w 1891. Haawr’s Magana» ILLUSTRATED STENGER A Conscript’s Christmas, lock and his daughter before him, and in simple fashion pronounced the words that made them mar. and ILLUSTRATED. BY JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS Ths Important aeries of papers M g^ America, by Theodors Child, will be eoattpS in Haipor'ajCMMine during ths greater am of the yoar M»l She articles on Boothera eg. ttornia, by Charles Dudley Warner, will be continued Among other notewustky a tractions will be a novel by CbartamNgbm Craddoek; a collection of original drawtnaw W. M. Thackeray, now puMlabed for the M time; a novel written and illustrated by du Maurier; a uovellette by William Deas- Howella; and a Rories of paper* of papeta ■ London by Walter Heaant. In the number and variety of ililnatraae*«. Kra and articles on other eutifaeu ol timely t •eat. aa well as in the unrrMilod charsMet * its short stories, poems, etc-. H assix ' s W m ,. giN* will continue to maintain that sttmdM excellence for which it has been so learte tinguished. wife. The dinner that followed hard on the wadding was to the soldiers, •rom The Centurv: «-vansW&v-- Q.—B «T OP. H»»*y who had been subsisting on the Meanwhile Danny Lemmons had ALMEDA A; STENOKR brought his long rifie into a posi tough rations furnished by the Con tion where it could be used prompt federate commissioners, by all odds C atti ** branded To ly and effectually. For answer the chief event of the day Left ide; circle Moseley dismounted from Ilia horse, them the resources of the Powers split ia eacb.ear. unbuckled his belt and flung it household were wonderful indeed. " »— Combines th* juic* of the Blue Figs of •eroKb his saddle, and prepared to The shed-room, running the - whole HARPER’S PERIOi'ICS California, so laxativ- and nutritious, length of the house and kitchen, light his pipe. Ranee—Harnev and Grant county Oregon with th* medicinal virtues of plants Per Year: ^■*^Hnrne. Har tley rountv. Or_ ----------- kaowa to b* most beneficial to the •'Now, then,” said Datiny Lem was utilized, and the dinner table, HARPER’S MAGAZINE................... M human system, forming the ONLY PER HARPER’S WEEKLY .................... M mons. thes make your self at hutne. which was much too small io ac HARPER’S BAZAR............................... AB FECT REMEDY to act gently yet commodate the guests, invited and YOUNG PEOPLE ÎB THE DISABILITY BILL IS A HARPER’S ____________________ Nothing could have been friend promptly on th* ■, . Subscribers In Be Postage Free to all Subxcribt LAW. lier than the attitude <rfthe moun uninvited, wa* supplemented bv United States, Canada, or Mexico. Soldiers disabled since the war are tain men. nor freer than their talk. the inventive genius of Private W. 'J*’ The volumes of the Magazine begin Entitled the Numbers for June and December g Chadwick, who, in the most unas- Captain Moeeley learned that Dan Cleansi th kysteir Effectually, De,ieiiilent widows him ! Parents mow de 1 eac h year. When no time is siiecttied, rai pendent whose .«on* died Iron» theefferrs of i K-riptlons will begin with the Number car <iy Leinnioris wat acting under the sunied manner, had taken control — to vaar - army service are included. If you wish rent at time of receipt of order. ' of the whole affair He proved vour daim speedily and »iteeessftiliy prose- PURR BLOOD, orden» of Colonel Dick Watson, the Bound volumes of Harper's Magazine,let iite<i.a.i.lre«« J AMJ5S TANNER, REFREhHINC SL. EP, three years bang, in neat cloth binding, sfl virile jwralytic; that he and Chad himself to l>e an invaluable aid. and HEALTH and STRENGTH Late C'ommiMioner of Pendm», sent by mail post-paid, on receipt of fl WASHINGTON, » C. > be per voluine. Cloth Cases, for binding.» wick were to be held prisoners in i his good humor ffave a lightness Naturally follow. Everyone is using it and a zest to the occasion that cents each—by mail, post-paid. and all are delighted with it. Ask yout I he liojie that Adjutant Lovejoy | would have otherwise have been; Index to Har|>er’8 Mugazine. Alnhatefl druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu- cal, Analytical, and Claisttied, for volaaa would come in search of them—in 1 *adly lacking. A ûoif* •- by .¡.a 1 to 7<), inclusive, from June, IBM to Jan,- iactui C'l only th< 1885, one vol. 8 vo. Cloth, »4.00 which event there would lie de |To be Continued.] CAUF0FNI\ FTG SYRUP CO. Remittances should be made by PosM» PERSONAL AND PROMPT Money velopments of a most interesting — Order, or Draft, to avoid chan«» ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT loss. character. u- ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE Address HARPER <fc BROTHERS, fl«« So Danny Lentmons said, and so I York. MARKS, etc. it turned out; for one dav while I NO PEE UNLE 8 PATENT Harper’s Weekly. Moseley and Chadwick were sitting ■ IS SECURED. CORRESPOND ILLTSTRATED. on the sunny aide of Uncle Billy’s I ENCE-SOLICITED. r «it's W zixly nas never failed te I ■tie as a “Journal of Civilization, M house, listening to the shrill snarl-1 | done so withja cot.slant regard to n- STODDART & CO., d poMibllities of nsefullness aod a hitke ing tones of Colonel Watson, they J ard of artistic aud literary extelleix ■ns a eunustroot, ■. w. yes untouched no important phase of4t heard a shout from the roadside, í (Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,) ’■ progress, and presents a record equiU) knA0l\MCST*: rthy and interesting, of the until* W ASH INGTON. D. C. and behold, there was Danny lx*m | nn:fHN£5T' i ersi na eud a< heivenieufs of our tint AAAAA A IhARf I undertake hHety 1 Supplements will be continued ii . W*SDWSRK mona at d his little band escorting W® "■ f| gg a| teach -11» tairly m'e-i lig.-«»< p. r.v.t of «Kteer bey will be literary. s< ieutHlc. artlsile. *||||l|ct < hu <<tn rent.! and write, and who, cal, critical, tcpograhii al, or den dpi« OOÜ ■M» ■ 11 11 I |«n. r N -trit, tioii, will m ark iuduatrioualy, ' .ovejoyand a small squad of for oi alien may demand, anil will cvntla- m F mm m F how to rani Threw IhcBewotU Doliarv • I serve the hearty t ummenditit.nshirk C" ,R*. MTfO.MAM MUMBAtBL Tear in their own Itn-alUia»,» lit -tyrer thaw lira.I wUl alto fuoish 1 >rn looking militia. Lovejoy was the altuafii-n or cimploytnent^l mbit b votoiaaeeru that amount. n bestowed on put issues bv the |ma "*** row »Ab* »V No munwv fur me imlraa aucceaaful aa ab« -V». Easily ami quickly e public Aea family journal. Harptfi Iranwd. I desire twit one worker from eacL dialrk« or county. I* securely liound on his horse, and it u heretofore, be edited with» Is So-O OX A NEW HOME SOWING MA ■umber, b«v» already taught and provided with amptoymrHt a large who are makiug aver fltxwt a peer each. Its N KW i rtbe qua'lties that mahstek POSITIVE may be well supposed that he and MHJII. H.II partlcalara FH »MC. Address at »are CHINE CO., 72Ó Market St., to e very home. C'JARANTEB did not cut an imposing figure. San Francisco. Cal. a. e. AS.I.KN. m « s esw. a »<» u , s « i « to cure aar form PER year : of nervoue disrate HARPER WEEKLY 4 PaicJic Depart menL Yet he was undaunted. His, eyes or any disorder of HARPER’S MAGAZINE < the generative or never lost their taildneas, nor his HARPER’S BAZAR................................ 1.« I gans of either sex, » HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE “N whether arlslu tongue its bitterness. He was al froiatbeexeesshe Poatage Free to all subscribers in tbe-UotW useot Stimulant», AFTER BEST " BEFORE usoof Af TtH States. Canada, or Mexico. most a match for Colonel watson. Tobacco or Opium, turn, or through y youthful Ind outhful indlsere- The Volumes of the Weekly will begi* •» STEEL Ion, over Indulgence, Ac , such as Loss of Brain the first Number for Jauuarv of each ye« who raved at all things through the iA>wer, Wakefulness, Bearlugdown Fains tn the When no time is mentioned, aubscrkjriinisail WlhE -«ck. .Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prne- begin with the Number current at titteafiv tremulous anti vindictive lips ol ratlon. N x-tumal Eml'slons, Le icorrhora. Dlx- ceipt of order. Iness, Wenk Mcmorv, Loss of 1'owerand Impo- Bound Volumes of Harper’s Weekly forth«» disease. The colonel’s temper was :vncy, whl< h if neglected often lead to premature years back, in neat cloth binding, will be«* >!d a-ro an I Insanity. I*rtce 11.00 a box, 0boxes by mail Postage paid, or by express, fmsotej fitful, blit Lovejoy’s seemed to burn If | . ■». Sent bv ma 1 on receipt of p.-iee* pense I provided the freight litres not exceed I a ivmrry.y fli ARAkir« is given for per volume) for |7 00 a volume. cry | k <0 order received, tn refund the money if steadily. Moved by contempt Cloth Case* for each Volume, »nitable to I I'ermanent cure is not effected. We have binding wfll be sent by mall post-paid,oa « •imi ..fowl testimonials from old am! young, rather than eaution, he was econ f loumtidsof Oblaiu Paient», both rexes, who hare been permanently cured ceipt of fl. KemittaiK-es should be made by PostOfln Mark», t omical in his words, listening to the f the use of Aphmdltlne. Circular free. Address .Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of low TH* A°MRO MEDICINE CO. Address: HARPER A BROTHERS. New Yotk FHICE8 KtDUUKD Sold by dealers. FREIGHT PAID shrill invective of the colonel pa VaaMni Branch. Box 27. 1‘ obtlasd . 0«, SeIIULLEN'8 POCI.TSI >l»T»i|l% Hsw.WaflJ tiently, but with a curious flicker of For Sale at W. E. Grace’» Drug Harper’s Baza his thin lips that caused Danny Store ILLUSTRATED. Lemmons to study him intently. HxKrxx « B asah is a Journa for the beet ■ dying the latest information with regale* the Fashions, its numerous illustrations, flw It was Danny Lemmons who dis ion-plates, and pattern sheet supplements t» indispensable alike to the home dress«»«* covered that laivejoy’s eyes nevei I R Ileve Supprr-». and the professional modiste. No expssss • M lint reat Ion 11 si- Is spared In making ita artistic attractive«» wandered in Polly's direction, nor ■ iccsafully by tho • of tn« highest order. Its clever short stedtj 1 ande of prominent Is settled on her, nor seemed to per parlor plays, ami thoughtful essays satisfy » dice aor’ty Th- r tasies. and Ila laat page is famous ss s badia 115.000 oughly reliable am ceive that she was in existence, of wit and humor In its weekly Issues every Wcth tweu- i thing is included which is of interest to *omt* 1» YEAR OLP - their welgI t ii; I though she was Milling about con During 1X91 Agnes B ovmsbee will writessenti /er ¿rsMle irrep ' of articles on "The House Comfortable," JJl* «« Never kao«' stantly on the aimless little errands Corson will treat of "Sanitary Living.” aad ■ interesting snceesaion of papers on "Wotnsn » t by mall teals that keep a conscientious hottse- Art and History.” auporblv illustrated, wwj tor M. Address furnished by Theodore Child The serial »ton* keejter busy. will be by Welter Hesant and Thomae Herat The Apbro MMMj Lovejoy was captured one morn HARPER ’S PERIODICALS cearsRV. ing and Christmas fell the next, Per Year Wester« Mraack, BAZAR harpers Perttaad, Ores»«. and it was a memorable Christmas ■•a al. HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S weekly _________ For Sale at the Grace Drug 8tore to all concerned. After breakfast HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLa. in the SI Postage Free to all subscribers Muele Billy Powers produced his States, Canada, or Mexico. Bible and preached a little sermon The volumes of the Baaar begin with number fur January of each year. wM*J; is time is mentioned, subecription »W —a sermon that was not the les» with the Number current atthetimeof fsWr meaty ami sincere, not the less wist of Bound order. volumes of Harper’s Baser for and powerful, liecause the English year in neat cloth binding, will be sent » postage paid' or by express, free of ttp**" was ungrammatical and the rhetor ¡ 'provided the freight does not exceed «•» ** lai Cloth per volume) or »7 a volume. . . for«" ic uncouth. After it was over the cases fo'eacb volume, suitable Ing will be sentby mail poopaid on reeeip old man clean'd his throat and re li Remittances eat h should be made by ro*t marked. Money Order or Draft, to avoid chaneeojJ" Adrern HARPER * BROTH«* “Brethren, we're gethervd here for Newspapers are not to copv asy <«*■ JJ of the above advertisements «!£«• to praise the Ixtnl an' tin his will. express order of HARPER 4 BROTHX»»_ The quare times that's come on us has brung uu face to face with much that is unaeamly in life, an' likely tei fret the spirit an' vex the under ! ba« direct ar*Ion Thh mxUvtne m-xih-ine baa ar* Ion nrvw , rtandin’. Yit the Almighty is with tb* ThH nerve centers, allaying all Irritabili us; an’, in accordance wi’ the com tira ami Increasing the flow and power >«af* CaTMta mands delivered in this bnok, we're ( of nerve fluid II to prrfeetly harmlose here to fortify two souls in the’r 1 and leave* no unpleasant • choice, an’ to b'ar testimony to the | «h*ell||í| id Word that makes lawful marriage me rveirdv has baa« haw a.wme. <4 Foe« a sacrament.” anew psweevd uadsr hl • CBM Ml *etn to • With that, Mncle Billy, fumbling KOCMIO MBB. CO.. BLAtM PR It. In his coal pookota. produced * marriage license, called Israel Spur- ZU Pensions, KIDXEYS, LITER .AND B0IEL8 ~AWB PATEN Th« Celebrated French Cura, •ass* “APHRoomiiE” sssz WOVEN WIRE THE I LARGEST AND BEST S/inPLEJ SAMPLE qj.gow<g