” Mancini enough to remind them of “Now I don’t like the looks er I the old days of peace and prosperi­ ! this, ’ exclaimed Uncle Billy Pow- i I To be Ccn ibueil.) ty. It was a genuine Christmas era, who had suddenly discovered dinner. In the center of the table ! that Lovejov, sitting by the side of novr was n large bowl of egg-nog. and Danny Lejnmons. was bound so Let vour hair drop out or let the I thia was flanked and surrounded that it was impossible for him to dandruT accumulate, wh?n you can 4>y a huge dish full of apple dump­ eat in any comfort. “Come, boys, get a remedv at the Barber Shop of lings. a tremendous chicken pie. thia won’t do. I don’t want to re John Robinson. S. IV. tmroecueii shote, barbecued mut­ member the time when any livin’ ton. a fat tnrkev, and alt the vari- human bein’ sot at my table on COX I I KM El». one accompaniments of a country’ i Christmas day with his han’s tied. The favorable impression pro­ tea s’ . , ! Umne, now!” duced on the first app *arance of the When Uncle ’’.illy .................... owers a , -Why, tooby shore!” exclaimed agreeable liquid fruit remedy Svrup said an earnest and simple grace he I Aunt Criss,’. “Turn the poorc.ee- I of Figs a few years ago has been gave his place at the head of the I tur loose.” ta -jeiv Colonel Watson, who had I "Try it!” cried Colonel Watson, more than confirmed by the pleas­ ant experience of all who have used I t -,, nraiuht in on his chair. Aunt; in his shrill voice. “Jest try it!” it. and the success of the proprie­ Cn^y gave Chadwick the seat ofl "Lord, no,” said Danny Lem­ tors and manufacturers, the Calif. Imiior at the foot, and then the two mons. "Look at his eyes! Look Fig Syrup Company. old people aim« unetd that they at ’em.” Nolice, were r-aiiv to wiat on the company. > Lovejoy sat pale and unabashed, with Mr. Chadwick to do the carv­ The H erald knows of two bay his eyes glittering like those of a work horses one branded on left ing It th« private betrayed anv j snake. He had refused all offers shoulder C. V. They made their «■m »■’'•-i-'iiient at all,he soon re?ov of food, end seemed to be giving all appearance on the range where they ered now nre 1 he first of J ulv; i olh horses his attention to Israel Spurlock. "It. ain’t any use.” he said, glanc­ “What does Moseley say?” asked 1 at that time were shod and had hal­ ing down rhe table, "tocall the roll. ters on Any one having lost horses Colonel Watson. at out that time can receive a full We’re all belt and accounted for. "Ah, he is your prisoner.” said description and particulars bv writ­ The mill man or woman that can’t Moseley. “He never struck me as ing or calling at this office and pay­ .answer to their name la Danny ing for this notice. a dangerous man.” Lemmons’s little brown fl 'die, an’ ! “Well.” said Chadwick, “ef there I’ll liet a 8e X ’ III pence it d nkreak l><*aliie*>H t au'i be t’ui-e.1 is any d >ubt, jest take ’im out in the a little ef he tuck it outn’t the bag. back yard an’ give ’im a han’-ro- But before we whirl in an’ make a mance. Don’t let ’im turn this ta­ by local applications, as they can­ not reach the diseased portion of the charge three deep, le’ ’s begin right. , ble over ’cause it ’ll be a long time ear. Th-re is only one way toenre This is Christmas, and that bowl before some of this company ’ll see deafness, and that is by constitu­ vander. with the egg-nog in it, looks j tional reinedits. Deafness caused the likes of it ag’in.” tired. Good as the dinner is, it’s It was clear that Lovejoy had no by an inflamed condition of the got to have a file leader. We’ll friends, even among his comrades, i mucous lining of the Eustachian Tutie, W hen this tide gets i i start in on wbat Icoks the highest j It was clear, too, that this fact gate flamed v<>u have a rumbling sound like Christmas.” him no concern. He undoubtedly I or imperfect hearing, and when it "Well,” said Aunt Crisay. “I’ve had niore courage than his position I is entirely closed.Deafness is the re­ been in such a swivet all day I seemed to demand. He sat glar­ sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re don’t reelly reckon the nog is wuth ing at Sp 'riock, and said never a your while, but you ’ll ha’ ter take) word. Uncle Billy Powers looked stored again, hearing will be it then like v<»U tin' it Hit’s sweet­ at him. and gave a sigh that ended destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is ened wi’ long sweet’nin’, an' it ’ll nothing but an inflamed e »ndition in a groan. ha’ ter be dipped up wi’ H. gourd j "Well, boys,” said the i Id man, of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Doi an’ drunk oui’n cups ” "this is my house, an’ he's at my Jars for anv caseof Deafnesa(caused “’¿»rd bless you, tna’am.”ex- table. I reckon we better ontie ’im bv catarrh) tfiat we cannot cure by (■'aimrd Chad« ink. "they won’t be an’ let ’im get a muulful to eat. 'taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send n > questions axed ef it’s got Christ T ain’t nothin’ but Christian-like.” fir circulars, free. mas enough in it. an’ I reckon it is, “Don’t you reckon he’d letter I E J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O ’ca’se I poured it in myself an’ I eat at the second table?” inquired fW*For sale at the City Drug Store. cad hoi' up a jug as long as the Chadwick. This naive suggestion nex’ man.” provoked laughter and restored Though it was sweetened with good humor, and Colonel Watson syrup, the egg nog was a success- consented that Lovejoy should be for its strength could not lie denied. released. Danny Lemmons tmd• "Ef I hadn’t been a prisoner of took this gracious task. He had war, as you may say,” remarked released Lovejoy’s right a’m, and Chadwick, when the guests had fairly begun to discuss the dinner, “I’d a’ got me a hunk of barbecue an’ a dumplin’ or two and a slice of the chicken pie there—I’d a grabbed ’em up an’ ’a’ made off down the mountain. Whv, I’ll tell vou what’a the truth—I got a whiff of that barbecue bv daylight, an', gentulmen, it fairly made me No great efforts arc made by other manufacturers dribble at the mouth. Nex' to Un­ to procure and use pure materials cle Billy there, I was the fust man It is true that one other company has the facilities, at the pit.” ‘‘Yes, yes,” sard Uncle Billy, but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use laughing, “that’s so An’ you ar* nonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price hoip me a right smart I ’ll si*y Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure that.” baking powder. “An’ Spurlock, he gut a whiff of No other article of human food receives greater care it. Didn't vou all notice, ab »ut the in its production, or has attained higher perfection. . Dr. time hi was gittin’ married, how Price’s Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. Free from his mouth puckered up? Along to even- taint of impurity. No other article used in the wards the fust T thought be was kitchen has so many steadfast friends among the house- filin’ to dip down an’ give the bride tvives of America. a smack. But, bless you. be hid Why Dr. Price’s Baking Powder is Superior to all others. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Bea t. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. Ml druggists and dealers have it. For sale by H M. Horton. CF oSi EXPERIENCE IathoUsoof CURA. wo Alono own tor all E TIVE METHODS, that and Control, order« of • • • a ho have weak or uH- DEVEUOPEQ, or diseased organa, who ore sutfer- iiiir f rem ikkoks or south • • • • M• WboaTOMsrowand rorrwr. the scorn of their fellows and tbo con­ tempt of friends and comnonlo leads us to HOME n»i»«ui raR A LIMITED TIN«FREE •uarantoctc if they can srqjrs, ou method and a afford a ull patients. I lnnooa will There U, then. IHOPE^YOUI AND YOURS. REA I_>j Don’t brood over year rendition, nor fire up in <1 Thoudnnds < f tbo IVcr't Cx -i » -.vo yielded t > our nEÀT'MNl. r î rot fort b hi