Semi-Weekly Herald, SATURDAY, OCTOBER (, UOI. —0. I>. Rusk traded for the L. Harlow building. We interni to collect all outstand —A limited supply of IXL har ing accounts and notes due within ness oil at Cal Gecr’a. the next 30 days and expect all in —The Misses Grays of Crane! debted to us to be prepared to set Motioe* W. H. GABS, P roprietor , Best quality of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, < N. B rown . creek are visiting friends in Hunt-1 tle up. Burns, Sept. 30, 1891. ington. ALWAYS ON HAND. —D. L. Grace is having a barn I S\»r Over FlRy Year«. built on his lot in the rear of his As O ld shd W ilp -T kibu R bmbpv .—Mrs. dwelling. MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY .| Winslow’s SoothiuK syrup baa been used for Local N ews, r over fifty years by milliousof mothers for their —An eacellent quality of ma children while teething, with neriect success ttatoihesthh child, softens the gums. aDa.s Gentlemanly courtesy extended to all. Call and see me —Emanuel Clark of Silvies Val chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware a'l pain, cures wind colic, and is the best rein edy for Dtarrhecea. Is pleasant to the taste store for 11 a gallon. ley was in town yesterday. Sold by Druggta'a in every parr of the world I —Harry Thompson has been ap Twenty-five rents a bottle. Its value Is incalcu —the H erald will take wood, lable He sure arid ask for M-s Winslow's wheat and vegetables on subscrip pointed by the city “dada” a mem Soothing Syrup, arol take no other kind ber of the town council. He takes tion. D ìsbo I u I ion of Partnemhip. the place of Dr. Ashford. H. M. HORTON, —Peter French has the finest Bv mutual consent the co-part —Mr. Gowan, clerk in the Land cattle ranch in Oregon without Oftiie, we understand, has rented nership heretofore existing between doubt. Voegtlev’s ranch and expects to J. H. Jordan and 11 M Horton • ^^-nKAI KUH rn-—- « —Pat Stauffer, Frank Baker, and take possession in a few days. known as the firm of Jordan it Hor several other cow boys were in town DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, — Harry Thompson has had the ton. is this day dissolved. during the week. STATIONARY, DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES Gass building, which he bought a Dated October 3, 1891 —The cases of fever in town are short time since, moved to his lol J. H. J ordan , A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES,TOBACO, CIGARS ETC. all getting along nicely except Miss on the hill. T. A. McKinnon did H. M. H orton . Bee Gage who is still veiy low. the moving Consumí ti. it Cured. Fine Wines & Liquors fcr Medical Purposes. — A fine select stock of ixcellent A old phvaician, retired from practice uavv —A supply of children’s do net had pla< ed in hit handa bv an E m ? judia ■tone jars, received at Cal Geer’s flannel waists at 50 cent, black wool ing Prescriptions accurately compounded. Mi salons ry the formula . f a fltmplv t eaetablr Hardware Store. For sale cheap. hose at 40 cents, and infants remedy for lhe speed* and permanent cure of • oiiRumption, Brom hi> ¡8. Ca arrh, Aflhma an<) Throat and l.ungaff’e* tioi ■. u 8.» a p. aitive —Go to the ni?at shop of Martin bootees at 25 cents to be found at all and radh al cure for Nervona Pei.ility and all Bverlev for vour vegetables, pota the Milliner Store. Nervous Coinnlainta. after havii g ice ed ita wonderful curaitve poseía in thousands of toes, cabbage, squashes, onions etc — B. H. Fine proprietor ol < aaes, has felt it hia uut\ l«> make It known to hit fellow suffering fe loua. Actuated bv this —Rye Smyth says Burns Hour is "Texas’ Resort” still has a heavy motive and adeflireto relieve human suffering I u ill se d. free uf charge. I.» all who . caire it good enough for him and he intends run of custom, because be keep« ihis recipe, in Germa«!. Erem h, or Eugliah, to bring his wheat to the Burns the test wines, liquors and cigars with full direi tioi s h r tiaeing >em bv mail addressing with stamp, i anting thia « aper mill. that can be obtained. A W. No>ea, &-U Powers' Blo< k, Rochester Reparing a Speciality. ’ Plumbing and Pipe-fitting. N. Y. —Chas. Anderson desires all par —I). I. Asbury of the Canyon ALSO dealer in ties owing him hotel bills to settle City News visited our town thi« the sime immediately and save week. Every body in Burns is al FISHING TACKLE A SPORTING GOODS. cost. A-29 ways glad tosee Bro. Asbury wheth Burns Oregon. —New Stock of Glass, Putty. er thev owe him or not. Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. Is hereby given tn I*. F Stenger —The Red Front livery stabl« No charge for cutting glass if vou under the management of Bill and to all others whom it fjiay con s/ocK liltA^bs. notice To creditor #: buv of me J-l Woods is getting a big run of cus cern. That under and by virtue of Hardin Ai Riley, cattle branded Von left aide Horae brandr left tide, p o. Burna, ureguo —We had the pleasure of helping tom. Bill knows a horse eonse a certain Chat tel Mortgage made, Noticelo hereby irlyeii IhHt the uiideraiitne.t disjtose of several fine melons al qnently understands how to care for executed and delivered bv the said bn« been a|i|>.>lnled ad in In in rairt x of the <• J. C, Foley, cattle brand as on right aide. on left shoulder ot Calahtll M. Caldwell, det eaaed. by the Horae brand 1’. F. Stenger to the undvrsigtieti J tale the home of David Carey on Crane them. < oimn Court of Harney county,, reaon, and W illlanra A Willlama.i alile brand CH on let Durklieimer & t'i> ott the l-*t dav ■ II l>eia.>i • havlna < l«lura axab «I «ahi citate hip. creek last week. Horae brand, |1 on right •title. P, o. Riley —The Saloon of Lewis it Rich of ''arch. A. D. 1890. to «efiite tbe are liereli. notified 'o pre«eu' the «tine, prop Horace branded )-( on left stille, t attle bran<t_ erly verified, a« -equired by law , to me for al —F or S ale —Forty-five or fifty ardson is a very popular resort |tnynient of a certain pmmi-iHorv tonante, at turi«. Harney county. State of ed )•( on left hip. Marion Butty aril, Po Burna. head of good stock horse«, cheap, ort-Kon wi bin aix moltih« from thia «late Cattle diamond on left hip; horses CV on lei They are courteous, polite business A D 1MH shoulder. Charles H Vnegtlet. burns Grego p for cash. Inquire of M. R. Biggs men, and kei-p constantlv tehind note of even date of «aid Mortgage Dateti thia -7th da. ot July, M akv CALItW'lU.. and made and delivered ,i said I’ I Administratrix, for particulars. S-16 the bar for their customers, the F. Stenger to said J Dtirkhetnier A’ A. W. Waters, attorney. NOTICE. —W H. Gass has moved his test of liquors ana cigars. Notii-e is hereby given that on the IMh day ot Co. for tbe sum of Two ThoiwHh«« Mat ihui , I appointed the following named per- Saloon stock to the old Saloon build NOTICK. —The H erald wants a corres dollars with interest tin r*-oii at ten ■oit« deputy HUx'k luapei'toraof Harni-v count v: ing owned By John Robinson op- pondent in every precinct, of the per cent p-r aiiiiDni from da'e, as John Hri<tae, of Crane < reek; Harrison «eae warn of Diamond; W M. H.«»" of HllierCrve* jiosite Texas’ Resort. Court of the State of Oregon, E. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; Geurxe Mur- countv. Take an interest in your hi said Mortgage now on file at ttic In lheCircuit for Harney ( ouuty Kan. of Dren key. —The rumo” regarding the in pa it of the county; let the world office of the Countv Clerk of Har Th ox. G. D opsoh , Geo W Hayea,« Stock Inspector of Haney comity. v». 5 summons. sanity of Win. Harvev, our fellow know that something is teing done ney county. State of Oregon, pro Cornelius Howard,) vided: I have this day taken » mis townsmen, we presume is correct, in your section of the country. To Curneiiiia Howard, defendant. CITATION. In the name of the Blaieof < iregun : session of; and will on the 10th day and he is now in the asylum being —Stockmen can now ,g»*t honest of (»ctoter, A. I) 1891. at lhe hour You are hervbt fluinnioned «nd required to To all heir creditors and other« Interested le. ap|M*urM-t<l aiifl.vrr ihe comp aint filed against the laet Will and Testament of W . I’ irate« de- treated. weights bv shipping or «ellingstock >f 2 o’clock p. M. of «aid da' at the > m U in lhe above entitled action at the above t-eaeed anti the Fa,ale thereof c.turi, upon »he firn day of the next Take noli, e that lhe Exet utor S O. Gates lt«a —We have at this office a beet nt Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav Will. W ihm I s Liverv Sfitljle III the entitled regular term. ai er ihe expiration of the period tine nay filed hie Eli al Account In the mailer weighing 37 pounds. This beet was ing just completed oneof Fairbanks town of Burns hi said i 'oiintv and allowed <or the punll ali. ri of this Notice, to- of Mirli Fatale anil by order of «nine d* e lhe wit.on the 2 th cay of October, 1MU. I Hon. County Court of lhe «tale ot Oregon for grown on the ranch of Simon Stock Scales, and arranged a large State, sell at public auction to the You ..ill take Noth e that if you fail «.> to do, Hen ev County hue app< ii rail the Id < ay of plaintiff w ill, for want thereof, take judg- No,ember ¡«'»I nt term of «aid ci.urt Lewis on the unsurveved land near corral for the purpose. Certified highest biddt-r for cash in hand, all lhe inei i n^aii flt \ou for the auiii of | jk >. with tlie to tie Itolden Hi and for Ilan c< c . iiih afote- further aun.a ot an the time and p’ai e of hearing «nine. weights given. 4-24. the .ake. the right, title and interest which a id e. a s io oe laxeo. Interefl , accruing interest ■aid, *)>|ieai therefore end on ««Id da\ fi e ol-jec- tloi r if am exlnt w hy lhepra erid lhe Fxei ut the said P. F. Stenger had in and Thia flinninonfl is published by . rdvr of the t>r —M. N-. Fegtiy expects to start e ted the iepon approve not gra graoled approve^, the It- IkON’T llu . uainvfl A. • ve, one of 1he iudgvfl of the or l be tale <• ’ « aed, c'< red, ihe the proper« pr..|ierf \ y diairibn'ed didrllnt'ed aoioidlng to the hereinafter descriiied peiroti- next Monday morning to Cedar ai»o\e embed Court,of Haieihe 7tn da\ of Neje t to the " “ : the ’_______....................... ........ the naiii Let vour hair drop out or let the al propel tv on the 1st ¡lay of March tern u " III. «ante be ordered w anti her. I MU I. " — - ■ barged - - fr. rn the ilutit u of hi» ville California for his wife, who l.a« Executor diet TlldINTu» WILLIAMS,/ Alt dandruff accumulate, whi?n von can A. 1». 1890. or so much thereof as rut' and his boioiamen revested fr«»in flirt her been visiting her friends there dur liaiillitx in the premia* n. get a remed v at the Barter Shop of may te necessary to satisfy and and G eo W*. II ayks , in t»etfloii| f«.r b..i ean<l da ed at Burna the Pth dav of Sep- ing the past Summer. lumber iMtl John Robinson. S. 19. pay said note, nrincipal and inter Hi orderof the Court Win. Mliler County —Aaron Vinson, of the Niles A’ Sheriffs Sale Judge. est. and a ream liable sttornev’s fee £ • Exet utor. CONFIRMKI». 8 ~ O --------- GATE«, Vinson Marble Work«, Walla Walt ss by said note and Mortgage pro T. W illi a mr Attorney . la, will be in Burns in a few days The favorable impression pro vided. together with thr costs of And Order of Foreclosure of Me- to set work sold last spring and duced on the first appears nee of the sale, .«he following personal proper SHERIFF’S SALE chanics Lien. take orders for future delivery. agreeable liquid fruit remedy Svrup ty, which said |iersonal priqierty /lv virtue of a warrant Issued out of the Comi- virtue of an Execution and order of sale ti Court of the «tate of Oregon for the cotuiiy — Henderson Elliot who has a of Figs a few years ago has been is described in said Chattel Mort for Bv the forei I. sure of a Meehatihs lien, issued itf Ha 'nei to me directed cuainrandiug me t«> ,.ut of the Circuit Court of lhe state of Oregon, levs on I he gooi.s ami i list I e a of the tirili,quelli ranch on the unsurveyed land near more than confirmed by lhe pleas gage,as follows, towit: for Harney CoUiitv, on the'.«th dav July A. taxpai emoii lhe iieliiiquenl tax roll, for «< In.ok One roan French Canadian Stall D. 1-tti. upon u de< ree rendered in said court Diairict No lb, of flaiiey utility Oregon foe the lake, has a garden, in which the ant exjieriftnee of all who have used and entered of record .oi the-bin da. of Ma, A. lhe ear l*u>) I hereto attai heu and If none be it. and the succesa of the proprie ion, 8 years old;- One brown Sir I> tavl. in a tails« therein pending wherein, , i 1 foiiuu then upon the real pr.-perti ■■■>•! forth growth of the vegetables is truly di-si rlbeil fn the said urlìi quel l tax roll E. II King ra plaintiff and John Mahon, M | I and a astonishing. We brought home a tors and manufacturers, the Calif. Walter BtaNion. 6 years old; Imtli Sworta and Glen W. Miller, partner« a« sworn or s.i much thereof as «hall aa> ao lhe «..... uni Fig Sy'up C nipanv. of sai<l horses were fomght from one of taxis I barged therein logaiber wflli co« » few specimens, which can be seen A Miller, and J. L. Sits. Defendant« .-aid de l-elng In favor ot «aid Plaintiff and against ■ lid expense« Mr.’ Brown, and are known as the cree at our office. I have duly levied, having been tillable to find said liefeitdanta for the sum of five hundred IkeafheM I’•n't Is-i’ured am g.Hida and < bane!«, het.using to the re two Eaatem ho--es. rieven work . and forty four and 74-inti dollar« (A-44 74-1<W| aper five-lelliiqnen ■ herein fler named, upon «nd iuteie«' thereon at a per rent per aiiniin. —Ah Fuh a chinaman living at mules.’four wag >ns, and harness for from the -Mh day of Mav A. D 1*91. and for tlie im- following dtaiiibed ¡n*bi« nr parte« -.j a mining camp one mile from John by local applications. as they can foreeliBure of a Met hanba Hen of ilate the -4th land as set forth in said tax Hit lyingand being at d belonging to said mules, togeth of De< eml«r A. D. li««i and duh filed for i fn Harney cotlitry Oregon described and ■«- Day, was so badly chopped up by a not reach the diseased portion of the er with chains and rigging belong dav record on lhe said -4th dav of bvcamlH-r A. 1» «cased as follow • ear. Th*jre is only one way to cure IMun. with the county clerk of Hame) county I < has stone NW*« Sec. 10 Tp «A, M R. knife in the hands of one of his ing to said outfit; Also one dwell- I <>>e«on.f be said lien being in favor of E. H S.*X E W M |4 N country-men named Ah How Sept. deafness, and that is bv constitu I ing house situated on bl-:ck 9 in the; King the aiatve named Plaintiff and «galnar A. c. «pur lock HU NW*, see. « Tp. «6 H. tional remedies. Deafness caused » >■ John Mahon, M.Swor aandGtau W. MlllerBnri i K hkiy E. W M 24 that he died ih three hours after town of Burns. County of Harney, | neraaadwor a A Miller, and J I. Sltxtlieahove Crawford Gilliam «WU Her lb Tp '.A g. the cutting. Ah How was arrested by an. inflamed condition of the State <’f Oregon, according to the1 trained Defendants and upon that certain 1ar«e K;;UE w m . Andon eat unlay the list day of October, A. two and one half alow w.nideri dwelWdit h<>nae. I mucous lining of the E utaehian by the Sheriff and jailed. D. 1*1 at the hour of two o ’ c I im k P M. ,.| ««14 now upon the Southeast quarter of the Nor h Tute. When this tube gets in plat of said town of Burns filed in eas* qirar'erofsectioii twenty (JIJ In Township ■ •lay at the frouliloorof the i onrt house st Hur, • «..uth of Range thlrtv-ffve[4AJ i in llsrney Count < and Mate of liras, n. i on* —Last Monday morning the citi flamed you have a rumbling Bound the County Clerk’« office of said twent -eight East W M .Ding and being In Harney countv sell lhe ataive d<e< rlt ed teat HMale at t utili» zens of Canyon City were startled or imperfect hearing, and when» it i County of Harney.’ I Oregon, and dire.-ttn« me to sell said dwalllag am lion Io the ht«hi al bidder for ■ ash, «iih)«i i Io nMemptlon to satisfy said warrant. < ■ « s. «mJ lands II. satisfi eald decree«« mar t-e The said sale to be ■till by the cry of fire. The building is entirely closed.Deafness is tkgt re- « nr proceeds M,.n .v«..- of ... r„... Now. therefore. I w ill offer ami sell said land at crtiing coat, and dwelling bouse to-wit Thar certain large known as the Horsely building was suit, and unless the inflammation applied first, in paying allc-osts and two and one half etorv wooden dwelling house, Hepiember «. et A D 1*01 A A Colino. * 1 • _ a . . * ______ — — f •• 1 x-x IX n 1« 11 I ♦ lx AA found io Le in flames, but owing to can te taken out and 1 this tuba re >ex|ieni<e« of paid XX sale. Second, the situated upon the Southeast qnarter of the Sheriff of Harney I ounty On», n. N irtheaar quarter of SecU.ra twenty (-AI lu the prompt action of the Canvon stored Again, hearing will lie balaiTce to te applied in payment Towi «hip twenty-eight (JS, South of Range N«»f le»-^^ I. W. M containing forty acres fire company, tfie fire was soon ex deetroved forever; nine cases out of of aaid prmiifHorv rote, viz: The thlrty-fivefkft) tv lira and being In Harney County <tre»iti. to- The H erald known of two Imj» tinguished, without much damage. ten arecauaed hr catarrh, which is sum of I2.0W 00 with interest there sather with all and singular the tenements, work horneii nn« branded « hi left and appunenam i a. therwuntu . nothing but an inflamed condition on at ten per cent per annum from hereditament« he Ion al ng or In ear manner apper atnlng and ■ nhoulder C. V. Burns mill will be mak They made their March 1st 1890. leas the sum of all their right, title interest ami ca ste therein ; or thereto which the Defends s, John Mahon.; appearance on the range where the* ing flour in aontj) tin days John of the mucous surfaces. ■*• “ “ “ 9 paid thereon August iat - M Snorts and Glen W. Miler, partners as. We will give One Hundred Doi 1182.29 Sayer begs leave to inform the pub A Miller and J 1. Sirs hsd on the ’.4th now are the first of Jiilv; «with horn » 1891. si nd the further sum of 1230 «worts lars for any caseof Deafness (caused day of December A D 1«W. for r-aeh to the high-; at that time were shod and had bub lic that he will have a first class an a reasonable alterney** fees in eat b’d'ler at puhMe auction at th«- front duwr of1 Any one having lost horm * the Coun house, iu the town of Kerns Harney ters on & idler, and the flour made will be bv catarrh) that we cannot cure bv thia foreclosure proceeding <• >unty < ’regoii. commeweftig on Thnrada» the I taking Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure. Send alifiut that time ean receive a full equal to any, minue the roller pro- Ihtobet A. D INI. at I o’elra k P I Dated at Burna Or , this the 29th |.Mhdsvwf M of Mkl . eess. Another fact we should men-1 fcr circulars, free. description and particularsbv Writ la wlines whereof. I have herenatn set my day of September A. D. 1891. ing or calling at thia oflit-e and pH y- head ihiaMth day of Aasuec A. D INI. tion in connection with our mill, E J. C heney A Co., Toledo, 0 J. D urkheimer it Co. A A coeiwe. «ale at the City Drug that is, wheat must be good to •berKof llaraey evanty. ttregoa !. ing for thia notice. Mortgagees | Store. make good flour. ■ as largest circulation or any NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Official County Paper. City :